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Hackers of the event, self-organize!! (maximum 5 people per team)
- You must be at ETHBerlin to work on a project for submission
- Your hack must be related to Ethereum
- You can plan ahead of time, but all code for your project has to be written during the event
- You cannot steal another team's source code
- The decision of judges is final for determining prizes and awards
- Please comply with all instructions from ETHBerlin organizers
- A link to the open-source code must be provided
- A short presentation file must describe your project
- The contract address(es) of your deployed demo must be provided, either on a testnet of your choice or mainnet of a platform of choice.
If you are not already registered for the hackathon, you can register here, or at the following locations and times.
- During DappCon at their venue during the conference August 21st to 23rd.
- At the ETHBerlin Zwei venue starting 18:00 on Friday, the August 23rd.
There's no need to register your team or idea upfront. Teams are registered when you submit to Devpost on Sunday. See more details below.
The team formation and hackathon kick-off will happen at midnight in Courtyard 1 where the food is. Don’t be shy. The community is open and everyone attending shares a passion for building open source technologies.
You can also:
- visit the hacker’s riot chat (#ethberlinhackers:matrix.org)
- use the find-a-team repository dedicated to hackers looking for teams, and teams looking for hackers.
Consider it as a way to meet like-minded people and discuss building teams, however this does not replace the official team registration on Devpost!
Once you have formed teams, sign up for ETHBerlin Zwei on Devpost and submit your teams and projects: https://zwei.devpost.com
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