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File metadata and controls

797 lines (678 loc) · 29.1 KB

Debug Info Feature

To add debug info to a generated native image, add the flag -H:GenerateDebugInfo=<N> to the native image command line (where N is a positive integer value -- the default value 0 means generate no debug info). For example,

native-image -H:GenerateDebugInfo=1 Hello

The resulting image should contain code (method) debug records in a format the GNU Debugger (GDB) understands (Windows support is still under development). At present it makes no difference which positive value is supplied to the GenerateDebugInfo option.

Source File Caching

The GenerateDebugInfo option also enables caching of sources for any JDK runtime classes, GraalVM classes, and application classes which can be located during native image generation. By default, the cache is created alongside the generated native image in a subdirectory named sources. If a target directory for the image is specified using option -H:Path=... then the cache is also relocated under that same target. A command line option can be used to provide an alternative path to sources. It is used to configure source file search path roots for the debugger. Files in the cache are located in a directory hierarchy that matches the file path information included in the native image debug records. The source cache should contain all the files needed to debug the generated image and nothing more. This local cache provides a convenient way of making just the necessary sources available to the debugger or IDE when debugging a native image.

The implementation tries to be smart about locating source files. It uses the current JAVA_HOME to locate the JDK when searching for JDK runtime sources. It also uses entries in the classpath to suggest locations for GraalVM source files and application source files (see below for precise details of the scheme used to identify source locations). However, source layouts do vary and it may not be possible to find all sources. Hence, users can specify the location of source files explicitly on the command line using option DebugInfoSourceSearchPath:

javac --source-path apps/greeter/src \
    -d apps/greeter/classes org/my/greeter/*
javac -cp apps/greeter/classes \
    --source-path apps/hello/src \
    -d apps/hello/classes org/my/hello/
native-image -H:GenerateDebugInfo=1 \
    -H:-SpawnIsolates \
    -H:DebugInfoSourceSearchPath=apps/hello/src \
    -H:DebugInfoSourceSearchPath=apps/greeter/src \
    -cp apps/hello/classes:apps/greeter/classes

The DebugInfoSourceSearchPath option can be repeated as many times as required to notify all the target source locations. The value passed to this option can be either an absolute or relative path. It can identify either a directory, a source JAR, or a source zip file. It is also possible to specify several source roots at once using a comma separator:

native-image -H:GenerateDebugInfo=1 \
    -H:DebugInfoSourceSearchPath=apps/hello/target/hello-sources.jar,apps/greeter/target/greeter-sources.jar \
    -cp apps/target/hello.jar:apps/target/greeter.jar \

By default, the cache of application, GraalVM, and JDK sources is created in a directory named sources. The DebugInfoSourceCacheRoot option can be used to specify an alternative path, which can be absolute or relative. In the latter case the path is interpreted relative to the target directory for the generated native image specified via option -H:Path (which defaults to the current working directory). As an example, the following variant of the previous command specifies an absolute temporary directory path constructed using the current process id:

native-image -H:GenerateDebugInfo=1 \
    -H:-SpawnIsolates \
    -H:DebugInfoSourceCacheRoot=$SOURCE_CACHE_ROOT \
    -H:DebugInfoSourceSearchPath=apps/hello/target/hello-sources.jar,apps/greeter/target/greeter-sources.jar \
    -cp apps/target/hello.jar:apps/target/greeter.jar \

The resulting cache directory will be something like /tmp/1272696/sources.

If the source cache path includes a directory that does not yet exist, it will be created during population of the cache.

Note that in all the examples above the DebugInfoSourceSearchPath options are actually redundant. In the first case, the classpath entries for apps/hello/classes and apps/greeter/classes will be used to derive the default search roots apps/hello/src and apps/greeter/src. In the second case, the classpath entries for apps/target/hello.jar and apps/target/greeter.jar will be used to derive the default search roots apps/target/hello-sources.jar and apps/target/greeter-sources.jar.

Currently Implemented Features

The currently implemented features include:

  • break points configured by file and line, or by method name
  • single stepping by line including both into and over function calls
  • stack backtraces (not including frames detailing inlined code)
  • printing of primitive values
  • structured (field by field) printing of Java objects
  • casting/printing objects at different levels of generality
  • access through object networks via path expressions
  • reference by name to methods and static field data

Note that single stepping within a compiled method includes file and line number info for inlined code, including inlined GraalVM methods. So, GDB may switch files even though you are still in the same compiled method.

