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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
    1. Features and functionality
    2. Architecture Diagram
  2. Getting Started
    1. Prerequisites
      1. General
      2. Nice to haves
    2. Installation
      1. Setup
      2. Running the application
    3. Configuration
      1. Environment Variables
        1. Get environment variables with python scripts
        2. Runtime secrets
        3. Additional test secrets
    4. Fortify
  3. Session Management
  4. Deployment
  5. Monitoring and Logging
  6. Nunjucks Filters
  7. Security & Quality Considerations
  8. Test Suite
    1. Unit tests
      1. Unit tests by type
      2. Re-running failed tests
    2. Route Tests
    3. Accessibility (a11y) Tests
    4. Functional (E2E) Tests
      1. Justification for migration to CodeceptJS
      2. Running e2e tests
  9. ContributingLicense


pip-frontend is a microservice that serves the frontend of the Court and Tribunal Hearings Service (known as CaTH hereafter). This project was formerly known as the Publications and Information Project within HMCTS.

The frontend uses a Node.js runtime environment, using Express.js as the web application framework. Our templating engine is nunjucks. We mostly use TypeScript for application code.

It is connected to several other microservices in production (all written in Java/Spring Boot):

Microservice Summary
pip-data-management (port:8090) Communicates with postgres and Azure Blob Storage and controls file storage, file ingestion, reference data and validation
pip-subscription-management (port:4550) Handles all operations related to subscriptions, including all CRUD operations and the triggering of the fulfilment process.
pip-account-management(port:6969) Handles operations related to accounts, including interaction with Azure B2C for PI_AAD users. It also manages the audit functionality.

Most of the communication with this service benefits from using secure authentication. While possible to stand up locally in insecure mode, to simulate a production environment it is better to use secure mode.

Features and functionality

  • Viewable by users directly in either HTTP or HTTPS mode (default port: 8080)
  • Uploading of publication files using a web interface within the manual upload view.
  • Account setup, sign-in and user management functionality. Sign-in and password management is managed using Azure B2C user flows for AAD users. We also allow sign in via CFT IDAM for certain user roles.
  • View publications directly in the browser restricted to the user's account privileges.
  • Processes to manage creation of a new media account for a user with administrator oversight (approve/reject).
  • Tiered access to specific functionality and content within three main categories (media/administrator/system administrator), as well as unauthenticated functionality.
  • Management functionality for a maximum of 4 system administrators (set by environment variable). System admins are able to see audit actions by regular administrators, view underlying data, manage users etc.
  • Set up subscriptions to be notified via email when a new publication with given parameters is uploaded.
  • Uses Redis as the backing store for session data.

Architecture Diagram

Frontend Architecture

Getting Started



Running the application requires the following tools to be installed in your environment:

Nice to haves
  • The service won't run particularly well without the attached services, so it's a good idea to have those running as well. pip-account-management and pip-data-management in particular are necessary to get most of the site working as intended.
  • pip-dev-env - This repo provides a development environment wherein ensure all microservices, as well as external services (e.g. postgres & redis) are all running in tandem within the service. It eases the development process and is particularly helpful when working with cross-service communication, as it also reduces strain on local performance from having many separate IDE windows open.



  • Clone the repository
  • Ensure all required environment variables have been set.
  • Use the terminal command yarn install to install all dependencies.
  • Use yarn run build to build the application.

Running the application

  • Use yarn start to start the application (defaults to port 8080)


Environment Variables

Environment variables are used by the service to control its behaviour in various ways.

These variables can be found within the key vaults, and also passed in via SDS flux.

  • Runtime secrets are stored in pip-ss-{env}-kv (where {env} is the environment where the given instance is running (e.g. production, staging, test, sandbox)).
  • Test secrets are stored in pip-bootstrap-{env}-kv with the same convention.
Get environment variables with python scripts

Python scripts to quickly grab all environment variables (subject to Azure permissions) are available for both runtime and test secrets.

