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534 lines (380 loc) · 34.1 KB

File metadata and controls

534 lines (380 loc) · 34.1 KB

[meta_rules\cloud\mr_aws_ec2_download_userdata.yml] search = eventSource="" requestParameters.attribute="userData" eventName="DescribeInstanceAttribute" | eval rule="26ff4080-194e-47e7-9889-ef7602efed0c", title="AWS EC2 Download Userdata" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects bulk downloading of User Data associated with AWS EC2 instances. Instance User Data may include installation scripts and hard-coded secrets for deployment.

| bin _time span=30m | stats count as event_count by _time eventSource

| search event_count > 10

[meta_rules\cloud\mr_aws_enum_backup.yml] search = eventSource="" eventName IN ("GetPasswordData", "GetEbsEncryptionByDefault", "GetEbsDefaultKmsKeyId", "GetBucketReplication", "DescribeVolumes", "DescribeVolumesModifications", "DescribeSnapshotAttribute", "DescribeSnapshotTierStatus", "DescribeImages") | eval rule="76255e09-755e-4675-8b6b-dbce9842cd2a", title="Potential Backup Enumeration on AWS" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects potential enumeration activity targeting an AWS instance backups

| bin _time span=10m | stats count as event_count by _time eventSource

| search event_count > 5

[meta_rules\cloud\mr_aws_enum_listing.yml] search = eventName="list*" | table userIdentity.arn | eval rule="e9c14b23-47e2-4a8b-8a63-d36618e33d70", title="Account Enumeration on AWS" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects enumeration of accounts configuration via api call to list different instances and services within a short period of time.

| bin _time span=10m | stats count as event_count by _time eventSource

| search event_count > 50

[meta_rules\cloud\mr_aws_enum_network.yml] search = eventSource="" eventName IN ("DescribeCarrierGateways", "DescribeVpcEndpointConnectionNotifications", "DescribeTransitGatewayMulticastDomains", "DescribeClientVpnRoutes", "DescribeDhcpOptions", "GetTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociations") | eval rule="c3d53999-4b14-4ddd-9d9b-e618c366b54d", title="Potential Network Enumeration on AWS" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects network enumeration performed on AWS.

| bin _time span=10m | stats count as event_count by _time eventSource

| search event_count > 5

[meta_rules\cloud\mr_aws_enum_storage.yml] search = eventSource="" eventName IN ("ListBuckets", "GetBucketCors", "GetBucketInventoryConfiguration", "GetBucketPublicAccessBlock", "GetBucketMetricsConfiguration", "GetBucketPolicy", "GetBucketTagging") | eval rule="4723218f-2048-41f6-bcb0-417f2d784f61", title="Potential Storage Enumeration on AWS" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects potential enumeration activity targeting AWS storage

| bin _time span=10m | stats count as event_count by _time eventSource

| search event_count > 5 | multisearch [ search [meta_rules\cloud\mr_aws_lambda_function_created_or_invoked.yml] search = eventSource="" eventName="CreateFunction" | eval rule="d914951b-52c8-485f-875e-86abab710c0b", title="AWS Lambda Function Created" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects when an user creates or invokes a lambda function. | eval event_type="d914951b-52c8-485f-875e-86abab710c0b" ] [ search [meta_rules\cloud\mr_aws_lambda_function_created_or_invoked.yml] search = eventSource="" eventName="Invoke" | eval rule="53baf6c8-e3a2-4769-8378-f20df75f550d", title="AWS Lambda Function Invoked" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects when an user creates or invokes a lambda function. | eval event_type="53baf6c8-e3a2-4769-8378-f20df75f550d" ]

| bin _time span=5m | stats dc(event_type) as event_type_count by _time eventSource

| search event_type_count >= 2

[meta_rules\cloud\mr_aws_macic_evasion.yml] search = eventName IN ("ArchiveFindings", "CreateFindingsFilter", "DeleteMember", "DisassociateFromMasterAccount", "DisassociateMember", "DisableMacie", "DisableOrganizationAdminAccount", "UpdateFindingsFilter", "UpdateMacieSession", "UpdateMemberSession", "UpdateClassificationJob") | eval rule="91f6a16c-ef71-437a-99ac-0b070e3ad221", title="AWS Macie Evasion" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects evade to Macie detection.