Currently Missing Features

  • reference by name to values bound to parameter and local vars

This feature is scheduled for inclusion in a later release.

Special considerations for debugging Java from GDB

GDB does not currently include support for debugging of Java programs. In consequence, debug capability has been implemented by generating debug info that models the Java program as an equivalent C++ program. Java class, array and interface references are actually pointers to records that contain the relevant field/array data. In the corresponding C++ model the Java name is used to label the underlying C++ (class/struct) layout types and Java references appear as pointers.

So, for example in the DWARF debug info model java.lang.String identifies a C++ class. This class layout type declares the expected fields like hash of type int and value of type byte[] and methods like String(byte[]), charAt(int), etc. However, the copy constructor which appears in Java as String(String) appears in gdb with the signature String(java.lang.String *).

The C++ layout class inherits fields and methods from class (layout) type java.lang.Object using C++ public inheritance. The latter in turn inherits standard oop (ordinary object pointer) header fields from a special struct class named _objhdr which includes a single field called hub whose type is java.lang.Class * i.e. it is a pointer to the object's class.

The ptype command can be used to print details of a specific type. Note that the java type name must be specified in quotes because to escape the embedded . characters.

(gdb) ptype 'java.lang.String'
type = class java.lang.String : public java.lang.Object {
    byte [] *value;
    int hash;
    byte coder;

    void String(byte [] *);
    void String(char [] *);
    void String(byte [] *, java.lang.String *);
    . . .
    char charAt(int);
    . . .
    java.lang.String * concat(java.lang.String *);
    . . .

The print command can be used to print the contents of a referenced object field by field. Note how a cast is used to convert a raw memory address to a reference for a specific Java type.

(gdb) print *('java.lang.String' *) 0x7ffff7c01060
$1 = {
  <java.lang.Object> = {
    <_objhdr> = {
      hub = 0x90cb58
    }, <No data fields>},
  members of java.lang.String:
  value = 0x7ffff7c011a0,
  hash = 0,
  coder = 0 '\000'

The hub field in the object header is actually a reference of Java type java.lang.Class. Note that the field is typed by gdb using a pointer to the underlying C++ class (layout) type.

All classes, from Object downwards inherit from a common, automatically generated header type _objhdr. It is this header type which includes the hub field:

(gdb) ptype _objhdr
type = struct _objhdr {
    java.lang.Class *hub;
    int idHash;

(gdb) ptype 'java.lang.Object'
type = class java.lang.Object : public _objhdr {
    void Object(void);
    . . .

Given an address that might be an object reference it is possible to verify that case and identify the object's type by printing the contents of the String referenced from the hub's name field. First the value is cast to an object reference. Then a path expression is used to dereference through the the hub field and the hub's name field to the byte[] value array located in the name String.

(gdb) print/x ((_objhdr *)$rdi)
$2 = 0x7ffff7c01028
(gdb) print *$2->hub->name->value
$3 = {
  <java.lang.Object> = {
    <_objhdr> = {
      hub = 0x942d40,
      idHash = 1806863149
    }, <No data fields>},
  members of byte []:
  len = 19,
  data = 0x923a90 "[Ljava.lang.String;"

The value in register rdx is obviously a reference to a String array. Casting it to this type shows it has length 1.

(gdb) print *('java.lang.String[]' *)$rdi
$4 = {
  <java.lang.Object> = {
    <_objhdr> = {
      hub = 0x925be8,
      idHash = 0
    }, <No data fields>},
  members of java.lang.String[]:
  len = 1,
  data = 0x7ffff7c01038

A simpler command which allows just the name of the hub object to be printed is as follows:

(gdb) x/s $2->hub->name->value->data
798:	"[Ljava.lang.String;"

Indeed it is useful to define a gdb command hubname_raw to execute this operation on an arbitrary raw memory address.

define hubname_raw
  x/s (('java.lang.Object' *)($arg0))->hub->name->value->data

(gdb) hubname_raw $rdi
0x904798:	"[Ljava.lang.String;"

Attempting to print the hub name for an invalid reference will fail safe, printing an error message.

