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2017 11 21 Task 2 Coordination Meeting

Jérôme Frisch edited this page Nov 24, 2017 · 4 revisions


November 21, 5:00pm CET/MEZ (= 17:00 German time = 8:00am Pacific time)


Adobe Connect-Meeting "IBPSA Project 1 WP2 Coordination Meeting"

Agenda and Minutes

  • Introduction by Christoph van Treeck
  • Brief statement of each participant in the call (2min) on main interests and available resources (person months, name, availability/schedule, project resources)
    • Avichal Malhotra
      • RWTH E3D
      • Developing different tools between CityGML and Modelica
      • Dynamic City Simulations
      • Energy Efficiency
    • Darren Robinson
      • Univ. Sheffield
      • Resources depend on today's discussion 12-48 person months
      • Large research program working in city scale resources
      • Developing comprehensive environment energy simulations as well as on an urban environment.
      • Modelling of national housing stocks
    • Dimitrios Rovas
      • Univ. College London, UK
      • Using IFC and looking at geometry
      • Using information for Energy simulation
      • Leader of EU project for district and building level modelling
      • Resources for one and a half years available for contributing to Project 1
    • James O'Donnell
      • UCD
      • Prospective of energy systems integration
      • Combined electrical and gas networks
      • An existing IFC CityGML Server can be contributed to Project 1
      • 2 full time PhD Students available for contributing to Project 1
    • Jiarui Lin
      • Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
      • semantic data modeling based on IFC
      • spatial/geometric data conversion and sensing data integration
      • cloud based data service
      • own resources, 1 PhD and 1 master student for contributing to Project 1
    • Karl-Heinz Häfele
      • KIT Karlsruhe
      • Small group working on semantic data modelling, focussing on spatial data: IFC, CityGML, gbXML…
      • Focus on integrating all this data models in one environment
      • Other focus to make thermal simulations based on CitytGML, gbXML, …
      • Member of EnergyADE group and responsible for managing the current XLM Schema
    • Marcus Fuchs
      • RWTH EBC
      • Main interests: try to get from CityGML to other description
      • Energy system modelling to Modelica
      • Contribution of 1 PhD for working closely in Project 1
    • Mathieu Schumann
      • EDL RnD France
      • Main focus on model generation in the context of smart grid
      • BIM
      • Data availability, data acquisition
      • Cooperation with KIT for data acquisition
      • Reduced order model generation for GIS data
      • Interested on a contribution to advance the development of TEASER
      • PhD student starting next year in March who could contribute
      • Upgrade model if you have an enrichment in data (contrib. To 2.1)
    • Moritz Lauster
      • RWTH EBC
      • Focus on urban scale
      • Rapid prototyping for achieving fast simulation of a vast set of buildings in a reasonable amount of time
      • Modelling in Modelica, part of Annex 60 Lib
      • Contribution of 1 PhD for working closely in Project 1
    • Sergio Pinheiro
      • PhD student at UCD, part of the team for MVD development of Annex 60 and continues now to work on Project 1
    • Usman Ali
      • PhD student at UCD
      • Energy modelling and retrofit
      • Data model
      • Part of the EnergyADE group and meeting in Dec. in Karlsruhe
    • Vlado Bazjanac
      • Stanford University
      • Simulation of building energy performance
      • Development of space boundary tool
      • Interest in data integrity
      • Narrowing the gap between prediction and measurement
      • Involvement with Building Smart and IFC development
      • No funding but contributing personally to Project 1
    • Jérôme Frisch & Christoph van Treeck
      • RWTH E3D
      • Currently some projects in the pipeline which can potentially contribute directly to Project 1
  • Finalize draft work plan
    • Review work package descriptions, adjust content where necessary, allocate resources
    • The work plan stated in the Google spreadsheet was proposed and discussed. It will be finally fixed during a breakout group at the Berlin meeting.
  • Assign WP/Activity leaders
    • A proposal for WP/Activity leaders was discussed and is fixed in the Google spreadsheet
  • Proposal for allocation and assignement of resources
  • Discussed realistic outcomes and dissemination (tools/libraries, documentation, paper)
    • proposals are listed in Google spreadsheet
  • Discussed upcoming conferences / meetings
    • ADE Coordination meeting in December in Karlsruhe
    • Karl-Heinz Häfele, Avichal Malhotra and Usman Ali will be present
  • Discussed additional experts to be asked for participation (All)
    • The current consortium in Task 2 is constituted until now mostly of Annex 60 participants.
    • Further experts which might contribute to Task 2 should be invited to join
  • Wrap-up by Christoph

Next Steps

  • Activity/WP leaders should revise the contents of their work package in order to integrate points discussed in this meeting
  • Web-meeting of WP leaders in mid-January for fixing further issues with the working plan
  • Preparation of break-out sessions during the Berlin meeting.


Google spreadsheet with WP draft at

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