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1594 lines (1228 loc) · 68.5 KB

Title: Ownership and Linearity Tracking

Start Date: June 26 2020

Status: Postponed


A system for tracking and enforcement of ownership for Objects, specifically via linearity.

Feature motivation

There are multiple existing or future features for which ownership tracking is required for soundness. The major usecase of this is the Purity project, which will have its own HIP in the coming weeks. However, there are other features, such as const classes and disposables, for which language-level ownership tracking is necessary for soundness. We expect there to be additional future features that can make use of this system.

Additional benefits include:

  1. HHVM can produce optimizations based on the guarantees described below when utilizing these features.
  2. Provability that an API requesting a unique value is actually given one

User experience

The Four States of Ownership

There are four states of ownership:

  1. Unowned (The default)
  2. Owned
  3. Borrowed
  4. MaybeOwned (temp name, looking for alternatives).

The main differences between each state are the operations allowed on an object of that state. Ownership is a property of the linearity of an object. Owned and Borrowed objects are enforceably linear, Unowned objects are not, though they may be naturally, and MaybeOwned may or may not be forcibly linear.

Described in terms of the operations allowed on them, the states are as follows:

  1. Unowned - The default state in hack. May already have aliases (i.e. be nonlinear). May be freely aliased.
  2. Borrowed - Cannot be aliased and is a non-owner of the object. The owner of the object is a (possibly indirect) caller, so no other code with a reference to this object can run until this function returns (or further lends the object to a more deeply nested callee). Because of this restriction, we consider the object to still be linear in this state. If the caller did not opt in to stricter tracking aliases may already exist, but the borrowing code will not make new ones. See the next section for more details
  3. Owned - Does not have aliases and cannot be aliased. May be lent to a (synchronous or immediately awaited async) callee, which preserves the invariant that at most one runnable frame has a reference. Can transfer ownership and can release ownership, moving the object into the unowned state.
  4. MaybeOwned - May be an object in any of the previous 3 states. This state is distinct from Borrowed because some features built on ownership tracking (purity and const classes) need to allow mutations only on linear (i.e. Owned or Borrowed) values. Functions that only need to read from an object will be more widely reusable if they receive objects in this state rather than Borrowed. See the next section for more details

As a Table, where LHS is current state, and Column is whether they have a specific capability:

Has alias May alias May move/disown
Unowned maybe yes no
Owned no no yes
Borrowed maybe* no no
MaybeOwned maybe no no

* This is a choice for the caller. If they opt in to stricter tracking, then Borrowed cannot have an alias. See next section.

Described in terms of what parameters they may be passed to given that the parameter is defined to be a specific state:

  1. Unowned - Can be passed to Unowned or MaybeOwned. Whether it can pass to borrowed depends on whether the caller opts in to stricter tracking. See the next section for more details.
  2. Owned - Can be passed to Borrowed or MaybeOwned, or may transfer ownership to Owned.
  3. Borrowed - Can be passed to Borrowed or MaybeOwned.
  4. MaybeOwned - Can be passed to MaybeOwned.

As a Table, where LHS is current state and Column is whether they can be passed to a param of that state (or used as the $this in a method invocation, when otherwise permitted):

Unowned Owned Borrowed MaybeOwned
Unowned yes no maybe* yes
Owned no moved yes yes
Borrowed no no yes yes
MaybeOwned no no no yes

* This is a choice for the caller. If they opt in to stricter tracking, then Borrowed cannot have an alias. See next section.

Unowned and Borrowed

The choice of whether or not unowned may flow into borrowed is a subtle one - one that developers will never have to consider under this proposal. The usecase for not being able to pass unowned into borrowed is enabling of mutations on linear objects (when they'd be banned on nonlinear ones).

Consider Rust. They have locally mutable values, which are analogous to our Owned values, and mut &s and &s, respectively analogous to our Borrowed and MaybeOwned. The key is that rust does not have an unowned state - all values are owned by a single reference. When a system requires linearity to enable mutability, passing an unowned value into the equivalent to a mut & is obviously unsafe, as that would result in mutations happening to nonlinear values.

Under this proposal, systems that require linearity for the purpose of tracked mutations (such as Const Classes and Purity), would implicitly disallow passing unowned values to parameters etc marked as borrowed. Developers would get an error specifically about this telling them why and they will merely need to conform to these restrictions, often via use of the MaybeOwned state.

One may note that this is in fact the main reason for the existence of the otherwise quite similar Borrowed and MaybeOwned state. For systems that don't require this stricter ruleset, those states are functionally identical (although still not interchangeable). For the most part, developers should not need to know or care about this.

Concurrent uses of tracked objects

Borrowed, Owned, and MaybeOwned values may not be used multiple times in the same statement or concurrent block as this creates implicit aliases, breaking linearity. Further, objects of those states may not be passed to async functions if they are not immediately awaited.

function takes_borrowed(borrowed Foo $b): void {...}
async function gen_takes_borrowed(borrowed Foo $b): Awaitable<void> {...}
function takes_two_borrowed(borrowed Foo $b, borrowed Foo $c): void {...}
function example(owned Foo $x): void {
  takes_borrowed($x); // fine
  takes_two_borrowed($x, $x); // banned
  // this might be fine because takes_borrowed($x) is finished before bar is called, but banned in V1 to be safe
  takes_two_borrowed(takes_borrowed($x), $x);
  takes_two_borrowed($x, takes_borrowed($x)); // as previous
  // as previous. This might be fine because foo($x) is run synchronously, but banned in V1 to be safe
  takes_two_borrowed(takes_borrowed($x), takes_borrowed($x));
  takes_two_borrowed(await gen_takes_borrowed($x), await gen_takes_borrowed($x)); // banned
  gen_takes_borrowed($x); // banned - must await immediately

For the above, any use of a local counts as a borrow and the same logic applies for concurrent blocks as these individual statements. Note that invocations like foo($x) cannot be returning $x internally as that would require aliasing a borrowed value.

Declaring Objects as Tracked

You will note below that there is no way to explicitly state that a value is unowned. There is no usecase we could determine for which this was a useful designation.

Note that only one of the following may be used per method object, parameter, and return value, but multiple may occur in the same declaration header.


Parameters may be declared to be any of Unowned, Owned, Borrowed, and MaybeOwned

public function foo(IFoo $foo): Foo { return new Foo(); }
public function foo(owned IFoo $foo): Foo { return new Foo(); }
public function foo(borrowed IFoo $foo): Foo { return new Foo(); }
public function foo(maybeowned IFoo $foo): Foo { return new Foo(); }

Return Types

Return values may be declared as either unowned or Owned

public function foo(IFoo $foo): Foo { return new Foo(); }
public function foo(IFoo $foo): owned Foo { return new Foo(); }

Returning a Borrowed/MaybeOwned value is forbidden, as doing so would create an alias. Returning an owned value implicitly transfers ownership to the caller.

