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File metadata and controls

969 lines (784 loc) · 32.9 KB

Table of Contents

General configuration for carbonapi


Describe the port and address that carbonapi will bind to. This is the one that you can use to connect to it.


This will make it available on http://localhost:8081:

listen: "localhost:8081"

This will make it available on all addresses, port 8080:

listen: ":8080"

This will make it available on all IPv4 addresses, port 8080:

listen: ""


You shouldn't use it unless you know what you are doing.

Use custom DNS resolver that have internal cache instead of default Golang one. This is global setting and cannot be overridden on backend level.

This option might help with environments where using DNS names is highly encouraged but DNS server provided have troubles keeping up with request rate. For example - some older versions of k8s or very specific settings on kube-dns side might rate-limit DNS requests.

Please note that this DNS resolver is deliberately non-RFC compliant and will ignore TTL for the domain. cachingDNSRefreshTime will be used as a TTL instead.

Default: false


If useCachingDNSResolver is set to true, this is the TTL for DNS records to be valid.

Default: 1m


Specify prefix for all URLs. Might be useful when you cannot afford to listen on different port.

Default: None


This will make carbonapi handlers accessible on /graphite, e.x. http://localhost:8080/render will become http://localhost:8080/graphite/render

prefix: "graphite"


This option controls what headers (if passed by upstream client) will be passed to backends..

Default: none


This is example to pass all dashboard/panel ids from Grafana

    - "X-Dashboard-Id"
    - "X-Grafana-Org-Id"
    - "X-Panel-Id"


This option controls what headers will be logged by carbonapi (accessLog).

If header is not present, it won't be logged.

Headers will be appended to access log and to any other carbonapi logs for this handler if there is any used. They won't be logged at zipper's level (currently).

Default: none


This is example to log all dashboard/panel ids from Grafana

    - "X-Dashboard-Id"
    - "X-Grafana-Org-Id"
    - "X-Panel-Id"


This option controls what status code will be returned if /render or /metrics/find won't return any metrics

In some cases someone would like to override this to "200". Example use case - when you create a dashboard before service starts to send any data out and don't want to have errors from Grafana.

Default: 200


This is example to return HTTP code 200

notFoundStatusCode: 200


This option controls if stack trace should be sent as http answer in case of a panic during /render proceeding.

Default: true


List of custom function aliases (defines)

Defines are done by templating this custom aliases to known set of functions.

Templating is done by utilizing golang text template language.

Supported variables:

  • argString - argument as a string. E.x. in query myDefine(foo, bar, baz), argString will be foo, bar, baz
  • args - indexed array of arguments. E.x. in case of myDefine(foo, bar), index .args 0 will be first argument, index .args 1 will be second
  • kwargs - key-value arguments (map). This is required to support cases like myDefine(foo, bar=baz), in this case index .args 0 will contain foo, and index .kwargs "bar" will contain baz


Create a perMinute function, that do "perSecond" and then scale it by 60


    name: "perMinute"
    template: "perSecond({{.argString}})|scale(60)" 

Example Query:



Allow extra charsets in metric names. By default only "Latin" is allowed

Please note that each unicodeRangeTables will slow down metric parsing a bit

For list of supported tables, see:

Special name "all" reserved to append all tables that's currently supported by Go


This will allow support of Latin, Cyrillic and Japanese characters in metric names:

   - "Latin"
   - "Cyrillic"
   - "Hiragana"
   - "Katakana"
   - "Han"

Please note that you need to specify "Latin" if you are redefining this list.

This will allow support of all unicode characters that's supported by Go

   - "all"


Specify what storage to use for response cache. This cache stores the final carbonapi response right before sending it to the client. A cache hit to this cache avoids almost all computations, including rendering images etc. On the other hand, a request will cause a cache hit only if a previous request with exactly the same response format and with same maxDataPoints param populated the cache. Grafana sets maxDataPoints depending on client screen width, reducing the hit ratio for this cache.

