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Office 365 Developer PnP Core Component


Office 365 Developer PnP Core Component is extension component which encapsulates commonly used remote CSOM/REST operations as reusable extension methods towards out of the box CSOM objects. It's targeted to be used with provider hosted apps and will help developers to be more efficient and productive by providing single line extension methods for commonly used operations from content type creation to uploading page layouts to publishing sites.

Applies to

  • Office 365 Multi Tenant (MT)
  • Office 365 Dedicated (D)
  • SharePoint 2013 on-premises


Extension methods will be available from out of the box CSOM objects automatically when you add reference to this component.


Solution Author(s)
OfficeDevPnP.Core Office Developer PnP team

Version history

Version Date Comments
2.x Frist Friday of each month Monthly release




Core component solution structure follows the generic structure like all PnP project. All documentation files are linked to the solution and actual code is in single Visual Studio project. This project contains different kind of capabilities, which are explained in following chapters.

Additional documentation

Additional PnP Core component documentation.


Extension methods are a .Net construct that allow to extend an existing type with additional methods. This approach is extensively used in the core library. Below you'll see a method that extends the SharePoint.Client.Web type with a method named CreateContentType:

public static ContentType CreateContentType(this Web web, string name, 
	string id, string group)
  // Load the current collection of content types
  ContentTypeCollection contentTypes = web.ContentTypes;
  ContentTypeCreationInformation newCt = new ContentTypeCreationInformation();
  // Set the properties for the content type
  newCt.Name = name;
  newCt.Id = id;
  newCt.Group = group;
  ContentType myContentType = contentTypes.Add(newCt);

  //Return the content type object
  return myContentType;

To use this extension method you can do this:

cc.Web.CreateContentType("My CT","0x0101009189AB5D3D2647B580F011DA2F356FB2", "My custom content types group");

This is pretty typical example of the extension methods which are provided. In the provider hosted add-in side, we only need one line of code, which encapsulates all the other needed operations.


Entities are simple classes used to provide and retrieve more complex objects from the extensions methods in AppModelExtensions. Currently following entities are defined:


Extension methods in AppModelExtensions can use enums and if so these enum classes are created in this folder:


This folder contains extension methods that are not SharePoint related such as extension methods to help with string manipulations.


Utility classes (helper classes) are created in this folder.


AuthenticationManager is the class that you can use to obtain a client context in case you’re not having one available as part of the SharePoint add-in (e.g. in console projects) or when you want to create a client context using different credentials or using an AppOnly add-in. Following methods are available for this class:

public ClientContext GetSharePointOnlineAuthenticatedContextTenant(string siteUrl, string tenantUser, string tenantUserPassword)
public ClientContext GetAppOnlyAuthenticatedContext(string siteUrl, string realm, string appId, string appSecret)
public ClientContext GetNetworkCredentialAuthenticatedContext(string siteUrl, string user, string password, string domain)
public ClientContext GetADFSUserNameMixedAuthenticatedContext(string siteUrl, string user, string password, string domain, string sts, string idpId)

Go here to learn more about the ADFS usernamemixed authentication.

Compiling for SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 depends on version 15 client assemblies, SharePoint 2016 depends on 16 client assemblies whereas Office 365 (SharePoint Online) uses version 16.1 client assemblies. The PnP core solution foresees support for this. The solution contains 6 configurations:

  • Debug: compiles the solution in debug mode using the version 16.1 assemblies (=default)
  • Release: compiles the solution in release mode using the version 16.1 assemblies
  • Debug15: compiles the solution in debug mode using the version 15 assemblies (=default)
  • Release15: compiles the solution in release mode using the version 15 assemblies
  • Debug16: compiles the solution in debug mode using the version 16 assemblies (=default)
  • Release16: compiles the solution in release mode using the version 16 assemblies

If you want to use the core library in a SharePoint 2013 project you'll need to switch the configuration to either Debug15 or Release15. For using against SharePoint 2016 you switch to either Debug16 or Release16. This can be easily done from Visual Studio:

Also a compiler directive ONPREMISES has been set. This compiler directive is used in the code to choose a different implementation for SharePoint On-Premises (2013/2016) where needed. There's also specific compiler directives:

  • SP2013 for SharePoint 2013 specific code
  • SP2016 for SharePoint 2016 specific code

Coding Conventions

Contributions are welcome, and the project regularly accepts pull requests. Here are some guidelines for writing your code to ensure consistency across the project.

Avoid using the ambiguous term "Site"

SharePoint has a mismatch between the terms used in the UI and the API, particularly with SPWeb = Site / SPSite = Site Collection, with the client APIs dropping the SP prefix.

The term "Site" is ambiguous, both in the API and in documentation comments, and should be avoided.

The terms Web and SiteCollection are preferred.

If the term Site is used, it should always refer to the Site Collection; never use Site to refer to a Web.

Add-In Model Extensions

Classes derived from ClientObject have a Context property that can be used for operations, such as ExecuteQueryRetry.

The Add-In Model Extensions API should extend from the relevant entity object, e.g. creating a new List should extended from the Web where it should be created, adding an existing Content Type to a List should extend from a List.

