- b8f200e: feat(*): add typia plugin for bun
6800079: feat: add passing sourceFiles option and expose onLoadCallback feat: add inline option
The sourceFiles option must be a map of absolute file path to file contents. This allows passing in files that has been transformed by other plugins. This feature was added as a temporary workaround for a bug involving multiple plugins filtering the same file type. oven-sh/bun#9373
The inline option allows bundling the script as an inline script tag. If the plugin is running during runtime (preload), it will inline the script tag with the contents of the script by default regardless of the inline option. If the plugin is running during build time (Bun.build()) and the inline option is true, it will inline the script tag with the contents of the script, otherwise it will copy/download the referenced script to outDir.
- 096c524: feat(*): initial commit