Supported cache types:

  • mem - will use integrated in-memory cache. Not distributed. Fast.
  • memcache - will use specified memcache servers. Could be shared. Slow.
  • null - disable cache

Extra options:

  • size_mb - specify max size of cache, in MiB
  • defaultTimeoutSec - specify default cache duration. Identical to DEFAULT_CACHE_DURATION in graphite-web


   type: "memcache"
   size_mb: 0
   defaultTimeoutSec: 60
       - ""
       - ""


Specify what storage to use for backend cache. This cache stores the responses from the backends. It should have more cache hits than the response cache since the response format and the maxDataPoints paramter are not part of the cache key, but results from cache still need to be postprocessed (e.g. serialized to desired response format).

Supports same options as the response cache.


   type: "memcache"
   size_mb: 0
   defaultTimeoutSec: 60
       - ""
       - ""

In many cases two-level cache is useful. Additional parameters for configuration:

  • shortDuration until-from duration (by default "3h")
  • shortUntilOffsetSec now-until duration seconds (by default 120)
  • shortTimeoutSec - short duration, disabled by default, used when (from-until<=shortDuration) && (now-until<shortUntilOffsetSec)

Example for 2-level cache lifetime (short timeout on 1-hour window and long timeout for other) and round timestamps for tune cache efficience

   type: "mem"
   size_mb: 0
   defaultTimeoutSec: 10800 # Default cache timeout
   shortTimeoutSec: 60 # if until - from <= 3hour && now-until < 2min
   type: "mem"
   size_mb: 0
   defaultTimeoutSec: 10800 # Default cache timeout
   shortTimeoutSec: 60 # if until - from <= 3hour && now-until < 2min

truncateTime: # truncate from/until for identifical results between carbonapi instances. Also reduce load on long-range queries
  "8760h": "1h"     # Timestamp will be truncated to 1 hour round if (until - from) > 365 days
  "2160h": "10m"     # Timestamp will be truncated to 10 minute round if (until - from) > 90 days
  "1h": "1m"         # Timestamp will be truncated to 1 minute round if (until - from) > 1 hour
  "0": "10s"         # Timestamp will be truncated to 10 seconds round by default


Specify amount of CPU Cores that golang can use. 0 - unlimited


cpus: 0


Specify timezone to use.

Format: name,offset

You need to specify the timezone to use and it's offset from UTC

Default: "local"


Use timezone that will be called "Europe/Zurich" with offset "7200" seconds (UTC+2)

tz: "Europe/Zurich,7200"


By default, functions like aggregate inherit tags from first series (for compatibility with graphite-web).

If set extractTagsFromArgs to true, tags are extracted from seriesByTag arguments


extractTagsFromArgs: true


Extra config files for specific functions

Only the following functions currently support having their own config:

  • graphiteWeb
  • aliasByPostgres
  • movingMedian
  • moving (applies to movingAverage, movingMin, movingMax, movingSum)


    graphiteWeb: ./graphiteWeb.example.yaml

Example for timeShift

    timeShift: ./timeShift.example.yaml


resetEndDefaultValue: false


Specify configuration on how to send internal metrics to graphite.

Available parameters:

  • host - specify host where to send metrics. Leave empty to disable
  • interval - specify how often to send statistics (e.x. 60s or 1m for every minute)
  • prefix - specify metrics prefix
  • pattern - allow to control how metrics are named. Special word {prefix} will be replaced with content of prefix variable. Special word {fqdn} will be replaced with host's full hostname (fqdn)

Specifying tags currently not supported.


    host: ""
    interval: "60s"
    prefix: "carbon.api"
    pattern: "{prefix}.{fqdn}"


Specify pidfile. Useful for systemd units


pidFile: ""


Specify file with graphTemplates.


graphTemplates: graphTemplates.example.yaml


Specify default color maps to html-style colors, used in png/svg rendering only


This will make the behavior same as in graphite-web as proposed in graphite-project/graphite-web#2239

Beware this will make dark background graphs less readable

      "red": "ff0000"
      "green": "00ff00"
      "blue": "#0000ff"
      "darkred": "#c80032"
      "darkgreen": "00c800"
      "darkblue": "002173"


Controls whether expvar (contains internal metrics, config, etc) is enabled and if it's accessible on a separate address:port. Also allows to enable pprof handlers (useful for profiling and debugging).