Method Objects

The object on which a method is called may be declared as Unowned, Borrowed, or MaybeOwned

public function foo(IFoo $foo): Foo { return new Foo(); }
public borrowed function foo(IFoo $foo): Foo { return new Foo(); }
public maybeowned function foo(IFoo $foo): Foo { return new Foo(); }

While it is logically sound for $this to be owned, with ownership transferred to the method call, this is not permitted due to runtime considerations. There are major issues with $this being available via things like stack traces rather than just within the method itself. Further, unsetting $this is not something the runtime can support at present.

Moving Between States

Creating Owned Values

When an object is created it must explicitly opt in to the owned state by using the own keyword, e.g. $x = own new Foo();. Any object that is not explicitly created as such is unowned.

Transferring Owned Values

For those who have used C++ and Rust, transferring ownership will be somewhat familiar.

Consider the following functions, one that requires to be given an Owned value and the other that creates one as above:

function takes_owned(owned Foo $foo): void {...}
function creates_owned(): void {
  $f = own new Foo();
  // would like to give ownership of $f to `takes_owned`

Ownership transference is done via the move keyword

function creates_owned(): void {
  $f = own new Foo();
  takes_owned(move $f);

In order to maintain linear ownership, after moveing a value, the variable initially containing that value is unset (i.e. KindOfUninit). In the previous example, attempting to use $f after invoking takes_owned would fail. Additionally, as you would expect, attempting to move the same value twice in the same statement/concurrent block is illegal.

Note that the move keyword isn't allowed on the result of an own expression. Rather, it is always implicit when necessary e.g. in takes_owned(own new Foo());.

The other location of ownership transfer is at the return site of a function marked as returning an owned value, as in the following

function returns_owned(): owned Foo {
  $f = own new Foo();
  return $f;

Note that the move keyword is not required here, as it is trivially determinable from the signature of the enclosing function that an ownership transfer is required.

The own keyword may be used to receive an owned value from a function marked as returning an owned value. Additionally, if the expression being returned is one on which own can be used, own is also not required, and, in order to remain consistent, disallowed:

function returns_owned(): owned Foo {
  return new Foo();
function returns_owned2(): owned Foo {
  return returns_owned();

function returns_foo(): owned Foo { return new Foo(); }
function creates_owned_foo(): void {
  $f = own returns_foo();

Note that it is possible to return an owned value in an async function. In order to receive that owned value, the caller must immediately await and own the result:

async function gen_returns_foo(IFoo $foo): owned Awaitable<Foo> { return new Foo(); }
async function gen_creates_owned_foo(): Awaitable<void> {
   $f = own await gen_returns_foo();

Awaitable is the only situation in which the ownership declaration does not apply directly to the item following it. In this way, it is similar to __Soft.

Conditionally moveing values is currently disallowed. If, in a future version, we change the moved variable to be null instead of unset, it is possible we can allow this.

As a reminder, any value that may be owned but isn't is implicitly disowned.

Disowning Values

It is sometimes desired to disown a value midway through a function. This is done via the disown keyword.

function foo(owned Foo $foo): void {
  // cannot alias $foo here
  $unowned_foo = disown $foo;
  // $unowned_foo is unowned. $foo is unset

Note that similarly to moveing a value, disowning one unsets the disowned variable. In the same vein, a variable may not be conditionally disowned.

Linearly Lending Values

Owned values may be lent to other functions promising to maintain linearity, and borrowed values may be lent to further functions. This is handled without requiring additional keywords.

class Foo {
  public borrowed function borrow(): void {}

function foo(owned Foo $foo): void {

function borrow(borrowed Foo $foo): void {

function borrow_again(borrowed Foo $foo): void {}

Additional information

Interactions with null

null is a valid value in any state, as it is not actually an object but rather the lack of one.

Hierarchical requirements

Logically, the subtyping rules for the states can be thought of as follows, where (|) is subtyping and ~~> is coercion:


    /        \

Borrowed <~~ UnOwned



For simplicity, however, the initial implementation will require that hierarchies be invariant in their usages of ownership states. It seems likely that we can enable owned return positions to be subtypes of unmarked return positions, but the rules for, and usefulness of, subtyping relationships for parameters becomes less clear.

This includes the usage of the __Unownable and __ReturnsBorrowedThis attributes, to be described below.

Properties of objects cannot be owned.

At present, properties (including container contents) are always unowned.

It is possible that this may be implementable in a future version.

Preservation of Single Ownership Type Per Variable Name

In order to enable performant tracking by HHVM, while retaining a reasonably simple implementation within the emitter, variables may be used to reference at most one ownership state. However, a single variable may be used to reference multiple objects of the same ownership state.

class Foo {}
function my_function(
  owned Foo $owned,
  borrowed Foo $borrowed,
  maybeowned Foo $maybe,
  Foo $unowned,
): void {
  $owned = own new Foo(); // fine, still owned
  $disowned = disown $owned; // fine, new disowned variable
  $owned = own new Foo(); // fine, owned again
  $owned = $disowned; // error
  $borrowed = own new Foo(); // error
  $borrowed = $disowned; // error
  $maybe = own new Foo(); // error
  $maybe = $unowned // error;
  $unowned = own new Foo(); // error
  $owned = own new Foo(); // fine, still owned
  $disowned = own new Foo(); // error
  $disowned = new Foo(); // fine, creating implicitly unowned value
  $unowned = new Foo(); // fine, creating implicitly unowned value
  $new_unowned = new Foo(); // fine, creating implicitly unowned value

Capturing values in closures

Locals that contain Owned, Borrowed or MaybeOwned values cannot be captured as that creates an implicit alias, breaking linearity

class Foo {
  public int $foo = 0;
  public borrowed function capturesMutable(): void {
    $x = () ==> { $this; }; // error
  public maybeowned function capturesMaybeMutable(): void {
    $x = () ==> { $this; }; // error
function captures_owned(
  owned Foo $obj1
  borrowed Foo $obj2,
  maybeowned Foo $obj3,
): void {
  $x = () ==> {
    // these are all errors

Ownership in Constructors

Constructors pose something of an unique problem for ownership tracking. In order for tracking to work, one must be allowed to own the result of a constructor call. However, if linearity is broken within the constructor, then that no longer holds true.

