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Infrequent Pragmatic Lambda Blog - Type Enthusiast's Notes about TypeScript. Part 4. Programming with Type Variables #8793

guevara opened this issue Sep 1, 2022 · 0 comments


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guevara commented Sep 1, 2022

Infrequent, Pragmatic, Lambda Blog - Type Enthusiast's Notes about TypeScript. Part 4. Programming with Type Variables

Please Leave Feedback in: git discussions

Previous post: Part 3. TS Complexity.

Disclaimers: (imagine this is a very small font, read it very fast in a half whisper)
I assume strict compiler flags are on, something you get by default with scaffolding, e.g. using create-react-app my-project --template typescript is close enough.
The code examples have been tested with TypeScript v4.5.2.
This post is a pandoc output of a markdown document and code examples are not interactive.
Most of the code examples are published in ts-notes folder in this github repo: ts-experiments.

Motivating Quote for the series:

“TypeScript began its life as an attempt to bring traditional object-oriented types to JavaScript so that the programmers at Microsoft could bring traditional object-oriented programs to the web. As it has developed, TypeScript’s type system has evolved to model code written by native JavaScripters. The resulting system is powerful, interesting and messy.

From typescriptlang TypeScript for Functional Programmers


This is the fourth post in the series devoted to types in TypeScript. In this series, I explore type-centric approaches to writing code and push TS to its limits in doing so. I am writing these posts for like minded developers who are interested in types and either use or consider using TypeScript.

This post will be a little more advanced and will focus on programming with type variables.

Types and Programming Languages is the book about types I recommend to everyone (… even if not very successfully). Reading TAPL will be a big eye opener for many developers. The good news is that types dramatically increase programming efficiency so learning them is a good investment.
This section of the post will be a little more TAPL-ish with some more advanced CS. The topics I am about to present are IMO very useful and I will try my best to present them in a digestible way.

I will discuss type variable scoping, rank-2 types, and existential types. Some examples show a level of safety that I did not expect to be able to pull off! As it turns out, we can even prevent subtyping in TS.

Before we start I need to build up some tooling. I will start with a tiny bit of type level programming.

Safety preventing unknown

In previous posts, we have seen examples where TS decided to widen types to unknown rather than report a compilation error.
Interestingly, TS allows enough type level programming so we can try to fix such issues ourselves.

type IsUnknown<T> = unknown extends T? true: false

function verifyUnknown<T>(p: IsUnknown<T>, t: T): T {
return t

verifyUnknown(false, "test")
const unk: unknown = {}
verifyUnknown(true, unk)

//Compilation Error
//Argument of type 'false' is not assignable to parameter of type 'true'.ts(2345)
verifyUnknown(false, unk)

In my first post, I had an example of incorrect code body4 inferred as unknown instead of a string. Wrapping such code in verifyUnknown(false, body4) would have alerted me with a compilation error.
You may point out that a much simpler solution is to just type annotate: const body4: string.
I agree. However, having a more generic solution at our disposal is also useful. We will see shortly why.

Here is a short TAPL-ish explanation of what just happened. TS allows me to use type level ternaries. IsUnknown<T> is a type level function (TAPL’sh term for this is Type Family) that maps types T to literal boolean types true or false. These types have only a single (a singleton) value: true: true and false: false. If I write verifyUnknown(false, someExpression), TS will figure out that it has to use false as the type. false matches the second part of the type level ternary and, thus, implies that the ternary predicate unknown extends T is not true. Hence T is not unknown.

I will use verifyUnknown to do some type level trickery. You may wonder if we can extend this approach to other types, not just to unknown. I will get there in this post as well.

Type variable scoping

Type variable scoping has two aspects. Let’s start with the most obvious one. The type variable being visible inside of the implementation body. This is simple stuff, I just want to share an obvious gotcha that got me at some point:

export const bodyScopeExample1 = <T>(value: T | undefined | null): void => {
 if(value) {
 const t: T = value //you can access type variables in function body

This approach to defining type signatures (actually my preferred way to write function type signatures) puts T out of scope:

export const bodyScopeExample2: <T>(_: T | undefined | null) => void = value => {
 if(value) {
 const t: T = value //Cannot find name 'T'.ts(2304)

For the type variables to be visible in the implementation they need to be on the RHS of =.

The other aspect of type variable scoping is much more interesting:

Higher Rank types

Consider these 2 function declarations:

declare function fn1<T> (f:(t:T)=> void): void 
declare function fn2(f: <T>(t:T)=> void): void 

In fn2 the scope of T is much narrower. In TAPL-ish this would be called a rank-2 type.
So what is the difference? Let’s try to use both:

const useStr = (s:string): void => {}
//Compilation Error:
//const useStr: (s: string) => void
//Argument of type '(s: string) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type '<T>(t: T) => void'.
// Types of parameters 's' and 't' are incompatible.
// Type 'T' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2345)

Basically fn2 requires the argument to be fully generic and useStr is not.

