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Cloudbeat Deployment

Table of Contents

Deploying Cloudbeat as a process

Cloudbeat can be deployed as a process, and will not be managed by Elastic Agent. (the fastest way to get started, getting findings)

Self-Managed Kubernetes

We use Kind to spin up a local kubernetes cluster, and deploy Cloudbeat as a process. Build and deploying cloudbeat into your local kind cluster:

  1. if you don't already have a Kind cluster, you can create one with:

    just create-kind-cluster
    just elastic-stack-connect-kind # connect it to local elastic stack
  2. Build and deploy cloudbeat on your local kind cluster:

    just build-deploy-cloudbeat
  3. Or without certificate

    just build-deploy-cloudbeat-nocert

Cross-platform Builds

By default, cloudbeat binary will be built based on GOARCH environment variable. If you want to build cloudbeat for a different platform you can set it as following:

# just build-deploy-cloudbeat <Target Arch>
just build-deploy-cloudbeat amd64

Or without certificate

# just build-deploy-cloudbeat-nocert <Target Arch>
just build-deploy-cloudbeat-nocert amd64

Stopping / Restarting the local Elastic Stack

If you are using elastic-package to run the Elastic Stack locally and need to take it down with elastic-package stack down, you might run into errors:

failed to remove network elastic-package-stack_default: Error response from daemon: error while removing network: network elastic-package-stack_default id <id> has active endpoints
Error: tearing down the stack failed: stopping docker containers failed: running command failed: running Docker Compose down command failed: exit status 1

You can fix this by disconnecting the kind cluster from the stack with:

just elastic-stack-disconnect-kind

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Another deployment option is to deploy cloudbeat as a process on a managed Kubernetes cluster (EKS in our case). This is useful for testing and development purposes.

  1. Export AWS creds as env vars, Kustomize will use these to populate your cloudbeat deployment.

  2. Set your default cluster to your EKS cluster

    kubectl config use-context <your-eks-cluster>
  3. Deploy cloudbeat on your EKS cluster

    just deploy-eks-cloudbeat

Deploying Cloudbeat with managed Elastic Agent

  1. Spin up Elastic stack (See ELK stack setup)
  2. Create an agent policy and install the CSPM/KSPM integration.
  3. Now, when adding a new agent, you will get the K8s deployment instructions of elastic-agent.
    • For KSPM it's recommended to use the DaemonSet deployment.
    • For CSPM it's recommended to use the run the agent as a linux binary (darwin is not supported yet).

Deploying Fleet enrolled Elastic Agent in a container

  1. Spin up Elastic stack (See ELK stack setup)
  2. Collect the relevant information from the Fleet UI:
    • Fleet URL
    • Enrollment token
  3. It's recommended to use docker to run the standalone agent, for example:
    docker run -d --platform=linux/x86_64 \
    -e "FLEET_URL=<fleet-server-host-url>" \
    -e "FLEET_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN=<enrollment-token>" \
    -e "FLEET_ENROLL=1" \

Deploying Fleet enrolled Elastic Agent in a container with custom cloudbeat binary (and optionally custom integration)

  1. Spin up Elastic stack (See ELK stack setup) Optionally: In order to load local elastic/integration changes, run elastic-package up from inside the elastic/integrations locally cloned folder.
  2. Setup cspm/kspm/cnvm integration and collect the relevant information:
    • Enrollment token
  3. Build cloudbeat binary and opa bundle (inside cloudbeat folder)
     GOOS=linux mage build
  4. Build elastic agent docker image overwriting with the locally produced cloudbeat
     export BASE_IMAGE=""
     docker pull $BASE_IMAGE
     export STACK_VERSION=$(docker inspect -f '{{index .Config.Labels "org.label-schema.version"}}' $BASE_IMAGE)
     export VCS_REF=$(docker inspect -f '{{index .Config.Labels "org.label-schema.vcs-ref"}}' $BASE_IMAGE)
     docker buildx build \
         -f ./scripts/packaging/docker/elastic-agent/Dockerfile \
         --build-arg ELASTIC_AGENT_IMAGE=$BASE_IMAGE \
         --build-arg STACK_VERSION=$STACK_VERSION \
         --build-arg VCS_REF_SHORT=${VCS_REF:0:6} \
         --platform linux/$(go env GOARCH) \
         -t "" \
  5. Run a standalone container using the perviously produced image and attach it to elastic-package default docker network.
    docker run \
     -e "FLEET_URL=https://fleet-server:8220" \
     -e "FLEET_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN=<enrollment-token>" \
     -e "FLEET_ENROLL=1" \
     -e "FLEET_INSECURE=true" \
     --network elastic-package-stack_default \

For more information see Run Elastic Agent in a container.