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Easy to use and customizable Neumorphism Design implementation for AvaloniaUI framework.


Expanders added in 0.11.0 !

  • 3 different possible themes
  • Can be customized


Tab navigation focus added in 0.10.0 !

  • All controls now have a nice looking focus adorner

Dialogs added in 0.9.0 !

  • DialogHost based fake child window dialogs
  • Real child window based dialogs (with or without chrome)
  • Dialog builder to help create dialogs easily
  • A lot of dialogs examples (alert, warning, error, confirm, dialogs sequence, fully custom dialog....)


Menus added in 0.8.0 !

  • 6 different possible themes
  • Icon support
  • Multi level menu items
  • Fully custom template possible for root menu


DateTime pickers added in 0.7.0 !

  • Calendar based date picker
  • Time picker


Tabs added in 0.6.0 !

  • Tabs are now fully themed with different possible styles


Avalonia 11 support in 0.5.0 !

  • Totally rewritten for Avalonia 0.11 !
  • Support Avalonia 0.11 Control Themes
  • Works with native AOT compilation
  • ListBoxes now fully themed
  • Drawings page added in demo project

Cards and use cases added in 0.4.0 !

  • Cards are now fully themed with 2 differents styles : outset (default) and inset
  • Added real life use cases samples (login, stopwatch, audio player, messages, sleep quality, user profile...)


Sliders added in 0.3.1 !


Progressbars added in 0.2.1 !



This library is a collection of styles to help you build your Avalonia app with a ready to go Neumorphism Design theme. (

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This Avalonia UI Neumorphic theme was inspired by another great Avalonia UI theme : Material.Avalonia

As neumorphism has no official specifications, this is my own personal interpretation of Neumorphism general guidelines i found on the web (mainly on Dribble).

It also uses some elements of Material Design such as :

  • Primary and Secondary (Accent) color with light and dark variants
  • A light theme and a dark theme (you can switch between them at runtime)
  • Material Design Icons (must be installed separately)

For the moment only the following controls are fully themed :

  • Buttons
  • ToggleButtons
  • RadioButtons
  • Checkboxes
  • Textboxes
  • Comboboxes
  • ProgressBars
  • Sliders
  • Cards
  • ListBoxes
  • Tabs
  • DateTime pickers
  • Menus
  • Dialogs
  • Expanders

More controls should be themed soon.

Technical info

  • Single .net Standard Library DLL (Avalonia.Themes.Neumorphism.dll)
  • Can be used with .net Core 3.x, .net5, .net6, .net7, .net8...
  • Lightweight (DLL is 1.5Mo when compiled in release mode)
  • Built upon the latest version of Avalonia UI
  • .Net 8 demo application project
  • Support Native AOT compilation (publish with dotnet publish -c release --framework net8.0 -r win-x64)

How to start ?

  1. Add Neumorphism.Avalonia nuget package to your project :

    dotnet add package Neumorphism.Avalonia
  2. Edit your Avalonia project App.xaml file:

    <Application ...
            <themes:NeumorphismTheme BaseTheme="Light" PrimaryColor="Purple" SecondaryColor="Lime" />


Neumorphism.Avalonia is free to use in any non commercial project.

If you like this project and want to help to maintain it, you can sponsor it (thanks a lot !)