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File metadata and controls

246 lines (199 loc) · 8.49 KB


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This module adds support for PHP 5.3+ (including PHP7).

  • ctags-based code completion (company-php and phpctags)
  • eldoc support (ac-php and php-extras)
  • REPL (php-boris)
  • Code refactoring commands (php-refactor-mode)
  • Unit-test commands (phpunit)
  • Support for laravel and composer projects (with project-specific snippets)
  • Shortcuts for composer commands
  • File templates
  • Snippets

PHP was the first programming language I got paid to code in, back in the Cretaceous period (2003). My sincerest apologies go out to all the programmers who inherited my earliest PHP work. I know you’re out there, writhing in your straitjackets.

Save a programmer today. Stop a friend from choosing PHP as their first language.


This module has no dedicated maintainers.

Module Flags

  • +hack Add support for the Hack dialect of PHP by Facebook.
  • +lsp Enable LSP support through phpactor or intelephense. Requires the :tools lsp module and the phpactor server to be installed on your system.




To get started with PHP, you’ll need php (5.3+) and composer.

Note for +lsp:

  1. In order to make full use of phpactor server, php (7.3+) is recommended.
  2. If you use intelephense, node and npm are needed.


PHP 5.5 comes prepackaged with newer versions of MacOS. These instructions are provided for reference:

brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php
brew install php71  # or php53, php54, php55
brew install composer

# If you use intelephense:
brew install node
brew install npm

Arch Linux

sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S php composer  # or php53, php54, php55

# If you use intelephense:
sudo pacman -S nodejs npm


sudo zypper install php-composer

# If you use intelephense:
sudo zypper install nodejs npm


This module has no required dependencies, but it has a couple optional ones.

  • boris (REPL)
  • phpctags (better code completion)
  • phpunit (unit test commands)
  • php-cs-fixer and @prettier/plugin-php (for code formatting)
  • phpactor (for LSP if intelephense isn’t desired)
composer global require \
    d11wtq/boris \
    phpunit/phpunit \
    techlivezheng/phpctags \
    friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer \

# Needed by php-cs-fixer, otherwise you'll get "Couldn't resolve parser
# 'php'" errors
npm install -g @prettier/plugin-php

You must ensure that ~~/.composer/vendor/bin~ is in PATH, so these executables are visible to Emacs:

# place this in your profile file, like ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshenv
export PATH="~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"

You may also need to regenerate your envvar file by running doom env on the command line.

NOTE phpactor doesn’t have to be installed via composer, just has to exist in your $PATH.


LSP Support

There are a number of currently supported LSP servers:

Intelephense is currently the only server that supports automatic installation, which will trigger either when you open a PHP project or manually invoke lsp-install-server through M-x.

The others have to be installed manually and added to your $PATH.


This module provides an interface to PHPUnit through a number of commands as detailed below. By default, it loads configuration from the root phpunit.xml.

  • phpunit-current-project Launch all tests for the project
  • phpunit-current-class Launch all tests for the current class/fixture
  • phpunit-current-test Launch the current test at point

If for some reason, the default phpunit.xml is in a different location (or you use the phpunit.xml.dist convention) , the path can be changed via phpunit-configuration-file

(setq phpunit-configuration-file "phpunit.xml")


This module provides several convenience methods for triggering composer commands:

<localleader> m c ccomposer
<localleader> m c icomposer-install
<localleader> m c rcomposer-require
<localleader> m c ucomposer-update
<localleader> m c dcomposer-dump-autoload
<localleader> m c scomposer-run-scripts
<localleader> m c vcomposer-run-vendor-bin-command
<localleader> m c ocomposer-find-json-file
<localleader> m c lcomposer-view-lock-file

These are all invokable via M-x too.


Docker Compose

A lot of projects rely on running inside docker compose (ie Laravel), and as such a minor mode has been configured to attempt to run tests inside the php-fpm (by default) container.

This mode is disabled by default, to opt-in set +php-run-tests-in-docker to t in your config. If this is done during Emacs running, you will also have to reload php-mode (i.e. through M-x php-mode)

If you wish to specify a different container, modify the +php-default-docker-container variable (ideally inside a .dir-locals.el file)

((php-mode . ((+php-default-docker-container . "php-octane"))))


“I’m missing functionality on lsp-mode”

Unfortunately, intelephense currently operates under a “freemium” model, and as such requires a license for extended features. Once purchased, this can be (insecurely) added directly to your config:

(setq lsp-intelephense-licence-key "<key>")

A more recommended approach would be to utilise Emacs’ own auth-sources for storing authentication info, which can also be encrypted.

Create a file in your home directory (which can optionally be encrypted, verify your auth-sources has the correct values) called ~~/.authinfo~

machine * login intelephense password <key>

And add the following to your config

(defun my-fetch-password (&rest params)
  (require 'auth-source)
  (let ((match (car (apply #'auth-source-search params))))
    (if match
        (let ((secret (plist-get match :secret)))
          (if (functionp secret)
              (funcall secret)
      (error "Password not found for %S" params))))

(setq lsp-intelephense-license-key (my-fetch-password :user intelephense))