(gdb) p/x $rdx
$5 = 0x2
(gdb) hubname $rdx
Cannot access memory at address 0x2

Array type layouts are modelled as a C++ class type. It inherits from class Object so it includes the hub and idHash header fields defined by _objhdr. It adds a length field and an embedded (C++) data array whose elements are typed from the Java array's element type, either primitive values or object references.

(gdb) ptype 'java.lang.String[]'
type = class java.lang.String[] : public java.lang.Object {
    int len;
    java.lang.String *data[0];

The embedded array is nominally sized with length 0. However, when a Java array instance is allocated it includes enough space to ensure the data array can store the number of items defined in the length field.

Notice that in this case the type of the values stored in the data array is java.lang.String *. The the C++ array stores Java object references i.e. addresses as far as the C++ model is concerned.

If gdb already knows the Java type for a reference it can be printed without casting using a simpler version of the hubname command. For example, the String array retrieved above as $4 has a known type.

(gdb) ptype $4
type = class java.lang.String[] : public java.lang.Object {
    int len;
    java.lang.String *data[0];

define hubname
  x/s (($arg0))->hub->name->value->data

(gdb) hubname $4
0x923b68:	"[Ljava.lang.String;"

Interface layouts are modelled as C++ union types. The members of the union include the C++ layout types for all Java classes which implement the interface.

(gdb) ptype 'java.lang.CharSequence'
type = union java.lang.CharSequence {
    java.nio.CharBuffer _java.nio.CharBuffer;
    java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder _java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder;
    java.lang.String _java.lang.String;
    java.lang.StringBuilder _java.lang.StringBuilder;
    java.lang.StringBuffer _java.lang.StringBuffer;

Given a reference typed to an interface it can be resolved to the relevant class type by viewing it through the relevant union element.

If we take the first String in the args array we can ask gdb to cast it to interface CharSequence.

(gdb) print (('java.lang.String[]' *)$rdi)->data[0]
$5 = (java.lang.String *) 0x7ffff7c01060
(gdb) print ('java.lang.CharSequence' *)$5
$6 = (java.lang.CharSequence *) 0x7ffff7c01060

The hubname command will not work with this union type because it is only objects of the elements of the union that include the hub field:

(gdb) hubname $6
There is no member named hub.

However, since all elements include the same header any one of them can be passed to hubname in order to identify the actual type. This allows the correct union element to be selected:

(gdb) hubname $6->'_java.nio.CharBuffer'
0x7d96d8:	"java.lang.String\270", <incomplete sequence \344\220>
(gdb) print $6->'_java.lang.String'
$18 = {
  <java.lang.Object> = {
    <_objhdr> = {
      hub = 0x90cb58
    }, <No data fields>},
  members of java.lang.String:
  value = 0x7ffff7c011a0,
  hash = 0,
  coder = 0 '\000'

Notice that the printed class name for the hub includes some trailing characters. That's because a data array storing Java String text is not guaranteed to be zero-terminated.

The current debug info model does not include the location info needed to allow symbolic names for local vars and parameter vars to be resolved to primitive values or object references. However, the debugger does understand method names and static field names.

The following command places a breakpoint on the main entry point for class Hello. Note that since GDB thinks this is a C++ method it uses the :: separator to separate the method name from the class name.

(gdb) info func ::main
All functions matching regular expression "::main":

	void Hello::main(java.lang.String[] *);
(gdb) x/4i Hello::main
=> 0x4065a0 <Hello::main(java.lang.String[] *)>:	sub    $0x8,%rsp
   0x4065a4 <Hello::main(java.lang.String[] *)+4>:	cmp    0x8(%r15),%rsp
   0x4065a8 <Hello::main(java.lang.String[] *)+8>:	jbe    0x4065fd <Hello::main(java.lang.String[] *)+93>
   0x4065ae <Hello::main(java.lang.String[] *)+14>:	callq  0x406050 <Hello$Greeter::greeter(java.lang.String[] *)>
(gdb) b Hello::main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4065a0: file, line 43.

An example of a static field containing Object data is provided by the static field powerCache in class BigInteger.

