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FINAP service catalog API

FINAP backend exposes to 3rd party developers the same query interface as the application uses. The interface can be used without authentication. Query interface returns 3rd party interfaces with their own licenses under external-interface-links[].external-interface.license.

NAP is an open source project. See more about the licenses that are involved:

Service search

The service search API is used for fetching information about published transport services. Search returns basic information about the operator and the service that can be used to fetch more information about the service.

Service search is available at

Example call with curl tool to fetch all taxi services:

$ curl ""


The query is a GET request and all the search filters are given as query parameters.

Name Description Example
text Free text search term (searches the name of the service) bus
operation_area Comma separated list, matches services that have any of the listed areas as their operation area Oulu,Kempele
sub_types Comma separated list, matches services of the listed type (see service types) terminal,taxi
operators List of operator ids (see operator search), matches any service created by the given operators 4,8,15,16,23,42
limit Max number of results to return 25
offset Where to start returning results (for paging) 0
response_format Output format (defaults to transit) json

All parameters are optional. If no parameters are specified the search will return the latest services. The default output format is Transit but can be changed to JSON with the response_format query parameter.

Service types

There are 7 service types (4 main types with 4 sub types for passenger transportation). All the types are represented in the "sub_types" parameter list.

Valid values are

Value Description
taxi Taxi service (road traffic)
request Charter traffic and other equest based
schedule Regular scheduled traffic
terminal Stations, ports and other terminals
rentals Vehicle rentals and commercial shared vehicle solutions
parking General commercial parking services

Response values

The following shows an example of the response in the JSON format:

  "empty-filters?": false,
  "total-service-count": 123,
  "results": [
      "transport-operator-id": 1,
      "type": "terminal",
      "operator-name": "Some operator, Inc",
      "name": "The bus stop",
      "sub-type": "terminal",
      "id": 2,
        {"lang":"FI","text":"Bussipysäkki keskellä suomea"}, 
        {"lang":"EN","text":"Bus stop in the middle of nowhere"}],
               {"lang":"FI","text":"Matkahinnat, toimialue, aukioloajat, tilaustavat: url"},
               {"lang":"EN","text":"See more info from: url"}]},
             "url-ote-netex": "",
    ... more results ...
  "filter-service-count": 10

The response is an object containing some information about the search (like total and filtered service counts) and a results array. The results key has an array of the returned services. Each service is an object with the service's information like name, type, contact-address and operator. More information may be added to the results in the future.

GeoJSON export

All services also have their own GeoJSON export, which contains more information about the service. The URL for the GeoJSON can be formed with the transport-operator-id and id fields in the service-search API response result objects.

The format is:<transport-operator-id>/<id>

Substitute <transport-operator-id> and <id> using values from the JSON result.

Please note that "external-interface" links obtained from exported NAP GeoJSON service descriptions do not always lead directly to the actual machine-readable data or API. Sometimes the link can lead to a human-readable web page containing information about how to access the data or API. When assuming that the external-interface link is a direct link to the external data or API, errors can occur in your application.

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency assumes no responsibility for the correctness of the transport service information obtained by using the FINAP Service Catalog API. If you encounter errors other than technical problems with service search API or the format of responses, please contact the service provider in question.

GeoJSON schema

The up to date json-schema of the GeoJSON is always available at The schema does not define the GeoJSON structures of the geometries, as those are in the GeoJSON specification. The schema contains the all the properties (and their values, like enums) of the different transport-service types.

Example GeoJSON output

The following is a simple output example output for a terminal service. Different service types have different values in the properties.

All GeoJSON exports have a single feature, with a geometry. The properties will contain keys transport-operator and transport-service for information about the operator company and the service itself respectively.

Geometry may be any type of geographical area, including a specific point or even a whole country depending on the service operation area.

Human readable text information is represented as an array of objects where each object contains keys lang and text. The lang key is the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code (like "FI") and the text is the text in that language. Multiple languages may be present in a service.

{"type": "FeatureCollection",
 "features": [
   {"type": "Feature",
    "properties": {
       "transport-operator": {
         "business-id": "1234567-8",
         "name": "Some operator, Inc",
         "homepage": ""
       "transport-service": {
         "sub-type": "terminal",
         "ckan-resource-id": "b066e94b-48a2-4ace-b20b-052e70d7faff",
         "ckan-dataset-id": "f81df018-2a6b-47b1-acb3-a5c75461fbbd",
         "terminal": {
           "information-service-accessibility": [
           "accessibility-tool": [],
           "assistance": {
             "notification-requirements": {},
             "description": [],
             "assistance-place-description": []
           "services": [],
           "accessibility-description": [],
           "accessibility": [
           "service-hours-info": [],
           "service-exceptions": [],
           "service-hours": [
               "week-days": ["MON","TUE","WED","THU","FRI","SAT","SUN"],
               "from": {
                 "hours": 0,
                 "minutes": 0,
                 "seconds": 0
               "to": {
                 "hours": 24,
                 "minutes": 0,
                 "seconds": 0
               "description": [],
               "all-day": true
           "indoor-map": {
             "description": []
         "description": [{"lang": "FI", "text": "This is a bus stop. Buses from here go somewhere."}],
         "brokerage?": false,
         "external-interfaces": null,
         "contact-address": {
           "street": "Somestreet 6",
           "postal_code": "12345",
           "post_office": "Someplace"
         "name": "Bus stop to somewhere",
         "type": "terminal",
         "transport-operator-id": 1
     "geometry": {
       "type": "MultiPoint",
       "coordinates": [[25.654342, 65.070461]]

Operator completions

Service search allows filtering based on the transport operator id. The operator completions service can be used to fetch the ids of operators based on a name match.

Operator completions is available at:<term>?response_format=json Substiture <term> with the name (or part of the name) of the operator you want to search for.

Example operator completions response

The operator completions will return an array of results and each result will contain a name and id key.

    "name": "Some operator, Inc",
    "id": 1


NeTEx is a CEN Technical Standard for exchanging Public Transport schedules and related data.

Service converts GTFS and packages to NeTEx. Make query using service search api and search external-interface-links - external-interface object. NeTEx data can be downloaded from url that has is in "NeTEx" format.