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Language Guide

🎉 First of all, thank you for the interest in Flint! 🎉

Even though the Ethereum platform requires smart contract programmers to ensure the correct behaviour of their program before deployment, it has not seen a language designed with safety in mind. Solidity and others do not tailor for Ethereum’s unique programming model and instead, mimic existing popular languages like JavaScript, Python, or C, without providing additional safety mechanisms.

Flint changes that, as a new programming language built for easily writing safe Ethereum smart contracts. Flint is approachable to both experienced and new Ethereum developers, and presents a variety of security features. Much of the language syntax is inspired by the Swift language, making it more approachable than Solidity.

Flint also supports Libra, Facebook's new block-chain, targeting Move, the IR for programmes on it. This is still somewhat experimental, especially as the blockchain is still only at the test-net stage, however, it does provide a much easier way of writing contracts (modules) on Libra, and is easily extensible as Libra develops.

For a quick start, please have a look at the Installation section first, followed by the Example section.

Table of Contents

Getting started


The first step before using the Flint compiler is to install it. The simplest way is to use Docker, though this is currently not recommended, except for casual usage. Otherwise, the binary packages and building from source require solc to be installed first.

Installing solc, the Solidity compiler

A non-Docker Flint install requires the Solidity compiler solc (version 0.4.25) to be installed. For full installation instructions, see the Solidity documentation. You can get the solc binary from

Building from source

This is currently the advised way of installing Flint


The following must be installed to build Flint:

  • mono 5.20 or later (C# 7.0)
  • swiftenv
  • clang
  • nodejs npm
  • swiftlint
Additionally for testing

To run the testing libraries, install:

  • truffle 4
  • xcode - preferences/Locations/Command Line tools must not be empty (the default)
  • homebrew -, update brew if it isn't new with brew update
  • brew install node - get node and npm if you don't have them
  • brew install wget - get wget if you don't have it
  • brew cask install mono-mdk
  • swiftenv, which can be installed as follows
git clone ~/.swiftenv
echo 'export SWIFTENV_ROOT="$HOME/.swiftenv"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$SWIFTENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(swiftenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc


Assuming you have all the prerequisites, you should be able to build flint by running

git clone --recurse-submodules $HOME/.flint
cd $HOME/.flint
make release
echo "export PATH=$HOME/.flint/.build/release/:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Note that Flint must be installed in ~/.flint to allow the many different components to know where to find everything.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

This assumes a standard Ubuntu build with sudo, wget, curl, gnupg, ca-certificates and git installed. If you don't have one of them installed, you should be notified during the process. If you have any kind of error, try installing them. Note Ubuntu 16.04 has different installation procedures when using apt and installing Mono, thus the process would need to be done manually. You may find the 18.04 install script a good place to start on what you need to install it.

bash <(curl -s

Note that this script can be run from any directory, but will always install Flint in ~/.flint.


To use Flint in a Docker container run the following:

git clone --recurse-submodule
cd flint
sudo docker build -t "flint_docker" 
### ---------------------------------------------- ###
# Docker will build, this process may take some time #
### ---------------------------------------------- ###
sudo docker run --privileged -i -t flint_docker

If it fails, try adding --no-cache to the command

sudo docker build --no-cache -t "flint_docker" 

Binary packages

Currently not maintained and out of date

Flint is compatible with macOS and Linux platforms, and can be installed by downloading a built binary directly. Installing solc is a pre-requisite for using the binary packages.

The latest releases are available on the GitHub releases page.


To use Flint to compile a Flint contract (in this example counter.flint) into Solidity code, run the following code from inside the Flint project folder:

flintc --emit-ir --ir-output ./bin examples/valid/counter.flint

This will generate a main.sol file inside the bin sub-directory which can then be compiled to be deployed on the Etherum block-chain. If you wish to have the output file in the current directory remove bin from the previous command:

flintc --emit-ir --ir-output ./<destination> examples/valid/counter.flint

To test it, we recommend using Remix IDE, following these instructions


This section demonstrates the full workflow of writing a smart contract in Flint, compiling it, testing it locally using Truffle, and deploying it to the Ethereum network.

Creating a simple contract

The first step is to create a Flint source file. Our example smart contract will be a simple counter. It will have a state – the number of "hits". Its current value can be displayed by calling its getValue function. Its value can be increased by paying some Wei to its hit function.

We create a file called main.flint and put the following code in it:

// This is the declaration of the contract. In this simple example, it only
// includes the one state variable, `hits`.
contract Counter {
  // `hits` will initially be `0` and it will be an integer variable (`Int`).
  var hits: Int = 0

// These are the functions of the contract. The `:: (any)` indicates that
// these functions can be called by anyone on the Ethereum network.
Counter :: (any) {
  // This is the constructor, called when the contract is first created. There
  // is nothing we need to do here at this point, so it is empty.
  public init() {}

  // This function returns the current counter value. It takes no arguments,
  // but returns an `Int`.
  public func getValue() -> Int {
    return hits

  // This function increates the counter value by one. It only does this if
  // some Wei was paid, so the function is `@payable`. The amount of Wei paid
  // is available as the implicit `value` argument, although we do not use this
  // value here.
  public func hit(implicit value: Wei) mutates (hits) {
    hits += 1

Compiling Counter

We can compile Counter to the Solidity contract file contracts/main.sol using the terminal command:

$ flintc main.flint --emit-ir --ir-output contracts

Testing Counter

Even though Counter is extremely simple, we should test it before deploying it to the Ethereum network.

During early iterations, it may be useful to debug a contract directly with the Remix IDE. This is detailed in a separate section.

Writing unit tests for Solidity (and hence Flint) contracts is possible with the Truffle framework. Unfortunately, it is necessary to provide some boilerplate code for the tests to work. This consists of:

  1. Create a Migrations.sol file in the contracts directory (alongside the Flint-generated main.sol) with the content:
    pragma solidity ^0.4.2; contract Migrations {}
  2. Create a 1.js file in a new directory called migrations with the content:
    var Contract = artifacts.require("./Counter.sol");
    module.exports = (deployer) => deployer.deploy(Contract);
  3. Create a truffle.js file with the content: javascript module.exports = {};

Finally, we can create a test.js file with the unit tests:

var Contract = artifacts.require("./Counter.sol");
var Interface = artifacts.require("./_InterfaceCounter.sol");
Contract.abi = Interface.abi;

contract("Counter", function(accounts) {
  it("should be possible to deploy the counter", async function() {
    await Contract.deployed();
  it("should be possible to increase the counter value", async function() {
    let counter = await Contract.deployed();
    await counter.deposit({value: 10});
  it("should have a zero value initially", async function() {
    let counter = await Contract.deployed();
    let value = await counter.getValue();
    assert.equal(value.valueOf(), 0);
  it("should be possible to interact with the counter", async function() {
    let counter = await Contract.deployed();
    var value;

    value = await counter.getValue();
    assert.equal(value.valueOf(), 0);

    await counter.deposit({value: 10});

    value = await counter.getValue();
    assert.equal(value.valueOf(), 1);

    value = await counter.getValue();
    assert.equal(value.valueOf(), 1);

    await counter.deposit({value: 10});

    value = await counter.getValue();
    assert.equal(value.valueOf(), 2);

    await counter.deposit({value: 10});

    await counter.deposit({value: 10});

    value = await counter.getValue();
    assert.equal(value.valueOf(), 4);

We can then run these unit tests using:

$ truffle test test.js

Deploying Counter

Finally, we can deploy our contract to the Ethereum network. Note that this may cost real money and the Counter contract is not terribly useful!