Do not generally extend from collections, as they are less discoverable, not extend from ContentTypeCollection.

Do not extend from an irrelevant type; if you do not use any properties or methods (other than Context) then you are probably extending from the wrong object.

If there is no relevant object, then consider just extending from ClientRuntimeContext (although we want to avoid excessively overloading the context).

If the operation requires a specific type of context, consider extending from something that makes this clear. E.g. tenant operations require a context of the admin site, and won't work from all contexts, so extended from the Tenant class instead (even though it requires one additional line of code from the caller).

Clarify the type of URL

Clarify if a URL is a FullUrl, ServerRelativeUrl, SiteCollectionRelativeUrl, or LeafUrl. This avoids ambiguity where users of the API have a different default understanding of what 'url' means.

Prefer using the Uri class for clarity, but generally provide overloads that use string.

Validate URL arguments conform to the format of the type expected, e.g. parse using the Uri class if necessary and check the IsAbsoluteUri property; for LeafUrl, throw an ArgumentException if the parameter has any path characters.

(Note that the Uri class unfortunately does not parse out the local path segments for relative URLs.)

Do not use string operations to combine URLs. Use the UrlUtility.Combine function, or Uri class functions.

Standard Verbs

The following standard verbs should be used for consistency in the API.

In particular note the difference between Create (new elements, even if created as the children of other elements) and Add (only associating existing elements).

For reference to standard PowerShell verbs, see: []

Create / Delete: Use the verb Create for operations that create new elements, even if they are children of other objects (do not use Add). In PowerShell Cmdlets use New-.

Delete is used for destroying an object. In PowerShell Cmdlets use Remove- (the same verb is used for both delete and remove in PowerShell).

Examples: Creating a new site collection, creating a new site content type (in the context of a Web), adding a new child Web, adding a new List, deleting a site column from a Web (contrast with removing a site column from a Content Type or List), deleting a child Web.

Note that the last two (new child Web, new List) are still Create operations in the API, as primarily they still create new elements, even though in the UI the term add may be used (e.g. 'add an add-in').

Applies to:

  • SiteCollection
  • Web
  • ContentType in a Web
  • Field in a Web
  • List, and specific types (e.g. document library)
  • View
  • Folder, and specific types (e.g. document set)
  • User
  • Group
  • ListItem, and variants including Page, WikiPage (for File use Upload/Delete)

Use Upload / Delete as a variant for:

  • File

Add / Remove: The verb Add should not be used to create new elements (use Create instead). Add should be used for associating existing items with each other.In PowerShell Cmdlets use Add-.

Use the verb Remove for operations that removing associations between objects, but does not destroy them. In PowerShell Cmdlets use Remove-.

In some cases verbs may be used for consistency, e.g. use the same verb for adding a list column as for adding a site column, even though one is actually a create operation.

Examples: Add can be used for adding an existing site column to a content type, or adding a content type to a list.

Applies to:

  • ContentType in a List
  • Field in a List (used consistently irrespective of whether it is a site column or list field)
  • Field in a ContentType
  • Users in a Group
  • WebPart in Page
  • NavigationNode in a navigation menu

Less common verbs

Deploy: Uploads a file (or multiple files) as a resource (master page, theme, etc.) and then (generally) makes it available for use (i.e. generally includes Publish). In PowerShell Cmdlets use Install-.

Ensure: Checks if an element exists, creating it if necessary, and then returning the instance.

Exists: Used as a suffix to determine if an element exists. In PowerShell Cmdlets use Test-.

Upload: Loads a file from a local resource into SharePoint. Generally this also includes making it available for others (i.e. Publish). In PowerShell Cmdlets use Import-.

Patterns by object

Sometimes the pattern to use (e.g. Create/Delete vs Add/Remove) is not clear, as both apply; e.g. is a new List created, or are you adding a relationship between the parent Web and the ListTemplate; similarly a Field is created at the Web level, but what about when adding a copy of that field to a List?

Use the following patterns:

SiteCollection: Create/Delete

Web: Create/Delete

List, and specific types (e.g. document library): Create/Delete

View: Create/Delete

ContentType in a Web: Create/Delete

ContentType in a List: Add/Remove

Field in a Web: Create/Delete

Field in a List: Add/Remove

Field in a ContentType: Add/Remove

Folder, and specific types (e.g. document set): Create/Delete

File: Upload/Delete

Unit tests

Unit tests are in the OfficeDevPnP.Core.Tests project. Follow guidance for MSTest unit testing. App.config is not included (marked in .gitignore), but a sample file is included and should aid in setting up parameters for proper local unit testing.

Version dependencies

All code should be version independent, meaning that code should not assume that paths are in the 15 or 16 folders unless the folder usage would work in both cases and the number is not meaningful. In case code elements only apply to for example the version 16 CSOM libraries then you'll need to exclude the code at compile time:


//your SharePoint version 16 specific code goes here


Multilingual support

The Core component code cannot assume that the code is executed against the English language. Hardcoded references to library names are not acceptable for the Core component implementation, like assuming that publishing site has a "Pages" library.