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File metadata and controls

110 lines (83 loc) · 3.73 KB


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SwiftyParse is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SwiftyParse"


import SwiftyParse

// first of all, set up Parse using RestKey
Parse.setup(applicationId: "<# your application id #>", restKey: "<# rest key #>")
// or MasterKey
Parse.setup(applicationId: "<# your application id #>", masterKey: "<# master key #>")

// Models natually have objectId, createdAt, updatedAt and security fields. And File, User, Installation, Push models are already defined for you.
// You can create your model as class or struct

struct Document: ParseObject {
	static let className = "Document"
	var json: Data!
	init() {}
	let title = Field<String>("title")
	let description = Field<String>("description")
	let author = Field<User>("author")

// you can optionally pre-load all documents to file, and queries later on will be performed locally as much as possible, updates and creations will also affect this local storage.

// To log in user
User.logIn("username", password: "password") { user, error in
	// Let us assume this is a valid user
	guard let user = user else { return }
	// to perform a query
	Document.query().list { documents, error in
	Document.query().local(false).order("-updatedAt,title").relatedTo(user, key: "master_piece").list { documents, error in
	    for document in documents {
	// For more query options, see Query.swift
	// to create a document
	Document.opertation().set("author", value: user).save { document, error in 
		if let document = document {
			// update this document with new title
			document.title.set("SwiftyParse") { error in
	// and much more features you can discover
	let firstNameQuery = User.query().whereKey("first_name", equalTo: firstName).whereKey("birth", greaterThan: birth)
	let lastNameQuery = User.query().whereKey("last_name", equalTo: lastName).whereKey("birth", greaterThan: birth)
	let authorQuery = firstNameQuery || lastNameQuery
	Document.query().whereKey("author", matchKey: "id", inQuery: authorQuery).list { documents, error in
	    for document in documents {
	        document.operation().setSecurity(me).save { _ in }

Operations are affecting data in local storage too.

Low-Level Queries/Operations

For some reason, you might want to stick with plain queries and JSON, here is what you can do:

let group = dispatch_group_create()
let author = Pointer(className: "_User", objectId: "1234abcd")
_Query(className: "Document", constraints: .EqualTo("author", author)).each(group) { (json: [String: AnyObject]) in
	guard let objectId = json["objectId"] as? String else { return }
	_Operations(operations: [.ClearSecurity]).update("Document", objectId: objectId) { _ in
// By using `each`, you can iterate over every record of every pages
dispatch_group_notify(group, ...)


I disabled "Require revocable sessions" in the Parse app settings to get logIn/signUp worked properly. Contribution is welcome.


Rex Sheng


SwiftyParse is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.