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Find and parse refactor
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chrzaszcz committed May 26, 2023
1 parent c9ab439 commit 46b403d
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Showing 13 changed files with 200 additions and 214 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/event_pusher/mod_event_pusher_push.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -236,16 +236,16 @@ parse_form(Form) ->

-spec parse_form_fields(exml:element()) -> invalid_form | form().
parse_form_fields(Form) ->
case mongoose_data_forms:form_to_kvs(Form, <<"submit">>) of
invalid ->
KVs ->
ParsedKVs = lists:map(fun parse_kv/1, KVs),
case mongoose_data_forms:parse_form(Form) of
#{kvs := KVs, type := <<"submit">>} ->
ParsedKVs = lists:map(fun parse_kv/1, maps:to_list(KVs)),
case lists:member(FormTypeKV, ParsedKVs) andalso not lists:member(invalid_field, ParsedKVs) of
true -> ParsedKVs -- [FormTypeKV];
false -> invalid_form
_ ->

parse_kv({K, [V]}) -> {K, V};
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions src/inbox/mod_inbox.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -510,9 +510,9 @@ expand_limit(Max) ->
form_to_params(_, undefined) ->
#{ order => desc };
form_to_params(HostType, FormEl) ->
ParsedFields = mongoose_data_forms:form_to_kvs(FormEl),
#{kvs := ParsedFields} = mongoose_data_forms:parse_form_fields(FormEl),
?LOG_DEBUG(#{what => inbox_parsed_form_fields, parsed_fields => ParsedFields}),
fields_to_params(HostType, ParsedFields, #{ order => desc }).
fields_to_params(HostType, maps:to_list(ParsedFields), #{ order => desc }).

-spec fields_to_params(mongooseim:host_type(),
[{Var :: binary(), Values :: [binary()]}], Acc :: get_inbox_params()) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -579,8 +579,6 @@ fields_to_params(HostType, [{<<"box">>, [Value]} | RFields], Acc) ->
fields_to_params(HostType, RFields, Acc#{ box => Value })

fields_to_params(HostType, [{<<"FORM_TYPE">>, _} | RFields], Acc) ->
fields_to_params(HostType, RFields, Acc);
fields_to_params(_, [{Invalid, [InvalidFieldVal]} | _], _) ->
?LOG_WARNING(#{what => inbox_invalid_form_field, reason => unknown_field,
field => Invalid, value => InvalidFieldVal}),
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/mam/mam_iq.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,13 +148,14 @@ form_to_lookup_params(#iq{sub_el = QueryEl} = IQ, MaxResultLimit, DefaultResultL
is_simple => maybe_enforce_simple(KVs, EnforceSimple)},
maybe_add_extra_lookup_params(Module, Params, IQ).

-spec query_to_map(exml:element()) -> mongoose_data_forms:kv_map() | invalid.
-spec query_to_map(exml:element()) -> mongoose_data_forms:kv_map().
query_to_map(QueryEl) ->
case mongoose_data_forms:find_form(QueryEl) of
undefined ->
Form ->
#{kvs := KVs} = mongoose_data_forms:parse_form_fields(Form),

-spec common_lookup_params(exml:element(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) ->
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/mam/mod_mam_utils.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -637,9 +637,9 @@ borders(AfterID, BeforeID, FromID, ToID) ->

-spec form_field_mess_id(mongoose_data_forms:kv_map(), binary()) -> 'undefined' | integer().
form_field_mess_id(KVs, Name) ->
case maps:get(Name, KVs, undefined) of
[BExtMessID] -> external_binary_to_mess_id(BExtMessID);
undefined -> undefined
case KVs of
#{Name := [BExtMessID]} -> external_binary_to_mess_id(BExtMessID);
#{} -> undefined

