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Changelog of SyNCoPy

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

Current WIP






  • Add channelcmb parameter to connectivityanalysis frontend to allow computing connectivity measures for a subset of the channels only, #563
  • Add 'channelcmb' parameter to connectivityanalysis frontend. This allows users to compute connectivity measures only between a subset of the channels instead of all channels, which can reduce the required computational cost dramatically. See #565 for details.


  • Improvements to serializable dict: better error messages, add _serialize_value helper to try to turn some non-serializable data structures into compatible, serializable ones. #569


  • Security fix: increase minimal required tornado version to 6.3.3 to address an issue in tornado.



  • Add spike plotting, implements #434
  • Conversion to and from mne's RawArray and EpochsArray
  • Add export of to NWB format for AnalogData, TimeLockData, and SpikeData. #508
  • Add support for reading NWB files containing SpikeData, related to #508
  • Add support for concatenating Syncopy data objects (e.g., to add channels) with new spy.concat (PR 522)


  • When reading/importing NWB files, support trials (in addition to epochs, which were interpreted as trials). Epochs are still supported.


  • Fix SpikeData string rep, #511
  • corrected slepian/dpss default taper settings, #559



  • created dedicated syncopy.synthdata module
  • FIR filters work around NaNs in the input via slower direct convolutions
  • red_noise simulation as a 1/f surrogate


  • synthetic data routines use generators instead of lists
  • .time property returns either an iterable or a single time array when indexed
  • substantial performance gains for selections with/from many (>1000) trials


  • catch and delete virtual datasets from storage directory
  • channel assignment for ContinuousData



  • frontend redefinetrial to cut trials/move time axes
  • add PPC connectivity measure
  • add Jackknifing for coherence and Granger analysis
  • add logging functionality and respective developer documentation, #208
  • add waveform extra dataset to DiscreteData to store raw data, #238
  • create syncopy data objects from Python generators (yeah!)
  • concatenation of syncopy data objects along trials


  • spectral power for mtmfft now independent of padding as originally intended
  • support unequal trial sizes for load_ft_raw
  • major performance improvements for DiscreteData #403 #418, #424


  • fix bug #394 'Copying a spy.StructDict returns a dict'.
  • serializable .cfg #392
  • single trial cross-corr bug #446
  • fix bug #457, Syncopy does not warn about temp storage dir size exceeding reporting threshold at startup



  • time dependent coherence analysis
  • basic statistics (spy.mean, spy.std, spy.var and spy.median) for Syncopy data objects
  • spy.timelockanalysis and new TimeLockData data type
  • PSTH method for SpikeData - spy.spike_psth
  • Welch's method for spy.freqanalysis
  • inter trial coherence measure spy.itc
  • support for performing connectivity analysis from SpectralData (#364).
  • additional .info entries for Granger analysis, indicating details about the computation.
  • additional .info entries for FoooF results, e.g. Gaussian fit parameters.


  • selectdata now has 'frequency' and 'latency' parameters instead of toi/toilim and foi/foilim
  • a 'latency' selection will always either return a timelocked data selection or an error
  • maximal brute force regularization parameter for Granger increased to 1e-1


  • improved memory footprint of trial averaging (#380)
  • bug #365, plotting supports custom dimords now
  • support Python >=3.8

[2022.08] - 2022-08-10


  • Added down- and resampling algorithms for the new meta-function resampledata
  • Added FOOOF method as a post-processing option for the freqanalysis method mtmfft.
  • Added load_tdt to import data from the TDT system, thanks to @kajal5888
  • Added .info attribute for all data classes to store auxiliary meta information
  • Added zscore normalization to preprocessing
  • new global spy.copy() function which copies entire Syncopy objects on disk


  • the out.cfg attached to an analysis result now allows to replay all analysis methods
  • connectivityanalysis now has FT compliant output support for the coherence
  • spy.cleanup now has exposed interactive parameter
  • removed keyword deep from copy(), all our copies are in fact deep
  • demeaning after tapering for granger analysis
  • detrending is now possible without filtering in preprocessing


  • out.cfg global side-effects (sorry again @kajal5888)
  • CrossSpectralData plotting
  • mixing of explicit keywords and cfg to control analysis
  • fixed error on initializing SpikeData with empty ndarray (#257)

[2022.05] - 2022-05-13

Bugfixes and features additions for EventData objects.


  • Added support for flexible columns in EventData (thanks to @KatharineShapcott)


  • Include specific example how to create an "all-to-all" trialdefinition array by invoking definetrial without arguments in the function's docstring.
  • Modified versioning scheme: use a date-based scheme instead of increasing version numbers
  • Aligned padding API to FieldTrip in both freqanalysis and connectivityanalysis: use pad instead of pad_to_length with three supported modes ('maxperlen', float, 'nextpow2').