The solution landed upon is for constructors to be opt-out for linearity instead of opt-in. In the standard case, $this within a constructor is in the borrowed state. Following the termination of the constructor, the rules apply as stated above. The opt-out mechanism is via a new __Unownable attribute, which indicates that the result of that constructor may not be owned. Additionally, hack errors triggered in a non-opted-out constructor will initially suggest opting out as a last resort after other standard suggestions.

This conclusion resulted from analysis of patterns within the FB codebase.

Of the very large number of constructors, <3% of them would need to be opted out if no further work was done. However, of that <3%, >95% of them are due to invoking a helper function on $this which is not accepting of a borrowed value. Upon inspection of a random sampling of those helper functions, a large majority of them are trivial to allow accepting borrowed values with no other changes (except for potentially marking a further function). Further, >4% of the problematic constructors arise from capturing $this in a closure, which may become legal in a future update (see Future possibilities section). Thus, only 1% of the problematic cases are ones which require more serious refactoring. The simplest solution for those are to convert them to a builder pattern in which the builder function invokes the constructor and then does any problematic behaviour following it.

We may choose in the future to remove this method of opting out.

Interactions with Memoize

Memoized functions may not return values as owned, as doing so would necessarily allow creating multiple aliases to the same object. For objects implementing IMemoizeParam, the getInstanceKey method must be valid to invoke on the passed object for whichever state the parameter is marked. (e.g. if the param is borrowed, getInstanceKey must use a Borrowed or MaybeOwned this);

Prior to rollout, we will determine whether this is actually necessary or if we can globally enforce a MaybeOwned this for getInstanceKey methods

Interactions with inout

An inout parameter can neither be Borrowed nor MaybeOwned as these are tantamount to returning such values, which is banned.

For simplicity, an inout parameter may not be owned. It is possible that a future version of this feature will allow this if usecases arise.

Interactions with the Mutable Builder Pattern

The mutable builder pattern is one in which a class contains setters that modify a property and then return $this. This can then be used as a chain to "build up" the object. This becomes a problem when ownership tracking comes into play, as if $this is tracked, then the return statement creates an alias.

The problem then becomes how to allow these objects to be built up in the case where the object is tracked while not diminishing the experience for unowned objects for general developers.

The solution to this problem for this proposal takes the form of a temporary Hack. A function can be marked with the magic __ReturnsBorrowedThis attribute. In the presence of this attribute, the return value can only be used by the caller if the object the method is called on is unowned. Otherwise, the method may be called, but the return value must be thrown away.

class Foo {
  private ?int $val;
  private ?int $val2;
  public borrowed function set1(int $val): this {
     $this->val = $val;
     return $this;
  public borrowed function set2(int $val): this {
     $this->val2 = $val;
     return $this;

function useit(): void {
  // this is the standard chaining version
  $unowned = new Foo();

  // here, since return value cannot be used, must use multiple statements
  $owned = own new Foo();

This is not ideal, but it is required for safety of tracking. We hope that in the future additional features can be added to the language obviating the need for this hack. See the discussion on void chaining linked below.

Note that methods with this attribute must act on a borrowed this and return exactly $this.

IDE experience

The new keywords will be supported in a first class manner with respect to syntax highlighting.

There will be a large number of new error types both in the typechecker and parser.

Due to the nature of this system, most developers won't see any errors due to the inherent flexibility of the default state. When annotated code calls unannotated code, we can straightforwardly suggest how to annotate the unannotated code to facilitate progress. When annotated code calls annotated code, the error messages will be similar to standard type errors where they will explain why the different states are incompatible and it will be up to the user to fix them.

Implementation details

Interaction with other features

The initial version of the feature will have no interactions with other hack features other than those explicitly expressed above.

Following the rollout of this feature, we expect to utilize it for sound implementations of Purity, Const Classes, and Disposables. Note that the below sections are examples rather than confirmed decisions. It is possible that details about the interactions will change.


Disposables currently have their own implemented version of ownership tracking wherein disposables are "owned" by their using statement, and may be lent or given to called functions. This is completely subsumed by this more complete proposal, however they will also have additional restrictions (such as prohibiting disowning them).

As an example, here is what currently exists

class MyDisposable implements IDisposable {
  public function __dispose(): void {}

function returns_disposable(): MyDisposable {
  using $foo = new MyDisposable();

  // error: Variable from 'using' clause may only be used as receiver in method
  // invocation or passed to function with <<__AcceptDisposable>> parameter
  // attribute Hack(4180)
  // return $foo;

  return new MyDisposable();

function accepts_disposable(<<__AcceptDisposable>> MyDisposable $md): void {
  // Parameter with <<__AcceptDisposable>> attribute may only be used as
  // receiver in method invocation or passed to another function with
  // <<__AcceptDisposable>> parameter attribute Hack(4188)
  // using ($md);

  // same error
  // return $md;

function takes_mixed(mixed $m): void {}

// Parameter with type 'MyDisposable' must not implement IDisposable
// or IAsyncDisposable. Please use <<__AcceptDisposable>> attribute or
// create disposable object with 'using' statement instead. Hack(4190)
// function illegal_param(MyDisposable $m): void {}

function example(): void {
  // Disposable objects may only be created in a 'using' statement or
  // 'return' from function marked <<__ReturnDisposable>> Hack(4187)
  // $x = returns_disposable();

  using ($x = returns_disposable()) {

    // Variable from 'using' clause may only be used as receiver in
    // method invocation or passed to function with <<__AcceptDisposable>>
    // parameter attribute Hack(4180)
    // takes_mixed($x);

  // Variable $x is undefined, or not always defined Hack(2050)
  // echo $x;

and how it would look using ownership management (note that all error messages are examples):

class MyDisposable implements IDisposable {
  // won't require `borrowed` on __dispose method because it's always the case.
  public function __dispose(): void {}

function returns_disposable(): owned MyDisposable {
  using $foo = new MyDisposable();
  // here $foo is borrowed

  // error: may not return borrowed values
  // objects in a using block are always borrowed
  // return $foo;

  return new MyDisposable();

function accepts_disposable(borrowed MyDisposable $md): void {
  // error: may not `use` borrowed values (or must `use` owned values)
  // using ($md);

  // error: may not return borrowed values
  // return $md;

function takes_mixed(mixed $m): void {}

// Disposable Parameters must always be Borrowed.
// function illegal_param(MyDisposable $m): void {}

function example(): void {
  // Disposable objects may not be disowned
  // returns_disposable returns an owned value
  // this value is implicitly disowned here
  // $x = returns_disposable();

  // Disposable objects may not be explicitly owned
  // they must be used by a `using` block
  // $x = own returns_disposable();

  using ($x = returns_disposable()) {
    // here $x is borrowed

    // cannot pass borrowed object to function expecting unowned
    // takes_mixed($x);

  } // here $x is destroyed following lending itself to __dispose

  // Variable $x is undefined, or not always defined Hack(2050)
  // echo $x;

However, when using ownership management it becomes possible to implement things like potentially transferring ownership of disposables into called functions that must then use them. There are a handful of more powerful features required by the HSL IO library in order to make its implementation disposable. Having them powered by ownership allows for these potential additions.