-spec form_decode_optimizations(mongoose_data_forms:kv_map()) -> boolean().
Expand Down
24 changes: 9 additions & 15 deletions src/mod_caps.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -596,24 +596,18 @@ concat_identities(Els) ->

concat_info(Els) ->
lists:sort(lists:flatmap(fun(El) ->
case mongoose_data_forms:is_form(El) of
true ->
KVs = mongoose_data_forms:form_to_kvs(El, <<"result">>),
false ->

concat_xdata_fields(KVs) ->
{FormType, Res} = lists:foldl(fun({<<"FORM_TYPE">>, [FormType]}, {_, VarFields}) ->
{FormType, VarFields};
({Var, Values}, {FormType, VarFields}) ->
NewField = [[V, $<] || V <- [Var | lists:sort(Values)]],
{FormType, [NewField | VarFields]}
end, {<<>>, []}, KVs),
[FormType, $<, lists:sort(Res)].
concat_xdata_fields(#{type := <<"result">>, kvs := KVs, ns := NS}) ->
Res = maps:fold(fun(Var, Values, VarFields) ->
NewField = [[V, $<] || V <- [Var | lists:sort(Values)]],
[NewField | VarFields]
end, [], KVs),
[[NS, $<, lists:sort(Res)]];
concat_xdata_fields(_) ->

gb_trees_fold(F, Acc, Tree) ->
Iter = gb_trees:iterator(Tree),
Expand Down
45 changes: 17 additions & 28 deletions src/mod_muc.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1137,42 +1137,31 @@ iq_set_unregister_info(HostType, MucHost, From, _Lang) ->
jid:jid(), exml:element(), ejabberd:lang())
-> {'error', exml:element()} | {'result', []}.
process_iq_register_set(HostType, MucHost, From, SubEl, Lang) ->
#xmlel{children = Els} = SubEl,
case xml:get_subtag(SubEl, <<"remove">>) of
false ->
case get_submitted_form(xml:remove_cdata(Els)) of
{ok, XEl} ->
FormType = mongoose_data_forms:form_type(XEl),
process_register(FormType, HostType, MucHost, From, Lang, XEl);
no_form ->
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request()}
case mongoose_data_forms:find_and_parse_form(SubEl) of
#{type := <<"cancel">>} ->
{result, []};
#{type := <<"submit">>, kvs := KVs} ->
process_register(HostType, MucHost, From, Lang, KVs);
{error, Msg} ->
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request(Lang, Msg)};
_ ->
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request(Lang, <<"Invalid form type">>)}
_ ->
iq_set_unregister_info(HostType, MucHost, From, Lang)

get_submitted_form([El]) ->
case mongoose_data_forms:is_form(El, [<<"submit">>, <<"cancel">>]) of
true -> {ok, El};
false -> no_form
get_submitted_form(_) ->

-spec process_register(Type :: binary(),
HostType :: host_type(), MucHost :: jid:server(),
From :: jid:jid(), Lang :: ejabberd:lang(), XEl :: exml:element()) ->
-spec process_register(HostType :: host_type(), MucHost :: jid:server(),
From :: jid:jid(), Lang :: ejabberd:lang(),
KVs :: mongoose_data_forms:kv_map()) ->
{error, exml:element()} | {result, []}.
process_register(<<"cancel">>, _HostType, _Host, _From, _Lang, _XEl) ->
{result, []};
process_register(<<"submit">>, HostType, MucHost, From, Lang, XEl) ->
case mongoose_data_forms:form_to_map(XEl) of
#{<<"nick">> := [Nick]} ->
iq_set_register_info(HostType, MucHost, From, Nick, Lang);
_ ->
ErrText = <<"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form">>,
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:not_acceptable(Lang, ErrText)}
process_register(HostType, MucHost, From, Lang, #{<<"nick">> := [Nick]}) ->
iq_set_register_info(HostType, MucHost, From, Nick, Lang);
process_register(_HostType, _MucHost, _From, Lang, #{}) ->
ErrText = <<"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form">>,
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:not_acceptable(Lang, ErrText)}.