(gdb) ptype 'java.math.BigInteger'
type = class _java.math.BigInteger : public _java.lang.Number {
    int [] mag;
    int signum;
    int bitLengthPlusOne;
    int lowestSetBitPlusTwo;
    int firstNonzeroIntNumPlusTwo;
    static java.math.BigInteger[][] powerCache;
    . . .
    void BigInteger(byte [] *);
    void BigInteger(java.lang.String *, int);
    . . .
(gdb) info var powerCache
All variables matching regular expression "powerCache":

File java/math/
	java.math.BigInteger[][] *java.math.BigInteger::powerCache;

The static variable name can be used to refer to the value stored in this field. Note also that the address operator can be used identify the location (address) of the field in the heap.

(gdb) p 'java.math.BigInteger'::powerCache
$8 = (java.math.BigInteger[][] *) 0xa6fd98
(gdb) p &'java.math.BigInteger'::powerCache
$9 = (java.math.BigInteger[][] **) 0xa6fbd8

The gdb dereferences through symbolic names for static fields to access the primitive value or object stored in the field.

(gdb) p *'java.math.BigInteger'::powerCache
$10 = {
  <java.lang.Object> = {
    <_objhdr> = {
    hub = 0x9ab3d0,
    idHash = 489620191
    }, <No data fields>},
  members of _java.math.BigInteger[][]:
  len = 37,
  data = 0xa6fda8
(gdb) p 'java.math.BigInteger'::powerCache->data[0]@4
$11 = {0x0, 0x0, 0xc09378, 0xc09360}
(gdb) p *'java.math.BigInteger'::powerCache->data[2]
$12 = {
  <java.lang.Object> = {
    <_objhdr> = {
    hub = 0x919898,
    idHash = 1796421813
    }, <No data fields>},
  members of java.math.BigInteger[]:
  len = 1,
  data = 0xc09388
(gdb) p *'java.math.BigInteger'::powerCache->data[2]->data[0]
$14 = {
  <java.lang.Number> = {
    <java.lang.Object> = {
      <_objhdr> = {
        hub = 0x919bc8
      }, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
  members of java.math.BigInteger:
  mag = 0xa5b030,
  signum = 1,
  bitLengthPlusOne = 0,
  lowestSetBitPlusTwo = 0,
  firstNonzeroIntNumPlusTwo = 0

Identifying the Location of Source Code

One goal of the implementation is to make it simple to configure your debugger so that it can identify the relevant source file when it stops during program execution. The native image builder tries to achieve this by accumulating the relevant sources in a suitably structured file cache.

The native image builder uses different strategies to locate source files for JDK runtime classes, GraalVM classes, and application source classes for inclusion in the local sources cache. It identifies which strategy to use based on the package name of the class. So, for example, packages starting with java.* or jdk.* are JDK classes; packages starting with org.graal.* or* are GraalVM classes; any other packages are regarded as application classes.

Sources for JDK runtime classes are retrieved from the found in the JDK release used to run the native image generation process. Retrieved files are cached under subdirectory sources/jdk, using the module name (for JDK11) and package name of the associated class to define the directory hierarchy in which the source is located.

For example, on Linux the source for class java.util.HashMap will be cached in file sources/jdk/java.base/java/util/ Debug info records for this class and its methods will identify this source file using the relative directory path java.base/java/util and file name On Windows things will be the same modulo use of \ rather than / as the file separator.

Sources for GraalVM classes are retrieved from zip files or source directories derived from entries in the classpath. Retrieved files are cached under subdirectory sources/graal, using the package name of the associated class to define the directory hierarchy in which the source is located (e.g., class has its source file cached at sources/graal/com/oracle/svm/core/

The lookup scheme for cached GraalVM sources varies depending upon what is found in each classpath entry. Given a JAR file entry like /path/to/foo.jar, the corresponding file /path/to/ is considered as a candidate zip file system from which source files may be extracted. When the entry specifies a dir like /path/to/bar then directories /path/to/bar/src and /path/to/bar/src_gen are considered as candidates. Candidates are skipped when the zip file or source directory does not exist, or it does not contain at least one subdirectory hierarchy that matches one of the the expected GraalVM package hierarchies.