Given that they are never unowned, it is illegal to have a typehint of a disposable type without an ownership annotation, typically borrowed or owned.

Conceptually, the object is "owned" by the using statement and is lent to the block scope.


We're not going to go into too much detail on purity as it is still an experimental feature, and we don't want to have discussions on its merits or decisions at this location.

This is another example of the discussion above regarding requiring linearity for the purpose of mutability.

In the experimental version, there are 4 states of mutability:

  1. Immutable (the default) - an immutable nonlinear value
  2. Owned Mutable - an owned linear value that is mutable
  3. Borrowed Mutable - a borrowed linear value that is mutable
  4. Maybe Mutable - a value that may or may not be linear, so is immutable but also must be treated as if it was linear.

The states of this proposal can replace the previous states 1-1: Immutable -> unowned Owned Mutable -> owned Borrowed Mutable -> borrowed Maybe Mutable -> MaybeOwned

If Purity is rewritten to use the ownership annotations, it must only add the 2 rules, everything else directly falls out of this proposal.

  1. Only Owned or Borrowed objects may be mutated.
  2. Value types may always be mutated.

One might note that it's possible to pass an unowned value into the system from impure code calling pure code, but that is no different than the current state of the feature.

To be completely clear, this will completely replace the experimental mutability annotations added by the reactivity project.

Const Classes

The design for const classes prior to this proposal worked fairly simply. They can be modified within the constructor as well as from within private methods called by the constructor, however once the constructor finishes, the classes "lock" and become immutable.

However, this has a pretty unfortunate typehole:

const class MyConstClass {
  private int $x = 0;
  public function __construct() {

  private function can_mutate(): void {
    $this->x = 42;

  private function my_unrelated_method(): void {
    // do stuff

  public function oops(): void {
    $this->can_mutate(); // uhh....

function example(): void {
  $cc = new MyConstClass();
  $cc->oops(); // explode

This problem is solvable via a combination of ownership management and making const classes more powerful. The solution is simple: opt const classes into the stricter ownership tracking and making them immutable when unowned.

const class MyConstClass {
  private int $x = 0;
  public int $even_more = 42;
  public function __construct() {

  private borrowed function can_mutate(): void {
    $this->x = 42;

  private function my_unrelated_method(): void {
    // do stuff

  public function oops(): void {
    // error: cannot call function with borrowed $this
    // $this here is unowned
    // $this->can_mutate();

function example(): void {
  $ncc = own new MyConstClass();
  $cc = disown $cc;
  $cc->oops(); // safe!

In this system, all instances or typehints of a const class will be opted-in to the stricter tracking. Further, const classes can now make use of the extended constructor pattern!

HHVM Support

This feature will have full HHVM support and enforcement. Objects may only be used as described above or else they will throw an exception. For cross-function boundaries the enforcement will work similarly to type enforcement.


The only major codemod required for this feature is the interaction with constructors described above to insert the __Unownable attribute where necessary.

Other than that, no codemodding for this will be done except to convert the current Disposables and temporary Mutability tracking feature to this complete one. In that case, we will first do a static transformation from the old attributes to the new system to confirm everything still typechecks.

Revert Plan

If, following rollout of this feature, we decide to remove it, reversion will simply be a codemodded removal of the associated keywords. However, if used within Purity, Const classes, and other major features, it becomes increasingly difficult to roll back without exposing major soundness holes in the language.

Note, however, that the initial plan is to have the system implicitly back both disposables and the experimental Reactivity/Purity syntax under the hood, so we should hopefully know prior to full rollout if revert is necessary.

Design rationale and alternatives

This design was created under a few basic principles:

  1. Opt-in feeling: It is important for a large codebase that this need not be the default
  2. Usability: The states are not conceptually difficult and hack-errors can be used to direct newcomers towards correct patterns, as situations of the form "You are doing A, which is wrong, but B would be OK" are common.
  3. HHVM Enforceability and efficiency: In order to be used for optimizations, HHVM must be confident of the guarantees. Therefore, it must be enforceable. Therefore, it must be efficient.

This is a completely new segment of the language such that attempting to do this via existing features is a nonstarter.

Not doing this prevents multiple projects, either via soundness issues or simply lack of required featureset. See above for examples.

Alternative designs

There are multiple minor tweaks considered to the above syntax.

Instead of public borrowed function foo(): void {...}, we considered public function foo(): void where this is borrowed {...}. We decided against this as, while it makes it clear we're referring to this, it requires modification of function-level where clauses and is extremely verbose. It is worthwhile to note that static appears in the same location and is a modifier that describes the state of $this

We considered the keyword owned instead of own for marking a value as owned, but don't believe the extra two letters add anything.

We considered referring to the unowned state as disowned, but this is confusing for things that are never owned.

As an alternative to __ReturnsBorrowedThis, we would like to resurrect the void chaining discussion. This allows us to use the fluid builder pattern on non-unowned code, but also allows for the potential to completely remove the pattern of functions that return $this for the purpose of chaining.

An alternative to the disown keyword is to use release. Bikeshedding welcome.

The __ReturnsBorrowedThis attribute is technically unnecessary as the emitter can infer when it would be required and handle the situation appropriately. We think it's better to be explicit here.

When owning the result of an async function, should the own be before or after the await? We landed on before because you're owning the wrapped value, not the Awaitable. Maybe there are arguments for the alternative?


It is complicated and requires significant runtime and typechecker support.

Prior art

At present, there is only one major language implementing an ownership system. There are a handful of languages implementing Linearity systems, however that does not map particularly well to an imperative language like our own.

Rust's ownership tracking is more robust and allows for nested ownership tracking (such as owned properties) and explicit lifetimes. This is made possible as they have an AoT compiler that can do enforcement and analysis. We have different constraints. Further, we do not require quite the same complexity. This can more simply be described as borrowed T -> &mut T and own T -> T. However, rust doesn't typically allow for unowned values. The closes it comes is &T immutable references. These are references to an owned value that is merely being utilized multiple times at once (and so must be immutable). In general, our requirements are flipped. They want everything owned. We want most things unowned with specific things being owned.