Runtime secrets
Variable Description Required?
CLIENT_ID_INTERNAL Unique ID for the application within Azure AD. Used to identify the application during service to service authentication.
CLIENT_SECRET_INTERNAL Secret key for authentication requests during service to service communication.
CLIENT_ID The client ID for the app (Azure B2C). Used during authentication of Azure B2C users.
CLIENT_SECRET The client secret for the app (Azure B2C). Used during authentication of Azure B2C users. No
ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT_URL URL used for connecting to the pip-account-management service. Defaults to staging if not provided. No
DATA_MANAGEMENT_URL URL used for connecting to the pip-data-management service. Defaults to staging if not provided. No
SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGEMENT_URL URL used for connecting to the pip-subscription-management service. Defaults to staging if not provided. No
AUTH_RETURN_URL URL used to redirect user to the service after authentication with Azure B2C. Defaults to staging if not provided. No
ADMIN_AUTH_RETURN_URL Same as above, but for admin sign in. No
MEDIA_VERIFICATION_RETURN_URL Same as above, but for after a media user verifies their account using the OTP process No
B2C_ADMIN_URL URL used for routing to Azure from the service (for admin journey). No
B2C_URL Same as above but for media journey. No
CONFIG_ADMIN_ENDPOINT URL that provides metadata about the B2C tenant's OpenID Connect configuration, such as the issuer URL, token signing keys, and supported scopes. This is for the admin journey. No
CONFIG_ENDPOINT Same as above but for media journey. No
MEDIA_VERIFICATION_CONFIG_ENDPOINT Same as above but for verification of media accounts. No
SESSION_SECRET Unique identifier or value that's used to identify a user's session - can really be any string if you're running locally. Yes
FRONTEND_URL This is the host that the service uses to identify what it's running on. Defaults to staging, but you want it to be https://localhost:8080 if you're running locally (in secure mode) No
REDIS_HOST Hostname of utilised Redis instance No
REDIS_PORT Port that utilised Redis instance is running on No
REDIS_LOCAL Boolean to determine if Redis runs locally or not No
TENANT_ID Directory unique ID assigned to our Azure AD tenant. Represents the organisation that owns and manages the Azure AD instance. No
DATA_MANAGEMENT_AZ_API Used as part of the scope parameter when requesting a token from Azure. Used for service-to-service communication with the pip-data-management service No
ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT_AZ_API Used as part of the scope parameter when requesting a token from Azure. Used for service-to-service communication with the pip-account-management service No
SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGEMENT_AZ_API Used as part of the scope parameter when requesting a token from Azure. Used for service-to-service communication with the pip-subscription-management service No
CFT_REJECTED_ROLES_REGEX Allows you to override the rejected roles regex for CFT No
INSTRUMENTATION_KEY This is the instrumentation key used by the app to talk to Application Insights No
SESSION_COOKIE_SAME_SITE Flag to to set for the Same Site cookie. This is only used in the clusters, and not required locally. No
Additional test secrets

Secrets required for getting tests to run correctly can be found in the below table. They are all accessible from the bootstrap keyvault.

Variable Description
B2C_USERNAME User's username for B2C authentication
B2C_PASSWORD User's password for B2C authentication
B2C_ADMIN_USERNAME B2C administrator's username
B2C_ADMIN_PASSWORD B2C administrator's password
CFT_INVALID_USERNAME Invalid username for CFT authentication
CFT_VALID_USERNAME Valid username for CFT authentication
CFT_VALID_PASSWORD Valid password for CFT authentication
CFT_INVALID_PASSWORD Invalid password for CFT authentication
B2C_SYSTEM_ADMIN_USERNAME B2C system administrator's username
B2C_SYSTEM_ADMIN_PASSWORD B2C system administrator's password
TEST_URL The URL of the frontend service that the tests will run against
TEST_HEADLESS Whether the E2E tests should run in headless mode. Default is true
TEST_A11Y_HEADLESS Whether the accessibility tests should run in headless mode. Default is true. Used for test debugging.
DATA_MANAGEMENT_URL URL for data management that the codecept tests use when creating test data
SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGEMENT_URL URL for data management that the codecept tests use when creating test data
SYSTEM_ADMIN_PROVENANCE_ID Test system admin provenance ID, used during E2E tests
SYSTEM_ADMIN_USER_ID Test system admin user ID, used during E2E tests
VERIFIED_USER_ID Test verified ID, used during E2E tests
CLIENT_ID_INTERNAL Unique ID for the application within Azure AD. Used to identify the application during service to service authentication.
CLIENT_SECRET_INTERNAL Secret key for authentication requests during service to service communication.
DATA_MANAGEMENT_AZ_API Used as part of the scope parameter when requesting a token from Azure. Used for service-to-service communication with the pip-data-management service
SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGEMENT_AZ_API Used as part of the scope parameter when requesting a token from Azure. Used for service-to-service communication with the pip-subscription-management service
ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT_AZ_API Used as part of the scope parameter when requesting a token from Azure. Used for service-to-service communication with the pip-account-management service
TENANT_ID Directory unique ID assigned to our Azure AD tenant. Represents the organisation that owns and manages the Azure AD instance.


We use Fortify to scan for security vulnerabilities. This is run as part of our nightly pipelines.

Session Management

We use Redis to store session data to ensure sessions are shared across multiple frontend instances.

This is configured in the app.js file.

Alongside this, the local unit / route tests use a Mock version of redis to simulate the interactions.


We use Jenkins as our CI/CD system. The deployment of this can be controlled within our application logic using the various Jenkinsfile-prepended files within the root directory of the repository.

