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Use maps for mod_keystore config
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Because the validation of different keys has been moved to parsing the config,
the test is also moved to the config_parser_SUITE.
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gustawlippa committed Mar 18, 2022
1 parent d50f62c commit af191c9
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Showing 5 changed files with 55 additions and 98 deletions.
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions big_tests/tests/oauth_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -461,15 +461,14 @@ to_lower(B) when is_binary(B) ->

required_modules() ->
KeyStoreOpts = [{keys, [
{token_secret, ram},
%% This is a hack for tests! As the name implies,
%% a pre-shared key should be read from a file stored
%% on disk. This way it can be shared with trusted 3rd
%% parties who can use it to sign tokens for users
%% to authenticate with and MongooseIM to verify.
{provision_pre_shared, ram}
KeyOpts = #{keys => [{token_secret, ram},
%% This is a hack for tests! As the name implies,
%% a pre-shared key should be read from a file stored
%% on disk. This way it can be shared with trusted 3rd
%% parties who can use it to sign tokens for users
%% to authenticate with and MongooseIM to verify.
{provision_pre_shared, ram}]},
KeyStoreOpts = config_parser_helper:mod_config(mod_keystore, KeyOpts),
[{mod_last, stopped},
{mod_keystore, KeyStoreOpts},
{mod_auth_token, auth_token_opts()}].
Expand Down
57 changes: 22 additions & 35 deletions src/mod_keystore.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,11 +12,8 @@
%% Hook handlers

%% Tests only!


%% Public types
Expand All @@ -25,9 +22,7 @@

behaviour_info/1, get_key/2, validate_opts/1

Expand All @@ -54,9 +49,8 @@
%% gen_mod callbacks

-spec start(mongooseim:host_type(), list()) -> ok.
-spec start(mongooseim:host_type(), gen_mod:module_opts()) -> ok.
start(HostType, Opts) ->
mod_keystore_backend:init(HostType, Opts),
init_keys(HostType, Opts),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +78,11 @@ config_spec() ->
items = #{<<"ram_key_size">> => #option{type = integer,
validate = non_negative},
<<"keys">> => #list{items = keys_spec()}
defaults = #{<<"ram_key_size">> => ?DEFAULT_RAM_KEY_SIZE,
<<"keys">> => []},
format_items = map,
process = fun validate_key_ids/1

keys_spec() ->
Expand All @@ -97,15 +95,14 @@ keys_spec() ->
validate = filename}
required = [<<"name">>, <<"type">>],
process = fun ?MODULE:process_keys/1
format_items = map,
process = fun ?MODULE:process_key/1

process_keys(KVs) ->
{[[{name, Name}], [{type, Type}]], PathOpts} = proplists:split(KVs, [name, type]),
process_key_opts(Name, Type, PathOpts).

process_key_opts(Name, ram, []) -> {Name, ram};
process_key_opts(Name, file, [{path, Path}]) -> {Name, {file, Path}}.
process_key(#{name := Name, type := file, path := Path}) ->
{Name, {file, Path}};
process_key(#{name := Name, type := ram}) ->
{Name, ram}.

%% Hook handlers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,16 +162,16 @@ clear_keystore_ets(HostType) ->
does_table_exist(NameOrTID) ->
ets:info(NameOrTID, name) /= undefined.

init_keys(HostType, Opts) ->
[ init_key(K, HostType, Opts) || K <- proplists:get_value(keys, Opts, []) ].
init_keys(HostType, Opts = #{keys := Keys}) ->
[ init_key(K, HostType, Opts) || K <- Keys ].

