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Jason DeRose edited this page Mar 7, 2020 · 8 revisions

Installation from GNOME Extensions

The easiest way to install the latest official version of Dash-to-Panel is from GNOME Extensions.

Installation from Github

The extension can be installed directly from source, either for the convenience of using git or to test the latest development version.

General instructions

Clone the desired branch with git

git clone

or download the branch from github. A simple Makefile is included. Then run

make install

to install the extension in your home directory. A Shell reload (Alt+F2 r Enter) or logout is required, and the extension has to be enabled with gnome-tweak-tool or with dconf.

Full install scripts for development version

Ubuntu 19.10+ (Xorg)

#-- Create Temporary Folder ------------------------------------
declare folder_name="$RANDOM-dash-to-panel";
declare folder_path="/tmp/$folder_name"

mkdir "$folder_path";
cd "$folder_path";

#-- Download Source Code ------------------------------------
sudo apt install git -y;
git clone "";
cd "dash-to-panel/";

#-- Install Dependencies  ------------------------------------
sudo apt install gettext -y;
sudo apt install make -y;

#-- Install Extension ------------------------------------
make install;
gnome-extensions enable "[email protected]";
busctl --user call "org.gnome.Shell" "/org/gnome/Shell" "org.gnome.Shell" "Eval" "s" 'Meta.restart("Restarting…")';

#-- Remove Temporary Folder ------------------------------------
rm -rf "$folder_path";
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