Since Flint produces Solidity contracts, they can be deployed by following a standard guide, such as this one.

IDE integration

The Flint compiler has options to integrate with VS Code, Vim, and Atom, although Vim and Atom currently only support syntax highlighting, not inline error / warning display.

VS Code

Experimental support is provided for VS Code via a LSP plugin available at The vscode-flint repository needs to be opened in VS Code as a project, then run in debug mode. Assuming the Flint compiler was built and the langsrv executable was created, this should provide errors and diagnostics in Flint files.


Syntax highlighting can be activated in Vim by using the following command in the Flint repository:

$ ditto utils/vim ~/.vim


Syntax highlighting in Atom can be obtained by installing the language-flint package.


Flint compiles Flint source code to YUL IR wrapped in Solidity contracts. These can then be compiled into EVM bytecode using the Solidity compiler, and deployed to the Ethereum blockchain using a standard client or the Truffle framework. It also compiles them to MoveIR modules, using the --target move flag.

A Flint source file named main.flint containing a contract Counter can be compiled to a Solidity file using:

$ flintc main.flint --emit-ir

You can view the generated code using:

$ cat bin/main/Counter.sol

The Solidity compiler solc can be used to compile .sol files to EVM bytecode. This step can be done automatically by flintc (internally invoking solc) instead by using:

$ flintc main.flint --emit-bytecode

There are more command-line options available in flintc. To show a full listing, use:

$ flintc --help

Remix integration

Remix is an online IDE for testing Solidity smart contracts. Flint contracts can also be tested in Remix, by compiling Flint to Solidity. In this example, we are going to test the Counter contract from the example section

After compiling the Counter contract, we can obtain the Solidity program in the file bin/main/Counter.sol. To interact with this contract in Remix:

  1. Copy the contents of bin/main/Counter.sol and paste the code into Remix.
  2. Press the red Create button under the Run tab in the right sidebar.
  3. You should now see your deployed contract below. Click on the copy button on the right of Counter to copy the address of the deployed contract.
  4. Select _InterfaceMyContract from the dropdown above the Create button.
  5. Paste the contract address (from step 3) into the "Load contract from Address" field, and press the At Address button.
  6. You should now see the public functions declared by your contract (getValue, hit). Red buttons indicate the functions are mutating, whereas blue indicated non-mutating. You should now be able to call the contract's functions.

Language guide

File structure

Flint files consist of one or more contract declarations, and optionally struct declarations, trait declarations, external contract declarations, and/or enumerations.


Comments may be used throughout the source code. Comments are started with a double slash // and continue to the end of that line.


Flint is a statically-typed language with a simple type system, with basic support for subtyping through traits.

Planned feature

Currently, the types of all constants, variables, function arguments, etc. have to be explicitly declared. Type inference is a planned feature.

Flint is a type-safe language. A type safe language encourages clarity about the types of values your code can work with. It performs type checks when compiling code and flags any mismatched types as errors. This enables you to catch and fix errors as early as possible in the development process.

Basic types

Type Description
Int 256-bit integer.
Address 160-bit Ethereum address.
Bool Boolean value.
String String value. Currently limited to 256 bits, i.e. 32 bytes.
Void Non-value. Note that the Void type is never directly used. It is implicit when a function has no return type.

Dynamic types

Name Type (in code) Description
Dynamic-size list [T] A list of elements of type T. Elements can be added to it or removed from it.
Fixed-size list T[n] A list containing n elements of type T. It cannot have a different number of elements than its declared capacity n.
Dictionary [K: V] Dynamic-size mappings from one key type K to a value type V. Each stored key of type K is associated with one value of type V.
Polymorphic self Self See polymorphic self.
Structs Structs (structures), including user-defined structs.


As MoveIR doesn't yet support collections, no collection types work when target --move is set

Planned feature

When MoveIR supports collections, arrays and dictionaries will work in Move-targeted code

Range types

Flint includes two range types, which are shortcuts for expressing ranges of values. These can only be used with for-in loops.

The half-open range (a..<b) defines a range that runs from a to b, but does not include b.

for let i: Int in (0..<5) {
  // i will be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 on separate iteratons

The open range operator (a...b) defines a range that runs from a to b and does include b.

for let i: Int in (0...5) {
  // i will be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on separate iteratons

At the moment, both a and b must be integer literals, not variables!

Planned feature

In the future, it will be possible to iterate up to an arbitrary value. See #397.

External types

When specifying an external interface, External types must be used. The types usable in Flint are:

  • int8, int16, int24, ... int256 (all multiples of 8 bits)
  • uint8, uint16, uint24, ... uint256 (all multiples of 8 bits)
  • address
  • string
  • bool
  • bytes32

Note that only bool, uint64, address are available in MoveIR due to target restrictions

See casting for more information.

Constants and variables

Constants and variables associate a name with a value of a particular type. The value of a constant cannot be changed once it is set, whereas a variable can be set to a different value with assignment statements.

Constants and variables of a contract are its state properties. They are data stored in the EVM storage, and even though they are not directly modifiable, they are publicly visible, so they should never hold private or sensitive data.

Otherwise, local constants and variables are declared inside functions. These are specific to a given transaction, stored in the EVM memory. Even though these terms are not part of a contract's state, if they are part of an executed transaction their values will still be recorded in the transaction history.