I can play the same games with generic arguments that return T

declare function fn4(f: <T>() => T): void

but will not do that here as these tend to be less practically useful.

Here is how I think about it:

Higher rank means generics are first class

Existential types

In TAPL-ish this is called existential quantification and it has to do with the ownership of definitions. In OO you would say “code to interfaces, not implementation”, it is also related to the OO concepts of inversion of control and dependency injection. Here is how the story goes:

Replacing factory pattern

interface Foo {
 foo: string

class MyFoo implements Foo{
foo: string
constructor() { = "bar"

We want to be able to hide which implementation of Foo we are passing to a callback.
Our first approach tries to use a vanilla TS generic function with a callback argument.
The input function parameter uses some <T extends Foo> of an unknown exact implementation type:

function factoryWithCallback<T extends Foo> (f:(_:T) => void): void {
 //Argument of type 'MyFoo' is not assignable to parameter of type 'T'.
 // 'MyFoo' is assignable to the constraint of type 'T', but 'T' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint 'Foo'.ts(2345)
 f(new MyFoo()) //Compilation Error

It does not work and it should not work! We need to use a rank-2 definition:

function existencialFactory(f: <T extends Foo>(_:T) => void): void {
 f(new MyFoo())

This simulates what is called an existential type. The function that accepts a callback owns the definition of the exact type that is passed to the callback. The callback itself needs to be generic and accept any possible implementation.
Note the scoping of T inside the type defining the function parameter.

This inverts the control from the implementation of the callback to the caller.

Note on terminology: Repeating the above definitions

declare function fn1<T> (f:(t:T)=> void): void 

The fn1 needs to be defined for all possible types T. The name for it is universal quantification. Some languages even use the forall keyword to describe it.

declare function fn2(f: <T>(t:T)=> void): void 

fn2 function parameter f needs to be defined for all possible types T. However, fn2 can pick whatever type it wants for T and use f with it.
In other words, there exists some type T that will be used but f has no way of knowing which. The name for it is existential quantification. Some languages even use the exists keyword to describe it.

The general concept of existentials is broader than what I am describing here and what TS supports. However, this by itself is plenty powerful.

Preventing information escape

I am drawing a blank trying to think about an OO analogy for this. It is somewhat related to friend classes in C++, package-private scope in Java … only not exactly.
This example will accomplish more than the above ‘factory’ pattern and will not use any interfaces or classes:

// Using higher rank to protect data
// Imaginary world without debuggers, JSON.stringify, etc
type Api = {getGoodies: string[]}

//provides access to API, password needs to be protected
declare function login<Password>(p: Password): Api

//provide password to a computation, that computation should be able to use the password but shouldn't return it
const secretive = <R> (fn: <Password> (p: Password) => R): R => {
const s : any = "topsecret"
return fn (s)

The example is somewhat contrived with the main goal of illustrating the point.
This code exposes building blocks that work together. To get the access to the Api type, you have to use login and you have to use it inside the provided secretive function. Working with an API like this is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle. Types prevent from jamming a square peg into a round hole.
Note, Password is a type variable and we have used the existential type trick.

This code uses the building blocks:

const goodProgram = <Password>(p: Password): string[] => {
 const api = login(p)
 return api.getGoodies

const stealPassword = <Password>(p: Password): Password => p


Unfortunately, secretive(stealPassword) compiles. Somewhat typical of TS, instead of providing robust type safety, the compiler infers unknown and accepts my questionable code. Hovering over secretive shows me this:

//const secretive: <string[]>(fn: <Password>(p: Password) => string[]) => string[]

//const secretive: <unknown>(fn: <Password>(p: Password) => unknown) => unknown

That is why I have created the verifyUnknown safety in the previous section:

const valid = verifyUnknown(false, secretive(goodProgram)) //valid: string[]
//Argument of type 'false' is not assignable to parameter of type 'true'.ts(2345)
const invalid = verifyUnknown(false, secretive(stealPassword)) //does not compile!

To make it a bit nicer we can package verifyUnknown and secretive into one function:

const verySecretive = <R> (_: IsUnknown<R>, fn: <Password> (p: Password) => R): R => {
 const s : any = "topsecret"
 return fn (s)

const valid = verySecretive(false, goodProgram) //valid: string[]

const invalid = verySecretive(false, stealPassword) 

This creates some interesting safety. Obviously you could still do a lot of mischief if you wanted to. There is a need for some ‘gentlemen’s agreements’ to not use casting, JSON.stringify, to not use true in verySecretive etc. However, if you think about creating clear contract APIs, this approach could be very powerful.

