- attachment
- get(dbName, docId, attachmentName)
- destroy(dbName, docId, attachmentName, rev)
- config
- get(path)
- set(path)
- setCompactionRule(dbName, rule)
- setCouchDBMaxDBsOpen(maxDBsOpen)
- setCouchHttpdAuthTimeout(timeoutSecs)
- setCouchHttpdAuthAllowPersistentCookies(allow)
- setLogLevel(level)
- setHttpdMaxConnections(maxConnections)
- unset(path)
- unsetIgnoreMissing(path)
- db
- all()
- changes(dbName, params, filter)
- changesArray(dbName, params, filter)
- copy(fromDBName, toDBName)
- create(dbName, params)
- destroy(dbName)
- exists(dbName)
- isPartitioned(dbName)
- replicate(params)
- get(dbName)
- getPartition(dbName, partition)
- view(dbName, viewDocId, view, params)
- viewArray(dbName, viewDocId, view, params)
- viewPartition(dbName, partition, viewDocId, view, params)
- viewPartitionArray(dbName, partition, viewDocId, view, params)
- doc
- all(dbName, params)
- allArray(dbName, params)
- allPartition(dbName, partition, params)
- allPartitionArray(dbName, partition, params)
- bulkCreateOrUpdate(dbName, docs)
- create(dbName, doc)
- createAndIgnoreConflict(dbName, doc)
- createOrUpdate(dbName, doc)
- createOrUpdateIgnoreConflict(dbName, doc)
- destroy(dbName, docId, docRev)
- destroyAll(dbName, keepDesignDocs)
- destroyAllNonDesign(dbName)
- destroyIgnoreConflict(dbName, docId, docRev)
- exists(dbName, id)
- find(dbName, body, params)
- findPartition(dbName, partition, body, params)
- get(dbName, docId)
- getAndDestroy(dbName, docId)
- getIgnoreMissing(dbName, id)
- getMergeCreateOrUpdate(dbName, doc)
- getMergeUpdate(dbName, doc)
- getMergeUpdateIgnoreConflict(dbName, doc)
- getMergeUpsert(dbName, doc)
- getModifyUpsert(dbName, docId, onGetPromiseFactory)
- ignoreConflict(promiseFactory)
- ignoreMissing(promiseFactory)
- isConflictError(err)
- isMissingError(err)
- markAsDestroyed(dbName, docId)
- setDestroyed(doc)
- update(dbName, doc)
- updateIgnoreConflict(dbName, doc)
- upsert(dbName, doc)
- ExcludeDesignDocIterator
- membership
- get()
- NotAuthenticatedError
- NotAuthorizedError
- security
- get(dbName)
- onlyAdminCanView(dbName)
- onlyRoleCanView(dbName, role)
- set(dbName, security)
- system
- get()
- isCouchDB1()
- reset(exceptDBNames)
- supportPartitioned()
- updates(params)
- updatesNoHistory(params)
- updatesViaGlobalChanges(params)
- user
- addRole(username, role)
- authenticate(username, password)
- authenticateAndGetSession(username, password)
- authenticated(cookie)
- create(username, password, roles, metadata)
- createSession(doc)
- destroy(username)
- destroySession([cookie])
- downsertRole(username, role)
- get(username)
- getSession([cookie], [url])
- logIn(username, password)
- logOut()
- removeRole(username, role)
- resolveConflicts(username)
- setCookie(cookie)
- setPassword(username, password)
- setMetadata(username, metadata)
- toUserId(username)
- toUsername(userId)
- upsertRole(username, role)
Returns a list of changes in the database. See https://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/api/database/changes.html for more details.
The function returns an iterator that indefinitely returns changes from the database.
You can use an optional third argument to pass a selector for filtering the change feed.
slouch.db.changes('myDB', {
include_docs: true,
feed: 'continuous',
heartbeat: true
}, {
selector: {
thing: 'findme'
Returns a list of changes in the database. See https://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/api/database/changes.html for more details.
The function returns an array of changes from the database.
You can use an optional third argument to pass a selector for filtering the change feed.
slouch.db.changesArray('myDB', {
include_docs: true,
feed: 'continuous',
heartbeat: true
}, {
selector: {
thing: 'findme'
Find documents using a declarative JSON querying syntax. See https://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/api/database/find.html for more details.
slouch.doc.find('myDB', {
selector: {
thing: 'findme'