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2019 08 31 Expert Meeting Agenda

Michael Wetter edited this page Aug 31, 2019 · 6 revisions



Hotel Mediterraneo, Rome, Italy

Slides will be posted at

Saturday, August 31, 2019

8:30 Welcome coffee.

9:00 Brief overview (MW and CvT)

9:20 Introduction of participants (all, 30 min)

9:50 Presentations from activities, recent work and presentation of work plans, list of institutes who committed to contribute

  • WP 1.1 Modelica library for design and operation (10 min, Michael Wetter)
  • WP 1.2 Model Predictive Control (10 min, David Blum)

10:10 Coffee Break (30 min)

10:40 Continue with presentations

  • WP 2.1 City Quarter Information Modeling (10 min, Gerald Schweiger)
  • WP 2.2 BIM (10 min, Christoph van Treeck)
  • WP 3.1 District energy DESTEST (10 min, Dirk Saelens)
  • WP 3.2 Application (10 min, Alessandro Maccarini)

11:20 Plenary discussion about the above presentations (70 min).

  • Dissemination
  • Overlap and synergies

12:30 Lunch (60 min)

13:30 Project 1 publications (30 min)

  • Upcoming conferences
  • Joint paper web site and process for adding papers.
  • Text for acknowledgement section.

14:00 Organization of break-out groups (10 min)

14:10 Break-out group session 1-1 (50 min)

15:00 Coffee break (30 min)

15:30 Continue break-out group session 1-2 (90 min)

17:00 Adjourn

Dinner (individually organized)

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Location: As previous day.

8:30 Welcome Coffee

9:00 Organization (10 min)

  • Mailing lists for announcements
  • Breakout groups

9:10 Break-out groups 2-1 (70 min)

10:20 Coffee break (30 min)

10:50 Break-out groups 2-2 (85 min)

12:15 Lunch (65 min)

13:20 Breakout groups 2-3 (70 min)

14:30 Coffee break (30 min)

15:00 Breakout groups 2-4 (60 min)

16:00 Summary and action items of break-out groups (each activity leader 5 min each)

  • WP 1.1 Modelica library for design and operation (Michael Wetter)
  • WP 1.2 Model Predictive Control (Lieve Helsen)
  • WP 2.1 City Quarter Information Modeling (Gerald Schweiger)
  • WP 2.2 BIM (Christoph van Treeck)
  • WP 3.1 District energy DESTEST (Dirk Saelens)
  • WP 3.2 Application (Alessandro Maccarini)

16:50 Closing remarks and next expert meeting (MW, CvT)

17:00 Adjourn

18:30 IBPSA BS'19 Conference Welcome Cocktail

The agenda for the break-out groups is at:

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