| bin _time span=10m | stats count as event_count by _time sourceIPAddress

| search event_count > 5 | multisearch [ search [meta_rules\cloud\mr_aws_ses_messaging_enabled.yml] search = eventSource="" eventName="UpdateAccountSendingEnabled" | eval rule="60b84424-a724-4502-bd0d-cc676e1bc90e", title="Potential AWS Cloud Email Service Abuse" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects when the email sending feature is enabled for an AWS account and the email address verification request is dispatched in quick succession | eval event_type="60b84424-a724-4502-bd0d-cc676e1bc90e" ] [ search [meta_rules\cloud\mr_aws_ses_messaging_enabled.yml] search = eventSource="" eventName="VerifyEmailIdentity" | eval rule="aa3e4183-c864-4bde-a46f-2bf178fd1080", title="Potential AWS Cloud Email Service Abuse" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects when the email sending feature is enabled for an AWS account and the email address verification request is dispatched in quick succession | eval event_type="aa3e4183-c864-4bde-a46f-2bf178fd1080" ]

| bin _time span=5m | stats dc(event_type) as event_type_count by _time eventSource

| search event_type_count >= 2

[meta_rules\cloud\mr_azure_aad_secops_signin_failure_bad_password_threshold.yml] search = ResultType=50126 ResultDescription="Invalid username or password or Invalid on-premises username or password." NOT TargetUserName="*$" | eval rule="dff74231-dbed-42ab-ba49-83289be2ac3a", title="Sign-in Failure Bad Password Threshold" | collect index=notable_events description = Define a baseline threshold and then monitor and adjust to suit your organizational behaviors and limit false alerts from being generated.

| bin _time span=5m | stats dc(TargetUserName) as value_count by _time IpAddress

| search value_count > 10

[meta_rules\linux\mr_lnx_auditd_cve_2021_3156_sudo_buffer_overflow.yml] search = type="EXECVE" a0="/usr/bin/sudoedit" a1="-s" OR a2="-s" OR a3="-s" OR a4="-s" a1="\" OR a2="\" OR a3="\" OR a4="\" | eval rule="5ee37487-4eb8-4ac2-9be1-d7d14cdc559f", title="CVE-2021-3156 Exploitation Attempt" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects exploitation attempt of vulnerability described in CVE-2021-3156. Alternative approach might be to look for flooding of auditd logs due to bruteforcing required to trigger the heap-based buffer overflow.

| bin _time span=24h | stats count as event_count by _time host

| search event_count > 50

[meta_rules\linux\mr_lnx_auditd_cve_2021_3156_sudo_buffer_overflow_brutforce.yml] search = type="SYSCALL" exe="/usr/bin/sudoedit" | eval rule="b9748c98-9ea7-4fdb-80b6-29bed6ba71d2", title="CVE-2021-3156 Exploitation Attempt Bruteforcing" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects exploitation attempt of vulnerability described in CVE-2021-3156. Alternative approach might be to look for flooding of auditd logs due to bruteforcing. required to trigger the heap-based buffer overflow.

| bin _time span=24h | stats count as event_count by _time host

| search event_count > 50 | multisearch [ search [meta_rules\linux\mr_lnx_auditd_cve_2021_4034.yml] search = type="PROCTITLE" proctitle="(null)" | eval rule="40a016ab-4f48-4eee-adde-bbf612695c53", title="Potential CVE-2021-4034 Exploitation Attempt" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects exploitation attempt of the vulnerability described in CVE-2021-4034. | eval event_type="40a016ab-4f48-4eee-adde-bbf612695c53" ] [ search [meta_rules\linux\mr_lnx_auditd_cve_2021_4034.yml] search = type="SYSCALL" comm="pkexec" exe="/usr/bin/pkexec" | eval rule="3f4efb10-b8e0-4253-9cbb-32d4b2ef53d0", title="Potential CVE-2021-4034 Exploitation Attempt" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects exploitation attempt of the vulnerability described in CVE-2021-4034. | eval event_type="3f4efb10-b8e0-4253-9cbb-32d4b2ef53d0" ]