To declare a constant with the name <name> of the type <type> with the initial value being the result of <expression>:

let <name>: <type> = <expression>

The expression is evaluated once, when the declaration is executed. The expression can be complex, or just a simple literal. Examples:

let unity: Int = 1
let answer: Int = 7 * 6
let usingFlint: Bool = true
let digitsOfPi: [Int] = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6]
let structExample: Rectangle = Rectangle(width: 30, height: 40)

If a constant is a state property of a contract, it may be given no initial value, but in that case it must be set in each initialiser of that contract:

let <name>: <type>

To declare a variable with the name <name> of the type <type> with the initial value being the result of <expression> (see expressions), the syntax is the same, but var is used instead of let:

var <name>: <type> = <expression>


var counter: Int = 0
var areWeThereYet: Bool = false

The value of a variable or a constant can be used in expressions once it is declared, simply by writing its name.


Functions are self-contained blocks of code that perform a specific task, which are called using their identifier. They are defined with the keyword func followed by the identifier and the set of parameters and optional return type:

To declare a function with the name <name> returning a value of type <type>, taking the list of parameters <parameters>, optionally with modifiers <modifiers> and attributes <attributes>:

<modifiers> func <name>(<parameter-1>, <parameter-2>, ...) -> <type> {
  // statements

Some functions do not return a value:

<modifiers> func <name>(<parameter-1>, <parameter-2>, ...) {
  // statements

Function attributes

Attributes annotate functions as having special properties. Currently the only example of this is @payable. For more information, see payable.

Function modifiers

In Flint all functions are private by default and as such can only be accessed from within the contract body. This can be changed using access modifiers:

  • public access enables functions to be used within their contract and exposes the function to the interface of the contract as a whole when compiled. Other contracts and users on the Ethereum network may call public functions directly.
  • private access (default and not a keyword that is explicitly set) only enables functions to be used within their contract.


func giveOutMoney(to: Address) {
  // only callable from other contract functions

public func takeMoney(from: Address) {
  // can be called by Ethereum users and contracts

Smart contracts can remain in activity for a large number of years, during which a large number of state mutations can occur. To aid with reasoning, Flint functions cannot mutate smart contracts’ state by default. This helps avoid accidental state mutations when writing the code, and allows readers to easily draw their attention to the mutating functions of the smart contract.

Naturally, it is sometimes desirable to write a function that changes the state properties of its contract. This is enabled with the mutates (...) modifier:


contract Counter {
  var hits: Int = 0

Counter :: (any) {
  // This would be a compile-time error - the function needs to be declared
  // with `mutates (...)`!
  //public func incrementA() {
  //  hits += 1

  // This can compile:
  public func incrementB() mutates (hits) {
    hits += 1

Function parameters

Functions can also take parameters which can be used within the function. These must be declared in the function signature. Flint also supports parameters that take default values, but no non-defaulted parameter may follow one that has a default value.

Each parameter has the syntax:

<modifiers> <name>: <type modifiers> <type>

Currently the only possible (optional) <modifier> is implicit. See payable for more information. The only possible (optional) <type modifier> is inout. See inout for more information.

Below is a function that mutates the dictionary of peoples' names to add the key/value pair of the caller's address and the given name. If the parameter name is not provided to the function call, then the default value of "John Doe" will be used. For more information about callers, see caller bindings.

contract AddressBook {
  var people: [Address: String]

AddressBook :: caller <- (any) {
  func remember(name: String = "John Doe") mutates (people) {
    people[caller] = name

Return values

You can optionally indicate the return type of a function with the return arrow ->, which is followed by the return type. Inside the function, a return statement must be used, to return a value of the same type as the declared return type.


func hello() -> String {
  return "Hello, world!"

If the return type is omitted, the function is considered a Void function, and a call to it cannot be used in expressions as a value.


Initialisers are special functions called to create a struct or contract instance. The syntax is slightly different:

<modifiers> init(<parameter-1>, <parameter-2>, ...) {
  // statements

The statements that can be used in initialisers are limited to "simple" statements, which means no external calls, control flow statements, etc. After an initialiser is executed, all the state properties of its containing struct or contract should have a value.


Only in: Contracts on Solidity

When a user creates a transaction to call a function, they can attach Wei to send to the contract. Functions which expect Wei to be attached when called must be annotated with the @payable annotation, otherwise the transaction will revert when the function is called.

When adding the annotation, a parameter marked implicit of type Wei must be declared. implicit parameters are a mechanism to expose information from the Ethereum transaction to the developer of the smart contract, without using globally accessible variables defined by the language, such as msg.value in Solidity. This mechanism allows developers to name implicit variables themselves, and they need not remember the name of a global variable.

Functions in Flint can be marked as payable using the @payable attribute. The amount of Wei sent is bound to an implicit variable:

public func receiveMoney(implicit value: Wei) {

Payable functions may have an arbitrary amount of parameters, but exactly one needs to be implicit and of a currency type. There may only be one function marked @payable in a contract.


Only in: Contracts on Solidity

Fallback functions are another special kind of function, with a slightly modified declaration syntax:

public fallback() {
  // statements

Fallback functions should only contain "simple" statements, just like initialisers. They are called whenever an attempt has been made to call a non-existent function of the containing contract. This may happen e.g. if the caller used an incorrect signature for the call. Oftentimes the Gas allocation for fallback execution is very low (2300), which only allows an event to be logged.


Structs in Flint are general-purpose constructs that group state and methods that can be used as self-contained blocks. They use the same syntax as defining constants and variables for properties. Structure methods are not protected as they can only be called by contract functions, and are required to be annotated mutates (...) if they mutate the struct's state.


The syntax of a struct declaration is:

struct <name> {
  // variables, constants, methods


struct Rectangle {
  var width: Int = 0
  var height: Int = 0

  func area() -> Int {
    return width * height


The declaration of a struct only describes what types of variables it contains, what their initial values are, and what methods may be used to modify or access the struct data. To create concrete instances, each with individual data values, an instance has to be created, by calling the initialiser of a struct.



Unlike for function calls, it is not required to write the labels for struct initialiser parameters.


let someRectangle: Rectangle = Rectangle()

When an instance is created, it is initialised with its initial values – in this case a width and height of 0. This process can also be done manually using an initialiser. Defining initialisers is also required when default values are not specified for all properties of a struct. You can access the properties of the current struct with the special keyword self.


struct Rectangle {
  // Same definition as above with:
  public init(width: Int, height: Int) {
    self.width = width
    self.height = height
let bigRectangle = Rectangle(width: 400, height: 10000)

Accessing properties/methods

Properties/methods of a struct instance can be accessed by writing the property/method name immediately after the instance identifier, separated by a period .:



bigRectangle.width // 400
bigRectangle.area() // evaluates to 4000000 by calling the `area` function

Planned feature

In the future a static keyword will be added to indicate struct functions which are callable without creating a specific instance. See #419

Structs as function arguments

Structs can be passed by reference using the inout type modifier. The struct is then treated as an implicit reference to the value in the caller. Any modifications made to the struct will still be visible after the function is called.