Sources for application classes are retrieved from source JAR files or source directories derived from entries in the classpath. Retrieved files are cached under subdirectory sources/src, using the package name of the associated class to define the directory hierarchy in which the source is located (e.g., class has its source file cached as sources/src/org/my/foo/

The lookup scheme for cached application sources varies depending upon what is found in each classpath entry. Given a JAR file entry like /path/to/foo.jar, the corresponding JAR /path/to/foo-sources.jar is considered as a candidate zip file system from which source files may be extracted. When the entry specifies a dir like /path/to/bar/classes or /path/to/bar/target/classes then one of the directories /path/to/bar/src/main/java, /path/to/bar/src/java or /path/to/bar/src is selected as a candidate (in that order of preference). Finally, the current directory in which the Native Image program is being run is also considered as a candidate.

These lookup strategies are only provisional and may need extending in the future. However, it is possible to make missing sources available by other means. One option is to unzip extra app source JAR files, or copy extra app source trees into the cache. Another is to configure extra source search paths.

Configuring Source Paths in GNU Debugger

By default, GDB will employ the three local directory roots sources/{jdk,graal,src} to locate the source files for your app classes, GraalVM classes, and JDK runtime classes. If the sources cache is not located in the directory in which you run GDB, you can configure the required paths using the following command:

(gdb) set directories /path/to/sources/jdk:/path/to/sources/graal:/path/to/sources/src

The /path/to/sources/jdk directory should contain source files for all JDK runtime classes referenced from debug records.

The /path/to/sources/graal directory should contain source files for all GraalVM classes referenced from debug records. Note that the current implementation does not yet find some sources for the GraalVM JIT compiler in the org.graalvm.compiler* package subspace.

The /path/to/sources/src directory should contain source files for all application classes referenced from debug records, assuming they can be located using the lookup strategy described above.

You can supplement the files cached in sources/src by unzipping application source JAR files or copying application source trees into the cache. You will need to ensure that any new subdirectory you add to sources/src corresponds to the top level package for the classes whose sources are being included.

You can also add extra directories to the search path using the set directories command:

(gdb) set directories /path/to/my/sources/:/path/to/my/other/sources

Note that the GNU Debugger does not understand zip format file systems so any extra entries you add must identify a directory tree containing the relevant sources. Once again, top level entries in the directory added to the search path must correspond to the top level package for the classes whose sources are being included.

Checking Debug Info on Linux

Note that this is only of interest to those who want to understand how the debug info implementation works or want to troubleshoot problems encountered during debugging that might relate to the debug info encoding.

The objdump command can be used to display the debug info embedded into a native image. The following commands (which all assume the target binary is called hello) can be used to display all generated content:

objdump --dwarf=info hello > info
objdump --dwarf=abbrev hello > abbrev
objdump --dwarf=ranges hello > ranges
objdump --dwarf=decodedline hello > decodedline
objdump --dwarf=rawline hello > rawline
objdump --dwarf=str hello > str
objdump --dwarf=frames hello > frames

The info section includes details of all compiled Java methods.

The abbrev section defines the layout of records in the info section that describe Java files (compilation units) and methods.

The ranges section details the start and end addresses of method code segments.

The decodedline section maps subsegments of method code range segments to files and line numbers. This mapping includes entries for files and line numbers for inlined methods.

The rawline segment provides details of how the line table is generated using DWARF state machine instructions that encode file, line, and address transitions.

The str section provides a lookup table for strings referenced from records in the info section.

The frames section lists transition points in compiled methods where a (fixed size) stack frame is pushed or popped, allowing the debugger to identify each frame's current and previous stack pointers and its return address.

Note that some of the content embedded in the debug records is generated by the C compiler and belongs to code that is either in libraries or the C lib bootstrap code that is bundled in with the Java method code.

Currently Supported Targets

The prototype is currently implemented only for the GNU Debugger on Linux:

  • Linux/x86_64 support has been tested and should work correctly

  • Linux/AArch64 support is present but has not yet been fully verified (break points should work ok but stack backtraces may be incorrect)

Windows support is still under development.

