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File metadata and controls

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The Data Structure of the National Folklore Collection Main Manuscript Collection

The Main Manuscript Collection is one of five major collections of folklore held by Cnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann/the National Folklore Collection (NFC), University College Dublin (UCD), and comprises 2,400 bound volumes of material collected since 1932. Full- and part-time collectors compiled the majority of these under the auspices of the Irish Folklore Commission (1935–1971). Approximately two thirds of the material is in Irish and it includes every aspect of the Irish oral tradition.

This collection is currently being digitised as part of the Dúchas project by Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge (FSG), Dublin City University (DCU), in conjunction with the NFC. The digitisation will produce (1) a collection of scanned images and (2) an XML data set that indexes and annotates the images. This document describes the data structure used in the XML data set.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Volumes
  3. Pages
  4. Parts
  5. Items
  6. Topics
  7. Note types
  8. References to persons
  9. Dates
  10. Consistency with CBÉS data structure


A similar process to digitise the NFC Schools' Collection (hereafter referred to as CBÉS) and Photographic Collection (hereafter referred to as CBÉG) was previously undertaken during the period 2013–2017, also under the auspices of the Dúchas project. The results of this work have been made publicly available at and are in the process of being archived for preservation by the UCD Digital Library.

This present document is heavily indebted to a previous specification of the CBÉS data structure, The Data Structure of Bailiúchán na Scol, authored by Michal Boleslav Měchura in 2013. There is good reason for this: the data structure of the Main Manuscript Collection (hereafter referred to as CBÉ) will be, to a large extent, a more generalised adaptation of the CBÉS data structure. This will aid future developments as part of the Dúchas project (see Consistency with CBÉS data structure below).

It should be noted that the data structure outlined in this document represents the internal data structure for the CBÉ database and not an authoritative schema for encoding folkloristic or archival data. Not all elements of the CBÉ data structure will be made publicly available and the data may be variously restructured or transformed for presentation on the dú website or for dissemination via the forthcoming Dúchas application programming interface (API). It should also be possible to reconstruct the data according to other specifications, such as the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) or those provided by the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), as required.

Changed understandings since developing the CBÉS data structure

Developments in relation to the storage, retrieval and dissemination of image media

The CBÉS data structure references individual image files where each page in a volume is associated with a set of images at various sizes:

<fileNameBig default="CBES_0085\CBES_0085_1A.jpg" />
<fileNameSmall default="CBES_0085\CBES_0085_1A_t.jpg" />

This convention may no longer be optimal for the following reasons:

  • Images need to be served at a flexible range of sizes. Since September 2017, the dú website features a responsive design and it is intended to add to the range of image sizes served in order to better cater for a wide range of user devices. The number and variety of images offered is likely to change over time.
  • With IIIF media standards and server technology coming on stream, it may soon no longer be necessary or desirable to retain multiple static copies of images in local storage.

Instead, it is proposed that the XML code for CBÉ will reference a single authoritative image file. Paths to derivate images can be constructed at the application level using string replacement operations.

Editorial tooling

Editorial work for CBÉS was carried out the Léacslann editorial system previously developed by FSG. As was the case for CBÉG, however, it is proposed to annotate the CBÉ volumes in a newer editorial system, Ardán. While this is an application-level concern, and is thus outside the scope of this document, there is no doubt that the possibilites afforded by Ardán's more flexible data manipulation tools have influenced the data structure design.

Additive metadata models

Various aspects of the CBÉS data structure preferred a boolean or either/or approach to certain metadata. For example, stories in CBÉS were marked as being either Irish-language, English-language, or mixed-language texts. In many cases such as this the CBÉ data structure will provide for an additive or tag-based approach where, for instance, one or many or no languages may be assigned to a given item in each volume. This is a function of both the wider scope of the CBÉ collection - which encompasses, to continue from the previous examples, some texts in Manx, Breton, and other languages, as well as non-linguistic materials - and evolving internal editorial practices.

Additional metadata

The data structure of the CBÉG collection introduced a number of new annotation options, as compared with CBÉS. These include structured references to international locations via the Geonames API; more granular date annotations; annotations with reference to the CBÉD database (see References to persons below); format and other image metadata, as well as; an additional topic/subject taxonomy. It is proposed to port many of these additional metadata features to CBÉ, as well as some others that will be specific to the new collection.

