Tirex is a bunch of tools that let you run a tile server. A tile server is a web server that hands out pre-rendered map raster images to clients.
The web page for Tirex is at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tirex . See there for more information.
You'll need the following Perl modules to run Tirex:
- IPC::ShareLite (Debian/Ubuntu: libipc-sharelite-perl)
- JSON (Debian/Ubuntu: libjson-perl)
- GD (Debian/Ubuntu: libgd-gd2-perl)
- LWP (Debian/Ubuntu: libwww-perl)
You'll need a C++ compiler and build tools to compile the Mapnik backend.
To build Tirex run
in the main directory. This will compile the mapnik backend and create the man pages for the Perl modules.
Call 'make clean' to cleanup after a 'make'.
To install Tirex call
make install
as root user. This will install the main parts of Tirex including the tirex-master, tirex-backend-manager and the Mapnik backend.
This will not install the example map, or the munin or nagios plugins. To install those, call
make install-example-map
make install-munin
make install-nagios
respectively. You can also install everything with
make install-all
To create Debian/Ubuntu packages you need the package 'devscripts' installed. Call
make deb
to create the packages. The following packages will be created in the parent directory:
Call 'make deb-clean' to cleanup after a 'make deb'.
Call 'prove' in the main directory to run Perl unit tests. You need Test::More (Debian/Ubuntu: libtest-simple-perl) and Test::Harness (Debian/Ubuntu: libtest-harness-perl) installed.
There are some other tests in the 'test' directory. See the description at the beginning of the scripts for information on how to use them.