Existentials are not exactly equivalent to OO. However, using existential types can often accomplish a lot of the same things and often in a cleaner way. Using existentials and disabling OO features like unknown feels a bit contrived, but IMO is still useful. It would be nice if TS provided a cleaner way to disable the use of unknown.
I do not know how robust this type of coding is. I have not played enough with this approach in TS to give you a list of gotchas. In my very limited experience, this seems similar to the rest of TS, TS stops working if I start pushing harder.

Existentials and higher rank at large: These concepts have lead to some amazing programming.

For example, existentials are related to dependent pairs (dependent sums) in depenently typed programming languages. Dependent typing provides some very strong types. One example could be lists with a type checked length. You want to be able to use such lists when processing runtime data that can have arbitrary size. That size ‘exists’ but cannot be known statically at the compile time. This is in essence an existential construction.

Another amazing example is an old (1993) code called State Threads (ST) (currently part of std base library in Haskell). It allows to use a local mutable state to define computations that have to be referentially transparent (I have discussed referential transparency in Part 2). This is possible because the access to mutate the state cannot escape outside of these computations. ST API remains unchanged since it was created 30 year ago, you can’t improve on perfection!

I see higher rank types, mostly rank-2 being used a lot. Having ability to pass generic (polymorphic) functions around is very useful. In my non-TS projects, the problem of ‘separating interface from implementation’ is typically solved by defining an EDSL (Embedded Domain Specific Language) and an interpreter. Interpreters are polymorphic (generic in TS lingo). Rank-2 types have to be used to make them first class and pass them around.

Safety preventing subtyping

Many TS users have observed the need for this. The term exact type is floating around, I believe flow introduced this name. I have seen solutions like this one being proposed:

function exact<T>(item:T): T {
 return item

type Hello = {hello: string}

//Argument of type '{ hello: string; since: number; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Hello'.
// Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'since' does not exist in type 'Hello'.ts(2345)
exact<Hello>({hello: "world", since:2002})

This safety is fragile (and a TS design inconsistency IMO) as the following example shows:

const helloSince = {hello: "world", since:2002}

exact<Hello>(helloSince) //complies

To create something more robust, here is a code that combines the above unknown verification idea with existentials:

type Same<P,T> = P extends T? (T extends P? true: false): false

const verifySame = <P> () => <T> (_: Same<P,T>, t:T): T => t

verifySame<Hello>()(true, {hello: "world"}) //'true' indicates that type matches
verifySame<Hello>()(false, {hello: "world", since : 2020}) //'false' is needed to acknowledge types are different

//Argument of type 'true' is not assignable to parameter of type 'false'.ts(2345)
verifySame<Hello>()(true, {hello: "world", since : 2020})
verifySame<Hello>()(true, helloSince)

You may have noticed a case of typing euphoria here. I used rank-2 construction because it allows me to type annotate with only one type variable. This is nice but often not essential.

Here is an implementation of safePush that acts invariant, it does not use any existential tricks:

//Note to get 'safePush' I ended up with casting, this is a quick and dirty example and can be done slightly better
// However, this cast could be an indication that we are changing how TS compiler works
// Kinda makes sense, to overrule the compiler I may need to cast
const safePush = <P, T> (_: Same<P,T>, ps: P[], t: T): number => ps.push(t as any)

const intlist: number[] = [1,2,3]
const unklist: unknown[] = intlist //exploits array covariance
unklist.push("not a number") //unsafe 'push' adds a 'string' to 'intlist'

safePush(true, intlist, 1) //this is safe

safePush(true, unklist, 1) //this is risky and will not compile 
safePush(true, unklist, "not a number") //this is risky (here wrong) and will not compile 

Note, to be even safer I would need to prevent unknown as well:

const unkstr: unknown = "not a number"
safePush(true, unklist, unkstr) //unfortunately compiles

//An even safer version of 'Same'
type SameAndKnown<P,T> = P extends T? (T extends P? (unknown extends T? false: true): false): false

const verySafePush = <P, T> (_: SameAndKnown<P,T>, ps: P[], t: T): number => ps.push(t as any)

verySafePush(true, intlist, 1) //this is safe

verySafePush(true, unklist, unkstr) //this is risky and will not compile!

We have discussed problems with the TS approach to variance in the previous installment. We have a DIY approach to fight back!

Side Note: The linked github repo has an existentially typed version of safePush (safePush2) that has just one top level type variable. That version is more cumbersome to use. TS ends up not working well with it.

Another fun exercise:

const safeEq = <P, T> (_: Same<P,T>, a: P, b: T): boolean => a === (b as unknown)

safeEq(true, {hello: "word"}, {hello:"dolly"})

safeEq(true, {hello: "word"}, {hello:"word", since:2022}))
safeEq(true, 1, "str")

We have discussed problems with TS approach to === narrowing in the previous installment. Again, we have a DIY approach to fight back.