  • Removed support for calling freqanalysis with a toi array as well as an input dataset that has an active in-place time-selection attached


  • Improved legibility of spy.__version__ for non-release installations
  • Correctly process equidistant toi arrays with large spacing in freqanalysis
  • Corrected trialtime for DiscreteData objects (thanks to @KatharineShapcott)

[v0.21] - 2022-04-13

Feature update and bugfixes.


  • Added preprocessing functionality
  • Added experimental loading functionality for NWB 2.0 files
  • Added experimental loading functionality for Matlab mat files
  • Added support for "scalar" selections, i.e., things like selectdata(trials=0) or data.selectdata(channels='mychannel')
  • Added command line argument "--full" for more granular testing: the new default for running the testing pipeline is to execute a trimmed-down testing suite that does not probe all possible input permutations but focuses on the core functionality without sacrificing coverage.
  • New meta-function taper_opt parameter to control arbitrary taper (e.g. kaiser) parameters


  • Renamed _selection class property to selection
  • Reworked plotting framework and made it matplotlib 3.5 compatible
  • The output of show is now automatically squeezed (i.e., singleton dimensions are removed from the returned array).
  • Enhanced online documentation, now also covering connectivity analysis
  • Multi-tapering (freqanalysis, connectivityanalysis) now is switched on by only specifying the tapsmofrq parameter, removed the need for the additional and redundant setting of taper='dpss'
  • Granger-Geweke algorithm now matches the reference implementation (Dhamala 2008) with machine precision


  • Do not parse scalars using numbers.Number, use numpy.number instead to catch Boolean values
  • Do not raise a SPYTypeError if an arithmetic operation is performed using objects of different numerical types (real/complex; closes #199)


  • Removed loading code for ESI binary format that is no longer supported
  • Repaired top-level imports: renamed connectivity to connectivityanalysis and the "connectivity" module is now called "nwanalysis"
  • Included conda clean in CD pipeline to avoid disk fillup by unused conda packages/cache
  • Inverted selectdata messaging policy: only actual on-disk copy operations trigger a SPYInfo message (closes #197)
  • Matched selector keywords and class attribute names, i.e., selecting channels is now done by using a select dictionary with key 'channel' (not 'channels' as before). See the documentation of selectdata for details.
  • Retired Travis CI tests since free test runs are exhausted. Migrated to GitHub actions (and re-included codecov)


  • The trialdefinition arrays constructed by the Selector class were incorrect for SpectralData objects without time-axis, resulting in "empty" trials. This has been fixed (closes #207)
  • Repaired array_parser to adequately complain about mixed-type arrays (closes #211)
  • The show routine now consistently returns a list of trials if and only if multiple trials are selected

[v0.20] - 2022-01-18

Major Release


  • Added Connectivity submodule with csd, granger and coh measures
  • Added new CrossSpectralData class for connectivity data
  • Added Superlet spectral estimation method to freqanalysis
  • Added arithmetic operator overloading for SyNCoPy objects: it is now possible to perform simple arithmetic operations directly, e.g.,data1 + data2.
  • Added equality operator for SyNCoPy objects: two objects can be parsed for identical contents using the "==" operator
  • Added full object padding functionality
  • Added support for user-controlled in-place selections
  • Added show class method for easy data access in all SyNCoPy objects
  • Added de-trending suppport in freqanalysis via the polyremoval keyword
  • New interface for synthetic data generation: using a list of NumPy arrays for instantiation interprets each array as nChannels x nSamples trial data which are combined to generate a AnalogData object
  • Made SyNCoPy PEP 517 compliant: added pyproject.toml and modified accordingly
  • Added IBM POWER testing pipeline (via dedicated GitLab Runner)


  • Multi-tapering now works with smoothing frequencies in Hz
  • Streamlined padding interface


  • Retired tox in slurmtest CI pipeline in favor of a "simple" pytest testing session due to file-locking problems of tox environments on NFS mounts


  • Removed ACME from source repository: the submodule setup proved to be too unreliable and hard to maintain. ACME is now an optional (but recommended) dependency of SyNCoPy


  • Non-standard dimord objects are now parsed and processed by ComputationalRoutine
  • Impromptu padding performed by freqanalysis is done in a more robust way
  • Stream-lined GitLab Runner setup: use cluster-wide conda instead of local installations (that differ slightly across runners) and leverage tox-conda to fetch pre-built dependencies

[v0.1b2] - 2020-01-15

Housekeeping and maintenance release



  • Modified GitLab CI Pipeline Setup + version handling: use setuptools_scm to populate spy.__version__ instead of hard-coding a version string in the package; this makes test-uploads to PyPI-Test infinitely easier since setuptools_scm takes care of generating non-conflicting package versions.
  • Modified packaging setup and adapted modular layout to account for new submodule ACME


  • Deleted ESI-specific module (migrated to ACME)


  • Cleaned up dependencies: removed all jupyter-packages from depencency list to not cause (unnecessary) conflicts in existing Python environments


  • Repaired CI pipelines
  • Repaired h5py version mismatch: pin SyNCoPy to hypy versions greater than 2.9 but less than 3.x
  • Pin SyNCoPy to Python 3.8.x (Python 3.9 currently triggers too many dependency conflicts)

[v0.1b1] - 2020-10-23

First public pre-release of SyNCoPy on PyPI and GitHub.