| bin _time span=1m | stats dc(event_type) as event_type_count by _time computer

| search event_type_count >= 2 | multisearch [ search [meta_rules\linux\mr_lnx_auditd_debugfs_usage.yml] search = type="EXECVE" a0="debugfs" | eval rule="fb0647d7-371a-4553-8e20-33bbbe122956", title="Use of Debugfs to Access a Raw Disk" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects access to a raw disk on a host to evade detection by security products. | eval event_type="fb0647d7-371a-4553-8e20-33bbbe122956" ] [ search [meta_rules\linux\mr_lnx_auditd_debugfs_usage.yml] search = type="EXECVE" a0 IN ("df", "lsblk", "pvs", "fdisk", "blkid", "parted", "hwinfo", "inxi") | eval rule="e33e10c1-e376-4dc5-906b-f37c0814d96b", title="Use of Debugfs to Access a Raw Disk" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects access to a raw disk on a host to evade detection by security products. | eval event_type="e33e10c1-e376-4dc5-906b-f37c0814d96b" ]

| bin _time span=5m | stats dc(event_type) as event_type_count by _time computer

| search event_type_count >= 2

[meta_rules\linux\mr_lnx_auth_susp_failed_logons_single_source.yml] search = pam_message="authentication failure" pam_user="" pam_rhost="" | eval rule="fc947f8e-ea81-4b14-9a7b-13f888f94e18", title="Failed Logins with Different Accounts from Single Source - Linux" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects suspicious failed logins with different user accounts from a single source system

| bin _time span=24h | stats dc(pam_user) as value_count by _time pam_rhost

| search value_count > 3

[meta_rules\linux\mr_lnx_shell_priv_esc_prep.yml] search = "cat /etc/issue" OR "cat /etc/-release" OR "cat /proc/version" OR "uname -a" OR "uname -mrs" OR "rpm -q kernel" OR "dmesg | grep Linux" OR "ls /boot | grep vmlinuz-" OR "cat /etc/profile" OR "cat /etc/bashrc" OR "cat ~/.bash_profile" OR "cat ~/.bashrc" OR "cat ~/.bash_logout" OR "ps -aux | grep root" OR "ps -ef | grep root" OR "crontab -l" OR "cat /etc/cron" OR "cat /etc/cron.allow" OR "cat /etc/cron.deny" OR "cat /etc/crontab" OR "grep -i user *" OR "grep -i pass *" OR "ifconfig" OR "cat /etc/network/interfaces" OR "cat /etc/sysconfig/network" OR "cat /etc/resolv.conf" OR "cat /etc/networks" OR "iptables -L" OR "ip6tables -L" OR "lsof -i" OR "netstat -antup" OR "netstat -antpx" OR "netstat -tulpn" OR "arp -e" OR "route" OR "cat /etc/passwd" OR "cat /etc/group" OR "cat /etc/shadow" OR "find / -perm -u=s" OR "find / -perm -g=s" OR "find / -perm -4000" OR "find / -perm -2000" OR "find / -perm -o+w" | eval rule="444ade84-c362-4260-b1f3-e45e20e1a905", title="Privilege Escalation Preparation" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects suspicious shell commands indicating the information gathering phase as preparation for the Privilege Escalation.

| bin _time span=30m | stats count as event_count by _time host

| search event_count > 6

[meta_rules\network\mr_net_dns_c2_detection.yml] search = parent_domain="*" | eval rule="1ec4b281-aa65-46a2-bdae-5fd830ed914e", title="Possible DNS Tunneling" | collect index=notable_events description = Normally, DNS logs contain a limited amount of different dns queries for a single domain. This rule detects a high amount of queries for a single domain, which can be an indicator that DNS is used to transfer data.

| bin _time span=1h | stats dc(dns_query) as value_count by _time parent_domain

| search value_count > 1000

[meta_rules\network\mr_net_dns_high_null_records_requests_rate.yml] search = record_type="NULL" | eval rule="44ae5117-9c44-40cf-9c7c-7edad385ca70", title="High NULL Records Requests Rate" | collect index=notable_events description = Extremely high rate of NULL record type DNS requests from host per short period of time. Possible result of iodine tool execution

| bin _time span=1m | stats count as event_count by _time src_ip

| search event_count > 50

[meta_rules\network\mr_net_dns_high_requests_rate.yml] search = query="*" | eval rule="b4163085-4001-46a3-a79a-55d8bbbc7a3a", title="High DNS Requests Rate" | collect index=notable_events description = High DNS requests amount from host per short period of time

| bin _time span=1m | stats count as event_count by _time src_ip

| search event_count > 1000

[meta_rules\network\mr_net_dns_high_txt_records_requests_rate.yml] search = record_type="TXT" | eval rule="f0a8cedc-1d22-4453-9c44-8d9f4ebd5d35", title="High TXT Records Requests Rate" | collect index=notable_events description = Extremely high rate of TXT record type DNS requests from host per short period of time. Possible result of Do-exfiltration tool execution

