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Elasticsearch StatefulSet Data Pod

This directory contains Kubernetes configurations which run elasticsearch data pods as a StatefulSet, using storage provisioned using a StorageClass. Be sure to read and understand the documentation in the root directory, which deploys the data pods as a Deployment using an emptyDir for storage.


The gce-storage-class.yaml file creates a StorageClass which allocates persistent disks in a google compute engine environment. It should be relatively simple to modify this file to suit your needs for a different environment.

The es-data-stateful.yaml file contains a volumeClaimTemplates section which references the StorageClass defined in gce-storage-class.yaml, and requests a 12 GB disk. This is plenty of space for a demonstration cluster, but will fill up quickly under moderate to heavy load. Consider modifying the disk size to your needs.


The root directory contains instructions for deploying elasticsearch using a Deployment with transient storage for data pods. These brief instructions show a deployment using the StatefulSet and StorageClass.

kubectl create -f es-discovery-svc.yaml
kubectl create -f es-svc.yaml
kubectl create -f es-master.yaml

Wait until es-master deployment is provisioned, and

kubectl create -f es-client.yaml
kubectl create -f gce-storage-class.yaml
kubectl create -f es-data-svc.yaml
kubectl create -f es-data-stateful.yaml

Kubernetes creates the pods for a StatefulSet one at a time, waiting for each to come up before starting the next, so it may take a few minutes for all pods to be provisioned. Refer back to the documentation in the root directory for details on testing the cluster, and configuring a curator job to clean up.