Please note, that exposing pprof handlers to untrusted network is dangerous and might lead to data leak.

Exposing expvars to untrusted network is not recommended as it might give 3rd party unnecessary amount of data about your infrastructure.


This describes current defaults: expvar enabled, pprof handlers disabled, listen on the same address-port as main application.

      enabled: true
      pprofEnabled: false
      listen: ""

This is useful to enable debugging and to move all related handlers and add exposed only on localhost, port 7070.

      enabled: true
      pprofEnabled: true
      listen: "localhost:7070"


Allows to fine-tune logger

Supported loggers:

  • zipper for all zipper-related messages
  • access - for access logs
  • slow - for slow queries
  • functionInit - for function-specific messages (during initialization, e.x. configs)
  • main - logger that's used during initial startup
  • registerFunction - logger that's used when new functions are registered (should be quite)

Supported options (per-logger):

  • logger - specify logger name (see above)
  • file - where log will be written to. Can be file name or stderr or stdout
  • level - loglevel. Please note that debug is rather verbose, but info should mostly stay quiet
  • encoding - console, json or mixed, first one should be a bit more readable for human eyes
  • encodingTime - specify how time-dates should be encoded. iso8601 will follow ISO-8601, millis will be epoch with milliseconds, everything else will be epoch only.
  • encodingDuration - specify how duration should be encoded


    - logger: ""
      file: "stderr"
      level: "debug"
      encoding: "console"
      encodingTime: "iso8601"
      encodingDuration: "seconds"
    - logger: ""
      file: "/var/log/carbonapi.log"
      level: "info"
      encoding: "json"
    # disable slow log completely
    - logger: "slow"
      level: "error"

Carbonzipper configuration

There are two types of configurations supported:

  1. Old-style - this is the one that was used in standalone zipper or in bookingcom's zipper
  2. New-style - supported since carbonapi 0.12.0 and allows you to specify different type of load-balancing algorithms, etc.


Specify max metric requests that can be fetched in parallel.

Default: 1000

It's overall recommended to set that value to at least requests_per_second*average_time_per_request

If you want to have not more than 20 requests per second (any type of them) and on average request takes about 3 seconds, you should set this value to at least 60.

For high-performance setup it's not recommended to set this value to lower than default.


concurency: 1000


(old-style option)

Specify maximum number of metrics per request (used with old upstream style configuration)


maxBatchSize: 100


(old-style option)

Maximium idle connections to carbonzipper


idleConnections: 10



Main configuration for backends.

Supported options:

  • graphite09compat - enables compatibility with graphite-web 0.9.x in terms of cluster response, default: false

  • buckets - Number of 100ms buckets to track request distribution in. Used to build carbon.zipper.hostname.requests_in_0ms_to_100ms metric and friends.

    The last bucket is not called 'requests_in_Xms_to_inf' on purpose, so we can change our minds about how many buckets we want to have and have their names remain consistent.

  • slowLogThreshold - threshold for slow requests to be logged.

    If you don't want it to be logged at all, please see logger section for more details

    Default: "1s"

  • timeouts - structure that allow to set timeout for find, render and connect phases

  • backendOptions - extra options to pass for the backend.

    currently, only prometheus backend supports options.

    valid options:

    • step - (prometheus or victoriametrics only) define default step for the request

    • start - (prometheus or victoriametrics only) define "start" parameter for /api/v1/series requests

      supports either unix timestamp or delta from now(). For delta you should specify it in duration format.

      For example -5m will mean "5 minutes ago", time will be resolved every time you do find query.

    • max_points_per_query - (prometheus or victoriametrics only) define maximum datapoints per query. It will be used to adjust step for queries over big range. Default limit for Prometheus is 11000.

