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Merge f97b9f0 into 911ca70
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arcusfelis committed Mar 1, 2021
2 parents 911ca70 + f97b9f0 commit ad1b72d
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Showing 31 changed files with 2,329 additions and 2,840 deletions.
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions big_tests/tests/mam_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -616,15 +616,19 @@ init_per_group(muc_rsm04, Config) ->
init_per_group(Group, ConfigIn) ->
C = configuration(Group),
B = basic_group(Group),
case init_modules(C, B, ConfigIn) of
try init_modules(C, B, ConfigIn) of
skip ->
{skip, print_configuration_not_supported(C, B)};
Config0 ->
ct:pal("Init per group ~p; configuration ~p; basic group ~p",
[Group, C, B]),
Config1 = do_init_per_group(C, Config0),
[{basic_group, B}, {configuration, C} | init_state(C, B, Config1)]
catch Class:Reason:Stacktrace ->
ct:pal("Failed to start configuration=~p basic_group=~p",
[C, B]),
erlang:raise(Class, Reason, Stacktrace)

backup_module_opts(Module) ->
{{params_backup, Module}, rpc_apply(gen_mod, get_module_opts, [host(), mod_mam_muc])}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -753,7 +757,11 @@ init_modules(rdbms_mnesia_cache, C, Config) when C =:= muc_all;
init_modules(BackendType, muc_light, Config) ->
Config1 = init_modules_for_muc_light(BackendType, Config),
init_module(host(), mod_mam_rdbms_user, [muc, pm]),
case BackendType of
cassandra -> ok;
elasticsearch -> ok;
_ -> init_module(host(), mod_mam_rdbms_user, [muc, pm])
init_modules(rdbms, C, Config) ->
init_module(host(), mod_mam, addin_mam_options(C, Config)),
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions include/mongoose_mam.hrl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-record(db_mapping, {column :: atom(), param :: atom(), format :: atom()}).
-record(lookup_field, {op :: atom(), column :: atom(), param :: atom(), required = false :: boolean(), value_maker :: atom()}).
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion priv/azuresql.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ CREATE TABLE [dbo].[privacy_list_data](
[t] [char](1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[value] [varchar](max) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[action] [char](1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[ord] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[ord] [int] NOT NULL,
[match_all] [smallint] NOT NULL,
[match_iq] [smallint] NOT NULL,
[match_message] [smallint] NOT NULL,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion priv/mssql2012.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ CREATE TABLE [dbo].[privacy_list_data](
[t] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[value] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
[action] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[ord] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[ord] [int] NOT NULL,
[match_all] [smallint] NOT NULL,
[match_iq] [smallint] NOT NULL,
[match_message] [smallint] NOT NULL,
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions priv/mysql.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ CREATE INDEX i_last_seconds ON last(seconds);

CREATE TABLE rosterusers (
username varchar(250) NOT NULL,
jid varchar(250) NOT NULL,
jid varchar(250) NOT NULL, -- must be a parsable jid
nick text NOT NULL,
subscription character(1) NOT NULL,
ask character(1) NOT NULL,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ CREATE TABLE privacy_list_data (
t character(1) NOT NULL,
value text NOT NULL,
action character(1) NOT NULL,
ord bigint NOT NULL,
match_all boolean NOT NULL,
match_iq boolean NOT NULL,
match_message boolean NOT NULL,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion priv/pg.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ CREATE TABLE privacy_list_data (
t character(1) NOT NULL,
value text NOT NULL,
action character(1) NOT NULL,
match_all boolean NOT NULL,
match_iq boolean NOT NULL,
match_message boolean NOT NULL,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion rebar.lock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
Expand Down
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions src/mam/mam_decoder.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@

-type ext_mess_id() :: non_neg_integer() | binary().
-type env_vars() :: mod_mam_rdbms_arch:env_vars().
-type db_row() :: {ext_mess_id(), ExtSrcJID :: binary(), ExtData :: binary()}.
-type db_muc_row() :: {ext_mess_id(), Nick :: binary(), ExtData :: binary()}.
-type db_muc_gdpr_row() :: {ext_mess_id(), ExtData :: binary()}.
-type decoded_muc_gdpr_row() :: {ext_mess_id(), exml:element()}.
-type retraction_info() :: #{packet := exml:element(), message_id := mod_mam:message_id()}.

