EventSync offers a synchronization between different event sources and, when all the conditions are met, a new event is triggered. It has been designed and tested on Cloud Run. But it can be hosted on other Google Cloud runtime environment with no or a few updates
It's especially interesting to synchronize discontinuous event sources, from different projects or providers.
This article presents that product and the problems it tackles
In this repository, you can find the Core part which contains the Eventsync product code and documentation
You can also find the Demo which allows you to try and test the product. A simple web page is available and a demo backend is required to forward the Pubsub messages to the web page. You can find more detail in the documentation
Create the topic for the targetPubSub definition (if not yet exists)
gcloud pubsub topics create <TopicName>
Create a service account with the required permission:
# Create the service account
gcloud iam service-accounts create <ServiceAccount>
# The service account email will be <ServiceAccount>@<PROJECT_ID>
# Grant the permissions
# Read/Write to Firestore
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <PROJECT_ID> --member="serviceAccount:<ServiceAccountEmail>" --role="roles/datastore.user" --condition=None
# Create index in Firestore
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <PROJECT_ID> --member="serviceAccount:<ServiceAccountEmail>" --role="roles/datastore.indexAdmin" --condition=None
# Publish message to PubSub topic (you can restrict this permission to the topic only if you want)
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <PROJECT_ID> --member="serviceAccount:<ServiceAccountEmail>" --role="roles/pubsub.publisher" --condition=None
Set your configuration in a variable
export CONFIG='{
"serviceName": "My First Event Sync",
"trigger": {
"type": "window",
"observationPeriod": 3600,
"keepEventAfterTrigger": false
"eventKey": "entry1",
"acceptedHttpMethods": ["POST"],
"eventToSend": "ALL",
"minNbOfOccurrence": 1
{ "eventKey": "entry2"}
"topic": "projects/<ProjectID>/topics/<TopicName>"
Deploy to Cloud Run service (here it is in allow-unauthenticated
access for testing purposes. Don't forget to secure the
access in your real environments!)
gcloud run deploy <CloudRunServiceName> \ \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--region=us-central1 \
--platform=managed \
--service-account=<ServiceAccountEmail> \
This library is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is available in LICENSE.