GOTCHA: Please keep swagger
DSL out of version
def deps do
[ {:maru_swagger, github: "elixir-maru/maru_swagger"} ]
defmodule Router do
version "v1"
defmodule API do
use Maru.Router
use MaruSwagger
plug Plug.Logger
swagger at: "/swagger", # (required) the mount point for the URL
pretty: true, # (optional) should JSON be pretty-printed?
only: [:dev], # (optional) the environments swagger works
except: [:prod], # (optional) the environments swagger NOT works
force_json: true, # (optional) force JSON for all params instead of formData
swagger_inject: [ # (optional) this will be directly injected into the root Swagger JSON
host: "",
basePath: "/api",
schemes: [ "http" ],
consumes: [ "application/json" ],
produces: [
mount Router
and then you can get json response from curl
open Swagger Petstore in your borwser and fill in
and enjoy maru_swagger.