diff --git a/content/systems/filecoin_markets/onchain_storage_market/storage_deal_flow.md b/content/systems/filecoin_markets/onchain_storage_market/storage_deal_flow.md index 738a53604..d9e504133 100644 --- a/content/systems/filecoin_markets/onchain_storage_market/storage_deal_flow.md +++ b/content/systems/filecoin_markets/onchain_storage_market/storage_deal_flow.md @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ dashboardTests: 0 ## Sector Termination -12. Termination of a sector can be triggered in two ways. One when sector remains faulty for 14 consecutive days and the other when a miner initiates a termination by calling `TerminateSectors`. In both cases, a `TerminationFee` is penalized, which is in principle equivalent to how much the sector has earned so far. Miners are also penalized for the `DealCollateral` that the sector contains and remaining `DealPayment` will be returned to clients. +12. Termination of a sector can be triggered in two ways. One when sector remains faulty for 42 consecutive days and the other when a miner initiates a termination by calling `TerminateSectors`. In both cases, a `TerminationFee` is penalized, which is in principle equivalent to how much the sector has earned so far. Miners are also penalized for the `DealCollateral` that the sector contains and remaining `DealPayment` will be returned to clients. ## Deal Payment and slashing diff --git a/content/systems/filecoin_mining/sector/lifecycle.md b/content/systems/filecoin_mining/sector/lifecycle.md index b8400cbb4..2f056bfcb 100644 --- a/content/systems/filecoin_mining/sector/lifecycle.md +++ b/content/systems/filecoin_mining/sector/lifecycle.md @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ It is reasonable to assume that miners enter the network by adding Committed Cap All sectors are expected to remain live until the end of their sector lifetime and early dropping of sectors will result in slashing. This is done to provide clients a certain level of guarantee on the reliability of their hosted data. Sector termination can comes with a corresponding _termination fee_. -As with every system it is expected that sectors will present faults. Although this might degrade the quality offered by the network, the reaction of the miner to the fault drives system decisions on whether or not the miner should be penalized. A miner can recover the faulty sector, let the system terminate the sector automatically after 14 days of faults, or proactively terminate the sector immediately in the case of unrecoverable data loss. In case of a faulty sector, a small penalty fee approximately equal to the block reward that the sector would win per day is applied. The fee is calculated per day of the sector being unavailable to the network, i.e. until the sector is recovered or terminated. +As with every system it is expected that sectors will present faults. Although this might degrade the quality offered by the network, the reaction of the miner to the fault drives system decisions on whether or not the miner should be penalized. A miner can recover the faulty sector, let the system terminate the sector automatically after 42 days of faults, or proactively terminate the sector immediately in the case of unrecoverable data loss. In case of a faulty sector, a small penalty fee approximately equal to the block reward that the sector would win per day is applied. The fee is calculated per day of the sector being unavailable to the network, i.e. until the sector is recovered or terminated. Miners can extend the lifetime of a sector at any time, though the sector will be expected to remain live until it has reached the end of the new sector lifetime. This can be done by submitting a `ExtendedSectorExpiration` message to the chain. @@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ A sector can be in one of the following states. | `Active` | Miner generate valid PoSt proofs and timely submits `miner.SubmitWindowedPoSt` | | `Faulty` | Miner fails to generate a proof (see Fault section) | | `Recovering` | Miner declared a faulty sector via `miner.DeclareFaultRecovered` | -| `Terminated` | Either sector is expired, or early terminated by a miner via `miner.TerminateSectors`, or was failed to be proven for 14 consecutive proving periods. | +| `Terminated` | Either sector is expired, or early terminated by a miner via `miner.TerminateSectors`, or was failed to be proven for 42 consecutive proving periods. | diff --git a/content/systems/filecoin_mining/sector/sector-faults.md b/content/systems/filecoin_mining/sector/sector-faults.md index d7e4d01a9..9372b735e 100644 --- a/content/systems/filecoin_mining/sector/sector-faults.md +++ b/content/systems/filecoin_mining/sector/sector-faults.md @@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ dashboardTests: 0 It is very important for storage providers to have a strong incentive to both report the failure to the chain and attempt recovery from the fault in order to uphold the storage guarantee for the networkʼs clients. Without this incentive, it is impossible to distinguish an honest minerʼs hardware failure from malicious behavior, which is necessary to treat miners fairly. The size of the fault fees depend on the severity of the failure and the rewards that the miner is expected to earn from the sector to make sure incentives are aligned. The two types of sector storage fault fees are: -- **Sector fault fee:** This fee is paid per sector per day while the sector is in a faulty state. This fee is not paid the first day the system detects the fault allowing a one day grace period for recovery without fee. The size of the sector fault fee is slightly more than the amount the sector is expected to earn per day in block rewards. If a sector remains faulty for more than 14 consecutive days, the sector will pay a termination fee and be _removed from the chain state_. As storage miner reliability increases above a reasonable threshold, the risk posed by these fees decreases rapidly. +- **Sector fault fee:** This fee is paid per sector per day while the sector is in a faulty state. This fee is not paid the first day the system detects the fault allowing a one day grace period for recovery without fee. The size of the sector fault fee is slightly more than the amount the sector is expected to earn per day in block rewards. If a sector remains faulty for more than 42 consecutive days, the sector will pay a termination fee and be _removed from the chain state_. As storage miner reliability increases above a reasonable threshold, the risk posed by these fees decreases rapidly. - **Sector termination fee:** A sector can be terminated before its expiration through automatic faults or miner decisions. A termination fee is charged that is, in principle, equivalent to how much a sector has earned so far, up to a limit in order to avoid discouraging long sector lifetimes. In an active termination, the miner decides to stop mining and they pay a fee to leave. In a fault termination, a sector is in a faulty state for too long, and the chain terminates the deal, returns unpaid deal fees to the client and penalizes the miner. Termination fee is currently capped at 90 days worth of block reward that a sector will earn. Miners are responsible for deciding to comply with local regulations, and may sometimes need to accept a termination fee for complying with content laws. Many of the concepts and parameters above make use of the notion of “how much a sector would have earned in a day” in order to understand and align incentives for participants. This concept is robustly tracked and extrapolated on chain. diff --git a/content/systems/filecoin_mining/sector/sector-recovery.md b/content/systems/filecoin_mining/sector/sector-recovery.md index be16d952f..3ed0fc99b 100644 --- a/content/systems/filecoin_mining/sector/sector-recovery.md +++ b/content/systems/filecoin_mining/sector/sector-recovery.md @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ dashboardTests: 0 Miners should try to recover faulty sectors in order to avoid paying the penalty, which is approximately equal to the block reward that the miner would receive from that sector. After fixing technical issues, the miner should call `RecoveryDeclaration` and produce the WindowPoSt challenge in order to regain the power from that sector. -Note that if a sector is in a faulty state for 14 consecutive days it will be terminated and the miner will receive a penalty. The miner can terminate the sector themselves by calling `TerminationDeclaration`, if they know that they cannot recover it, in which case they will receive a smaller penalty fee. +Note that if a sector is in a faulty state for 42 consecutive days it will be terminated and the miner will receive a penalty. The miner can terminate the sector themselves by calling `TerminationDeclaration`, if they know that they cannot recover it, in which case they will receive a smaller penalty fee. Both the `RecoveryDeclaration` and the `TerminationDeclaration` can be found in the [miner actor implementation](https://github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/blob/master/actors/builtin/miner/miner_actor.go).