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File metadata and controls

220 lines (191 loc) · 10.9 KB

Explanations of the game structure and configuration.

Game structure


The roles must be defined in configuration/game_manager/roles/. They are defined in a JSON file.

All default roles are defined in the following order (order counts in Discord!):

  • DEV: role of developers.
    • Should have admin rights. Should be above BOT role.
  • BOT: role of the main bot.
    • Must have admin rights.
  • SINGER (optional): role of singer bots. Must have admin rights.
    • Used in minigames:
      • ask_words
  • MASTER: role of game masters.
    • Should have all permissions (except admin).
  • CHARACTER1 (optional): role for character n°1.
    • Should have team permissions.
    • By default, it is used in minigames:
      • enigmas
    • By default, can see the channels:
      • ROOM1
  • CHARACTER2 (optional): role for character n°2.
    • Should have team permissions.
    • By default, it is used in minigames:
      • ask_words
    • By default, can see the channels:
      • ROOM2
      • ROOM2_VOICE
  • CHARACTER3 (optional): role for character n°3.
    • Should have team permissions.
    • By default, it is used in minigames:
      • offices_game
    • By default, can see the channels:
      • ROOM3
  • CHARACTER4 (optional): role for character n°4.
    • Should have team permissions.
    • By default, it is used in minigames:
      • offices_game
    • By default, can see the channels:
      • ROOM4_VOICE
  • TEAM1 / TEAM2 / TEAM3 (optional): roles for different teams.
    • Should have team permissions.
    • By default, they are used in minigames:
      • count_everyone
      • find_the_recipe
      • attic_game
      • map_game
      • chest_game
    • By default, can see all the channels in categories TEAM1 / TEAM2 / TEAM3
  • VISITOR: role of a player.
    • Should have the permissions:
      • change nickname
      • view channels
      • read message history
      • connect
    • By default, they are used in minigames:
      • count_everyone
      • find_the_recipe
      • attic_game
      • map_game
      • chest_game
    • By default, can see all the channels in categories TEAM1 / TEAM2 / TEAM3
  • DEFAULT: correspond to the role @everyone
    • It is recommended to grant at least the the permission use_voice_activation for a better experience.
    • Must remain the last role in the enum!

Team permissions are the following by default:

  • Recommended: change_nickname, view_channel, send_messages, connect, speak, use_voice_activation, read_message_history.
  • Optional (by default): create_instant_invite, attach_files, mention_everyone, add_reactions.
  • Optional (not by default): embed_links, stream.
  • Not recommended: other permissions are not recommended as they grant too much rights.

Default roles are used in administration tools and default minigames. Therefore:

  • It is possible to edit default roles (permissions changes are however not recommended).
  • It is not recommended to delete default roles.
  • It is possible to add new roles, that must be written after the BOT role in order to be controllable by the bot.


The channels must be defined in configuration/game_manager/category_channels for categories and configuration/game_manager/channels for text and voice channels in a JSON file.

Category channels

Default categories are the following:

  • WELCOME (optional): first category that should contain visible channels
  • DEV: category reserved for development (roles DEV and BOT)
  • MASTER: category reserved for game masters (roles MASTER and BOT)
  • SPECIAL (optional): category recommended for specific channels linked to character roles
  • TEAM1 / TEAM2 / TEAM3 (optional): categories for teams (roles TEAM1 / TEAM2 / TEAM3)

Default categories structure the game. Therefore:

  • It is possible to edit default categories (permissions changes are however not recommended).
  • It is possible to add new categories.


Default channels are almost all used as default channel in a mini-game. Therefore:

  • It is possible to edit default channels (permissions changes are however not recommended).
  • It is not recommended to delete default channels, unless you remove the associated mini-game or change its default channel
  • It is possible to add new channels.
  • Some channels are used by administration tools and should not be removed:
    • WELCOME: (for everyone) default channel for invitation link
    • LOG: (for DEV) logs returned by the logger are sent to this channel through a webhook
    • MEMO: (for MASTER) default channel where tips or instructions are send to game master while a mini-game is initialized or running
    • COMMANDS: (for MASTER) channel to send master commands.
    • EVENTS: (for DEV and MASTER) information are given by the administration tools and administration commands can be written.
    • BOARD: (for MASTER) board with all minigames that can be controlled with Discord reactions

Bots and webhook

Bots and webhook have a name and an avatar that are defined in configuration/game_manager/characters/ in a JSON file. There should be only one character of type 'bot'.


Default emojis are defined in configuration/ in the enum Emojis. All emojis must be different.


All versions (or translations) are stored in a directory corresponding to a minigame and under the filename patter [NAME_OF_THE_TRANSLATION].json.