Additionally, there a handful of other languages actively exploring this space:

Swift's ownership manifesto is designed based on different constraints and purposes. Ours is mostly to unblock other features, while also enabling some performance gains. Their purposes are flipped.

Haskell with tech talk: Rather than discussing linearity of values, they describe linearity of functions, such that for a fn a -> b, if b is consumed exactly once, then a is consumed exactly once. They implement polymorphism by taking in closures and making the overall linearity of the function be polymorphic upon the linearity of the passed function. Further, they do not have the concept of borrowing linear values, which is extremely important to our system.

Clean: Clean has a similar system to Haskell except that it's type-based rather than function based. It has some similar properties to our system, but considers non-unique <: unique because of its functional nature, such that you can pass uniq values into a function accepting non-uniq, but what you get out is nonuniq. In general, these all apply to consumed inputs, thus they don't have the borrowed state. They do have a generic on types to specify propagation of uniqueness, but again, this requires the move in -> move out scenario.

Idris: They use dependent typing for this and have discovered the need for a borrowed state but have not yet handled the polymorphic MaybeOwned state. They have a representation for Owned V Unowned, but specifically note that it doesn't allow for representation of borrowed. It's more similar to Haskell's polymorphism due to its lack of a borrowed state.

Also, from another paper or note:

Uniqueness types, in Idris, are being replaced by linear types

Papers on the subject:

Islands: aliasing protection in object-oriented languages (by John Hogg) (paper available upon request):

The overall goal here is to create "islands" of objects in which they are, as a whole, only referenced via a single "bridge" such that all modifications to the island (or even access to it) must go through the bridge. Thus, they may handle things like side effects, which are nonissues for const objects and disposables, and general alias management and concept encapsulation.

Three major concepts: read unique and free where read is similar to const, and the other two are about whether aliases are allowed.

A variable z many be unrestricted, read, unique, free, read and unique, or read and free.

Interestingly, here 'unique' means that there is only one reference to an object via the heap (such as instance properties), and the rest are stack-based, and free means there are no heap-based references to the object (even if the object itself is on the heap).

A unique object is most often used via lending it out on the stack, similar to our borrowed parameters. They don't need two keywords because unique appears on things like instance properties to imply its the only heap-based reference and on parameters to mean that it's a reference to a unique object. However, in many ways, their free is similar to our owned. You can create a free reference by destructively reading a unique heap-based reference. Further, free references can only be accessed via destructive reads (creating another free refence or assigned into an unique one).

I honestly, don't understand this restriction and description.

If a method receiver is unique, then every parameter and the result must be read or unique or free. Unique is a transitive property. If an object’s acquaintances are aliased, then the observable state of the object may be unexpectedly changed, even if there is no aliasing of the object itself. Therefore, an object being accessed as unique must not import or export any unprotected references. An unprotected parameter could be retained by the object, however.

This doesn't apply to free receivers, because it doesn't matter.

This is an interesting approach for allowing tracking of members. However, this doesn't solve our problem with the unique object being referenced from within an unrestricted object, which they don't talk about as far as I can tell.

As a side note, they don't cover practical problems of code deduplication and/or polymorphic states, which are the main problems we generally struggle with. They do generally seem to have an opt-in system, however, in that that outside an "island" everything can just be unrestricted, and only when interacting with an island must things be annotated.

Alias burying: Unique variables without destructive reads (by Boyland)

Alias burying: when a unique field is read, any existing aliases are required to be dead. Together with restrictions on aliasing across procedure calls, alias burying can be checked by a static analysis in a modular fashion.

Their main goal is to be able to track mutations for safe concurrent reads, which, while not identical to our goals, is more or less translatable.

They concur on our decision to mark misbehaved constructors

A constructor can keep a reference to the object it is creating in a globally accessible location; not all constructors create unshared objects. Thus a constructor that does create an unshared object should be declared as such. ... Constructors in Java are not responsible for creating an object, just initializing it. Therefore constructors that “return” unique objects are annotated as having borrowed receiver

Their system of ownership and borrowing seems very similar to our own

An alias of a variable for our purposes is a variable that refers to the same object as the first variable. This definition is nonstandard, but is convenient for languages such as Java that do not have explicit dereferencing A static alias is a field variable; a dynamic alias is a receiver, parameter, local variable, or return value� alias A dynamic alias of an otherwise unique variable is also known as a “non-consumable,” “uncaptured,” or “limited” variable. Such a variable may be used for computation and copied into other local variables or parameters (which become dynamic aliases) but must never be stored in a field. In this paper, we refer to variables whose values may never be stored (or returned) as borrowed variables.

They recommend using borrowed to refer to a value that may either by a dynamic alias to an owned object or an unowned object.

However, they further recognize that the existence of a union state of this description results in issues with tracking mutations.

Weakening a uniqueness variant to admit dynamic aliases makes it easier to program with unique variables than with destructive reads alone, but this weakening comes with a cost. One main purpose in avoiding aliasing was to make it easier to isolate mutations; dynamic aliases make it harder to track down all mutations.

They allow for unique static aliases (our borrowed) similarly to Hogg, above.

In general, their states are Unique, Unrestricted, and Borrowed. As far as I can tell this works in a system that cares only about aliasing and not restricting mutations to linear values because you don't need dynamic aliases that are required to be references to unique objects. They allow modifications to Borrowed objects. This seems to generally safe only because they mark mutating methods as synchronized, which alleviates any interleaving concerns automagically. I'm not quite clear on how that works, however, given that reads can happen in nonsynchronized methods.

When a unique field of an object is read, all aliases of the field are made undefined. If we can determine statically that no alias is ‘buried alive’, no dynamic checks will be necessary.

Their goal is to statically prove that this invariant holds true such that unique properties must actually be unique dynamically. We prove that via a combination of static and dynamic checks (because we can't trust types, therefor disallowing us to trust that function invocations comply).

Their hierarchy of states is Unique/Owned <: Owned/Shared <: Borrowed/Shared <: undefined

Unique/Owned: only allows for explicitly unique values and they must be moved in destructively.

Owned/Shared: allows for either unique or shared values and generally can treat them as shared. After passing a unique value to this, one can no longer presume uniqueness

Borrowed/Shared: May be unique or shared, but my not generate new aliases except to pass to other borrowed notated states.

A shared (that is, not unique) parameter may be declared borrowed

This sentence in isolation is somewhat inscrutable. Based on context and later descriptions, I believe this is noting that a shared value may pass into a parameter declared as accepting borrowed. This seems potentially fine considering it's specifically stricter, but it doesn't allow making any assumptions about borrowed parameters

a unique value may be passed to a procedure expecting a shared parameter, but a borrowed value cannot be

This explicitly allows for passing unique values into params expecting shared. This seems like a tenuous assertion if you want to statically prove unique objects aren't leaking refs.