When calling a function with an inout parameter, the given struct instance must be prefixed with & to indicate it is being passed by reference.


struct S {
  var x: Int

  init(x: Int) {
    self.x = x

func foo() {
  let s: S = S(x: 8)

  byReference(s: &s)

  // Here s.x == 10

  // This is not supported:
  //byValue(s: s)

  // Here s.x == 10 would still be true.

func byReference(s: inout S) {
  s.x = 10

// This is currently not supported:
//func byValue(s: S) {
//  s.x = 12

Planned feature

Passing structs by value (copying the struct into storage or memory) is a planned feature. See #133.


Contracts lie at the heart of Flint. They are the core building blocks of a program's code. Constants and variables can be defined inside contracts to be stored in the Ethereum network.


The declaration of a Flint contract consists of multiple parts. The properties are declared in a single block using the keyword contract followed by the contract name that will be used as the identifier.

contract <name> {
  // constant and variable declarations, event declarations


contract Bank {
  var owner: Address
  let name: String = "Bank"
  event Shutdown(reason: String)

Type states

Flint introduces the concept of type states. Insufficient and incorrect state management in Solidity code have led to security vulnerabilities and unexpected behaviour in widely deployed smart contracts. Avoiding these vulnerabilities by the design of the language is a strong advantage.

Type states of a contract represent the possible states it can be in. At any point of time, the contract on the network can only exist in a single state. Special become statements can be used within functions to move the contract to a different type state.

A contract declaration may optionally include a list of its type states:

contract <name> (<type-state-1>, <type-state-2>, ...) {
  // constant and variable declarations, event declarations

Type states should be valid identifiers, starting with a capital letter.


contract Auction (Preparing, InProgress, Terminated) {}

Using type state protection, it is possible to specify that only certain functions will be callable when the contract is in a given type state.

Protection blocks

The remaining parts of a contract are its protection blocks. While traditional computer programs have an entry point (the main function), smart contracts do not. After a contract is deployed on the blockchain, its code does not run until an Ethereum transaction is received. Smart contracts are in fact more akin to RESTful web services presenting API endpoints. It is important to prevent unauthorised parties from calling sensitive functions.

In Flint, functions of a contract are declared within protection blocks, which restrict when the enclosed functions are allowed to be called.

There are two elements to protection blocks, the caller group and the optional type state protection (see type states for more detail).

A minimal protection block of contract <contract-name> with the caller group <caller-group> is declared as:

<contract-name> :: (<caller-group>) {
  // functions

The caller can optionally be captured into a variable (see caller group variable):

<contract-name> :: <variable> <- (<caller-group>) {
  // functions

The protection block can optionally also check that the contract is in a given type state (see type state protection):

<contract-name> @(<type-state>) :: (<caller-group>) {
  // functions

Alternatively, protection blocks can be declared within the contract declaration part with the same syntax but using self instead of the contract name:

contract <contract-name> {
  // ...
  self :: (<caller-group>) {
    // ...

Solidity uses function modifiers to insert dynamic checks in functions, which can for instance abort unauthorised calls. However, it is easy to forget to specify these checks, as the language does not require programmers to write them.

Having a language construct which protects functions from invalid calls could require programmers to systematically think about which parties should be able to call the functions they are about to define.

In Flint, functions of a contract are declared within protection blocks, which protect the functions from invalid access.

Caller group

Caller groups consist of a list of caller members enclosed in parentheses. These caller members may be identified using multiple mechanisms, as listed below. Functions inside protection blocks can only be called by an Ethereum address (the "caller" address) that satisfies at least one of the caller members of that protection block.

Name Flint type Callable when
Predicate function Address -> Bool The function is called with the caller as input, must return true.
0-ary function () -> Address The returned address must match the caller address.
State property (single address) Address The address property must match the caller address.
State property (list of addresses) [Address] or Address[n] The caller address must be contained within the list of addresses.
State property (dictionary of addresses) [T: Address] The caller address must be contained with in the values of the dictionary.
Any any Always.

Move-specific: Note that only state properties and any work in caller protection blocks due to target limitations. It will be expanded once collections are implemented in the underlying MoveIR


contract Bank {
  let owner: Address
  var managers: [Address]

Bank :: (owner, managers) {
  // ...

contract Lottery {}

Lottery :: (lucky) {
  func lucky(address: Address) -> Bool {
    // return true or false

The address of the caller of a function is unforgeable. It is not possible to impersonate another user, as a consequence of both Ethereum’s mechanism which generates public addresses from private keys and MoveIR's transaction system. On Ethereum, transactions are signed using a private key, and determine the public key of the caller. Stealing a caller capability would hence require stealing a private key. The recommended way for Ethereum users to transfer their ability to call functions is to either change the backing address of the caller capability they have (the smart contract must have a function which allows this), or to securely send their private key to the new owner, outside of the Ethereum platform.

Calls to Flint functions are validated both at compile-time and runtime, with runtime checks only being added where necessary.

Caller group variable

It is sometimes useful to know which address initiated the current transaction, in addition to verifying it with caller groups. This is possible with the optional caller group variable.

<contract-name> :: <variable> <- (<caller-group>) {
  // functions


contract AddressBook {
  var book: [Address: String] = [:]

AddressBook :: address <- (any) {
  public func remember(name: String) {
    book[address] = name

Type state protection

A protection block may also be used to ensure that certain functions are only called when the contract is in a given type state.

<contract-name> @(<type-state>) :: (<caller-group>) {
  // functions


contract Poll(Open, CountingVotes, Result) {
  // ...

Poll @(Open) :: (any) {
  public func voteFor(option: String) {
    // ...

In this example the voteFor function could only be called when the Poll was in the Open state.

Static checking

In a Flint function, if a function call to another Flint function is performed, the compiler checks that the caller meets the caller protection.

Consider the following example:

Bank :: (any) {
  func foo() {
    // Error: Protection "any" cannot be used to perform a call to a
    // function for "manager"

Bank :: (manager) {
  func bar() {}

Within the context of foo, the caller is regarded as any. It is not certain that the caller also satisfies the manager protection, so the compiler rejects the call.

Dynamic checking

In the above example, it is still possible for foo to satisfy the protections of the function bar. For such cases, two additional language constructs exist:

  • try? bar(): The function bar is called if, at runtime, the protections are satisfied (i.e. the caller satisfies the caller protection and the state of the contract satisfies the type state protection). The expression try? bar() returns a boolean if successful.
  • try! bar(): If at runtime bar protections are not satisfied an exception is thrown (reverting the transaction) and the function is not executed.