-spec iq_get_vcard(ejabberd:lang()) -> [exml:element(), ...].
iq_get_vcard(Lang) ->
Expand Down
65 changes: 32 additions & 33 deletions src/mod_muc_room.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3186,21 +3186,23 @@ process_authorized_iq_owner(From, set, Lang, SubEl, StateData, StateName) ->
add_to_log(room_existence, destroyed, StateData),
destroy_room(SubEl1, StateData);
[XEl] ->
case {form_type(XEl), StateName} of
{<<"cancel">>, locked_state} ->
case {mongoose_data_forms:parse_form(XEl), StateName} of
{#{type := <<"cancel">>}, locked_state} ->
?LOG_INFO(ls(#{what => muc_cancel_locked,
text => <<"Received cancel before the room was configured - destroy room">>,
text => <<"Received cancel before the room was configured "
"- destroy room">>,
from_jid => jid:to_binary(From)}, StateData)),
add_to_log(room_existence, destroyed, StateData),
destroy_room(XEl, StateData);
{<<"cancel">>, normal_state} ->
{#{type := <<"cancel">>}, normal_state} ->
%% received cancel when room was configured - continue without changes
{result, [], StateData};
{<<"submit">>, _} ->
KVs = mongoose_data_forms:form_to_kvs(XEl),
process_authorized_submit_owner(From, KVs, StateData);
{#{type := <<"submit">>, kvs := KVs}, _} ->
process_authorized_submit_owner(From, maps:to_list(KVs), StateData);
{{error, Msg}, _} ->
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request(Lang, Msg)};
_ ->
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request()}
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request(Lang, <<"Invalid form contents">>)}
Items ->
process_admin_items_set(From, Items, Lang, StateData)
Expand All @@ -3221,12 +3223,6 @@ process_authorized_iq_owner(From, get, Lang, SubEl, StateData, _StateName) ->

form_type(Elem) ->
case mongoose_data_forms:is_form(Elem) of
true -> mongoose_data_forms:form_type(Elem);
false -> undefined

-spec process_authorized_submit_owner(From ::jid:jid(), [{binary(), [binary()]}],
StateData :: state()) ->
{error, exml:element()} | {result, [exml:element() | jlib:xmlcdata()], state() | stop}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3580,9 +3576,6 @@ set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_getmemberlist">>, Val} | Opts], Config) ->
set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_enablelogging">>, [Val]} | Opts], Config) ->
?SET_BOOL_XOPT(logging, Val);
set_xoption([{<<"FORM_TYPE">>, _} | Opts], Config) ->
%% Ignore our FORM_TYPE
set_xoption(Opts, Config);
set_xoption([_ | _Opts], _Config) ->
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request()}.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3915,24 +3908,30 @@ disco_item(User=#user{nick=Nick}, RoomJID) ->
| {role, BRole :: binary(), RoomNick :: mod_muc:nick()}
| {error, any()}
| ok.
check_voice_approval(From, [XEl], _Lang, StateData) ->
Fields = mongoose_data_forms:form_to_kvs(XEl),
[BRole] = proplists:get_value(<<"muc#role">>, Fields, [undefined]),
case Fields of
[_Form, _Role] ->
case catch binary_to_role(BRole) of
{'EXIT', _} -> {error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request()};
_ -> {form, BRole}
check_voice_approval(From, [XEl], Lang, StateData) ->
case mongoose_data_forms:parse_form(XEl) of
#{kvs := #{<<"muc#role">> := [BRole]} = KVs} ->
case {get_role(From, StateData) =:= moderator,
maps:find(<<"muc#request_allow">>, KVs),
maps:find(<<"muc#roomnick">>, KVs)} of
{_, error, error} ->
case catch binary_to_role(BRole) of
{'EXIT', _} -> {error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request()};
_ -> {form, BRole}
{false, _, _} ->
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:not_allowed()};
{true, {ok, [<<"true">>]}, error} ->
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request()};
{true, {ok, [<<"true">>]}, {ok, [RoomNick]}} ->
{role, BRole, RoomNick};
{true, _, _} ->
{error, Msg} ->
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request(Lang, Msg)};
_ ->
case {get_role(From, StateData),
proplists:get_value(<<"muc#request_allow">>, Fields),
proplists:get_value(<<"muc#roomnick">>, Fields)} of
{moderator, [<<"true">>], undefined} -> {error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request()};
{moderator, [<<"true">>], [RoomNick]} -> {role, BRole, RoomNick};
{moderator, _, _} -> ok;
_ -> {error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:not_allowed()}
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:bad_request(Lang, <<"MUC Role was not provided">>)}

Expand Down
91 changes: 53 additions & 38 deletions src/mongoose_data_forms.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-xep([{xep, 4}, {version, "2.13.1"}]).
-xep([{xep, 68}, {version, "1.3.0"}]).

%% Form processing
-export([is_form/1, is_form/2,
find_form/1, find_form/2,
form_to_kvs/1, form_to_kvs/2,
form_to_map/1, form_to_map/2]).
-export([find_and_parse_form/1, find_form/1, find_form/2,
parse_form/1, parse_form_fields/1,
is_form/1, is_form/2]).

