$ rackup rack/config.ru
A collector is a class who permit retrieve profiler data. And also create a tab and show content into the toolbar.
class MyCustomCollector
include Rack::WebProfiler::Collector::DSL
collector_name "my_collector" # Technical name of the collector.
icon "" # Base64 encoded image for the icon collector.
position 0 # Position of the collector in the toolbar.
# Retrieve the env, the request and the response
# to collect the needed information. Then save datas
# and show them in the profiler toolbar and panel.
collect do |env, request, response|
store :version, MyApp::VERSION
store :list, ["value1", "value2"]
# The path of the collector template.
# May be with some options to know if we show the collector
# on tab and/or panel.
template "../path/to/template.erb"
# Or
# template __FILE__, type: :DATA
# To know if the collector must be enabled.
# Usefull to load collector only if a gem is installed.
is_enabled? -> { defined? MyApp }
And you have to register it
Rack::WebProfiler.register_collector MyCustomCollector
You could also unregister a collector
Rack::WebProfiler.unregister_collector MyCustomCollector