| bin _time span=1m | stats count as event_count by _time src_ip

| search event_count > 50

[meta_rules\network\mr_net_firewall_high_dns_requests_rate.yml] search = dst_port=53 | eval rule="51186749-7415-46be-90e5-6914865c825a", title="High DNS Requests Rate - Firewall" | collect index=notable_events description = High DNS requests amount from host per short period of time

| bin _time span=1m | stats count as event_count by _time src_ip

| search event_count > 1000

[meta_rules\network\mr_net_firewall_susp_network_scan_by_ip.yml] search = action="denied" | table src_ip,dst_ip,dst_port | eval rule="4601eaec-6b45-4052-ad32-2d96d26ce0d8", title="Network Scans Count By Destination IP" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects many failed connection attempts to different ports or hosts

| bin _time span=24h | stats dc(dst_ip) as value_count by _time src_ip

| search value_count > 10

[meta_rules\network\mr_net_firewall_susp_network_scan_by_port.yml] search = action="denied" | table src_ip,dst_ip,dst_port | eval rule="fab0ddf0-b8a9-4d70-91ce-a20547209afb", title="Network Scans Count By Destination Port" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects many failed connection attempts to different ports or hosts

| bin _time span=24h | stats dc(dst_port) as value_count by _time src_ip

| search value_count > 10

[meta_rules\network\mr_net_possible_dns_rebinding.yml] search = answer="*" ttl=">0" ttl="<10" | eval rule="ec5b8711-b550-4879-9660-568aaae2c3ea", title="Possible DNS Rebinding" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects DNS-answer with TTL <10.

| bin _time span=30s | stats dc(answer) as value_count by _time src_ip

| search value_count > 3

[meta_rules\other\mr_generic_brute_force.yml] search = action="failure" | table src_ip,dst_ip,user | eval rule="53c7cca0-2901-493a-95db-d00d6fcf0a37", title="Brute Force" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects many authentication failures from one source to one destination which is may indicate Brute Force activity

| bin _time span=600s | stats dc(category) as value_count by _time dst_ip

| search value_count > 30

[meta_rules\other\mr_modsec_mulitple_blocks.yml] search = "mod_security: Access denied" OR "ModSecurity: Access denied" OR "mod_security-message: Access denied" | eval rule="a06eea10-d932-4aa6-8ba9-186df72c8d23", title="Multiple Modsecurity Blocks" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects multiple blocks by the mod_security module (Web Application Firewall)

| bin _time span=120m | stats count as event_count by _time host

| search event_count > 6

[meta_rules\web\web_multiple_susp_resp_codes_single_source.yml] search = "sc-status" IN (400, 401, 403, 500) | table client_ip,vhost,url,response | eval rule="6fdfc796-06b3-46e8-af08-58f3505318af", title="Multiple Suspicious Resp Codes Caused by Single Client" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects possible exploitation activity or bugs in a web application

| bin _time span=10m | stats count as event_count by _time clientip

| search event_count > 10

[meta_rules\windows\mr_dns_query_win_possible_dns_rebinding.yml] search = QueryName="" QueryStatus="0" QueryResults IN ("(::ffff:)10.", "(::ffff:)192.168.", "(::ffff:)172.16.", "(::ffff:)172.17.", "(::ffff:)172.18.", "(::ffff:)172.19.", "(::ffff:)172.20.", "(::ffff:)172.21.", "(::ffff:)172.22.", "(::ffff:)172.23.", "(::ffff:)172.24.", "(::ffff:)172.25.", "(::ffff:)172.26.", "(::ffff:)172.27.", "(::ffff:)172.28.", "(::ffff:)172.29.", "(::ffff:)172.30.", "(::ffff:)172.31.", "(::ffff:)127.") QueryName="" QueryStatus="0" NOT (QueryResults IN ("(::ffff:)10.", "(::ffff:)192.168.", "(::ffff:)172.16.", "(::ffff:)172.17.", "(::ffff:)172.18.", "(::ffff:)172.19.", "(::ffff:)172.20.", "(::ffff:)172.21.", "(::ffff:)172.22.", "(::ffff:)172.23.", "(::ffff:)172.24.", "(::ffff:)172.25.", "(::ffff:)172.26.", "(::ffff:)172.27.", "(::ffff:)172.28.", "(::ffff:)172.29.", "(::ffff:)172.30.", "(::ffff:)172.31.", "(::ffff:)127.")) | eval rule="eb07e747-2552-44cd-af36-b659ae0958e4", title="Possible DNS Rebinding" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects several different DNS-answers by one domain with IPs from internal and external networks. Normally, DNS-answer contain TTL >100. (DNS-record will saved in host cache for a while TTL).