Our builds run against our dev environment during the Jenkins build process. As this is a microservice, the build process involves standing up the service in a docker container in a Kubernetes cluster with the current staging master copies of the other interconnected microservices.

If your debugging leads you to conclude that you need to implement a pipeline fix, this can be done in the CNP Jenkins repo

Monitoring and Logging

We utilise Azure Application Insights to store our logs. Ask a teammate for the specific resource in Azure to access these.

In addition, this service is also monitored in production and staging environments by Dynatrace. The URL for viewing our specific Dynatrace instance can be had by asking a team member.

Nunjucks Filters

The project includes a large collection of custom nunjucks filters used for specific functionality within the application.

Security & Quality Considerations

We use a few automated tools to ensure quality and security within the service. A few examples can be found below:

  • Prettier - an opinionated code formatter that enforces a consistent code style across a codebase. Prettier can be integrated with various code editors and build tools to format code automatically, helping to reduce formatting-related code reviews and conflicts.

  • SonarCloud - provides automated code analysis, finding vulnerabilities, bugs and code smells. Quality gates ensure that test coverage, code style and security are maintained where possible.

  • Lefthook - a git hook manager that enables checks to be run on code changes. Lefthook can be configured to run a variety of linters, tests, and other checks before specific git commands (e.g. git commit or git push) to ensure code quality, consistency, and security.

  • Stylelint - a linter for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that helps ensure consistent coding conventions, identify potential errors and enforce code standards. Stylelint can be used to identify issues related to syntax, naming conventions, formatting, and selector usage.

  • Webpack - a module bundler for JavaScript applications that can compile modules, optimize assets, and handle dependencies. Webpack allows developers to bundle code and assets for deployment to various environments, while also enabling a variety of plugins and loaders for customized configurations.

  • Babel - a JavaScript compiler that enables developers to write code using the latest syntax and features, while ensuring backwards compatibility with older browsers and environments.

  • ESLint - a linter for JavaScript that helps identify potential errors, enforce coding conventions, and maintain code quality.

  • pa11y - an accessibility testing tool that checks web pages for accessibility issues and compliance with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

Test Suite

This microservice is comprehensively tested using unit, accessibility (a11y), routes and functional tests. You can run the entire set of tests (except e2e/functional tests) using yarn cichecks.

Unit tests

Unit tests can be run on demand using yarn test. We are using Jest for most of our unit testing. Unit test config can be found in our jest.config.js file

Unit tests by type

It is also possible to run specific types of unit tests using the following commands:

  • yarn test:services
  • yarn test:controllers
  • yarn test:views
  • yarn test:requests
Re-running failed tests

You can rerun only the tests that failed in the previous test run using yarn test:failures This kind of workflow allows you to run the minimum number of unit tests after implementing new functionality (assuming you're not using TDD), repeating until they're all fixed.

Route Tests

We test all routes contained within the service's routes file.

Route testing config can be found within the jest.routes.config.js.

Route tests are run using yarn test:routes.

Accessibility (a11y) Tests

We test the accessibility of all routes contained within the service's routes file using pa11y and Supertest.

Accessibility testing configuration can be found within the jest.a11y.config.js file.

To run the a11y tests, use the yarn test:a11y command.

Functional (E2E) Tests

Both functional and cross-browser tests are implemented. Tests are configured to run in parallel. Tests are configured to run in chromium, firefox, webkit (cross-browser testing) Allure reports are implemented for both functional and cross-browser tests.

Functional-test-configuration - src/test/end-to-end/functional.conf.ts Cross-browser-configuration - src/test/end-to-end/crossbrowser.conf.ts Main config - src/test/config.ts

The test suite uses Node.js runtime environment. Uses TypeScript for coding.

Running emd-to-end tests:

All scripts are configured in package.json

  • yarn test:crossbrowser - This command is to run tests in all browsers (chromium, webkit, firefox) configured in crossbrowser.conf.ts and creates allure report

  • yarn test:crossbrowser:all - This command is to run tests in all browsers (chromium, webkit, firefox) configured in crossbrowser.conf.ts if tests have @CrossBrowser tag

  • yarn test:crossbrowser:report - This command is to create allure reports for cross-browser tests from existing xml reports

  • yarn test:functional - This command is to run all tests configured in functional.conf.ts and creates allure report

  • yarn test:functional:all - This command is to run all tests configured in functional.conf.ts

  • yarn test:functional:report - This command is to create allure reports for functional tests from existing xml reports

  • yarn test:functional:min - This command is to run all tests excluding nightly

  • yarn test:fullfunctional - This command is to run all tests including nightly and generates the allure report


We are happy to accept third-party contributions. See .github/ for more details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.