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2019 02 11 Task 3 Coordination Meeting

InaDJ edited this page Feb 20, 2019 · 4 revisions


Task 3 Coordination Meeting

Date: February 11, 2019, 5pm Brussels time (UTC+1)


  • Progress of Building modelling subgroup
  • Progress of Network modelling subgroup
  • Discussing next steps

Meeting information



Present: Dirk Saelens, Alessandro Maccarini, Bram van der Heijde, Ina De Jaeger, Felix Bünning, Michael Mans, Øystein Rønneseth, Remi Patureau, Enora Garreau, Konstantin Filonenko, Annelies Vandermeulen (notes)

Excused: Michael Wetter

Building modelling subgroup

  • Ina presented Building intermodel comparison

    • Tackling modelling errors in the different modelling tools
    • Differences between different models have become smaller
    • Still some problems with DIMOSIM (cools down too fast)
  • Dirk: next steps

    • Summarize all issues left
    • Use the Aachen meeting to solve remaining issues, then conclude this exercise
    • Discuss interesting next steps in Aachen
    • Find collaborations between Building and Network group
    • Different number of buildings
    • Non-identical buildings
    • Office buildings

TODO (Building group): Send all your issues and remarks on the current exercise to Ina, and she'll compile them

TODO (Ina): List all issues that already have been encountered

Network modelling subgroup

  • Felix presented the results of the BS paper:
    • Modelling differences:
      • Error in the current results included in the paper:
      • The thermal insulation in the automatic sizing of the network pipes is wrong
    • Numerical differences:
      • Comparison of solvers: Euler, dassl and cvode
      • Euler is considered the reference
      • Difference between Euler and the rest probably caused by different parameterisation of CombiTime Table

TODO (Network group): Add updated results without insulation error to the reviewed BS paper

  • Possible future steps: *New topologies *Add cooling, heating+cooling *Add network on distribution level (larger scale, but aggregated) *Find collaborations between Building and Network group *Discuss in Aachen how to couple the buildings and the network

TODO (all): Send possible presentation topics of ongoing work (applications of the IBPSA library and of DESTEST) to Dirk to present during the Aachen meeting

TODO (all): Pitch suggestions for possible next steps in the next coordination meeting (about 3 minutes long)

TODO (all): Make sure you document everything well


Building modelling subgroup meeting

Date: February 19, 2019, 5pm Brussels time (UTC+1)


  • Short overview of encountered issues
  • In-depth discussion of issues still to be tackled
  • Suggestions for free presentations in Aachen
  • ...

Meeting information


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