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Yaml formats

Thomas Schneider edited this page Jun 2, 2014 · 24 revisions

##Camera-system calibration file (aka chain.yaml)

This YAML file includes the complete parameter set for the calibration of the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters as well as the spatial and temporal calibration parameters of the IMU with respect to the cameras.

Each camera has the following parameters:

  • camera_model
    camera projection type (pinhole / omni)

  • intrinsics
    vector containing the intrinsic parameters for the given projection type. elements are as follows:
    pinhole: [fu fv pu pv]
    omni: [xi fu fv pu pv]
    see Supported models for more information

  • distortion_model
    lens distortion type (radtan / equidistant)

  • distortion_coeffs
    parameter vector for the distortion model
    see Supported models for more information

  • T_cn_cnm1
    extrinsic parameters, always with respect to the last camera in the chain
    (e.g. cam1: T_cn_cnm1 = T_c1_c0)

  • T_cam_imu
    IMU extrinsics: tranformation from IMU-frame to camera frame

  • time
    IMU extrinsics: tranformation from IMU-frame to camera frame

  • rostopic
    topic of the camera's image stream

  • resolution
    camera resolution [width,height]

Example chain.yaml

  camera_model: omni
  distortion_coeffs: [-0.3524047797899213, 0.16207450943423096, 0.00036919741711283124,
  distortion_model: radtan
  intrinsics: [0.671111239995445, 770.7765589675081, 770.5559465743702, 362.1635863019238,
  resolution: [752, 480]
  rostopic: /cam0/image_raw
  - [0.014061452055637302, 0.9997399667393116, -0.0179520046281176, 0.07051165610399869]
  - [-0.9998860726109333, 0.01415751265554327, 0.005235134582067706, -0.01482053746550415]
  - [0.0054879290056671325, 0.017876345809171246, 0.9998251441605879, -0.0008669839765732394]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  - [0.9999963219239997, 0.002667912895867444, 0.00048824097823761936, -0.10998811687147413]
  - [-0.0026721458237613386, 0.9999569589497798, 0.008884812018572488, 0.0003133265658200174]
  - [-0.0004645160592714478, -0.008886083990649619, 0.9999604100843904, -0.00041422980563141245]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  camera_model: omni
  distortion_coeffs: [-0.34330808866302887, 0.14844603008818044, -0.0003074632859414297,
  distortion_model: radtan
  intrinsics: [0.7476616047651173, 805.0992800974523, 805.1201800399643, 376.61967341034676,
  resolution: [752, 480]
  rostopic: /cam1/image_raw
  - [0.011396470820857374, 0.9997827885948853, -0.01744981610976558, -0.03951668331483825]
  - [-0.999831851497067, 0.011644280296453924, 0.014166138087881374, -0.014702693425226551]
  - [0.01436625159102594, 0.017285437969947488, 0.9997473803163531, -0.001182236714303278]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

##IMU configuration Each IMU in the calibration is configured using a YAML file. Please refer to the example below for details:


accelerometer_noise_density: 	0.006 	#Noise density (continous) [UNIT]
accelerometer_random_walk: 		0.0002   #Bias random walk [UNIT]

gyroscope_noise_density: 		0.0004 	#Noise density (continous) [UNIT]
gyroscope_random_walk: 		4.0e-06  #Bias random walk [UNIT]

update_rate: 			200.0 	#Hz (used for discretization of the above values)


##Calibration target configuration Please refer to the Calibration targets page.