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GitHub Actions workflow stats

✨ A GitHub CLI extension to calculate the success rate and execution time of workflows and jobs.


  • Calculate the success rate and execution time of workflow runs
    • Average, median, minimum, and maximum execution time of successful runs
    • Detailed each runs
      • Fetch the workflow runs and workflow runs attempts
      • Run ID, Actor, Started At, Duration(seconds), HTML URL
    • rate of success, failure, and others outcomes
  • Calculate the success rate and execution time of workflow job steps
    • Average, median, minimum, and maximum execution time of successful jobs
    • Detailed each jobs
      • rate of success, failure, and others outcomes for each step
      • Detailed each steps
        • Step name, Step number, Runs count, Conclusion, Rate, Execution duration, Failure HTML URL
    • Most failed steps
    • Most time-consuming steps
  • This tool can use composite action and reusable workflow.


You can install it using the gh cli extension.

gh extensions install fchimpan/gh-workflow-stats

Quick Start

If you want to get the success rate and execution time of a workflow:

$ gh workflow-stats -o $OWNER -r $REPO -f ci.yaml

If you want to get the success rate and execution time of a workflow job in JSON format:

$ gh workflow-stats jobs -o $OWNER -r $REPO -f ci.yaml --json


$ gh workflow-stats -h
Get workflow runs stats. Retrieve the success rate and execution time of workflows.

  workflow-stats [flags]
  workflow-stats [command]

$ gh workflow-stats --org $OWNER --repo $REPO -f ci.yaml

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  jobs        Fetch workflow jobs stats. Retrieve the steps and jobs success rate.

  -a, --actor string            Workflow run actor
  -A, --all                     Target all workflows in the repository. If specified, default fetches of 100 workflow runs is overridden to all workflow runs. Note the GitHub API rate limit.
  -b, --branch string           Workflow run branch. Returns workflow runs associated with a branch. Use the name of the branch of the push.
  -C, --check-suite-id int      Workflow run check suite ID
  -c, --created string          Workflow run createdAt. Returns workflow runs created within the given date-time range.
                                 For more information on the syntax, see
  -e, --event string            Workflow run event. e.g. push, pull_request, pull_request_target, etc.
  -x, --exclude-pull-requests   Workflow run exclude pull requests
  -f, --file string             The name of the workflow file. e.g. ci.yaml. You can also pass the workflow id as a integer.
  -S, --head-sha string         Workflow run head SHA
  -h, --help                    help for workflow-stats
  -H, --host string             GitHub host. If not specified, default is If you want to use GitHub Enterprise Server, specify your GitHub Enterprise Server host. (default "")
  -i, --id int                  The ID of the workflow. You can also pass the workflow file name as a string. (default -1)
      --json                    Output as JSON
  -o, --org string              GitHub organization
  -r, --repo string             GitHub repository
  -s, --status string           Workflow run status. e.g. completed, in_progress, queued, etc.

Use "workflow-stats [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Fetch workflow ID

For the --id flag, you can list the workflow IDs with the standard gh CLI: gh workflow list, e.g.:

NAME                             STATE   ID
AAAA                             active  123456
BBBB                             active  543112

Fetch all workflow runs

By default, workflow-stats and workflow-stats jobs commands will return 100 workflow runs. If you want to get all workflow runs, you can use the --all flag. However, GitHub API has a rate limit, so please combine other parameters as appropriate to reduce the number of API requests.

# Get executed at 2022-01-01 or later and actor is $ACTOR
$ gh workflow-stats -o $OWNER -r $REPO -f ci.yaml -A -c ">2024-01-01" -a $ACTOR

More details on API rate limits can be found in the GitHub API documentation.

GitHub Enterprise Server

If you want to use GitHub Enterprise Server, you can use the --host flag or set the GH_HOST environment variable. Host name is http(s)://[your-github-host]/api/v3/

$ export GH_HOST="your-github-host"
$ gh workflow-stats -o $OWNER -r $REPO -f ci.yaml
# or
$ gh workflow-stats -o $OWNER -r $REPO -f ci.yaml --host="your-github-host"

How it works

This tool retrieves workflow execution statistics using the GitHub API. For more details on the parameters, please refer to the GitHub API reference.

Rate Limiting

GitHub imposes a primary rate limit and a secondary rate limit on all API clients.

When you reach the primary rate limit, results are calculated based on successful fetches. In the secondary rate limit, this tool handles requests in a round-tripper to avoid the rate limit. Therefore, the execution time may be longer.

Standard Output

Sample output

🏃 Total runs

Total runs is the total number of workflow runs that status is completed. It includes success, failure, and others outcomes. Others outcomes include cancelled, skipped, etc.

Total runs includes the results of attempts other than the latest. This means that for a workflow that succeeds on the third attempt, the results of the first and second workflow executions are also included in the calculation.

⏰ Workflow run execution time stats

Workflow run execution time stats is the average execution time of workflows with success conclusion and completed status.

📈 Top 3 jobs with the highest failure counts (failure runs / total runs)

Top 3 jobs with the highest failure counts is the top 3 jobs with the highest failure counts. It is not failure rate. Instead of using the success rate, the tool displays jobs based on the number of failures, as jobs with fewer executions but a high failure rate would otherwise be ranked higher.

The number of jobs displayed can be changed with a command-line argument -n.

📊 Top 3 jobs with the longest execution average duration

Top 3 jobs with the longest execution average duration is the top 3 jobs with the longest execution average duration.

