grunt serve for preview (use during development)
grunt for building (production, dont need to do this for development)
grunt serve:dist for a preview of the built app (preview of production app)
Code style guidelines
- variables camelCase
- folder names underscore between multiple words e.g. node_modules UNLESS they are modules
- file names that export a module have dash between multiple words e.g. game-effects
- tabs convert to spaces
- tab size of 2 spaces
- one new line between methods and functions
- two new lines at end of classes
- module.exports and exports statements at very end of file
- require statements at beginning of file
- variable what a require() module is assigned to starts with m (for 'module') and is camelCased: mInput = require './game-input'
- client and shared modules are written in coffeescript
- server modules written in javascript