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File metadata and controls

25 lines (21 loc) · 1.27 KB


Docker image that builds OpenTSDB using Bigtable with latest asyncbigtable.

  • Base image used is debian:stretch-slim
  • Using latest asyncbigtable 0.4.2 built from official repository
  • OpenTSDB 2.4.0 built from official repository


  • Replace the placeholder bigtable.json with a valid service account JSON key file
  • Set the correct google.bigtable.* values in opentsdb.conf
  • Most of the options in opentsdb.conf are set to defaults, change them to fit your needs

Create the service account key file

$ export PROJECT_ID=foobar
$ gcloud iam service-accounts create bigtable --display-name=bigtable --project=${PROJECT_ID}
$ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create --iam-account=bigtable@${PROJECT_ID} bigtable.json --project=${PROJECT_ID}
$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member="serviceAccount:bigtable@${PROJECT_ID}" --role='roles/bigtable.user'

Build the image

$ docker pull debian:stretch-slim
$ docker build -t opentsdb-bigtable:foobar .