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Minimal Model-View library for JavaScript.

What is this?

Provides these methods:

  • Event observing.
  • Model with key-value storage.
  • View with an element and a model.

How to use?

Example: Tab

<div id="the-tab">
		<a class="is-active" href="#item1">Item 1</a>
		<a href="#item2">Item 2</a>
		<a href="#item3">Item 3</a>
	<article id="item1" class="is-active">
		<h1>Item 1</h1>
		<p class="item-image">🍎</p>
	<article id="item2">
		<h1>Item 2</h1>
		<p class="item-image">🍣</p>
	<article id="item3">
		<h1>Item 3</h1>
		<p class="item-image">🍌</p>
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="osteoporosis.js"></script>
(function(O) {

	// --------------------------------
	// TODO: write codes here...
	// --------------------------------


Create Model

// The Tab Model
var Tab = O.Model.extend({

Create View

// The Tab View
var TabView = O.View.extend({
	initialize: function(options) {
		// Update model's value by user operation
		// (Element -> Model)
		this.$('nav a').on('click', this.onclickButton.bind(this));

		// Update UI by model value
		// (Model -> View)
		this.model.on('change:target', this.onchangeTarget.bind(this));

	 * Called when the button element is clicked.
	 * @param {Event} event
	onclickButton: function(event) {
		event.preventDefault();  // cancel changing URL hash

		var $link = $(event.currentTarget);
		var target = $link.attr('href').slice(1);  // "href=#foo" -> "foo"
		this.model.set('target', target);

	 * Called when the target value in Tab model is changed.
	 * @param {Tab} tab
	onchangeTarget: function(tab) {
		// get target name
		var target = this.model.get('target');

		// unset last active styles
		this.$('nav a, article').removeClass('is-active');

		// set active style
		var $button = this.$('nav a[href=#' + target + ']');
		var $article = this.$('article#' + target);

Create Instances and Start

// Entry point
$(function() {
	// model
	var tab = new Tab();

	// view
	var tabView = new TabView({
		$el: $('#the-tab'),
		model: tab

	// select default tab
	tab.set('target', 'item1');


Event Functions

on(type, listener)

  • type: {String} event name
  • listener: {Functions} callback
model.on('change', function(){});
model.set('foo', 123);

trigger(type [, arguments...]);

  • type: {String} event name.
  • arguments... : given for callback.
model.on('poke', function(target, time) { console.log(target, time); });
model.trigger('poke', { name:'obj' }, new Date());

NOT supported

  • off()
  • listenTo()
  • once()
  • on() with context: on(type, listener, context)



  • key-value store
  • change event for attributes

To make an instance:

var O = Osteoporosis;
var MyModel = O.Model.extend({ /* properties */ });
var model = new MyModel({ key1:'value1', key2:'value2' });


  • attributes: {Object} To be stored values.

The instance will be created with specified attributes.

var O = Osteoporosis;
var MyModel = O.Model.extend({
	initialize: function(attributes) {
var model = new MyModel({ v1:123, v2:'foo' });


  • Returns: stored value.
  • key: {String} name of the value.

Returns the value.


  • Returns: instance.
  • attributes: {Object} key-value pairs to be stored.
model.set({ v1:123, v2:'foo' });
console.assert(model.get('v1') === 123);
console.assert(model.get('v2') === 'foo');

set(key, value) is not supported.


  • Type: Object

The object to store values.

You can use this if you would not like to fire change event.

model.set({ v1:123, v2:'foo' });
console.assert(model.attributes['v1'] === 123);
console.assert(model.attributes['v2'] === 'foo');

Event Functions

  • on(type, listener)
  • trigger(type [, arguments...])

NOT supported

  • id
  • has()
  • save()



  • connection to element
  • connection to model

To make an instance:

var O = Osteoporosis;
var MyView = O.View.extend({ /* properties */ });
var view = new MyView({ el:$('#target'), model:model });


  • options.el: {HtmlElement} Default is document.
  • options.model: {Osteoporosis.Model}

el and model values in options are set to property automaticaly.

var O = Osteoporosis;
var MyView = O.Model.extend({
	initialize: function(options) {
var view = new MyView({ el:$('#target'), model:model });

Note that options.el will become view.$el, not options.$el nor view.el.


  • selector: {String}

Returns the element(s).

<div id="outer">
	<div id="inner">
		<p id="p1"></p>
	<p id="p2"></p>
var view = new MyView({ el:$('#inner') });
var p = view.$('p');
console.assert(p.length === 1);
console.assert(p[0].id === 'p1');


  • Type: HtmlElement

Specified in options of constructor.


  • Type: jQuery Object

jQuery object inclusing specified in options.el of constructor.

Event Functions

  • on(type, listener)
  • trigger(type [, arguments...])

NOT supported

  • events
  • ui
  • render()
  • setElement()


Developed by



  • 2014-10-19
    • First release.