    • force_min_step_interval - (prometheus or victoriametrics only) define to force using step in all requests ignoring MaxDataPoints param for given interval. Default value for Prometheus and VictoriaMetrics is 0s so feature is disabled.

    • probe_version_interval - (victoriametrics only) define how often VictoriaMetrics version will be checked (as VM supports certain API endpoints starting from a specific version). Special value to disable: never. Default: 600s.

    • fallback_version - (victoriametrics only) define version string that will be used as a fallback if version_short will be empty (useful when you run master builds, as they will have it empty). Format: "vX.Y.Z", Default: v0.0.0 (all special VM optimizations will be disabled)

    • vmClusterTenantID - victoriametrics in cluster mode only. Use this option to configure accountID and projectID in the VM-cluster API urls. Tenants are identified by "accountID" or "accountID:projectID". Type: string. Default: none (single node VictoriaMetrics).

    • irondb_account_id - (irondb only) Client AccountID, default - 1

    • irondb_graphite_rollup- (irondb only) Graphite rollup for IRONdb, in seconds. Default - 60

    • irondb_graphite_prefix- (irondb only) Optional Graphite prefix for IRONdb. Default - `` (empty)

    • irondb_timeout - (irondb only) Timeout gets the timeout duration for HTTP requests to IRONdb. The default value is 10s, but please make it lower than top level find and render timeouts.

    • irondb_dial_timeout - (irondb only) DialTimeout gets the initial connection timeout duration for attempts to connect to IRONdb. The default value is 500ms.

    • irondb_watch_interval - (irondb only) WatchInterval gets the frequency at which a SnowthClient will check for updates to the active status of its nodes if WatchAndUpdate() is called. Default value - 30s irondb_connect_retries - (irondb only) ConnectRetries gets the number of times requests will be retried on other nodes when network errors occur. Default - -1, that means unlimited. irondb_retries- (irondb only) Retries gets the number of times requests will be retried. Default is taken from retries value.

  • concurrencyLimitPerServer - limit of max connections per server. Likely should be >= maxIdleConnsPerHost. Default: 0 - unlimited

  • maxIdleConnsPerHost - as we use KeepAlive to keep connections opened, this limits amount of connections that will be left opened. Tune with care as some backends might have issues handling larger number of connections.

  • keepAliveInterval - KeepAlive interval

  • scaleToCommonStep - controls if metrics in one target should be aggregated to common step. true by default

  • backends - old-style backend configuration.

    Contains list of servers. Requests will be sent to ALL of them. There is a small optimization here - every once in a while, carbonapi will ask all backends about top-level parts of metric names and will try to send requests only to servers which have that in their name.

    This doesn't yet work if there are tags involved.

    Note: backend section will override backendv2 if both specified.

  • carbonsearch - old-style carbonsearch configuration.

    It supports 2 options: * backend - specify the url where carbonsearch is * prefix - specify metric prefix that will be sent to carbonsearch.

    carbonsearch is an old attempt to implement tags for go-graphite stack:

    It's not known if it was widely used outside of and it's no longer known if still use that functionality.

    Example carbonsearch query:


    It will fetch all metrics that have tag lb-pool set to www and server-state set to installed

    It's mostly equivalent of:


    However metrics will be resolved by a separate server in this case.

  • carbonsearchv2 - (new-style) configuration for carbonsearch

    Supports following extra options:

    • backends - list of backend groups. Request will be sent to all backend groups. However inside each of them it might be treated as broadcast or round-robin.

      Should contain:

      • groupName - name of the carbonsearch backend

      • protocol - only carbonapi_v2_pb make any sense as of now, as the only known implementation implements that protocol.

      • lbMethod - load-balancing method.

        Supported methods:

        • broadcast, all - will send query to all of the servers and combine the response
        • roundrobin, rr, any - will send requests in round-robin manner. This means that all servers will be treated as equals and they all should contain full set of data
  • backendv2 - (new-style) configuration for backends

    Supports following extra options:

    • backends - list of backend groups. Request will be sent to all backend groups. However inside each of them it might be treated as broadcast or round-robin.

