Name: Hannah Nguyen
- File COMMIT_DIR - directory to store serialized commits
- File BLOB_DIR - directory to store blobs
- HashMap<String, String> remotes - Mapping of remote directories' names to their file paths
- HashMap<String, String> branches - Mapping of branch names to their branch's head commit's ID
- HashMap<String, CommitData> - Mapping of commits' IDs to their CommitData object
- HashMap<String, String> stagingArea - Mapping of file names staged for addition to their ID
- List removalArea - List of file names staged for removal
- String activeBranch - ID of current branch
- String headCommit - ID of the most recent commit in the current branch
- String parentId - SHA-1 hash of parent commit
- String parentId2 - SHA-1 hash of second parent commit
- String timestamp = Time of commit creation
- String message - Commit message
- HashMap<String, String> - Mapping of file names to blob references
- String fileName - name of file in the staging area (wug.txt)
- byte[] fileContents - data from file
Every time something is to be modified, read object from file, modify that object, write it back into a file.