| bin _time span=30s | stats dc(QueryName) as value_count by _time ComputerName

| search value_count > 3

[meta_rules\windows\mr_posh_ps_cl_invocation_lolscript_count.yml] search = ScriptBlockText IN ("CL_Invocation.ps1", "SyncInvoke") | eval rule="f588e69b-0750-46bb-8f87-0e9320d57536", title="Execution via CL_Invocation.ps1 (2 Lines)" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects Execution via SyncInvoke in CL_Invocation.ps1 module

| bin _time span=1m | stats dc(ScriptBlockText) as value_count by _time Computer

| search value_count > 2

[meta_rules\windows\mr_posh_ps_cl_mutexverifiers_lolscript_count.yml] search = ScriptBlockText IN ("CL_Mutexverifiers.ps1", "runAfterCancelProcess") | eval rule="6609c444-9670-4eab-9636-fe4755a851ce", title="Execution via CL_Mutexverifiers.ps1 (2 Lines)" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects Execution via runAfterCancelProcess in CL_Mutexverifiers.ps1 module

| bin _time span=10m | stats dc(ScriptBlockText) as value_count by _time Computer

| search value_count > 2 | multisearch [ search [meta_rules\windows\mr_proc_creation_win_correlation_apt_silence_downloader_v3.yml] search = Image IN ("\tasklist.exe", "\qwinsta.exe", "\ipconfig.exe", "\hostname.exe") CommandLine=">>" CommandLine="temps.dat" | table ComputerName,User,Image,CommandLine | eval rule="170901d1-de11-4de7-bccb-8fa13678d857", title="Silence.Downloader V3" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects Silence downloader. These commands are hardcoded into the binary. | eval event_type="170901d1-de11-4de7-bccb-8fa13678d857" ] [ search [meta_rules\windows\mr_proc_creation_win_correlation_apt_silence_downloader_v3.yml] search = CommandLine="/C REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "WinNetworkSecurity" /t REG_SZ /d*" | table ComputerName,User,Image,CommandLine | eval rule="0af723a1-0222-4427-a07d-3be9bb8d12d7", title="Silence.Downloader V3" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects Silence downloader. These commands are hardcoded into the binary. | eval event_type="0af723a1-0222-4427-a07d-3be9bb8d12d7" ]

| bin _time span=5m | stats dc(event_type) as event_type_count by _time computer

| search event_type_count >= 2 | multisearch [ search [meta_rules\windows\mr_proc_creation_win_correlation_apt_turla_commands_medium.yml] search = CommandLine="net view /DOMAIN" | eval rule="75925535-ca97-4e0a-a850-00b5c00779dc", title="Automated Turla Group Lateral Movement" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects automated lateral movement by Turla group | eval event_type="75925535-ca97-4e0a-a850-00b5c00779dc" ] [ search [meta_rules\windows\mr_proc_creation_win_correlation_apt_turla_commands_medium.yml] search = CommandLine="net session" | eval rule="ad03ed33-9323-41f4-be14-1827cd645a77", title="Automated Turla Group Lateral Movement" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects automated lateral movement by Turla group | eval event_type="ad03ed33-9323-41f4-be14-1827cd645a77" ] [ search [meta_rules\windows\mr_proc_creation_win_correlation_apt_turla_commands_medium.yml] search = CommandLine="net share" | eval rule="73c3b7a0-d45e-4f48-875c-71114564a1a0", title="Automated Turla Group Lateral Movement" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects automated lateral movement by Turla group | eval event_type="73c3b7a0-d45e-4f48-875c-71114564a1a0" ]

| bin _time span=1m | stats dc(event_type) as event_type_count by _time computer

| search event_type_count >= 3

[meta_rules\windows\mr_proc_creation_win_correlation_dnscat2_powershell_implementation.yml] search = ParentImage IN ("\powershell.exe", "\pwsh.exe") Image="\nslookup.exe" CommandLine="\nslookup.exe" | table Image,CommandLine,ParentImage | eval rule="b11d75d6-d7c1-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003", title="DNSCat2 Powershell Implementation Detection Via Process Creation" | collect index=notable_events description = The PowerShell implementation of DNSCat2 calls nslookup to craft queries. Counting nslookup processes spawned by PowerShell will show hundreds or thousands of instances if PS DNSCat2 is active locally.