Multiple protections

A contract behaviour declaration can be restricted by multiple caller protections. Consider the following contract behavior declaration:

Bank :: (manager, accounts) {
  func forManagerOrCustomers() {}

The function forManagerOrCustomers can be called either by the manager, or by any of the accounts registered in the bank.

Calls to functions of multiple protections are accepted if each of the protections of the enclosing function are compatible with any of the target function's protections.

Consider the following examples:

// Insufficient protections
Bank :: (manager, accounts) {
  func forManagerOrCustomers() {
    // Error: "accounts" is not compatible with "manager"

Bank :: (manager) {
  func forManager() {}
// Sufficient protections
Bank :: (manager, accounts) {
  func forManagerOrCustomers() {
    // Valid: "manager" is compatible with "manager", and "accounts" is
    // compatible with "accounts"

Bank :: (accounts, manager) {
  func forManagerOrCustomers2() {}
// `any` is compatible with any caller protection
Bank :: (manager, accounts) {
  func forManagerOrCustomers() {
    // Valid: "manager" is compatible with "manager" (and "any", too), and "accounts"
    // is compatible with "any"

// The caller protection "manager" has no effect: "any" is compatible with any caller protection
Bank :: (manager, any) {
  func forManagerOrCustomers2() {}

Visibility Modifiers

Variables declared in the contract can have modifiers in front of their declaration which control the automatic synthesis of variable accessors and mutators. By the nature of smart contracts all storage is visible already, but providing accessors makes that process easier.

  • public access synthesises an accessor and a mutator so that the storage variable can be viewed and changed by anyone.
  • visible access synthesises an accessor to the storage variable which allows it to be viewed by anyone.
  • private access means that nothing is synthesised (but both accessors and mutators can still be manually specified).

An accessor, if synthesised for variable <name> or type <type>, has the signature public func get<Name>() -> <type>. A mutator, if synthesised for the same variable, has the signature public func set<Name>(to: <type>) mutates (<Name>).


public var value: Int
visible var name: String = "Bank"

The above declarations cause these functions to be synthesised:

public func getValue() -> Int
public func setValue(to: Int)
public func getName() -> String


Only on: Solidity

JavaScript applications can listen to events emitted by an Ethereum smart contract.

In Flint, events are declared in contract declarations. They use a similar syntax to functions, except using the keyword event.

event <event-name>(<event-parameter-1>, <event-parameter-2>, ...)

Like functions, some of the parameters can have default values, but these must be declared at the end of the parameter list.

Events can then be emitted using the keyword emit followed by an event call. An event call is similar to a function call (parameters must be provided in order, and they must have the correct label and type; if any optional parameters are omitted, their default value will be used automatically).

contract Bank {
  var balances: [Address: Int]
  event CompletedTransfer(origin: Address, destination: Address, amount: Int)

Bank :: caller <- (any) {
  func transfer(to: Address, value: Int) mutates(balances) {
    // Note the following 2 lines are unsafe!
    balances[caller] -= value
    balances[to] += value

    // A JavaScript client could listen for this event:
    emit CompletedTransfer(origin: caller, destination: to, amount: value)


Flint has the concept of 'traits', based in part on traits in the Rust language. Traits describe the partial behaviour of the contracts or structs which conform to them. For contracts, traits constitute a collection of functions, function signatures in protection blocks, and events. For structs, traits only constitute a collection of functions and function signatures.

Contracts or structs can conform to multiple traits. The Flint compiler enforces the implementation of function signatures in the trait and allows usage of the functions declared in them. Traits allow a level of abstraction and code reuse for contracts and structs.

Planned feature

In the future, the Flint standard library will include traits providing common functionality to contracts (Ownable, Burnable, MultiSig, Pausable, ERC20, ERC721, etc.) and structs (Transferable, RawValued, Describable etc.). It will also form the basis for allowing end users to access compiler level guarantees and restrictions as in assets and Numerics.

Struct traits

Traits can be declared for structs using the syntax:

struct trait <trait-name> {
  // trait members

Structs can conform to struct traits using the syntax:

struct <struct-name>: <trait-1>, <trait-2>, ... {
  // ...

Struct traits can contain functions, function signatures, initialisers, and initialiser signatures. A function or initialiser signature simply declares the name (for a function) and parameter types, without providing the actual code implementation.


In this example we define an Animal struct trait. The Person struct then conforms to the Animal trait.

struct trait Animal {
  // Must have an empty and named initialiser.
  public init()
  public init(name: String)

  // These are signatures that conforming structures must implement
  // access properties of the structure.
  func isNamed() -> Bool
  public func name() -> String
  public func noise() -> String

  // This is a pre-implemented function using the functions already in the trait.
  public func speak() -> String {
    if isNamed() {
      return name()
    else {
      return noise()

struct Person: Animal {
  let name: String

  public init() { = "John Doe"
  public init(name: String) { = name

  // People always have a name, it's just not always known.
  func isNamed() -> Bool {
    return true

  // These access the properties of the struct.
  public func name() -> String {

  public func noise() -> String {
    return "Huh?"

  // Person can also have functions in addition to Animal.
  public func greet() -> String {
    return "Hi"

Contract traits

Traits can be declared for contracts using the syntax:

contract trait <trait-name> {
  // trait members

Contracts can conform to contract traits using the following syntax for their declaration part:

contract <contract-name>: <trait-1>, <trait-2>, ... {
  // ...

Contract traits can contain anonymous contract behaviour declarations containing functions, function signatures, and events.


In this example, we define Ownable, which declares a contract as something that can be owned and transferred. The Ownable trait is then used by the ToyWallet contract allowing the use of methods in Ownable. This demonstrates how we can expose contract properties:

contract trait Ownable {
  event OwnershipRenounced(previousOwner: Address)
  event OwnershipTransfered(previousOwner: Address, newOwner: Address)

  self :: (any) {
    public func getOwner() -> Address

  self :: (getOwner) {
    func setOwner(newOwner: Address)

    public func renounceOwnership() {
      emit OwnershipRenounced(getOwner())

    public func transferOwnership(newOwner: Address) {
      assert(newOwner != 0x000...)
      emit OwnershipTransfered(getOwner(), newOwner)

contract ToyWallet: Ownable {
  visible var owner: Address // visible automatically creates getOwner
  // Skipping initialiser not relevant for this example

ToyWallet :: (getOwner) {
  func setOwner(newOwner: Address){
    self.owner = newOwner

External traits

External traits allow interfacing with contracts (and resources) from the target language. Traits can be declared for external contracts using the syntax:

external trait <trait-name> {
  // trait members

See the specifying the interface of external calls section for more information.

