+ +

Source code for pygbif.registry.organizations

+from ..gbifutils import *
+from .registry_utils import *
+def organizations(data = 'all', uuid = None, query = None, identifier = None,
+  identifierType = None, limit = 100, start = None, **kwargs):
+  '''
+  organizations metadata.
+  :param data: [str] The type of data to get. Default is all data. If not ``all``, then one
+     or more of ``contact``, ``endpoint``, ``identifier``, ``tag``, ``machineTag``,
+     ``comment``, ``hostedDataset``, ``ownedDataset``, ``deleted``, ``pending``,
+     ``nonPublishing``.
+  :param uuid: [str] UUID of the data node provider. This must be specified if data
+     is anything other than ``all``.
+  :param query: [str] Query nodes. Only used when ``data='all'``. Ignored otherwise.
+  References: http://www.gbif.org/developer/registry#organizations
+  Usage::
+      from pygbif import registry
+      registry.organizations(limit=5)
+      registry.organizations(query="france")
+      registry.organizations(uuid="e2e717bf-551a-4917-bdc9-4fa0f342c530")
+      registry.organizations(data='contact', uuid="e2e717bf-551a-4917-bdc9-4fa0f342c530")
+      registry.organizations(data='endpoint', uuid="e2e717bf-551a-4917-bdc9-4fa0f342c530")
+      registry.organizations(data='deleted')
+      registry.organizations(data='deleted', limit=2)
+      registry.organizations(data=['deleted','nonPublishing'], limit=2)
+      registry.organizations(identifierType='DOI', limit=2)
+  '''
+  args = {'q': query, 'limit': limit, 'offset': start}
+  data_choices = ['all', 'contact', 'endpoint',
+    'identifier', 'tag', 'machineTag', 'comment', 'hostedDataset',
+    'ownedDataset', 'deleted', 'pending', 'nonPublishing']
+  check_data(data, data_choices)
+  def getdata(x, uuid, args, **kwargs):
+    nouuid = ['all', 'deleted', 'pending', 'nonPublishing']
+    if x not in nouuid and uuid is None:
+      stop('You must specify a uuid if data does not equal "all" and data does not equal one of ' + ', '.join(nouuid))
+    if uuid is None:
+      if x is 'all':
+        url = gbif_baseurl + 'organization'
+      else:
+        url = gbif_baseurl + 'organization/' + x
+    else:
+      if x is 'all':
+        url = gbif_baseurl + 'organization/' + uuid
+      else:
+        url = gbif_baseurl + 'organization/' + uuid + '/' + x
+    res = gbif_GET(url, args, **kwargs)
+    return {'meta': get_meta(res), 'data': parse_results(res, uuid)}
+  if len2(data) == 1:
+    return getdata(data, uuid, args, **kwargs)
+  else:
+    return [getdata(x, uuid, args, **kwargs) for x in data]
+ +