Overview of the CBÉ data structure

The CBÉ collection consists of stories, accounts, questionnaires, diaries and other materials which have been physically bound into volumes. Clearly, there is a great degree of variabilty in the composition of each volume. Some volumes contain the work of a single collector, while others feature multiple collectors and multiple informants and may be collected in various locations.

Each volume is represented in the data set by a pVolume (GA: imleabhar) record, and each page by a pPage (GA: leathanach) record. Each pPage record contains a reference to a pVolume record to tell you which volume the page is in. Each pPage record also contains a reference that identifies scanned images of the page.

Together, pVolume and pPage records represent the collection’s physical structure (hence the prefix p). In parallel to the physical structure, a logical structure exists which annotates and indexes the physical structure. It consists of lPart records and lItem records (notice the prefix l).

An lPart record (GA: cuid) represents a distinct section within a manuscript volume and may have originally been physically separate from the other contents of the volume. It is consonant with the msPart element as specified in the TEI P5 Guidelines. It contains a reference to a pVolume record to tell you which volume the manuscript part is in, and a reference to a pPage record within that volume that represents the manuscript part’s title page. An lPart record may also contain data about the location where the material was collected, the collector(s) who sourced the material, and so on.

An lItem (GA: mír) record represents a discrete work, such as a story or diary entry. It is consonant with the TEI msItem element. It contains a reference to its parent lPart record and to one or more pPage records. Notice that mapping between items and pages is many-to-many: an item can span over several pages and a page can accommodate several items. An lItem record also contains detailed data about the people who were involved in its writing, the subject it pertains to and other data.

In addition to the physical and logical structure, several auxiliary record types exist in the data set which serve as look-up lists. These include person records, topic records and noteType records. Their names do not have a prefix.

Each entry in the data set consists of an ID number and an XML document of one of types mentioned above (pVolume, lPart etc). An element within an XML document may refer to another XML document with its ID number.

Each record type is described in detail below.

Relationships of inheritance within volumes

In many cases where, for example, all of the parts in a volume were collected in a single location or many of the items in a manuscript part were obtained by the same collector, it may be beneficial to allow lPart or lItem records to 'inherit' certain metadata from part to which they belong. Such an approach may be an aid to the progress of the editorial annotation work. Relationships of inheritance, as such, are implicitly defined within the data structure and are facilitated within the editorial tooling as an application-level concern. For these purposes, the application will assume that pages inherit certain metadata from the items to which they are linked; items are deemed to inherit certain metadata from their parent manuscript part. The following metadata (defined in next section) are inheritable:

  • <locationIreland>
  • <locationAbroad>
  • <collectors>
  • <informants>
  • <relevantPersons>
  • <relevantCollections>
  • <relevantPublications>

It is necessary to provide for edge cases where, for example, one story in a long series of manuscript items was collected by a person other than the collectors associated with the parent part. Obviously, instances such as this must not be understood to inherit factually incorrect metadata. To this end, an <override> element can be placed in either <lItem> or <pPage> documents. An <override> element denotes that a particular property (named in an element attribute) should not be inherited from any parent document. This has the disadvantage of introducing what is a non-descriptive or negating element to an otherwise entirely descriptive data structure, but it was deemed to be the least brittle approach and allows for maximum flexibility in terms of future ammendments to the schema.



Entry ID 231579

  <owner task="index">26</owner>
  <owner task="check">14</owner>


Represents a volume.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<volumeNumber> exactly one The volume's number/code
<status> exactly one A status code that tells how far advanced annotation on this volume is
<owner> one or more The ID of a user who is charge of annotating this volume
<notes> none or one Internal notes


Stores internal notes.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<note> one or more An internal note


Name Optionality Value type Description
@task required string Denotes the editorial task assigned to the volume owner



Entry ID 331620

  <volume id="4344035"></volume>


Represents a scanned page.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<image> exactly one Data relating to the scanned image file
<volume> exactly one Which volume is this page in?
<pageNumber> exactly one What page number is written on this page?
<listingOrder> exactly one What is the listing order of this page in this volume? This is often, but not always, identical to the page number as written on the page itself
<override> none or one or more Indicates that a property normally inherited from a <lPart> or <lItem> element should not be applied to the current page
<locationIreland> none or one or more Represents a place in Ireland that is associated with this page
<locationAbroad> none or one or more Represents a place outside of Ireland that is associated with this page
<collectors> none or one Who collected the content on this page?
<informants> none or one Who provided the content on this page?
<condition> none or one Description of the page's physical condition
<notes> exactly one Internal notes


Represents an image file and any associated image metadata.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<fileName> exactly one The name of the image file


A reference to the volume with which this page is associated.