To develop a new minigame compatible with versions, the code to write is, assuming a translation is available in configuration/my_minigame/:

from helpers import TranslationDict
from game_models import AbstractMiniGame

class Messages(TranslationDict):
    INTRO = "Default message with a string to format: {format_your_custom_text_here}"

MESSAGES = Messages(path="configuration/my_minigame")

class MyMiniGame(AbstractMiniGame):
    _default_messages = MESSAGES

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def access_a_translation_key(self, key, value_to_format):
        return self._messages[key].format(format_your_custom_text_here=value_to_format)

print(MyMiniGame().access_a_translation_key("INTRO", "Hello!"))

The class Messages is the default translation, used if no translation is found in configuration/my_minigame/. The classes attributes names are the same as the JSON keys that should be present in the translation. If no correct translation exists, the attributes values are used, if a correct translation is found, the translation is used. Note that defining the Messages class is not mandatory, but recommended for an easier game development (separation of code and translation, easy way to know which keys to create when writing a translation, ...) and to avoid errors in the case a translation is not formatted correctly.

Server configuration

The guild properties (name and avatar) are defined in configuration/game_manager/guilds/ in a JSON file. The key used by default is STANDARD. There is no built-in function to use other keys.

External bots

A bot with the role SINGER is necessary for the game AskWords and is recommended to play ambiance songs during the game.

The bot Octave is an example of a Discord bot that can play music

Game configuration

In game_configuration/game_manager/minigames/, it is possible to configure the minigames in multiple ways:

  • Choose to include or not a minigame
  • Add a name and a description to help game masters link the minigames to the translations
  • Choose the channels, roles and members that can interact with a minigame
  • Configure whether a minigame should start automatically
  • Configure custom minigame options

It is not possible to configure utils to avoid incorrect configurations.

Default game play [SPOILER]

With the default roles, channels and permissions, the game play should be as follows:

  1. IntroductionGame in WELCOME channel. The game master can speak to players in SUPPORT_VOICE channel. During the "game", players take the role VISITOR and then choose a team and get one of the TEAM roles. The game master should activate the first step of IntroductionGame with an emoji reminded in COMMANDS channel.
  2. By team, in each TEAM category channel, the same channels and games are present.
    1. CountEveryone in PARK channels. When game is over, the next game is started automatically. The game master should activate this game for each channel in BOARD channel.
    2. FindTheRecipe in KITCHEN channels. When game is over, the next game is started automatically.
    3. AtticGame in ATTIC channels. Two objects have two be found. Each object starts the two following minigames.
    4. MapGame in MAP_ROOM channels. Uses an external enigma.
    5. ChestGame in CHEST_ROOM channels. Needs the completion of MapGame to be completed. When game is over, a role menu appears: each team player must choose a CHARACTER role and will a specific enigma
  3. Depending on the role chosen at the end of ChestGame, players can play one of these games:
    1. EnigmasGame in ROOM1 for roles CHARACTER1. The game master should activate this game for the channel in BOARD channel.
    2. AskWords in ROOM2 and ROOM2_VOICE for roles CHARACTER2. The game master should activate this game for the channel in BOARD channel.
    3. OfficesGame in ROOM3 for role CHARACTER3. This game is a cooperation game with CHARACTER4.
    4. OfficesGame in ROOM4_VOICE for role CHARACTER4. This game is a cooperation game with CHARACTER3.
  4. Each of the three minigames should deliver a clue to write in MAIN_ROOM where EndGame is running. When every clue has been sent, the game should deliver a new clue to be sent in MAIN_ROOM again. Once this last clue has been sent, the permissions of RESTRICTED_ROOM are synced with WELCOME category, so each VISITOR can connect and each player with a team can speak (everyone normally). The game master can use the singer bot to play a victory song. Then, it is possible to debrief the game there.

Game play scheme:

IntroductionGame (WELCOME)
 |    TEAM CATEGORY                                                    
 └──> CountEveryone (PARK)                                       
       └──> FindTheRecipe (KITCHEN)                              
            └──> AtticGame (ATTIC)                               
                 └──> MapGame (MAP_ROOM) ---------               
                 └──> ChestGame (CHEST_ROOM)   <-˩ code               
                      |    SPECIAL CATEGORY                         
                      └──> EnigmasGame (ROOM1/ROOM1_VOICE) -----│ emoji
                      └──> AskWordsGame (ROOM2/ROOM2_VOICE) ----│ emoji
                      └──> OfficesGame (ROOM3/ROOM4_VOICE) -----│ emoji
WELCOME CATEGORY                                                |
EndGame (MAIN_ROOM/RESTRICTED_ROOM)   <-------------------------˩