They further note that

The analysis also uses an annotation on procedures that indicates which variables it may read

but then never mention this again. I believe this is specifically related to fields on passed in objects.

The interface annotations may be read as obligations and dual privileges:

unique parameters The caller of a procedure must ensure that parameters declared unique are indeed unaliased. A procedure may assume unique parameters are unaliased.

borrowed parameters A procedure must ensure that a borrowed parameter is not further aliased when it returns. A caller may assume that a borrowed actual parameter will not be further aliased when the procedure returns.

unique return values A procedure must ensure that a return value declared unique is indeed unaliased. A caller may assume that a unique return value is unaliased.

unique on proc entry The caller of a procedure must ensure that any unique field read or written by the procedure (or by a procedure it calls, recursively) is unaliased at the point of call. A procedure may assume that the first time it reads or writes a unique field, the field has no (live) aliases.

unique on proc exit A procedure must ensure that any unique field it reads or writes during its execution is unaliased upon procedure exit, and that no fields have been made undefined. A caller may assume that a procedure does not create any aliases of unique fields or make fields undefined

If all procedures fulfill these responsibilities, then the only potentially live variables that may be made undefined due to alias burying in a procedure are variables set by this procedure. Thus assuming we can check a procedure, we can check a program

From what I can tell, the first three have to do with annotations on params/return values and the last 2 are just general invariants all methods must adhere to. How they assert that this magically allows for static assertion of correctness is beyond me. They certainly don't explain it.

In general, their restrictions on unique and borrowed are identical to ours. Having their shared state be a supertype of unique and a subtype of borrowed is somewhat baffling.

If we consider our lack of unique member variables, the last two restrictions become moot, but the ability to pass unique references to effectively unrestricted params accepting shared values is confusing.

Of course, accessing unique fields of possibly shared objects must still be properly synchronized in order to prevent race conditions. When the lock is released, the unique field must be uncompromised and have no live aliases. If a language has asynchronous calls (Java does not), then we must add the rule that borrowed values cannot be passed in such calls

Not accepting borrowed inside async calls is an interesting concept, but seriously limits the usability in our system.

All in all, this system strongly resembles our own, but takes a hard left turn at a crucial fork and ends up in a place that doesn't quite solve our problems

Linear Haskell: Practical Linearity in a Higher-Order Polymorphic Language

A relevant quote:

Seen as a system of constraints, uniqueness typing is a non-aliasing analysis while linear typing provides a cardinality analysis....The former aims at in-place updates and related optimisations, the latter at inlining and fusion.

In general, their system does not neatly correlate to our needs for the above reasons.

Promises: Limited specifications for analysis and manipulation (By Chan, Boyland, Scherlis)

Their system of uniqueness management generally seems to mirror our own. They consider both the general concept of unique references and the issue of ill-behaved constructors before noting that being able to pass unique references to parameters that promise not to store lasting aliases do not cause additional problems. They refer to these as limited.

They, too, consider limited to be a promise rather than a requirement. This is contrasted with unique parameters that require the object passed in to be unique (and consumed upon passing). This is similar to the concepts by Boyland in his above paper (which actually came later than this one).

Since the caller’s copy of the reference cannot be accessed during the dynamic context of the call, one can pass a unique reference as a limited unique reference instead (as long as the reference isn’t passed as more than that one parameter). Limited unique parameters are unaliased within a certain dynamic context and have the properties of both unique and limited parameters

Their unique is obviously analogous to our owned. limitedis generally analogous to our MaybeOwned withlimited unique` being their borrowed.

They additionally consider the possibility of storing unique values within other objects:

Unshared fields are really no more than a form of unique variable, except allocated in the store as part of an object. Similarly static unshared fields hold unique references associated with the class object.

A problem with unshared fields is that they invalidate the assumption that a variable, and thus the reference it contains, is only accessible from a single frame. For instance, suppose that within a class with an unshared field, we call a method with the reference from this field as a parameter. Since there is no guarantee that the object with the unshared field is itself unique, we cannot assume the field will be inaccessible during the call.

A simple solution to this is to use a promise that guarantees that the code being called will not access that field. Thus, we only allow an unshared field to be an actual parameter if it is passed as limited and the method to which it is passed does not read or modify the region for that field. As a consequence, if we have existing code that does need to access that region, we may have to nullify the unshared field during the call.

All in all, their description of this system is given in relatively short order, but is quite analogous to our own.

Deny Capabilities for Safe, Fast Actors

The overall goal of this system is to allow statically checkable safe shared memory. Their system is interesting. It is effectively a matrix of whether local/global/both aliases are allow to read and/or write to a reference.

They make the interesting choice to note receiver state between the fn keyword and the fn name.

This seems unenforceable statically (box being disallows global writes):

If an actor has a box reference to an object, no alias can be used by other actors to write to that object. This means that other actors may be able to read the object, and aliases in the same actor may be able to write to it (although not both: if the actor can write to the object, other actors cannot read from it)

Like us, they separate between methods that can be run asynchronously and ones that don't. It's not safe to give a box to a method that can run asynchronously, because the caller can retain a locally mutable instance, so the async method could read while the caller does some writes. We ban this via strict limits on borrowed objects in concurrently executed statements.

They note that passing an owned value to another async method is safe because it is destroyed in the caller.

They suggest that tag (all aliases allowed) cannot be read/written, but may have further async methods invoked upon them. Those async methods may see this as ref (no global aliases, all local aliases). They consider tag objects to be actors (the objects on which async methods are invoked). I don't understand why this distinction makes mutating their inner state safe.

Apparently you can store tag reference to an otherwise iso (global deny, local allow) reference

a newly created alias of an iso reference must be neither readable nor writeable (i.e. a tag).

At this point, I decided that the system described was significantly more complicated than our own with questionable applications to our problemspace. I skimmed the rest of the paper and determined that I was correct.

Ownership types for flexible alias protection (by Clarke, Vitek, Potter, Noble) (this won "the most influential paper of the last decade" at OOPSLA'16)

The overall goal of this paper is to statically ensure abstraction implementation encapsulation such that given an abstraction A exposed via an API on object B implemented on classes C...N, the internals of the implementation of the abstraction A via C...N cannot be referenced outside of B and the API must be utilized to realize the abstraction.

They note that value types don't require tracking because they're immutable (or in our cases, sometimes COW).