Polymorphic self

Self (note the capital 'S') is a special type available only in struct and contract traits. It refers to the type that implements the current trait, but not any other type that conforms to that trait. This is particularly useful when providing default implementations for functions in a trait. See assets for an example in the standard library.

Example without Self:

struct trait Unit {
  func add(source: inout Unit)

struct Metre: Unit {
  var length: Int = 0
  func add(source: inout Unit) {
    length += source.length // compilation error here

In the above example, we only want to be able to add metres to metres. Accessing source.length is invalid, because length is only declared in Metre. Instead, using Self:

struct trait Unit {
  func add(source: inout Self)

struct Metre: Unit {
  var length: Int = 0
  func add(source: inout Metre) mutates (length) {
    length += source.length

struct Litre: Unit {
  var volume: Int = 0
  func add(source: inout Litre) mutates (volume) {
    volume += source.volume

In this example, both Metre and Litre are valid. But it would a call like aMetreInstance.add(source: &aLitreInstance) would cause a compile-time error.


Expressions are at the core of any computation done in Flint code. Evaluating an expression results in a single value of a given type. Expressions can be nested to arbitrary layers.

The expressions available in Flint are:

Name Syntax Description
Literal 1, "hello", false, etc. Constant value; see literals.
Range <expr-1>..<<expr-2>, <expr-1>...<expr-2> See ranges.
Binary expression <expr-1> <op> <expr-2> A binary operation <op> applied to the expressions <expr-1> and <expr-2>; see operators.
Struct reference &<expr> See structs as function arguments.
Function call <function-name>(<param-1>: <expr-1>, <param-2>: <expr-2>, ...) Call to the function <function-name> with the results of the given expressions <expr-1,2,...> as parameters. See function calls.
Dot access <expr-1>.<field> Access to the <field> field (variable, constant, function) or the result of <expr-1>.
Index / key access <expr-1>[<expr-2>] Access to the given key of a list or dictionary. (Only on Solidity)
External call call <external-contract>.<function-name>(<param-1>: <expr-1>, <param-2>: <expr-2>, ...) Call to the function of an external contract; see external calls.
Type cast <expr> as! <type> Forced cast of the result of <expr> to <type>; see casting to and from Solidity types.
Attempt try? <call>, try! <call> Attempt to call a function in a different protection block, see dynamic checking.

Function calls

Functions can then be called from within a contract protection block with the same identifier. The call arguments must be provided in the same order as the one they are declared in (in the function signature), and they must be labeled accordingly (the exception for this is struct initialisers). If any of the optional parameters are not provided, then their default values are used automatically.

public func apply(name: String, implicit Fee: Wei ) mutates (balances) {
  bankroll(applicant: caller, amount: stake)

func bankroll (applicant: Address, amount: Int ) mutates (balances) {
  balances[applicant] = amount


Literals represent fixed values in the source code that can be assigned to constants and variables.

Integer literals

Integer literals (Flint type Int) can be written as decimal numbers. The size of the Int type in Flint is 256 bits (32 bytes), so the highest allowed integer is quite large (2^256 - 1, more than 76 decimal degits). Underscores can be used to separate digits of integer literals.



Address literals

Address literals (Flint type Address) are written as 40 hexadecimal digits prefixed by a 0x. Addresses are an important concept in Ethereum, referring to other contracts and accounts. Underscores can be used to separate digits of address literals.



Boolean literals

Boolean literals (Flint type Bool) are simply true and false.

String literals

Only on: Solidity --skip-verifier

String literals (Flint type String) are sets of characters enclosed in double quotes "...".


"This is a sentence."


Due to the fact that Strings are currently stored in a single EVM memory slot, they cannot be longer than 32 bytes. See flintrocks#133.

List literals

Only on: Solidity

List literals (Flint type [T] or T[n] for some Flint type T) currently only include the empty list [].

Planned feature

In the future, Flint will have non-empty list literals written as [x, y, z, ...] where x, y, z, etc. are literals of type T. See #420.

Dictionary literals

Only on: Solidity

Dictionary literals (Flint type [T: U] for some Flint types T and U) currently only include the empty dictionary [:].

Planned feature

In the future, Flint will have non-empty dictionary literals written as [x: a, y: b, z: c, ...] where x, y, z, etc. are literals of type T and a, b, c, etc. are literals of type U. See #420.


The special keyword self refers to the current struct instance or contract containing the current function.


An operator is a special symbol used to check, change, or combine values. Flint supports common Swift operators and attempts to eliminate common coding errors.

Arithmetic operators

Flint supports the following arithmetic operators for Int expressions:

  • + - Addition
  • - - Subtraction
  • * - Multiplication
  • / - Division
  • ** - Exponentiation


1 + 2 // equals 3
5 - 3 // equals 2
2 * 3 // equals 6
10 / 2 // equals 5
2 ** 3 // equals 8

Flint has unique safe arithmetic. The +, -, * and ** operators throw an exception and abort execution of the smart contract when an overflow occurs. The / operator implements integer division. No underflows can occur as floating-point numbers are not supported yet. The performance overhead of the safe operators is low.

In rare cases, allowing overflows is the intended behaviour. Flint also supports overflowing operators, which will not crash on overflow:

  • &+ - Unsafe addition
  • &- - Unsafe subtraction
  • &* - Unsafe multiplication

Move-specific: Due to MoveIR not allowing unsafe operations, unsafe operators are translated into safe operators, so act like +, -, and *

Boolean operators

These operators all result in Bool:

  • == - Equal to
  • != - Not equal to
  • || - Logical or
  • && - Logical and
  • < - Less than
  • <= - Less than or equal to
  • > - Greater than
  • >= - Greater than or equal to


1 == 1 // true because 1 is equal to 1
2 != 1 // true because 2 is not equal to 1
2 > 1 // true because 2 is greater than 1
1 < 2 // true because 1 is less than 2
1 >= 1 // true because 1 is greater than or equal to 1
2 <= 1 // false because 2 is not less than or equal to 1
true || false // true because one of true and false is true
true && false // false because one of true and false is false


Statements control the execution of code in a function, enable looping, conditional behaviour, and more.

Variable/constant declaration and assignment

Declaration of variables and constants is a statement (see variables and constants). Syntax:

let <name>: <type> = <expression>
let <name>: <type>
var <name>: <type> = <expression>
var <name>: <type>

Compound assignment

Flint also provides compound assignment statements that combine assignment (=) with another operator. Namely:

  • += Compound addition
  • -= Compound subtraction
  • *= Compound times
  • /= Compound division


x += 5
// is equivalent to:
x = x + 5


for-in loops can be used to iterate over sequence. Currently this supports lists, dictionary values and ranges. Syntax:

for let <variable-name>: <type> in <sequence> {
  // ...