-spec init_key({key_name(), key_type()}, mongooseim:host_type(), list()) -> ok.
-spec init_key({key_name(), key_type()}, mongooseim:host_type(), gen_mod:module_opts()) -> ok.
init_key({KeyName, {file, Path}}, HostType, _Opts) ->
{ok, Data} = file:read_file(Path),
true = ets_store_key({KeyName, HostType}, Data),
init_key({KeyName, ram}, HostType, Opts) ->
ProposedKey = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(get_key_size(Opts)),
init_key({KeyName, ram}, HostType, #{ram_key_size := KeySize}) ->
ProposedKey = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(KeySize),
KeyRecord = #key{id = {KeyName, HostType},
key = ProposedKey},
{ok, _ActualKey} = mod_keystore_backend:init_ram_key(HostType, KeyRecord),
Expand All @@ -187,23 +184,13 @@ ets_get_key(KeyID) ->
ets_store_key(KeyID, RawKey) ->
ets:insert(keystore, {KeyID, RawKey}).

get_key_size(Opts) ->
case lists:keyfind(ram_key_size, 1, Opts) of
{ram_key_size, KeySize} -> KeySize

validate_opts(Opts) ->
validate_key_ids(proplists:get_value(keys, Opts, [])).

validate_key_ids(KeySpecs) ->
validate_key_ids(Opts = #{keys := KeySpecs}) ->
KeyIDs = [ KeyID || {KeyID, _} <- KeySpecs ],
SortedAndUniqueKeyIDs = lists:usort(KeyIDs),
case KeyIDs -- SortedAndUniqueKeyIDs of
[] -> ok;
[] -> Opts;
[_|_] -> error(non_unique_key_ids, KeySpecs)

config_metrics(Host) ->
OptsToReport = [{backend, mnesia}], %list of tuples {option, defualt_value}
mongoose_module_metrics:opts_for_module(Host, ?MODULE, OptsToReport).
mongoose_module_metrics:opts_for_module(Host, ?MODULE, [backend]).
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions test/common/config_parser_helper.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -453,11 +453,10 @@ all_modules() ->
mod_adhoc => #{iqdisc => one_queue, report_commands_node => true},
mod_mam_rdbms_arch_async => default_config([modules, mod_mam_meta, async_writer]),
mod_keystore =>
[{access_secret, ram},
{access_psk, {file, "priv/access_psk"}},
{provision_psk, {file, "priv/provision_psk"}}]},
{ram_key_size, 1000}],
mod_config(mod_keystore, #{keys => [{access_secret, ram},
{access_psk, {file, "priv/access_psk"}},
{provision_psk, {file, "priv/provision_psk"}}],
ram_key_size => 1000}),
mod_global_distrib =>
#{global_host => <<"">>,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -866,6 +865,8 @@ default_mod_config(mod_global_distrib) ->
redis => default_config([modules, mod_global_distrib, redis]),
cache => default_config([modules, mod_global_distrib, cache]),
bounce => default_config([modules, mod_global_distrib, bounce])};
default_mod_config(mod_keystore) ->
#{ram_key_size => 2048, keys => []};
default_mod_config(mod_last) ->
#{iqdisc => one_queue, backend => mnesia};
default_mod_config(mod_inbox) ->
Expand Down
19 changes: 13 additions & 6 deletions test/config_parser_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2101,30 +2101,37 @@ mod_jingle_sip(_Config) ->
?errh(T(#{<<"sdp_origin">> => <<"abc">>})).

mod_keystore(_Config) ->
T = fun(Opts) -> #{<<"modules">> => #{<<"mod_keystore">> => Opts}} end,
M = fun(Cfg) -> modopts(mod_keystore, Cfg) end,
?cfgh(M([{ram_key_size, 1024}]),
P = [modules, mod_keystore],
?cfgh(P ++ [ram_key_size], 1024,
T(#{<<"ram_key_size">> => 1024})),
?errh(T(#{<<"ram_key_size">> => -1})).