%% Form construction
Expand All @@ -19,26 +18,25 @@
-type field() :: #{var => binary(), type => binary(), label => binary(),
values => [binary()], options => [option()]}.
-type option() :: binary() | {binary(), binary()}.
-type kv_list() :: [{binary(), [binary()]}].

-type parsed_form() :: #{type := binary() | undefined, ns => binary(), kvs := kv_map()}.
-type kv_map() :: #{binary() => [binary()]}.

-export_type([form/0, field/0, option/0, kv_list/0, kv_map/0]).
-export_type([form/0, field/0, option/0, kv_map/0]).

-ignore_xref([form_to_map/2]). % exported for consistency, might be used later
-ignore_xref([is_form/1]). % exported for consistency, might be used later

%% Form processing

-spec is_form(exml:element()) -> boolean().
is_form(#xmlel{name = Name} = Elem) ->
Name =:= <<"x">> andalso exml_query:attr(Elem, <<"xmlns">>) =:= ?NS_XDATA.

-spec is_form(exml:element(), [binary()]) -> boolean().
is_form(Elem, Types) ->
is_form(Elem) andalso lists:member(form_type(Elem), Types).

-spec form_type(exml:element()) -> binary() | undefined.
form_type(Form) ->
exml_query:attr(Form, <<"type">>).
%% @doc Find a form in subelements, and then parse its fields
-spec find_and_parse_form(exml:element()) -> parsed_form() | {error, binary()}.
find_and_parse_form(Parent) ->
case find_form(Parent) of
undefined ->
{error, <<"Form not found">>};
Form ->

-spec find_form(exml:element()) -> exml:element() | undefined.
find_form(Parent) ->
Expand All @@ -48,31 +46,48 @@ find_form(Parent) ->
find_form(Parent, Default) ->
exml_query:subelement_with_name_and_ns(Parent, <<"x">>, ?NS_XDATA, Default).

-spec form_to_kvs(exml:element(), binary()) -> kv_list() | invalid.
form_to_kvs(FormEl, Type) ->
case form_type(FormEl) of
Type -> form_to_kvs(FormEl);
_ -> invalid
%% @doc Check if the element is a form, and then parse its fields
-spec parse_form(exml:element()) -> parsed_form() | {error, binary()}.
parse_form(Elem) ->
case is_form(Elem) of
true ->
false ->
{error, <<"Invalid form element">>}

-spec form_to_kvs(exml:element()) -> kv_list().
form_to_kvs(FormEl) ->

-spec form_to_map(exml:element(), binary()) -> kv_map() | invalid.
form_to_map(FormEl, Type) ->
case form_type(FormEl) of
Type -> form_to_map(FormEl);
_ -> invalid
%% @doc Parse the form fields without checking that it is a form element
-spec parse_form_fields(exml:element()) -> parsed_form().
parse_form_fields(Elem) ->
M = case form_type(Elem) of
undefined -> #{};
Type -> #{type => Type}
KVs = form_fields_to_kvs(Elem#xmlel.children),
case maps:take(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, KVs) of
{[NS], FKVs} ->
M#{ns => NS, kvs => FKVs};
_ ->
% Multiple values of FORM_TYPE don't make sense in context of XEP-0068,
% but according to XEP-004 the form is still valid
M#{kvs => KVs}

-spec form_to_map(exml:element()) -> kv_map().
form_to_map(FormEl) ->
-spec is_form(exml:element()) -> boolean().
is_form(#xmlel{name = Name} = Elem) ->
Name =:= <<"x">> andalso exml_query:attr(Elem, <<"xmlns">>) =:= ?NS_XDATA.

-spec is_form(exml:element(), [binary()]) -> boolean().
is_form(Elem, Types) ->
is_form(Elem) andalso lists:member(form_type(Elem), Types).

-spec form_type(exml:element()) -> binary() | undefined.
form_type(Form) ->
exml_query:attr(Form, <<"type">>, <<"form">>).

-spec form_fields_to_kvs([exml:element()]) -> kv_list().
-spec form_fields_to_kvs([exml:element()]) -> kv_map().
form_fields_to_kvs(Fields) ->
lists:flatmap(fun form_field_to_kv/1, Fields).
maps:from_list(lists:flatmap(fun form_field_to_kv/1, Fields)).

form_field_to_kv(FieldEl = #xmlel{name = <<"field">>}) ->
case exml_query:attr(FieldEl, <<"var">>) of
Expand Down

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