Alternatively, the iteration value can be a variable, so it can be modified, though modifications are reset on each loop:

for var <variable-name>: <type> in <sequence> {
  // ...


Assuming a variable-length list names (of type [String]), it can be iterated over, binding the current iteration value to the constant name of type String, using:

for let name: String in names {
  // do something with `name`


The if statement allows executing different code based on the result of a condition (of Flint type Bool). Syntax:

if <condition> {
  // ...


if x == 2 {
  // ...

Else clauses

The if statement can also provide an alternative set of statements known as an else clause which gets executed when the condition evaluates to false. Syntax:

if <condition> {
  // ...
} else {
  // ...


if x == 2 {
  // ...
} else {
  // ,,,

Become statements

Only on: Contracts

The become statement can be used to change the type state (see type states) of the current contract. The execution of code is terminated after a become statement is executed, and the contract will then transition to the specified type state. Syntax:

become <type-state>


contract Semaphore(Red, Green) {}

Semaphore @(Red) :: (any) {
  public func wait() {
    become Green

Semaphore @(Green) :: (any) {
  public func wait() {
    become Red

Return statements

A return statement can be used to provide the output value of a function with a declared return type (see functions). Syntax:

return <expression>


Semaphore @(Red) :: (any) {
  public func countWaitingCars() -> Int {
    return 200

Do-catch blocks

do-catch blocks can be used to handle errors in execution in a controlled manner. Currently, the only supported error is an external call error (see external calls). Syntax:

do {
  // ...
} catch is ExternalCallError {
  // ...

External calls

External calls refer to a Flint contract calling the functions of other contracts deployed on the Ethereum network. They also allow money to be transferred from Flint contracts to other accounts and contracts, enabling full participation in the Ethereum network.

However, external contracts include their own set of possible risks and security considerations. When writing code that interacts with external contracts, it is important to keep in mind that:

  1. External contracts may execute arbitrary code when called – although the called contract does not have access to the memory or state storage of the calling (Flint) contract, it may still cause problems. In particular, care should be taken when handling the output returned from an external contract. Additionally, the external contract may call arbitrary function of the calling (Flint) contract, potentially resulting in a re-entrancy attack.
  2. Interfaces of external contracts may be incorrectly specified – since the EVM does not retain any type information, it is up to the programmer to correctly specify the functions available on an external contract. If the interface is specified incorrectly, this may lead to the wrong function being called and money being lost.

Planned feature

In the future, external calls will include automatic re-entrancy attack protection, where no function of a Flint contract will be callable during the execution of an external call. See flintrocks#74.

Specifying the interface

The interface of an external contract is specified using a special external trait. Syntax:

external trait <trait-name> {
  // functions

The functions declared inside an external trait may not include any modifiers, and their parameters and return types (if used) must be specified using External types on Ethereum. On Move, they may return Move structs.

Currently, deploying contracts from within Flint code is not supported, so neither initialisers nor fallbacks can be provided in external traits.


external trait ExternalBank {
  func pay() -> int256
  func withdraw(amount: int256) -> int256

External Trait Attributes

External trait attributes are a way of providing compiler directives so Flint can understand how to handle the external traits you've declarared in the produced output. They are used by the target's code generation, and thus are target-specific. Currently, the evm target doesn't have any trait attributes. Move uses the following to allow you to provide enough information about how to handle your external traits:

@module(address: 0x0)  // Provide the address of the module (the address of the resource is provided as in Ethereum)
@data                  // The following trait is for a Move struct, not a contract
@resource              // Used with @data, the following external struct is a resource

Flint Compatible Interfaces

Only for: Move

On Solidity, external traits describe standard Solidity contracts, however, on Move, the differences between Move and Flint are too wide for the concept of contract to apply to any arbitrary Move module. Thus, depending on the kind of Move instance you're dealing with, you will need to declare your Flint-interfacing code (possibly through a wrapper) in a certain way.


External trait attributes: @module(address:)

Providing a contract-like interface for Flint in Move for it to act similarly to a Solidity external trait requires you to write your MoveIR interface similar to how flintc produces MoveIR.

contract <name> {
   // Declare instance types and imports...

   // All Flint-facing functions should be declared as
   public f(this_addr: address, arg1: t1, ...): tr acquires T {  
     let this: &mut Self.T;  
     // Other local variables...
     this = borrow_global<T>(move(this_addr));  
     // Main function code...
     _ = move(this);  
     return x;  

Example: External Traits Counter (Move, Flint)

Data Modules

External trait attributes: @module(address:) and either @data or @resource

These allow you to interface with a Move module that doesn't publish resources but instead is based around a local instance.

module <name> {  
  // Declare instance types and imports...
  // You must declare a type T for Flint to store
  // Use resources with `@resource` and structs with `@data`
  resource T {  
    ... // Private fields, Flint can't access these
  // The constructor, it must take in an address and return T
  public new(anyName: address): Self.T {  
    // Any constructor code here...
    return T {  
  // All methods must take in a mutable `this` argument
  public getSomeField(this: &mut Self.T): u64 {  
    // Any code to compute the value...
  // Methods may return any type basic type or T
  public duplicate(this: &mut Self.T, amount: u64): Self.T {  
    // Any code here to compute the other T

Example: External Traits Libra (Move, Flint)


There are also non-contract external data, using just @data or @resource, although this is mostly designed for the standard library. If you wish to find out more about it, read through the standard library's Libra implementation.

Creating an instance

To work with an external contract in a type-safe manner, every external trait automatically creates an implicit constructor, which takes a single address parameter.

<external-trait-name>(address: <address>)


external trait Ext {}
contract X {}

X :: (any) {
  public func callback(externalAddress: Address) {
    let extInstance = Ext(address: externalAddress)

Calling functions

Functions of an external contract instance may be called using the keyword call. Flint provides two modes of operation for external calls, and they are semantically similar to try in Swift.

call <contract>.<function-name>(<parameters>)
call! <contract>.<function-name>(<parameters>)

The forced mode is invoked with the syntax call! (note the exclamation mark). If the external call fails for any reason (e.g. the external contract runs out of gas), the entire transaction will revert.

X :: (any) {
  public func callback(externalAddress: Address) {
    let extInstance = Ext(address: externalAddress)
    call! extInstance.someFunction()

The default (safe) mode is invoked with the syntax call (without the exclamation mark). Any default call must be inside a do-catch block, and a failure in the external call will cause the code in the catch block to be executed.