They suggest the concept of splitting the workings of a container into two pieces: mutable state that is visible only internally, and immutable state that is fine to expose (and even potentially share between multiple containers).

It is further possible that for nested containers, the exposed immutable state may actually be the inner mutable state for an inclosing container. In this way, it is noted that the immutabile set of an object is only immutable to that object, but not necessarily to the outside.

They consider the concept of "roles", which map to the different set types. This is used for the purpose of more abstractly separating (and keeping separate) of sets.

An important quote that also applies to our own system:

Note that although they are similar, aliasing mode checking and type checking are completely orthogonal. An expression’s aliasing mode correctness implies nothing about its type correctness, and vice versa.

The aliasing mode system comprises the following modes: arg, rep, free, var, and val.

These modes are/work as follows:

arg: The state visible externally.

only provide access to the immutable interface of the objects to which they refer. There are no restrictions upon the transfer or use of arg expressions around a program

rep: The state invisible externally.

Can change and be changed, can be stored and retrieved from internal containers but can never be exported from the object to which they belong

free: Objects with a reference count of exactly 1 (such as recently created objects).

var: "provides a loophole for auxiliary objects which provide weaker aliasing guarantees" Works like the default semantics of non-alias checking languages except for the assignment compatibility constraints.

a mutable object which may be aliased. Expressions with mode var may be changed freely, may change asynchronously, and can be passed into or returned from messages sent to objects

val: Value types. The following is because their value types are truly immutable rather than COW:

has the same semantics as the arg mode, however, we have introduced a separate val mode so that explicit arg roles are not required for value types

Arg and Rep modes can be further tagged with Roles to ensure that two object of the same mode but designed for different purposes cannot intermingle.

None of these modes are assignment compatible except for free which can be used for any of the others.

They note that depending on the overall API of an object, it may or may not be aliased in different ways.

For example, if an object uses only modes arg, free, and val, it will be a “clean” immutable object, that is, it will implement a referentially transparent value type. If all of an object’s method’s parameters and return values (except the implicit self parameter) are restricted to arg, free, or val, the object will be an alias-protected container with flexible alias protection, and if in addition it has no variables of arg mode, the object will provide full alias encapsulation.

All in all, this is an interesting system, but one that is designed around different and incompatible restraints from our own. This can potentially be mimicked via something like considering pure contexts rather than pure functions, but that doesn't allow for the solutions to other language requirements.

Gradual Ownership Types (By Ilya Sergey and Dave Clarke)

The overall goal of this paper is to explain a system by which ownership annotations can incrementally be added to a system, similarly to how an untyped program can have types added to it incrementally.

They focus primarily on the situations involving nested ownership, which results in being less applicable to our usecase. Further, their goals are mostly related to proving soundness of the overall system. They spend the vast majority of the paper laying out the precise proofs and mathematical properties of the system, which has less obvious applications to us. It might be useful to have someone with a better theoretical background take a look at this.

An object-oriented effects system (By Greenhouse and Boyland)

The overall goal of this paper is to describe a system by which two method calls can ensure that neither mutates state available to the other, allowing things like better interleaving. This is an obvious corollary with our goals in doing ownership tracking to ensure sound purity enforcement.

They define "regions", which can be thought of as similar to namespaces except that they are defined within classes and their contents can be one or more properties. When defining a property, the region they are within is specified. Lack of specification implies the Instance region, which lives inside the global All region. They also include the concept of static regions containing static members (and doesn't live inside the Instance region). Following this, methods specify which regions (if any) they act (read and/or write) on. The typechecker guarantees both that these are true statements locally and that they are transitively true. Overall, this is effectively another layer of private/public/protected specifiers that typically exist for more fine control over encapsulation layers.

They additionally allow for members to be marked as unshared, stating that referring to the object requires going through that member, as well as unique on parameters and return values, allowing for ensuring that those objects have a ref-count of 1. Unshared is entirely used for the purpose of promising that internals are not shared. They note that Unique and newly created objects don't require effects tracking due to their linearity.

All in all, this system is powerful and fascinating, but doesn't handle issues arising from dealing with the relative capabilities of non-members (such as parameters) in a way that is ergonomic.

I can certainly see such a system being generally beneficial for the purpose of encapsulation of different concepts described within members of a class, but for the purpose of generalized ownership/uniqueness (and the benefits it yields), this doesn't satisfy our constraints.

Capabilities for uniqueness and borrowing (By Haller and Odersky)

Kilim: Isolation-typed actors for java (By Srinivasan and Mycroft)

Uniqueness and reference immutability for safe parallelism (By Gordon, Parkinson, Parsons, Bromfield, and Duffy)

Copying, sharing, and aliasing (By Grogono and Chalin)

Unresolved Questions

Do we want to elide own in return statements as described above or we rather it be explicit? e.g. in a function that is marked as returning owned, do we have return own new Foo() or return new Foo()? Note this also applies if instead of new Foo() we were invoking another function that returning an owned value.

For the initial rollout, should we only allow usage of this feature in the presence of cases that require the feature (i.e. const classes, disposables, and Pure/Rx)? This would ensure a tighter rollout that wouldn't affect quite as many developers.

Would we want something like class-level where clauses to mark that all methods on a class required, for example, borrowed $this?

Is own $f = new Foo(); a viable alternative for creating a newly owned value? The major problems are for things like this: function foo(own Foo $f): void { } foo(own new Foo()); We could potentially elide own on constructed objects being passed directly to things requiring an owned/borrowed/etc object. However, this doesn't work quite well for functions that return owned values.

Should we require specifically that params etc with ownership notations have types (in the runtime)?

Should we require (in hack) that the types of params etc with ownership notations be a class or interface? (this would be changed if we want to track value types) Should we ban using ownership notations with mixed, dynamic, unbounded generics, etc?

The general question of naming

Suggestion: rename "Borrowed" to "Uniquely Borrowed", or "Unaliased"

Suggestion: rename "UnKnowed" to "Shared" as it's similar to C++ use cases for shared_ptr.

Suggestion: rename "MaybeOwned" to "Restricted".

function foo(restricted Foo $f): void {}
public restricted function foo(): void {}

From the user perspective, it is nonobvious what restricted means here. Further, we can imagine that restricted is a bit too vague considering potential restrictions other than ownership.

Suggestion: rename "UnOwned" to '' or '&'. MaybeOwned feels similar in concept to a polymorphic type/generic, and it works out to being roughly the same as a "top" type. The problem for this is similar to the above reasoning for restricted. Without context, it's unclear what this refers to.