-spec decode_row(db_row(), env_vars()) -> mod_mam:message_row().
decode_row({ExtMessID, ExtSrcJID, ExtData}, Env) ->
MessID = mongoose_rdbms:result_to_integer(ExtMessID),
SrcJID = decode_jid(ExtSrcJID, Env),
Packet = decode_packet(ExtData, Env),
{MessID, SrcJID, Packet}.

-spec decode_muc_row(db_muc_row(), env_vars()) -> mod_mam:message_row().
decode_muc_row({ExtMessID, Nick, ExtData}, Env = #{archive_jid := RoomJID}) ->
MessID = mongoose_rdbms:result_to_integer(ExtMessID),
SrcJID = jid:replace_resource(RoomJID, Nick),
Packet = decode_packet(ExtData, Env),
{MessID, SrcJID, Packet}.

-spec decode_muc_gdpr_row(db_muc_gdpr_row(), env_vars()) -> decoded_muc_gdpr_row().
decode_muc_gdpr_row({ExtMessID, ExtData}, Env) ->
Packet = decode_packet(ExtData, Env),
{ExtMessID, Packet}.

-spec decode_retraction_info(env_vars(), [] | [{mod_mam:message_id(), binary()}]) ->
skip | retraction_info().
decode_retraction_info(_Env, []) -> skip;
decode_retraction_info(Env, [{ResMessID, Data}]) ->
Packet = decode_packet(Data, Env),
MessID = mongoose_rdbms:result_to_integer(ResMessID),
#{packet => Packet, message_id => MessID}.

-spec decode_jid(binary(), env_vars()) -> jid:jid().
decode_jid(ExtJID, #{db_jid_codec := Codec, archive_jid := ArcJID}) ->
mam_jid:decode(Codec, ArcJID, ExtJID).

-spec decode_packet(binary(), env_vars()) -> exml:element().
decode_packet(ExtBin, Env = #{db_message_codec := Codec}) ->
Bin = unescape_binary(ExtBin, Env),
mam_message:decode(Codec, Bin).

-spec unescape_binary(binary(), env_vars()) -> binary().
unescape_binary(Bin, #{host := Host}) ->
mongoose_rdbms:unescape_binary(Host, Bin).
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions src/mam/mam_encoder.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@


-type value_type() :: int | maybe_string | direction | bare_jid | jid | jid_resource | xml | search.
-type env_vars() :: mod_mam_rdbms_arch:env_vars().
-type db_mapping() :: #db_mapping{}.
-type encoded_field_value() :: term().

-spec extend_lookup_params(mam_iq:lookup_params(), env_vars()) -> mam_iq:lookup_params().
extend_lookup_params(#{start_ts := Start, end_ts := End, with_jid := WithJID,
borders := Borders, search_text := SearchText} = Params, Env) ->
Params#{norm_search_text => mod_mam_utils:normalize_search_text(SearchText),
start_id => make_start_id(Start, Borders),
end_id => make_end_id(End, Borders),
remote_bare_jid => maybe_encode_bare_jid(WithJID, Env),
remote_resource => jid_to_non_empty_resource(WithJID)}.

-spec encode_message(mod_mam:archive_message_params(), env_vars(), list(db_mapping())) ->
encode_message(Params, Env, Mappings) ->
[encode_value_using_mapping(Params, Env, Mapping) || Mapping <- Mappings].

encode_value_using_mapping(Params, Env, #db_mapping{param = Param, format = Format}) ->
Value = maps:get(Param, Params),
encode_value(Format, Value, Env).