      Should contain:

      • groupName - name of the carbonapi's backend

      • protocol - specify protocol for the backend.

        Supported protocols:

        • carbonapi_v3_pb - new native protocol, over http. Should be fastest. Currently supported by lomik/go-carbon, lomik/graphite-clickhouse and go-graphite/carbonapi
        • carbonapi_v3_grpc - new experimental protocol that instead of HTTP requests, uses gRPC. No known backend support that.
        • carbonapi_v2_pb, protobuf, pb, pb3 - older protobuf-based protocol. Supported by lomik/go-carbon and lomik/graphite-clickhouse
        • msgpack - message pack encoding, supported by graphite-project/graphite-web and grafana/metrictank
        • prometheus - prometheus HTTP Request API. Can be used with prometheus and should be usable with other backends that supports PromQL (backend can do basic fetching at this moment and doesn't offload any functions to the backend).
        • victoriametrics, vm - special version of prometheus backend, that take advantage of some APIs that's not supported by prometheus. Can be used with VictoriaMetrics.
        • snowthd, irondb - supports reading Graphite-compatible metrics from IRONdb from Circonus.
        • auto - attempts to detect if carbonapi can use carbonapi_v3_pb or carbonapi_v2_pb
      • lbMethod - load-balancing method.

        Supported methods:

        • broadcast, all - will send query to all of the servers and combine the response

          It's best suited for independent backends, like go-carbon

        • roundrobin, rr, any - will send requests in round-robin manner. This means that all servers will be treated as equals and they all should contain full set of data

          It's best suited for backends in cluster mode, like Clickhouse.

      • maxTries - specify amount of retries if query fails

      • maxBatchSize - max metrics per request.

        0 - unlimited.

        If not 0, carbonapi will do find request to determine how many metrics matches criteria and only then will fetch them, not more than maxBatchSize per request.

      • keepAliveInterval - override global keepAliveInterval for this backend group

      • concurrencyLimit - override global concurrencyLimit for this backend group

      • maxIdleConnsPerHost - override global maxIdleConnsPerHost for this backend group

      • timeouts - override global timeouts struct for this backend group

      • servers - list of sever URLs in this backend groups


Old-style configuration:

    graphite09compat: false
    buckets: 10

        find: "2s"
        render: "10s"
        connect: "200ms"

    concurrencyLimitPerServer: 0
    maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
    keepAliveInterval: "30s"

        backend: ""
        prefix: "virt.v1.*"
        - ""
        - ""
        - ""
        - ""

For go-carbon and prometheus

    graphite09compat: false
    buckets: 10

    concurrencyLimitPerServer: 0
    keepAliveInterval: "30s"
    maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
        find: "2s"
        render: "10s"
        connect: "200ms"

        prefix: "virt.v1.*"
              groupName: "shard-1"
              protocol: "carbonapi_v2_pb"
              lbMethod: "rr"
                  - ""
                  - ""
              groupName: "shard-2"
              protocol: "carbonapi_v2_pb"
              lbMethod: "rr"
                  - ""
                  - ""
    #backends section will override this one!
            groupName: "go-carbon-group1"
            protocol: "carbonapi_v3_pb"
            lbMethod: "broadcast"
            maxTries: 3
            maxBatchSize: 100
            keepAliveInterval: "10s"
            concurrencyLimit: 0
            maxIdleConnsPerHost: 1000
                find: "2s"
                render: "50s"
                connect: "200ms"
                - ""
                - ""
            groupName: "go-carbon-legacy"
            maxBatchSize: 10
            concurrencyLimit: 0
            maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
            protocol: "carbonapi_v2_pb"
            lbMethod: "broadcast"
                - ""
                - ""
            groupName: "prometheus"
            maxBatchSize: 0
            concurrencyLimit: 0
            maxIdleConnsPerHost: 1000
            protocol: "prometheus"
            lbMethod: "broadcast"
                - ""
                - ""

