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78 lines (52 loc) · 2.21 KB

Developer Guide

These instructions are for contributing to this repository. See main for usage.


cd src/docker
docker-compose build
docker-compose up



CI will trigger on pushes to PRs


To test locally:

cd src/python
python3 -m pytest test

This is expected to change as full docker-based testing lands


  • Modify src/bootstraps/core/graphistry.yml on the checkout step do use the branch: git clone -b mybranch
  • Push your branch
  • In CloudFormation, upload your modified `graphistry.yml``

Aligned base versions

For faster AWS launches and Graphistry Enterprise, we:

  • Keep the docker base in sync w/ AWS version & enterprise version:

    • docker-compose.yml: GRAPHISTRY_FORGE_BASE_VERSION
    • Set both to the appropriate Graphistry (or sufficient Python) base, e.g., v2.39.12-11.4
  • Update aws version (bootstraps/*/graphistry.yml) by pointing to that version's region AMIs via bootstraps/scripts/

    • Setup: apt-get install awscli jq and aws configure
    • Run src/bootstraps/scripts $ VERSION=2.36.6-11.0 ./
    • Paste into src/bootstraps/core,neptune/graphistry.yml
    • Update src/docker/docker-compose.yml::GRAPHISTRY_FORGE_BASE_VERSION

DockerHub Automated Builds

Managed via DockerHub automates tagged builds

Ahead of time:

  • Ensure you've set GRAPHISTRY_FORGE_BASE_VERSION in the Dockerfile (not just the docker-compose.yml)
  • Merged into master


  1. git tag 2.39.12
  • Use a tag that corresponds to the Graphistry version, or some suffix (
  • Note lack of v
  1. git push --tags

DockerHub automatic builds will:

  • publish as tag v2.39.12-11.4: note addition of v and -11.4
  • publish as tag latest

See current tags and available base tags

AWS Publish action

  • Docker rebuilds on merge to main
  • Push main tag ('v1.2.3') for building named versions
  • CloudFormation templates uploaded to S3 upon a PR being labeled "publish", merge-to-main, or explicit GHA call