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48 lines (34 loc) · 2.16 KB
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Algorithm4 Java Solution 2.2.01
2019-10-08 01:57:49 +0800
JAVA categories



Give a trace, in the style of the trace given at the beginning of this section, showing how the keys A E Q S U Y E I N O S T are merged with the abstract in-place merge() method.



/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.5.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -javaagent:/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA IDEA -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /Users/gdhu/projects/Algorithms4/out/production/Algorithms4:/Users/gdhu/projects/Algorithms4/lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:/Users/gdhu/projects/Algorithms4/lib/junit-4.8.jar:/Users/gdhu/projects/Algorithms4/lib/gson-2.8.2.jar:/Users/gdhu/projects/Algorithms4/lib/guava-29.0-jre.jar Ch_2_2.Ex_2_2_01
input: k A E Q S U Y E I N O S T     i     j
       0 A                           0     6 | A E Q S U Y                         E I N O S T 
       1 A E                         1     6 |   E Q S U Y                         E I N O S T 
       2 A E Q                       1     7 |   E Q S U Y                           I N O S T 
       3 A E E S                     2     7 |     Q S U Y                           I N O S T 
       4 A E E I U                   2     8 |     Q S U Y                             N O S T 
       5 A E E I N Y                 2     9 |     Q S U Y                               O S T 
       6 A E E I N O E               2    10 |     Q S U Y                                 S T 
       7 A E E I N O Q I             3    10 |       S U Y                                 S T 
       8 A E E I N O Q S N           3    11 |       S U Y                                   T 
       9 A E E I N O Q S S O         4    11 |         U Y                                   T 
      10 A E E I N O Q S S T S       4    12 |         U Y                                     
      11 A E E I N O Q S S T U T     5    12 |           Y                                     
Answer is: A E E I N O Q S S T U Y 

Process finished with exit code 0