| bin _time span=1h | stats dc(Image) as value_count by _time ParentImage

| search value_count > 100

[meta_rules\windows\mr_proc_creation_win_correlation_multiple_susp_cli.yml] search = CommandLine IN ("arp.exe", "at.exe", "attrib.exe", "cscript.exe", "dsquery.exe", "hostname.exe", "ipconfig.exe", "mimikatz.exe", "nbtstat.exe", "net.exe", "netsh.exe", "nslookup.exe", "ping.exe", "quser.exe", "qwinsta.exe", "reg.exe", "runas.exe", "sc.exe", "schtasks.exe", "ssh.exe", "systeminfo.exe", "taskkill.exe", "telnet.exe", "tracert.exe", "wscript.exe", "xcopy.exe", "pscp.exe", "copy.exe", "robocopy.exe", "certutil.exe", "vssadmin.exe", "powershell.exe", "pwsh.exe", "wevtutil.exe", "psexec.exe", "bcedit.exe", "wbadmin.exe", "icacls.exe", "diskpart.exe") | eval rule="61ab5496-748e-4818-a92f-de78e20fe7f1", title="Quick Execution of a Series of Suspicious Commands" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects multiple suspicious process in a limited timeframe

| bin _time span=5m | stats count as event_count by _time MachineName

| search event_count > 5

[meta_rules\windows\mr_proc_creation_win_correlation_susp_builtin_commands_recon.yml] search = CommandLine IN ("tasklist", "net time", "systeminfo", "whoami", "nbtstat", "net start", "qprocess", "nslookup", "hostname.exe", "netstat -an") OR CommandLine IN ("\net1 start", "\net1 user /domain", "\net1 group /domain", "\net1 group "domain admins" /domain", "\net1 group "Exchange Trusted Subsystem" /domain", "\net1 accounts /domain", "*\net1 user net localgroup administrators") | eval rule="2887e914-ce96-435f-8105-593937e90757", title="Reconnaissance Activity Using BuiltIn Commands" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects execution of a set of builtin commands often used in recon stages by different attack groups

| bin _time span=15s | stats count as event_count by _time CommandLine

| search event_count > 4 | multisearch [ search [meta_rules\windows\mr_win_apt_apt29_tor.yml] search = EventID=7045 Provider_Name="Service Control Manager" ServiceName="Google Update" | eval rule="aac6bade-ac91-40b6-9336-4b79f4df7c97", title="APT29 Google Update Service Install" | collect index=notable_events description = This method detects malicious services mentioned in APT29 report by FireEye. The legitimate path for the Google update service is C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe so the service names and executable locations used by APT29 are specific enough to be detected in log files. | eval event_type="aac6bade-ac91-40b6-9336-4b79f4df7c97" ] [ search [meta_rules\windows\mr_win_apt_apt29_tor.yml] search = Image IN ("C:\Program Files(x86)\Google\GoogleService.exe", "C:\Program Files(x86)\Google\GoogleUpdate.exe") | table ComputerName,User,CommandLine | eval rule="c069f460-2b87-4010-8dcf-e45bab362624", title="APT29 Google Update Service Install" | collect index=notable_events description = None | eval event_type="c069f460-2b87-4010-8dcf-e45bab362624" ]

| bin _time span=5m | stats dc(event_type) as event_type_count by _time computer

| search event_type_count >= 2

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_global_catalog_enumeration.yml] search = EventID=5156 DestPort IN (3268, 3269) | eval rule="619b020f-0fd7-4f23-87db-3f51ef837a34", title="Enumeration via the Global Catalog" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects enumeration of the global catalog (that can be performed using BloodHound or others AD reconnaissance tools). Adjust Threshold according to domain width.