X :: (any) {
  public func callback(externalAddress: Address) {
    let extInstance = Ext(address: externalAddress)
    do {
      call extInstance.someFunction()
    } catch is ExternalCallError {
      // handle the error here

Planned feature

A third mode will be available in the future, call?. It will return an Optional type, like in Swift, intended to be used with the (also planned) if let ... construct. See flintrocks#140.

Specifying hyper-parameters

In addition to function parameters, there are two more "hyper-parameters" that need to be set when performing an external call.

The gas hyper-parameter (defaults to 2300) with type Int specifies how much Gas is allocated for the external call. Executing any code in EVM costs Gas and so the more Gas is provided, the more work can be done in a contract. The default amount, 2300, is enough to emit a single event (at the time of writing).

The value hyper-parameter (defaults to 0) with type Wei specifies how much, if any, Wei is attached to the external call. Providing a non-zero amount causes money to be transferred from the calling (Flint) contract to the external contract. value must be specified if and only if calling a function marked as @payable.

To specify gas and/or value for an external call, the syntax is:

call(<hyper-parameters>) <contract>.<function-name>(<parameters>)
call(<hyper-parameters>)! <contract>.<function-name>(<parameters>)


X :: (any) {
  public func callback(externalAddress: Address) {
    let extInstance = Ext(address: externalAddress)
    call(gas: 10000)! extInstance.someLongFunction()
    call(value: Wei(unsafeRawValue: 100))! extInstance.someExpensiveFunction()
    call(gas: 10000, value: Wei(unsafeRawValue: 100))! extInstance.someLongExpensiveFunction()

Casting to and from Solidity types

Since the types of external contract function parameters and return values are specified using Solidity types, values must be converted before they are used for an external call. This is facilitated using the type casting expression.


X :: (any) {
  public func callback(externalAddress: Address) {
    let extInstance = Ext(address: externalAddress)
    var flintInt: Int = 1
    call! extInstance.someFunctionTakingAnInt(someParameter: flintInt as! int256)

    flintInt = (call! extInstance.someReturningFunction()) as! Int

The forced cast (as!) expression converts Flint types to Solidity types and vice versa, after performing some basic runtime checks to make sure that the original value fits into the target value, since Solidity supports integer types of smaller sizes than the Flint default of 256 bits. An error results in the transaction being reverted.

Planned feature

In the future, casting failures will be possible to handle using do-catch blocks or an optional cast mode as?.


An enumeration defines a common group of values with the same type and enables working with those values in a type-safe way within Flint code. The syntax is:

enum <name>: <associated-type> {
  case <case-name>
  // additional cases...


enum CompassPoint: Int {
  case north
  case south
  case east
  case west

The values defined in an enumeration (such as north, south, east and west) are its enumeration cases. Each enumeration defines a new user-defined type. To access a given case, dot syntax is used:



var direction: CompassPoint
direction = CompassPoint.north

Associated Values

You can assign raw values to enumeration cases. The values need to match the type associated with the enumeration. Flint will also try to infer the raw value of cases by default based on the raw value of the last declared enumeration case.


enum Numbers: Int {
  case one = 1
  case two = 2
  case three // Numbers.three == 3
  case four // Numbers.four == 4

Standard library


Only on: Solidity

Numerous attacks targeting smart contracts, such as ones relating to re-entrancy calls (see TheDAO), allowed hackers to steal a contract’s Ether. Some of these happened because smart contracts encoded Ether values as integers, making it easy to make mistakes when performing Ether transfers between variables, or to forget to record Ether arriving or leaving the smart contract.

Flint supports special safe operations when handling assets, such as Wei (the smallest unit of Ether). They help ensure the contract's state consistently represents its Wei value, preventing attacks such as TheDAO.

A simple use of Wei:

contract Wallet {
  var owner: Address
  var contents: Wei = Wei(unsafeRawValue: 0)

Wallet :: caller <- (any) {
  public init() {
    owner = caller

  public func deposit(implicit value: Wei) mutates (contents) {
    // Record the Wei received into the contents state property.
    // Value is passed by reference.
    contents.transfer(source: &value)

Wallet :: (owner) {
  public func withdraw(value: Int) mutates (contents) {
    // Transfer an amount of Wei into a local variable. This
    // removes Wei from the contents state property.
    var w: Wei = Wei(source: &contents, amount: value)

    // Send Wei to the owner's Ethereum address.
    send(address: owner, value: &w)

  public func getContents() -> Int {
    return contents.getRawValue()

Another example which uses Wei is the Bank example.

contract Wallet {
  var beneficiaries: [Address: Wei]
  var weights: [Address: Int]
  var bonus: Wei
  var owner: Address

Wallet :: (any) {
  func receiveBonus(implicit newBonus: inout Wei) mutates (contents) {
    bonus.transfer(source: &newBonus)

Wallet :: (owner) {
  func distribute(amount: Int) mutates (contents) {
    let beneficiaryBonus = bonus.getRawValue() / beneficiaries.count
    for let person: Address in beneficiaries {
      var allocation = Wei(source: &balance, amount: amount * weights[person])
      allocation.transfer(source: &bonus, amount: beneficiaryBonus)
      send(address: beneficiaries[i], value: &allocation)


Wei is an example of an asset, and it is a struct conforming to the struct trait Asset, available in the standard library. It is possible to declare custom structs which will behave like assets:

struct MyWei : Asset {
  var rawValue: Int = 0

  init(unsafeRawValue: Int) {
    self.rawValue = unsafeRawValue

  init(source: inout MyWei, amount: Int) {
    transfer(source: &source, amount: amount)

  init(source: inout MyWei) {
    let amount: Int = source.getRawValue()
    transfer(source: &source, amount: amount)

  func setRawValue(value: Int) -> Int
      mutates (rawValue) {
    rawValue = value
    return rawValue

  func getRawValue() -> Int {
    return rawValue

The transfer functions are declared in the Asset trait and are inherited automatically. For the time being, traits do not support default implementations for initialisers or variables, so custom assets have to include the code above. Struct traits also do not support variables as part of the conformance, which is why setRawValue and getRawValue are required.

Global Functions

Global functions in the standard library are special function which can be called from any contract, struct, or contract group.


Assertions are checks that happen at runtime. They are used to ensure an essential condition is satisfied before executing any further code. If the boolean condition evaluates to true then the execution continues as usual. Otherwise the transaction is reverted.



assert(x == 2)

In essence an assertion is a shorthand for the longer:

if x == 2 {

Fatal error

fatalError() is a function exposed that reverts a transaction when called. This means that any contract storage changes are rolledback and no values are returned.


Only on: Solidity

send(address: Address, value: inout Wei) sends the value Wei to the Ethereum address address, and clears the contents of value. It is a simpler way to perform a money transfer compared to external calls, but does not allow hyper-parameters to be specified.