Suggestion: rename "Unowned" to "NonLinear". Looking at the hierarchy, it's clearly not linear and "MaybeOwned" behaves like a wildcard type. Then we have the following taxonomy: Linear: Borrowed, Owned Nonlinear: Unowned->NonLinear Either (exclusive): MaybeOwned

Should we generally re-describe this from ownership to uniqueness? Something like Old -> New, Keyword Owned -> uniq, uniq Borrowed -> uniq ref, uniq& / &uniq MaybeOwned -> maybe uniq ref, uniq?& / ?uniq& / ?&uniq etc unowned -> nonuniq ref, still no keyword with the state-changing operations being move, uniq, and share. The new version of MaybeOwned feels a bit soupy. Maybe just ?uniq or uniq??

Suggestion: unowned -> Shared, Owned -> Uniq, MaybeOwned -> MaybeUniq, Borrowed -> Borrowed

Suggestion: MaybeOwned -> top/mixedref?

Future possibilities

Mostly discussed in the interaction section above.

We may want to allow lambdas to close over owned/borrowed values as long as they are specially marked and themselves treated as borrowed values.

function foobar(vec<int> $v): vec<int> {
  $f = own new Foo();
  return Vec\filter($v, borrowed ($i) ==> $i < $f->num);

Potentially relax some restrictions on using borrowed/owned values multiple times in the same statement if/when we can prove soundness.

Could we have some way of marking an arbitrary class/hierarchy as required to always be linear? Useful for things like disposables but also generators, where trying to iterate them more than once goes badly. Maybe promote to keyword later?

Should we have an annotation to generally opt-in whole functions to the stricter tracking for those who want to utilize the stricter system? This would probably utilize the coeffects system to enforce transitivity

Hack Native has specifically requested we don't close the door on the possibility of utilizing this system to globally track Arrays and strings in order to avoid the need for refcounting them. The major blocker for this is that for that to work, those types would need to never be unowned, which would result in a huge usability degradation.

Deeper Tracking

We could potentially allow properties of objects to be tracked as well. This area has not been too deeply explored due to our lack of obvious need for it. However, were we to add this, here are some considerations:

Some options:

  1. We'd have to do something special when you disown the containing object such as recursively disowning any properties.
  2. Ban disowning such objects (linear forever)
  3. When disowning objects, if they have any props marked as containing owned, assert they're null or throw. That would work in the runtime but it would be difficult for the typechecker to enforce (since it would have to keep track of if every owned prop is null or not).

Note that we'd have to extend the "passing multiple refs" rule to include referencing a prop and the outer object at the same time.


There are a handful of questions that don't fit in the above HIP, but were themes among feedback received.

Q Should we consider making the unowned -> borrowed conversion opt-in via an <<__AllowUnowned>> attribute on the function decl header? This makes the system strict unless explicitly opted out.

A This makes the system more complicated and is probably the wrong default.

Q Do we need a __Soft equivalent?

A Since unowned can flow into most things, a __Soft doesn't buy much.

Q HHVM can produce optimizations based on the guarantees described below when utilizing these features. Can I break these guarantees with HH_FIXME, typeholes, or abusing erased generics? If so, what happens?

A No. While we're likely to require types while using this feature, the assertions made here are fully enforced by the runtime. The ownership concept is fully reified regardless of the static types themselves.

Q what guarantees are we trying to provide via ownership system, and specifically the "borrowed" state? More specifically, how does this apply when mixing normal objects and disposables?

A A combination of strong and weak lifetime guarantees. The important piece is that these objects don't get mixed. Const classes and disposables are perma-opted-in to stricter tracking, so they get "strong" lifetime guarantees. Further, anything in the owned state has a strong guarantee. The only weak guarantee comes into play with the borrowed state, since that can actually be nonlinear, but the guarantee there is from that point on it will stay linear.

Q can own be implied by new or is the own keyword just there for clarity?

A no. Not all created objects are tracked and owned. Many objects are never logically owned.

Q why $f = own new Foo(); instead of own $f = new Foo();?

A The problem comes into play for things like this:

function foo(own Foo $f): void { }
foo(own new Foo());

For runtime enforcement, we need to correctly forward ownedness across function boundaries. This may be possible in the case of an explicit new, but becomes even more complicated in the presence of functions returning owned

Q Can you disown a value received from a function invocation? Would there be any advantage to doing something like that rather than let it implicitly become unowned?

A You cannot, and at present there isn't an advantage.

Q Will most code need to use these annotations?

A We generally expect the majority of code not to need to deal with ownership at all.

Q Why would a developer want to use this feature? What patterns should they look for in their code that will make them want to track ownership?

A We don't expect most developers to want to generally opt in their codebase. We give most of the "worry free" parallelism rust gives by using an asynchronous model rather a true parallel one. There will likely be rare cases where users want to maintain linearity for the lifetime of an object, in which case this can be used to give them type-and-runtime level guarantees. The most likely scenario for use will be very hot code that uses these annotations to tell the runtime that it may safely elide reference counts and do other optimizations.

Q Would the design be different if we had types in compilation? What would be different? Would it require fewer annotations to the code?

A Types in compilation enable a handful of more powerful features such as more deep tracking. However, as with typing, we would still need the declarations to contain the developer intent. It is possible that some of the function-local restrictions such as single-flavour-per-local could be relaxed. It is also possible that more inference about the function-local state of objects could be inferred rather than requiring explicit owning and disowning. See below about lambdas.

Q Same question as previous but with just declaration level information

A Declarations in compilation unfortunately do not yield much useful information for this feature. We could be smarter about handling named top-level functions, but that doesn't buy us much.

Q How should I think about this ownership system. It isn't a type right? So it wouldn't make sense to write say type OwnedC = owned C? How about vec<owned C>?

A ownership is conceptually a parallel concept to typing in most cases. Ownership is an attribute of an object the same way the type is, but ownership state isn't a type. It's possible we could implement aliases, but because we rely strongly on compile-time guarantees for efficiency, that has not been investigated for the first iteration of this feature. vec<owned C> doesn't make sense because we only have shallow ownership tracking. If we some day allow for deep tracking, we will likely revisit this.

Q How will this interact with lambdas? Will ownership annotations need to be placed on parameters? Can they be inferred?

A Ownership annotations will be required. From the perspective of this feature, they are equivalent to any other function declaration. Types in compilation may allow us to avoid this requirement.

Q How does this relate to projects like Co-Effects?

A This is mostly orthogonal to Co-effects. There will likely be some co-effects that add/remove capabilities based on ownership state (such as mutability in pure code), but otherwise one does not depend on the other. Co-effects are about function-level contexts and ownership tracking is object/instance/variable specific.