| bin _time span=1h | stats count as event_count by _time SourceAddress

| search event_count > 2000

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_rare_schtasks_creations.yml] search = EventID=4698 | eval rule="b0d77106-7bb0-41fe-bd94-d1752164d066", title="Rare Schtasks Creations" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects rare scheduled tasks creations that only appear a few times per time frame and could reveal password dumpers, backdoor installs or other types of malicious code

| bin _time span=7d | stats count as event_count by _time TaskName

| search event_count < 5

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_failed_logons_explicit_credentials.yml] search = EventID=4648 NOT SubjectUserName="*$" | eval rule="196a29c2-e378-48d8-ba07-8a9e61f7fab9", title="Password Spraying via Explicit Credentials" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects a single user failing to authenticate to multiple users using explicit credentials.

| bin _time span=1h | stats dc(TargetUserName) as value_count by _time SubjectUserName

| search value_count > 10

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_failed_logons_single_process.yml] search = EventID=4625 LogonType=2 NOT ProcessName="-" | eval rule="fe563ab6-ded4-4916-b49f-a3a8445fe280", title="Multiple Users Failing to Authenticate from Single Process" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects failed logins with multiple accounts from a single process on the system.

| bin _time span=24h | stats dc(TargetUserName) as value_count by _time ProcessName

| search value_count > 10

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_failed_logons_single_source.yml] search = EventID IN (529, 4625) TargetUserName="" WorkstationName="" | eval rule="e98374a6-e2d9-4076-9b5c-11bdb2569995", title="Failed Logins with Different Accounts from Single Source System" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects suspicious failed logins with different user accounts from a single source system

| bin _time span=24h | stats dc(TargetUserName) as value_count by _time WorkstationName

| search value_count > 3

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_failed_logons_single_source2.yml] search = EventID=4776 TargetUserName="" Workstation="" | eval rule="6309ffc4-8fa2-47cf-96b8-a2f72e58e538", title="Failed NTLM Logins with Different Accounts from Single Source System" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects suspicious failed logins with different user accounts from a single source system

| bin _time span=24h | stats dc(TargetUserName) as value_count by _time "Workstation - Workstation"

| search value_count > 10

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_failed_logons_single_source_kerberos.yml] search = EventID=4771 Status="0x18" NOT TargetUserName="*$" | eval rule="5d1d946e-32e6-4d9a-a0dc-0ac022c7eb98", title="Valid Users Failing to Authenticate From Single Source Using Kerberos" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects multiple failed logins with multiple valid domain accounts from a single source system using the Kerberos protocol.

| bin _time span=24h | stats dc(TargetUserName) as value_count by _time IpAddress

| search value_count > 10

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_failed_logons_single_source_kerberos2.yml] search = EventID=4768 Status="0x12" NOT TargetUserName="*$" | eval rule="4b6fe998-b69c-46d8-901b-13677c9fb663", title="Disabled Users Failing To Authenticate From Source Using Kerberos" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects failed logins with multiple disabled domain accounts from a single source system using the Kerberos protocol.

| bin _time span=24h | stats dc(TargetUserName) as value_count by _time IpAddress

| search value_count > 10

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_failed_logons_single_source_kerberos3.yml] search = EventID=4768 Status="0x6" NOT TargetUserName="*$" | eval rule="bc93dfe6-8242-411e-a2dd-d16fa0cc8564", title="Invalid Users Failing To Authenticate From Source Using Kerberos" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects failed logins with multiple invalid domain accounts from a single source system using the Kerberos protocol.

| bin _time span=24h | stats dc(TargetUserName) as value_count by _time IpAddress

| search value_count > 10

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_failed_logons_single_source_ntlm.yml] search = EventID=4776 Status="0xC000006A" NOT TargetUserName="$" | eval rule="f88bab7f-b1f4-41bb-bdb1-4b8af35b0470", title="Valid Users Failing to Authenticate from Single Source Using NTLM" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects failed logins with multiple valid domain accounts from a single source system using the NTLM protocol.

| bin _time span=24h | stats dc(TargetUserName) as value_count by _time Workstation

| search value_count > 10

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_failed_logons_single_source_ntlm2.yml] search = EventID=4776 Status="0xC0000064" NOT TargetUserName="$" | eval rule="56d62ef8-3462-4890-9859-7b41e541f8d5", title="Invalid Users Failing To Authenticate From Single Source Using NTLM" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects failed logins with multiple invalid domain accounts from a single source system using the NTLM protocol.