The number of jobs displayed can be changed with a command-line argument -n.

JSON Schema Overview

If you use --json flag, the output will be a JSON object with the following structure. You can see sample output in json-output.json.

Workflow runs

Field Name Type Description
workflow_runs_stats_summary Object An object containing a summary of statistics for workflow runs.
workflow_jobs_stats_summary Array of objects An array containing the summary statistics for workflow jobs.

workflow_runs_stats_summary Object

Field Name Type Description
total_runs_count Integer The total number of workflow runs.
name String The name of the workflow.
rate Object An object containing rates of success, failure, and other outcomes.
execution_duration_stats Object An object containing statistics on execution durations.
conclusions Object An object containing detailed information for each conclusion type.
rate Object
Field Name Type Description
success_rate Float The rate of success executions.
failure_rate Float The rate of failed executions.
others_rate Float The rate of others outcomes. e.g., cancelled, skipped, etc.
execution_duration_stats Object

execution_duration_stats is the average execution time of workflows with success conclusion and completed status. In post steps, the execution time may be incorrect because GitHub API does not provide the duration of the workflow run.

Field Name Type Description
min Float Minimum execution time in seconds.
max Float Maximum execution time in seconds.
avg Float Average execution time in seconds.
med Float Median execution time in seconds.
std Float Standard deviation of execution times.
conclusions Object
Key Description
failure Statistics for executions concluded as failure.
others Statistics for executions that do not fit into the typical success/failure categories. e.g cancelled, skipped, etc. More details in GitHub API documentation.
success Statistics for executions concluded as success.
Conclusion Objects (failure, others, success)
Field Name Type Description
runs_count Integer The number of runs with this conclusion.
workflow_runs Array An array of objects detailing each run.
workflow_runs Objects
Field Name Type Description
id Integer The ID of the run.
status String The status of the run (e.g., completed, queued).
conclusion String The conclusion of the run (e.g., success, failure).
actor String The actor who initiated the run.
run_attempt Integer The attempt number of the run.
html_url String The HTML URL to the run on GitHub.
jobs_url String The URL to the jobs of the run.
logs_url String The URL to the logs of the run.
run_started_at DateTime The start time of the run.
duration Integer The duration of the run in seconds. Duration defined as RunUpdatedAt - RunStartedAt. Note: GitHub API is not provide duration. Thus, this may be not correct.

Workflow Jobs Object

Each object in the workflow_jobs_stats_summary array contains the following fields:

Field Name Type Description
name String The name of the workflow job.
total_runs_count Integer The total number of runs for this job.
rate Object An object containing the rates of success, failure, and others.
conclusions Object An object containing the count of runs concluded as failure, success or others.
execution_duration_stats Object An object with statistics about the execution duration. Duration defined as GetStartedAt - CompletedAt. Note: GitHub API is not provide duration. Thus, this may be not correct.
steps_summary Array of objects An array with summary statistics for each step of the job.

Steps Summary Object

Each object in the steps_summary array includes:

Field Name Type Description
name String The name of the step.
number Integer The step number in the job's sequence.
runs_count Integer The number of times this step was run.
conclusion Object An object containing the count of success, failure and others.
rate Object An object containing the success rate, failure rate, and others rate for the step.
execution_duration_stats Object An object with statistics about the execution duration for the step. Duration defined as GetStartedAt - CompletedAt. Note: GitHub API is not provide duration. Thus, this may be not correct.
failure_html_url Array An array of URLs to logs of the failed runs, if any.

Conclusion Object for Step

Key Description
failure Statistics for executions concluded as failure.
others Statistics for executions that do not fit into the typical success/failure categories. e.g cancelled, skipped, etc.
success Statistics for executions concluded as success.

Sample JSON Output

Sample output

"workflow_runs_stats_summary": {
  "total_runs_count": 100,
  "name": "Tests",
  "rate": {
    "success_rate": 0.79,
    "failure_rate": 0.14,
    "others_rate": 0.06999999999999995
  "execution_duration_stats": {
    "min": 365,
    "max": 1080,
    "avg": 505.54430379746833,
    "med": 464,
    "std": 120.8452088122228
  "conclusions": {
    "failure": {
      "runs_count": 14,
      "workflow_runs": [
          "id": 8178615249,
          "status": "completed",
          "conclusion": "failure",
          "actor": "XXX",
          "run_attempt": 1,
          "html_url": "",
          "run_started_at": "2024-03-06T20:53:43Z",
          "duration": 0
"workflow_jobs_stats_summary": [
    "name": "build (ubuntu-latest)",
    "total_runs_count": 93,
    "rate": {
      "success_rate": 0.8494623655913979,
      "failure_rate": 0.15053763440860216,
      "others_rate": 0
    "conclusions": {
      "failure": 14,
      "success": 79
    "execution_duration_stats": {
      "min": 166,
      "max": 225,
      "avg": 185.2405063291139,
      "med": 178,
      "std": 15.9367541045597
    "steps_summary": [
        "name": "Set up job",
        "number": 1,
        "runs_count": 93,
        "conclusion": {
          "success": 93
        "rate": {
          "success_rate": 1,
          "failure_rate": 0,
          "others_rate": 0
        "execution_duration_stats": {
          "min": 0,
          "max": 3,
          "avg": 1.3225806451612903,
          "med": 1,
          "std": 0.6584649846191345
        "failure_html_url": []