Debugging with Isolates

Note that it is currently recommended to disable use of Isolates by passing flag -H:-SpawnIsolates on the command line when debug info generation is enabled. Enabling of Isolates affects the way ordinary object pointers (oops) are encoded. In turn, that means the debug info generator has to provide gdb with information about how to translate an encoded oop to the address in memory, where the object data is stored. This sometimes requires care when asking gdb to process encoded oops vs decoded raw addresses.

When isolates are disabled, oops are essentially raw addresses pointing directly at the object contents. This is generally the same whether the oop is embedded in a static/instance field or is referenced from a local or parameter variable located in a register or saved to the stack. It is not quite that simple because the bottom 3 bits of some oops may be used to hold "tags" that record certain transient properties of an object. However, the debuginfo provided to gdb means that it will remove these tag bits before dereferencing the oop as an address.

By contrast, when isolates are enabled, oops references stored in static or instance fields are actually relative addresses, offsets from a dedicated heap base register (r14 on x86_64, r29 on AArch64), rather than direct addresses (in a few special cases the offset may also have some low tag bits set). When an 'indirect' oop of this kind gets loaded during execution, it is almost always immediately converted to a 'raw' address by adding the offset to the heap base register value. So, oops which occur as the value of local or parameter vars are actually raw addresses.

The DWARF info encoded into the image, when isolates are enabled, tells gdb to rebase indirect oops whenever it tries to dereference them to access underlying object data. This is normally automatic and transparent, but it is visible in the underlying type model that gdb displays when you ask for the type of objects.

For example, consider the static field we encountered above. Printing its type in an image that uses Isolates shows that this (static) field has a different type to the expected one:

(gdb) ptype 'java.math.BigInteger'::powerCache
type = class[][] : public java.math.BigInteger[][] {
} *

The field is typed as[][] which is an empty wrapper class that inherits from the expected type java.math.BigInteger[][]. This wrapper type is essentially the same as the original but the DWARF info record that defines it includes information that tells gdb how to convert pointers to this type.

When gdb is asked to print the oop stored in this field it is clear that it is an offset rather than a raw address.

(gdb) p/x 'java.math.BigInteger'::powerCache
$1 = 0x286c08
(gdb) x/x 0x286c08
0x286c08:	Cannot access memory at address 0x286c08

However, when gdb is asked to dereference through the field, it applies the necessary address conversion to the oop and fetches the correct data.

(gdb) p/x *'java.math.BigInteger'::powerCache
$2 = {
  <java.math.BigInteger[][]> = {
    <java.lang.Object> = {
      <_objhdr> = {
        hub = 0x1ec0e2,
        idHash = 0x2f462321
      }, <No data fields>},
    members of java.math.BigInteger[][]:
    len = 0x25,
    data = 0x7ffff7a86c18
  }, <No data fields>}

Printing the type of the hub field or the data array shows that they are also modelled using indirect types:

(gdb) ptype $1->hub
type = class : public java.lang.Class {
} *
(gdb) ptype $2->data
type = class[] : public java.math.BigInteger[] {
} *[0]

The gdb still knows how to dereference these oops:

(gdb) p $1->hub
$3 = ( *) 0x1ec0e2
(gdb) x/x $1->hub
0x1ec0e2:	Cannot access memory at address 0x1ec0e2
(gdb) p *$1->hub
$4 = {
  <java.lang.Class> = {
    <java.lang.Object> = {
      <_objhdr> = {
        hub = 0x1dc860,
        idHash = 1530752816
      }, <No data fields>},
    members of java.lang.Class:
    name = 0x171af8,
    . . .
  }, <No data fields>}

Since the indirect types inherit from the corresponding raw type it is possible to use an expression that identifies an indirect type pointer in almost all cases where an expression identifying a raw type pointer would work. The only case case where care might be needed is when casting a displayed numeric field value or displayed register value.

For example, if the indirect hub oop printed above is passed to hubname_raw, the cast to type Object internal to that command fails to force the required indirect oops translation. The resulting memory access fails:

(gdb) hubname_raw 0x1dc860
Cannot access memory at address 0x1dc860

In this case it is necessary to use a slightly different command that casts its argument to an indirect pointer type:

(gdb) define hubname_indirect
 x/s (('' *)($arg0))->hub->name->value->data
(gdb) hubname_indirect 0x1dc860
0x7ffff78a52f0:	"java.lang.Class"