  • Included selectdata as a computeFunction that uses the parallelization framework in ComputationalRoutine to perform arbitrary data-selection tasks (including but not limited to unordered lists, repetitions and removals).
  • Included time-frequency analysis routines mtmconvol and wavelet
  • Added plotting functionality: functions singlepanelplot and multiplanelplot allow quick visual inspection of AnalogData and SpectralData objects
  • Added support to process multiple SyNCoPy objects in a single meta-function call (all decorators have been modified accordingly)
  • Introduced standardized warning messages via new class SPYWarning
  • Included (more or less) extensive developer docs
  • Added Travis CI and included badges on GitHub landing page
  • New convenience scripts to ease developing/testing
  • New conda.yml file + script for consolidating conda/pip requirements: all of SyNCoPy's dependencies are now collected in syncopy.yml, the respective pip-specific requirements.txt and requirements-test.txt files are generated on the fly by a new function conda2pip that relies on ruamel.yaml (new required dependency for building SyNCoPy)
  • New GitLab CI directive for uploading SyNCoPy to PyPI
  • Included GitHub templates for new issues/pull requests
  • SyNCoPy docu is now hosted on readthedocs (re-directed from
  • New logo + icon


  • Made cluster_cleanup more robust (works with LocalCluster objects now)
  • Made data-parser more feature-rich: check for emptiness, parse non-data datasets etc.
  • Made generate_artificial_data more robust: change usage of random number seed to allow persistent comparisons across testing runs
  • Updated CI dependencies (SyNCoPy now requires NumPy 1.18 and Matplotlib 3.3.x)


  • All *.py-file headers have been removed
  • Removed examples sub-module from main package (examples will be part of a separate repo)


  • Wiped all hand-crafted array-matching routines; use best_match instead
  • Do not use pbr in the build system any more; rely instead on up-to-date setuptools functionality
  • Retired memory map support and raw binary data reading routines


  • Improved temporary storage handling so that dask workers that import the package do not repeat all temp-dir I/O tests (and potentially run into dead-locks or race conditions)

[v0.1a1] - 2019-10-14

Preview alpha release of SyNCoPy for first ESI-internal tryout workshop.


  • Added routines esi_cluster_setup and cluster_cleanup to facilitate using SLURM from within SyNCoPy
  • Included new FauxTrial class and _preview_trial class methods to permit quick and performant compute dry-runs
  • Included a select keyword to allow for in-place selections that are applied on the fly in any meta-function via a new decorator. The heavy lifting is performed by a new Selector class
  • Re-worked the specest package: mtmfft is now fully functional
  • Overhauled HTML documentation


  • New layout of SyNCoPy objects on disk: introduction of Spy-containers supporting multiple datasets/objects within the same folder
  • First working implementation of spy.load and
  • Use dask bags instead of arrays in parallelization engine to permit more flexible distribution of data across workers
  • Re-worked trialdefinition mechanics: attach the full trialdefinition array to objects and fetch relevant information on the fly: BaseData._trialdefinition unifies sampleinfo, t0 and trialinfo and calls definetrial


  • Removed dimlabels property


  • Retired Dask arrays in ComputationalRoutine; use dask bags instead


  • Flipped sign of offsets in trialdefinition to be compatible w/FieldTrip
  • Enforced PEP8 compliance
  • Cleaned up constructor of BaseData to prohibit accessing uninitialized attributes

[v0.1a0] - 2019-07-20

Internal pre-alpha release of SyNCoPy. Prototypes of data format, user-interface and parallelization framework are in place.


  • Class structure is laid out, meta-functions are present but mostly place-holders
  • Support FieldTrip-style calling syntax via cfg "structures" (the keys of which are "unwrapped" by a corresponding decorator)
  • Preliminary I/O capabilities implemented, objects can be written/read to/from HDF5
  • First prototype of parallelization framework based on Dask
  • Custom traceback that is enabeld as soon as SyNCoPy is imported: do not spill hundreds of lines to STDOUT, instead highlight most probable cause of error and explain how to get to full traceback if wanted
  • Basic session management to ensure concurrent SyNCoPy sessions only access their own data