Name Optionality Value type Description
@id required integer The ID number of a <pVolume> entry


Represents the physical condition of the page.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<conditionDescription> one or more What is the physical condition of the page?



Entry ID 4667213

  <volume id="4360513">
  <titlePage id="4360522"></titlePage>
    <publication doi="10.2307/20521241">
      Ó Broin, Tomás. "Scéalaí Tíre: Bailiúchán Seanchais ó Ghaillimh." 
      <pubTitle>Béaloideas</pubTitle> 24 (1955): Ii-133.


Represents a distinct section within a manuscript volume.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<volume> exactly one Which volume is this part in?
<titlePage> one or more A reference to the manuscript part's title pages or beginning pages
<languages> none or one What languages are used in the manuscript part?
<locationIreland> none or one or more Represents a place in Ireland that is associated with this part
<locationAbroad> none or one or more Represents a place outside of Ireland that is associated with this part
<collectors> none or one Who collected this content?
<informants> none or one Who provided this content?
<relevantCollections> none or one Are any other NFC collections referenced by this content?
<relevantPublications> none or one Has the content of this manuscript part been published or discussed elsewhere?
<notes> exactly one Internal notes


A reference to the manuscript part's title page.


Name Optionality Value type Description
@id required integer The ID number of a <pPage> entry


Stores a list of languages found within particular content.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<language> one or more An ISO 639-2 language code


Represents a place in Ireland.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<county> exactly one Which county is associated with this place? (Logainm ID)
<georefIreland> none or one or more The Logainm ID associated with a particular place


Represents a place outside of Ireland.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<country> exactly one Which country is associated with this place? (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code)
<georefAbroad> none or one or more The Geonames ID associated with a particular place


Stores a list of folklore collectors.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<person> none or one or more The ID number of a CBÉD entry


Stores a list of informants.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<person> none or one or more The ID number of a CBÉD entry


Stores a list of references to other NFC collections.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<collection> one or more Reference to another NFC collection


Stores a list of publications associated an entry.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<publication> one or more Reference citing a publication outside of dú


Represents a publication.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<pubTitle> one or more Represents a publication title


Name Optionality Value type Description
@doi optional string The digital object identifier (DOI) of a publication, if available
@url optional string The URL of a publication. If a DOI is available do not provide a URL.



Entry ID 551579

  <part id="4427865">
    <page id="4360522"></page>
    <page id="4360523"></page>
  <title>Oíche an tSneachta Mhóir 2018</title>
  <contentDescription type="SEAN">
  <extraInfo status="EDIT">
    <text lang="ga"></text>
    <text lang="en"></text>
    <collection id="cbeg"></collection>


Represents a discrete work within a volume or within a part of a volume.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<part> exactly one Which part of the volume is this item in?
<pages> exactly one What pages are associated with this item?
<title> none or one The title given to the item, if it exists
<item> none or one or more Is this item linked to another item, i.e. is it part of a series of items such as a story spread over several volumes?
<date> none or one The date the item was recorded
<languages> none or one What languages are used in the item?
<contentDescription> exactly one Represents specific properties of the item's content
<override> none or one or more Indicates that a property normally inherited from a <lPart> element should not be applied to the current item or its associated pages
<topics> exactly one What topics describe this item's content?
<locationIreland> none or one or more Represents a place in Ireland that is associated with this item
<locationAbroad> none or one or more Represents a place outside of Ireland that is associated with this item
<collectors> exactly one Who collected this content?
<informants> exactly one Who provided this content?
<relevantPersons> none or one Stores a list of persons who are referenced within the item text or who are relevant to the item text.
<extraInfo> exactly one Additional free-form text or commentary that cannot be captured as structured data
<relevantCollections> none or one Are any other NFC collections referenced by this content?
<relevantPublications> none or one Has the content of this manuscript part been published or discussed elsewhere?
<notes> exactly one Internal notes


A reference to the part with which this item is associated.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<listingOrder> one or more Represents a publication title


Name Optionality Value type Description
@id required integer The ID number of a <lPart> entry


Stores a list of pages associated with an item.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<page> one or more The ID number of a <pPage> entry


Represents a linked item.