| bin _time span=24h | stats dc(TargetUserName) as value_count by _time Workstation

| search value_count > 10

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_failed_remote_logons_single_source.yml] search = EventID=4625 LogonType=3 NOT IpAddress="-" | eval rule="add2ef8d-dc91-4002-9e7e-f2702369f53a", title="Multiple Users Remotely Failing To Authenticate From Single Source" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects a source system failing to authenticate against a remote host with multiple users.

| bin _time span=24h | stats dc(TargetUserName) as value_count by _time IpAddress

| search value_count > 10

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_multiple_files_renamed_or_deleted.yml] search = EventID=4663 ObjectType="File" AccessList="%%1537" Keywords="0x8020000000000000" | eval rule="97919310-06a7-482c-9639-92b67ed63cf8", title="Suspicious Multiple File Rename Or Delete Occurred" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects multiple file rename or delete events occurrence within a specified period of time by a same user (these events may signalize about ransomware activity).

| bin _time span=30s | stats count as event_count by _time SubjectLogonId

| search event_count > 10 | multisearch [ search [meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_samr_pwset.yml] search = EventID=4738 NOT PasswordLastSet!=* | eval rule="7818b381-5eb1-4641-bea5-ef9e4cfb5951", title="Possible Remote Password Change Through SAMR" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects a possible remote NTLM hash change through SAMR API SamiChangePasswordUser() or SamSetInformationUser(). "Audit User Account Management" in "Advanced Audit Policy Configuration" has to be enabled in your local security policy / GPO to see this events. | eval event_type="7818b381-5eb1-4641-bea5-ef9e4cfb5951" ] [ search [meta_rules\windows\mr_win_security_susp_samr_pwset.yml] search = EventID=5145 RelativeTargetName="samr" | eval rule="1b432ca1-3604-404b-9029-35c81975f6c6", title="Possible Remote Password Change Through SAMR" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects a possible remote NTLM hash change through SAMR API SamiChangePasswordUser() or SamSetInformationUser(). "Audit User Account Management" in "Advanced Audit Policy Configuration" has to be enabled in your local security policy / GPO to see this events. | eval event_type="1b432ca1-3604-404b-9029-35c81975f6c6" ]

| bin _time span=15s | stats dc(event_type) as event_type_count by _time computer

| search event_type_count >= 2

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_susp_failed_hidden_share_mount.yml] search = EventID=31010 ShareName="*$" | table ShareName | eval rule="1c3be8c5-6171-41d3-b792-cab6f717fcdb", title="Failed Mounting of Hidden Share" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects repeated failed (outgoing) attempts to mount a hidden share

| bin _time span=1m | stats count as event_count by _time Computer

| search event_count > 10

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_system_rare_service_installs.yml] search = Provider_Name="Service Control Manager" EventID=7045 | eval rule="66bfef30-22a5-4fcd-ad44-8d81e60922ae", title="Rare Service Installations" | collect index=notable_events description = Detects rare service installs that only appear a few times per time frame and could reveal password dumpers, backdoor installs or other types of malicious services

| bin _time span=7d | stats count as event_count by _time ServiceName

| search event_count > 5

[meta_rules\windows\mr_win_taskscheduler_rare_schtask_creation.yml] search = EventID=106 NOT TaskName="\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Scheduled Scan" | eval rule="b20f6158-9438-41be-83da-a5a16ac90c2b", title="Rare Scheduled Task Creations" | collect index=notable_events description = This rule detects rare scheduled task creations. Typically software gets installed on multiple systems and not only on a few. The aggregation and count function selects tasks with rare names.

| bin _time span=7d | stats count as event_count by _time TaskName

| search event_count > 5

[meta_rules\zeek\zeek_dce_rpc_domain_user_enumeration.yml] search = operation IN ("LsarLookupNames3", "LsarLookupSids3", "SamrGetGroupsForUser", "SamrLookupIdsInDomain", "SamrLookupNamesInDomain", "SamrQuerySecurityObject", "SamrQueryInformationGroup") | eval rule="66a0bdc6-ee04-441a-9125-99d2eb547942", title="Domain User Enumeration Network Recon 01" | collect index=notable_events description = Domain user and group enumeration via network reconnaissance. Seen in APT 29 and other common tactics and actors. Detects a set of RPC (remote procedure calls) used to enumerate a domain controller. The rule was created based off the datasets and hackathon from

| bin _time span=30s | stats dc(operation) as value_count by _time src_ip

| search value_count > 4