mod_keystore_keys(_Config) ->
T = fun(Opts) -> #{<<"modules">> => #{<<"mod_keystore">> =>
#{<<"keys">> => Opts}}}
M = fun(Cfg) -> modopts(mod_keystore, [{keys, Cfg}]) end,
P = [modules, mod_keystore, keys],
RequiredOpts = #{<<"name">> => <<"access_secret">>,
<<"type">> => <<"ram">>},
?cfgh(M([{access_secret, ram}]),
?cfgh(P, [{access_secret, ram}],
?cfgh(M([{access_secret, {file, "priv/access_psk"}}]),
?cfgh(P, [{access_secret, {file, "priv/access_psk"}}],
T([RequiredOpts#{<<"type">> => <<"file">>,
<<"path">> => <<"priv/access_psk">>}])),
[?errh(T([maps:remove(Key, RequiredOpts)])) || Key <- maps:keys(RequiredOpts)],
?errh(T([RequiredOpts#{<<"name">> => <<>>}])),
?errh(T([RequiredOpts#{<<"type">> => <<"rampampam">>}])),
?errh(T([RequiredOpts#{<<"type">> => <<"file">>}])),
?errh(T([RequiredOpts#{<<"type">> => <<"file">>,
<<"path">> => <<"does/not/exists">>}])).
<<"path">> => <<"does/not/exists">>}])),
?errh([#{reason := non_unique_key_ids}],
T([#{<<"name">> => <<"same_name_twice">>,
<<"type">> => <<"ram">>},
#{<<"name">> => <<"same_name_twice">>,
<<"type">> => <<"file">>,
<<"path">> => <<"priv/access_psk">>}])).

mod_last(_Config) ->
Expand Down
49 changes: 6 additions & 43 deletions test/keystore_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-compile([export_all, nowarn_export_all]).
-import(config_parser_helper, [default_mod_config/1, mod_config/2]).

-define(ae(Expected, Actual), ?assertEqual(Expected, Actual)).

Expand All @@ -11,7 +12,6 @@ all() ->

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ clean_after_testcase(C) ->

module_startup_no_opts(_) ->
ok = mod_keystore:start(<<"localhost">>, []).
ok = mod_keystore:start(<<"localhost">>, default_mod_config(mod_keystore)).

module_startup_read_key_from_file(_) ->
%% given
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,18 +103,6 @@ module_startup_for_multiple_domains(_Config) ->
?ae([{{key_from_file, <<"">>}, SecondKey}],
get_key(<<"">>, key_from_file)).

module_startup_non_unique_key_ids(_) ->
%% given
NonUniqueKeyIDsOpts = [{keys, [{some_key, ram},
{some_key, {file, "some_key.dat"}}]}],
%% when
mod_keystore:start(<<"localhost">>, NonUniqueKeyIDsOpts)
%% then
error:non_unique_key_ids -> ok

multiple_domains_one_stopped(_Config) ->
% given
[] = get_key(<<"">>, key_from_file),
Expand All @@ -135,40 +123,19 @@ multiple_domains_one_stopped(_Config) ->
%% Helpers

start_async(M, F, A) ->
Self = self(),
P = spawn(fun () ->
erlang:apply(M, F, A),
Self ! started,
started ->
%ct:pal("started", []),
{ok, P}
after timer:seconds(1) ->
ct:fail("async start timeout")

helper_loop() ->
stop -> exit(normal);
_ -> helper_loop()

key_at(Path, Data) ->
ok = file:write_file(Path, Data),
{ok, Path}.

key_from_file(KeyFile) ->
[{keys, [{key_from_file, {file, KeyFile}}]}].
mod_config(mod_keystore, #{keys => [{key_from_file, {file, KeyFile}}]}).

ram_key() ->
[{keys, [{ram_key, ram}]}].
mod_config(mod_keystore, #{keys => [{ram_key, ram}]}).

sized_ram_key(Size) ->
[{keys, [{ram_key, ram}]},
{ram_key_size, Size}].
mod_config(mod_keystore, #{keys => [{ram_key, ram}],
ram_key_size => Size}).

mock_mongoose_metrics() ->
meck:new(mongoose_metrics, []),
Expand All @@ -183,7 +150,3 @@ mock_mongoose_metrics() ->
Result :: mod_keystore:key_list().
get_key(HostType, KeyName) ->
mongoose_hooks:get_key(HostType, KeyName).

%%{mod_keystore, [{keys, [{asdqwe_access_secret, ram},
%% {asdqwe_access_psk, {file, "priv/asdqwe_access_psk"}},
%% {asdqwe_provision_psk, {file, "priv/asdqwe_access_psk"}}]}]},

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