This section is related to a number of feature requests: TypeScript issue 12936 and TypeScript issue 7481. Hopefully a future version of TS will provide a simpler way to achieve invariance and disable subtyping.

Phantom types

TypeScript is somewhat unique in supporting Structural Types. Types like type Person = {firstNm: string, lastNm: string} are structural. That means the name Person is only an alias, what defines the type is the RHS of the definition, not the LHS. Contrast this with an OO class definition in a language like Java. Two structurally identical classes are still considered different types (this is called nominal typing).

It is sometimes convenient to be able to define different types that share the same structure. Phantom types are a way to do that. We say phantom because these types have no impact on runtime values.

Somewhere around 2006, haskell wiki published a write-up about phantom types. The write-up was expanded in 2010 to include a form validation example. Since then all blogs (in any programming language) about phantoms show a validation example. I decided to be as unoriginal as everyone else. This will allow me to better focus on how it is done in TS.

My first attempt at phantom types in TS will fail. But this code should make the idea behind phantoms clear:

//Marker type
type Validated = {type: "validated"}

//For simplicity this is just a string
type ValidationError = string

//Extra phantom type variable 'T'
type Person<T> = {firstNm: string, lastNm: string}

//Validate person in some way returning 'Validated' phantom marker
declare function validate<T>(p: Person<T>): ValidationError | Person<Validated>

//Function to be used only if phantom 'T' is the 'Validated' type
declare function doSomethingValidated(p: Person<Validated>): void

Again, these types are trying to create a jigsaw puzzle. One I can assemble in a specific way only.
If the puzzle machinery works, I will have to call validate first to be able to use doSomethingValidated.

Only, this machinery does not work. The following code compiles:

function validatedOrNot<T>(p: Person<T>): void {

type ClearlyNotValidated = {type: "notvalidated"}

function notValidated (p: Person<ClearlyNotValidated>): void {

The fix is to provide a value level information about T in an optional property.
This type definition replaces the one above:

//Modified definition adds value level representation `phantom?: T` 
type Person<T> = {firstNm: string, lastNm: string, phantom?: T} 

//provide a way to create person that ignores the additional 'phantom' property:
const createPerson : <T>(fst: string, lst: string) => Person<T> = (fst, lst) => {
return {firstNm: fst, lastNm: lst}

Now this compiles:

function validated(p: Person<Validated>): void {

But these no longer do:

// Compilation Error
// Argument of type 'Person<T>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Person<Validated>'.
// Type 'T' is not assignable to type 'Validated'.ts(2345)
function validatedOrNot<T>(p: Person<T>): void{

// Compilation Error
// Argument of type 'Person<ClearlyNotValidated>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Person<Validated>'.
// Type 'ClearlyNotValidated' is not assignable to type 'Validated'.
// Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
// Type '"notvalidated"' is not assignable to type '"validated"'.ts(2345)
function notValidated (p: Person<ClearlyNotValidated>): void {

I believe phantom types are used by some FP libraries in TS, e.g. fp-ts, these libraries use somewhat different techniques to get phantoms. There may be advantages to doing phantom types differently than what I have presented. The above approach is the simplest I can think of.

Phantom types at large: Phantom types can be used to do a lot of crazy type level stuff. The most wild use I have seen is Ghosts of Departed Proofs (this uses Haskell).

Here is a simplified and easy to understand example in TS. Think about a non-mutable list, your function accepts a list and does something with it, your code needs the list to be sorted to work. You can encapsulate this and conservatively sort it just in case (this approach seems not performance optimal), you can document your function by saying that it is the caller responsibility to sort (do developers read documentation?), … or you can introduce a phantom type:

//Sort status as a phantom type, 'List' has type level information about its sort status.
type List<T, SortStatus> = ...

interface Comparator<T> {
compare (o1: T, o2: T): number

declare function sortAscending <T extends Comparator<T>, AnyStatus> (list: List<T, AnyStatus>): List<T, "ascending">

declare function doSomethingWithSortedList <T extends Comparator<T>> (list: List<T, "ascending">): void

Again, notice the types form pieces of a puzzle and can be fitted only in a specific way.
You can think about a sort as something that not only does what it says, but also provides a token to use later to prove that the sort was done. This token is a phantom type. You can think about creating a library that helps orchestrate a similar approach to programming and this is what the linked article talks about.
Many FP programming languages support GADTs, these are very powerful types and limit the popularity of (subsume) phantom typing.

Phantom types could be a very powerful API building tool.
I am sure you can think about many other interesting use cases, … like state machines.

Next Chapter

I want to talk about recursive types and type level programming. It will be more of a review of TS capabilities in these areas.

I need to take a break from writing posts. The next installment will take me longer, maybe a month or a little more, to finish.
Thank you for reading. Happy New Year!

Here is the link: Part 5.

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September 1, 2022 at 09:21PM
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