- Database SQL is file banhang2.sql
- Report file is Salessystem.pdf
- Put whole of this folder into a new folder name "sales" in folder "htdocs" of XAMPP application
- Create a database in XAMPP name "banhang2" and import file "banhang2.sql" into it
- Run the link "localhost/sales/admin/index.php" to see the magic
This is the sales system.
I. Sales :
1. Order -> show list + search product in all category (funtion 4) -> show list+search customer / add new customer(function 2) -> choose all create transaction.
2. Transaction -> list transaction.
II. Catalog :
1. Category -> show list,add,edit,del category -> show list,add,edit,del product in category
2. Product -> show list,add,edit,del product.
III. Customer : -> show list,add,edit,del customer
IV. System :
1. Admins -> show list,add,del admins/sellers
29/4 add Customer full function include edit, delete, refresh : complete.
30/4 function edit Category : complete.
6/5 function search
10/5 Done function Admin