IoT Plug and Play Platform, SDK and tools will be GA the Sept 30th 2020.
This bug bash is focused on the IoT Hub features, SDKs, and tooling. We have quickstarts in various languages ready, for device and service scenarios.
Use the teams channel PnP GA BugBash to ask for help. There will be team members answering questions during the BugBash.
If you have bugs or feature request, please use this Bug Template. You can query existing bugs in this PnP BugBash Query
- The pnp docs are available URL: IoT Plug and Play documentation. To provide feedback use this PR in docs, your github account must be registered in the MicrosoftDocs org.
- Reviewers can use the PR to leave feedback. You could also leave docs feedback in the teams channel and we'll collate it after the bash.
To access the PR, you must join the MicrosoftDocs organization. Self-service instructions are here
- The required hub version is only available in the following regions: canary (EastUS2EUAP). For Canary either use a Canary enabled subscription to create an IoT Hub or request access to the
subscription, via the Teams channel mentioned above. - Create S1 IoTHub in any of these regions to get started.
- FYI, this last version use API version: 2020-09-30
- 9/11 CentralUSEUAP looks to have a bug, please use EastUS2EUAP
NOTE: All hubs created in the
subscription will be removed after the bug bash. We recommend using your own subscription if you'd want to keep using your IoT Hub long term.
To create the hub using the az
CLI replace the hubname and run the script below:
az extension add --name azure-iot
az login
az account set -s IOTPNP_TEST_BY_MAIN
az iot hub create --resource-group BugBash --sku S1 --location eastus2euap --partition-count 4 --name <alias-hub-name>
To create the hub from the portal make sure you select the right subscription, region and resource group.
Note. Make sure you get the IoT Hub connection string to be able to configure IoT explorer.
The DTDL v2 Spec can be found at can be used as a reference for the language. Use the samples we've provided to get started.
You can install the VSCode or Visual Studio extension for editing your DTDL files:
Tools available as internal previews are:
There is no Model repository for GA, this will land later.
Azure IoT Explorer (use Azure.IoT.Explorer.preview.0.11.5.msi) See more about IoT Explorer in our documentation
[Model Parser] ( The parser is available in with the ID: Microsoft.Azure.DigitalTwins.Parser. For the bugbash we have an internal version: GA Release Candidate, 3.12.4, available via the NuGet feed:
This package corresponds to the following commit on the next_generation branch of the parser library:
All samples implement the Themorstat and TemperatureController models available in the DTDL spec repo, and use the same validation flow:
- Prepare source code for each language.
- Create a device and provide the connection string.
- Configure IoT Explorer to find the models and to interact with the device.
Availabe quickstarts and tutorials:
- You can test the 5 quickstart with Device SDK (C, Node, Python, C# and Java)
- You can test the 2 quickstart with Service SDK (Node, Python)
- You can also test the 6 Tutorial with multi component devices ( all lang + MQTT)
- Test and use the DTDL Model Parser (C# only, see this sample)
All quickstarts and tutorials are in the IoT Plug and Play documentation
Note We encourage you to use the samples with DPS connection, if you use Node Python or C this will help to prepare a smooth integration with IoT Central soon...
For Python and Node use these rc packages available for the bugbash.
You can also test the Quickstart on Azure RTOS for hardware we support, download this zip file based on the hardware and IDE and follow the instructions in the read-me pdf file found inside each zip under docs folder.
For each hardware we have two IDE based projects: IAR based (for this you need license, a free evaluation is available) and hardware vendor supported free IDE. Following is the list of hardware we support:
- ST STM32F746G Discovery Kit
- NXP i.MX RT1060 EVK
- Microchip SAM E54 Xplained Pro EVK
- ST STM32L4+ Discovery Kit IoT Node / ST STM32L475 Discovery Kit IoT Node
Note: If you do not have device we support, please use our x86 sample zip.
Create simulated device and solution from scratch
- You can follow the instructions in this deck to create your own simulated device and custom solution from scratch. The instructions in that deck are specific to C# but can be generalized to the language of your choice as needed.