For VictoriaMetrics

    graphite09compat: false
    buckets: 10
    concurrencyLimitPerServer: 0
    keepAliveInterval: "30s"
    maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
        find: "2s"
        render: "10s"
        connect: "200ms"
            groupName: "victoriametrics"
            protocol: "victoriametrics"
            lbMethod: "broadcast"
            maxBatchSize: 0
            concurrencyLimit: 0
            maxIdleConnsPerHost: 1000
                - ""
                - ""

For graphite-clickhouse

    graphite09compat: false
    buckets: 10

    concurrencyLimitPerServer: 0
    keepAliveInterval: "30s"
    maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
        find: "2s"
        render: "10s"
        connect: "200ms"

    #backends section will override this one!
            groupName: "clickhouse-cluster1"
            protocol: "carbonapi_v2_pb" # "carbonapi_v3_pb" for the latest master
            lbMethod: "rr"
            maxTries: 3
            maxBatchSize: 0
            keepAliveInterval: "10s"
            concurrencyLimit: 0
            maxIdleConnsPerHost: 1000
                find: "2s"
                render: "50s"
                connect: "200ms"
                - ""
                - ""
            groupName: "clickhouse-cluster2"
            protocol: "carbonapi_v2_pb" # "carbonapi_v3_pb" for the latest master
            lbMethod: "rr"
            maxTries: 3
            maxBatchSize: 0
                step: "60"
                start: "-5m"
            keepAliveInterval: "10s"
            concurrencyLimit: 0
            maxIdleConnsPerHost: 1000
                - ""
                - ""

For metrictank

    graphite09compat: false
    buckets: 10

    concurrencyLimitPerServer: 0
    keepAliveInterval: "30s"
    maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
        find: "2s"
        render: "10s"
        connect: "200ms"

    #backends section will override this one!
            groupName: "metrictank"
            protocol: "msgpack"
            lbMethod: "rr"
            maxTries: 3
            maxBatchSize: 0
            keepAliveInterval: "10s"
            concurrencyLimit: 0
            maxIdleConnsPerHost: 1000
                find: "2s"
                render: "50s"
                connect: "200ms"
                - ""
                - ""
            groupName: "graphite-web"
            protocol: "msgpack"
            lbMethod: "broadcast"
            maxTries: 3
            maxBatchSize: 0
            keepAliveInterval: "10s"
            concurrencyLimit: 0
            maxIdleConnsPerHost: 1000
                - ""
                - ""

For IronDB

    graphite09compat: false
    buckets: 10

    concurrencyLimitPerServer: 0
    keepAliveInterval: "30s"
    maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
        find: "2s"
        render: "10s"
        connect: "200ms"

    #backends section will override this one!
            groupName: "snowthd"
            protocol: "irondb"
            lbMethod: "rr" # please use "roundrobin" - broadcast has not much sense here
            maxTries: 3
            maxBatchSize: 0 # recommended value
            keepAliveInterval: "10s"
            concurrencyLimit: 0
            maxIdleConnsPerHost: 1000
            doMultipleRequestsIfSplit: false # recommended value
              irondb_account_id: 1
              irondb_timeout: "5s" # ideally shold be less then find or render timeout
              irondb_graphite_rollup: 60
                - ""
                - ""
                - ""


If not zero, enabled cache for find requests this parameter controls when it will expire (in seconds)

Default: 600 (10 minutes)


expireDelaySec: 10


Enables nudging the start time of metrics when aggregating to honor MaxDataPoints. The start time is nudged in such way that timestamps always fall in the same bucket. This is done by GraphiteWeb, and is useful to avoid jitter in graphs when refreshing the page.

Default: false


nudgeStartTimeOnAggregation: true


Enables using the highest timestamp of the buckets when aggregating to honor MaxDataPoints, instead of the lowest timestamp. This prevents results to appear to predict the future.

Default: false


useBucketsHighestTimestampOnAggregation: true