Name Optionality Value type Description
@id required integer The ID number of the linked item
@sequence none or one string Defines a sequential relationship with the current <lItem>


Represents specific properties of the item's content.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<mode> none or one or more Represents the writing mode, i.e. handwritten or typed
<script> none or one or more Represents the writing script, i.e. Roman or Gaelic script, according to the ISO 15924 standard


Name Optionality Value type Description
@type required string Denotes a CBÉ content type, such as story, diary entry, questionnaire, etc.


Stores a list of persons who are referenced within the item text or who are relevant to the item text.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<person> none or one or more The ID number of a CBÉD entry


Additional free-form text or commentary that cannot be captured as structured data.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<text> one or more Free-form text


Name Optionality Value type Description
@status required string Is this text suitable for publication?


Free-form text.


Name Optionality Value type Description
@lang required string An ISO 639-2 language code


Topics metadata is not currently specified as part of the CBÉ data structure. Work is under way to develop the most efficient system to integrate the different topic taxonomies available with the CBÉ data set. It is proposed that CBÉ items will annotated with topics on a second editorial pass.

Note types


  <noteType code="ÁBHAR" title="Ceist faoin ábhar" />


Represents a note type.


Name Optionality Value type Description
@code required string The internal system code associated with this note type
@title required string The user-friendly title ascribed to this note type


Dates may be referenced within the CBÉ data structure for several reasons. To allow the greatest flexibility, the <date> element provides for a number of different scenarios.

Known dates


Known dates may include as few as one element (<year>) and as many as three elements.

Qualified dates

<date qualifier="INFER">

The @qualifier attribute will accept a range of values consistent with the date qualifiers specified in MODS v3. These are APPROX (a date that may not be exact), INFER (the date has not been transcribed directly from a resource, but is a reasonable assumption), and QUESTION(the date is questionable).

Periods of time


This can be used to demarcate a span of time and all standard <date> child elements for days, months and years are permitted.

References to persons

Persons named within the CBÉ metadata will be identified by reference to objects in the Persons Database (hereafter CBÉD). Given that many persons appear in several NFC collections - some photographers in CBÉG are also collectors in CBÉ, for example - objects in CBÉD serve as a single source of truth for personal metadata across the entire data set. Persons in CBÉ metadata are referenced by their CBÉD ID, stored in a <person> element.

The CBÉD data structure will be expanded to account for the elements described below.


  <name>Seán <surname>Ó hEochaidh</surname></name>
      <text>Gort a' Choirce, Dún na nGall</text>
  <index collection="CBE">


Represents a person.

Child elements

Name Cardinality Description
<name> one or more The person's full name. The first name in the tree will taken as the person's authoritative name
<bio> none or one The person's biography ID
<viaf> none or one The person's Virtual International File Authority ID
<gender> none or one The person's gender
<birthPlace> none or one The person's place of birth
<birthDate> none or one The person's date of birth
<deathDate> none or one The person's date of death
<address> none or one or more A physical address associated with the person
<occupations> none or one or more Any occupations associated with the person
<notes> none or one or more Any editorial notes

Consistency with CBÉS data structure

As stated previously, the CBÉ data structure was designed as a generalised version of the earlier CBÉS data structure. There are two primary reasons for this:

  • It is proposed to move the CBÉS collection from FSG's older editorial platform, Léacslann, to our most up-to-date system, Ardán. A consistent data structure between both collections means they can share the same editorial interface.
  • A consistent data structure for CBÉ and CBÉS reduces complexity and makes it easier to provide and maintain facilities such as the forthcoming Dúchas API.

It may indeed be possible to programmatically transform the CBÉS XML structure so that it is fully uniform with the generalised CBÉ structure. For example, CBÉS-specific elements such as <teacherName> might be mapped onto general CBÉ elements such as <collectors type="teacher">. Thus, complexity at the application level could be greatly reduced.