description |
We use bold and vibrant colors to provide attention to primary actions and information. |
How do we use colors in general?
Ways to use Colors
Show all colors without Tints here
Illustration usage, alerts, anywhere else we use illustrations
Do's /Don'ts
This color should be displayed most frequently and be used for important actions
This color should be used to show positive feedback or status.
This color should be used to show negative feedback or status.
This color should be used to show warning feedback or status.
This color should be used for backgrounds, icons, and division lines.
$gc-grey-500: #0E0333;
$gc-grey-400: #757087;
$gc-grey-300: #A7A2B6;
$gc-grey-200: #C4C1CF;
$gc-grey-100: #F8F8F8;
$gc-violet-500: #5932C4;
$gc-violet-400: #6F3FF5;
$gc-violet-300: #8C65F7;
$gc-violet-200: #c9b8ff;
$gc-violet-100: #F0EBFF;
$gc-teal-500: #11BC92;
$gc-teal-400: #02E2AC;
$gc-teal-300: #5BF1CD;
$gc-teal-200: #b3ffed;
$gc-teal-100: #E6FFF9;
$gc-pink-500: #D44D6E;
$gc-pink-400: #F3587D;
$gc-pink-300: #F579A6;
$gc-pink-200: #faadbf;
$gc-pink-100: #FDDEE5;
$gc-yellow-500: #E1B815;
$gc-yellow-400: #FFCC00;
$gc-yellow-300: #FFDB4C;
$gc-yellow-200: #ffeea8;
$gc-yellow-100: #FFF8DB;