-spec encode_value(value_type(), term(), env_vars()) -> encoded_field_value().
encode_value(int, Value, _Env) when is_integer(Value) ->
encode_value(maybe_string, none, _Env) ->
encode_value(maybe_string, Value, _Env) when is_binary(Value) ->
encode_value(direction, Value, _Env) ->
encode_value(bare_jid, Value, Env) ->
encode_jid(jid:to_bare(Value), Env);
encode_value(jid, Value, Env) ->
encode_jid(Value, Env);
encode_value(jid_resource, #jid{lresource = Res}, _Env) ->
encode_value(xml, Value, Env) ->
encode_packet(Value, Env);
encode_value(search, Value, Env) ->
encode_search_body(Value, Env).

encode_direction(incoming) -> <<"I">>;
encode_direction(outgoing) -> <<"O">>.

make_start_id(Start, Borders) ->
StartID = maybe_encode_compact_uuid(Start, 0),
mod_mam_utils:apply_start_border(Borders, StartID).

make_end_id(End, Borders) ->
EndID = maybe_encode_compact_uuid(End, 255),
mod_mam_utils:apply_end_border(Borders, EndID).

maybe_encode_compact_uuid(undefined, _) ->
maybe_encode_compact_uuid(Microseconds, NodeID) ->
mod_mam_utils:encode_compact_uuid(Microseconds, NodeID).

jid_to_non_empty_resource(undefined) -> undefined;
jid_to_non_empty_resource(#jid{lresource = <<>>}) -> undefined;
jid_to_non_empty_resource(#jid{lresource = Res}) -> Res.

-spec encode_jid(jid:jid(), env_vars()) -> binary().
encode_jid(JID, #{db_jid_codec := Codec, archive_jid := ArcJID}) ->
mam_jid:encode(Codec, ArcJID, JID).

maybe_encode_bare_jid(undefined, _Env) -> undefined;
maybe_encode_bare_jid(JID, Env) -> encode_jid(jid:to_bare(JID), Env).

-spec encode_packet(exml:element(), env_vars()) -> binary().
encode_packet(Packet, #{db_message_codec := Codec}) ->
mam_message:encode(Codec, Packet).

-spec encode_search_body(exml:element(), env_vars()) -> binary().
encode_search_body(Packet, #{has_full_text_search := SearchEnabled}) ->
mod_mam_utils:packet_to_search_body(SearchEnabled, Packet).
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions src/mam/mam_filter.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
%% Produces filters based on lookup params

-type column() :: atom().

-type filter_field() :: {like, column(), binary()}
| {le, column(), integer()}
| {ge, column(), integer()}
| {equal, column(), integer() | binary()}
| {less, column(), integer()}
| {greater, column(), integer()}.

-type filter() :: [filter_field()].
-type fields() :: [#lookup_field{}].
-type params() :: map().


-define(SEARCH_WORDS_LIMIT, 10).

-spec produce_filter(params(), fields()) -> list(filter_field()).
produce_filter(Params, Fields) ->
[new_filter(Field, Value)
|| Field <- Fields,
Value <- field_to_values(Field, Params)].

field_to_values(#lookup_field{param = Param, value_maker = ValueMaker, required = Required} = Field, Params) ->
case maps:find(Param, Params) of
{ok, Value} when Value =/= undefined ->
make_value(ValueMaker, Value);
Other when Required ->
error(#{reason => missing_required_field, field => Field, params => Params, result => Other});
_ ->

make_value(search_words, Value) -> search_words(Value);
make_value(undefined, Value) -> [Value]. %% Default value_maker

new_filter(#lookup_field{op = Op, column = Column}, Value) ->
{Op, Column, Value}.

%% Constructs a separate LIKE filter for each word.
%% SearchText example is "word1%word2%word3".
%% Order of words does not matter (they can go in any order).
-spec search_words(binary()) -> list(binary()).
search_words(SearchText) ->
Words = binary:split(SearchText, <<"%">>, [global]),
[<<"%", Word/binary, "%">> || Word <- lists:sublist(Words, ?SEARCH_WORDS_LIMIT)].

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