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2020 01 23 Task 3 Coordination Meeting

InaDJ edited this page Jan 23, 2020 · 6 revisions


Task 3 Coordination Meeting

Date: January 23, 2020, 4pm Brussels time (CET)


  • WP3.2 Application – case study template – Alessandro
  • WP3.1 Destest
    • Buildings
      • First building
        • New model of Lien in Trnsys
        • Comparison of solar radiation from Enora, Alessandro, Ina
      • Different occupant behavior
        • Comparison of results from Enora, Alessandro, Ina
      • Renovations
        • Comparison of results from Enora, Ina
      • Office building
        • Show where to find the description
        • Discuss the description
        • Who will model?
    • Network
      • First layout: update?
      • New layout: update?
    • Results
      • Where to store?
      • How to compare?
        • Document by Hicham available here

Meeting information


Present: Dirk Saelens, Ina De Jaeger (notes), Michael Mans, Alessandro Maccarini, Vasco Zeferina, Hicham Johra, Katy Hinkelman, Lien De Backer

Excused: Enora Garreau, Annelies Vandermeulen

WP3.2 Application -- case study template -- Alessandro

  • Alessandro proposes his template
    • Status of the project
      • Dirk does not really agree to include projects that have not yet started
    • Modelica libraries and simulation tools
      • Dirk wonders if co-simulation will also be included in the applications > open question
      • Dirk: is there something on how the models are created? Automatically or not? E.g. from GIS, from BIM?
    • Circulate to participants in Project 1
      • Dirk: not outside of Project 1?
  • Who committed to fill in the template?
    • Ina (template seems fine)
    • Katy (template seems fine)

WP3.1 Destest


  • First building
    • New model of Lien in Trnsys
      • The annual energy demand is lower compared to the others (also visible in profile plot of December)
        • Lien:
          • Air infiltration: currently, ACH set to 0.4/20; it should be set to 0.4 > this was not clear from the documentation !
          • Capacity of furniture: capacity of air is multiplied by 5, so OK
          • Air temperature is taken to control the heating system, so OK
          • Peak power is set, so limited to 16.5 kW (=8+8.5), so OK
      • The one-hour shift in the profiles is still there for some libraries
    • Comparison of solar radiation from Enora, Alessandro, Ina
      • First of all, IDA ICE in the legend is wrong, this is the solar radiation of Alessandro in Buildings library
      • Buildings seems to be very low, but we think that there is only the error of the units: W or W/m², so multiply by 5.6 and we think it'll be better. New plots should be made to have a better view
      • Diffuse radiation
        • Annual curves:
          • Diffuse radiation in IDEAS is way lower for north and west compared to DIMOSIM
        • For a week:
          • There is a peak in north and east diffuse in the morning In IDEAS, Buildings seems to have it too (so is in the weather reader of Modelica?)

          • This peak shouldn't be there! Should be checked!!

          • Lien will check in Trnsys (Dirk has confidence in this implemetation)

          • East: peak is always earlier in IDEAS than in DIMOSIM

          • North, south: peaks are aligned between DIMOSIM and IDEAS

        • Do both DIMOSIM and IDEAS use the same model? Ina thinks they both use the Perez model.
      • Direct radiation
        • Annual curves:
          • South seems a bit lower in Modelica
          • West seems definetely lower in Modelica
      • Scatter plots
        • Seem very similar between Buildings and IDEAS
      • Proposal: compare total incoming solar radiation (not over time, but total solar radiation)
        • If the difference is only 5%, then it is fine (then the peaks are not too bad)
        • Solar radiation of DIMOSIM seems 30% higher, so energy demand should be lower, but it is higher. This needs to be checked when the total solar radiation is calculated
  • Different occupant behavior
    • Comparison of results from Enora, Alessandro, Ina
      • Annual energy demand
        • OK for occupant 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 15
        • Not for occupant 3 (DIMOSIM too high), 4 (DIMOSIM too low), 7 (DIMOSIM too low), 8 (DIMOSIM too high, but IDEAS disappeared on the plots?), 9 (DIMOSIM too high), 10 (DIMOSIM too low), 13 (DIMOSIM too high), 16 (DIMOSIM too low)
        • There is not really a consistency for the stochastic occupant > Look into it
        • Buildings and IDEAS are in better accordance (although still 3000 kWh difference !)
        • It is always more or less the same for all occupant profiles, always 2000-3000 kWH, which was also already there for the standard occupant, so stochastic occupant is still OK
        • How to calculate the difference: absolute values plus or min compared to the standard occupant, so start with substracting the reference case, for every occupant and every library !
  • Renovations
    • Comparison of results from Enora, Ina
      • First, ISO occupant
        • 2000s ISO > A lot of difference (DIMOSIM way higher than IDEAS, 7650 kWh vs 4900 kWh)
        • 2010s ISO > A lot of difference (DIMOSIM way higher than IDEAS, 5550 kWh vs 2250 kWh)
        • Maybe add the reference to the plots, so the differences will seem smaller, that will put this into perspective
      • Then, stochastic occupant
        • 2000s > did not yet take a look
        • 2010s > results are better aligned than for the ISO occupant !
        • OK for occupant 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
        • A bit less for occupant 2, 4, 11
      • Add more variants to the plots, so original cases and insulations and occupant
  • Office building
    • Dirk has comments and will send them to Michael
    • Occupant behaviour should be decided on
    • What is marked in red, can be modelled as proposed
    • More details on the windows are needed (U-value?)
    • Who will model?
      • Arash (IDEAS)
      • Michael (AixLib)
      • Vasco (Energy+)
      • Alessandro (Buildings)
      • Hicham (???)


  • New layouts: 8 buildings and 32 buildings
  • Check if the simulation errors scale the same
  • Who will model?
    • Michael, Alessandro, Katy (maybe)


  • Where to store?
    • Michael sent an e-mail to Michael W, but no news yet
  • How to compare?
    • Document by Hicham available here
      • Dirk:
        • Interesting way of calculating
        • Proposes an additional metric: goodness-of-fit for the temperatures (e.g. documents by Paul Strachan, who looked into simulations to mimic the Twin houses in Holskirchen (real buildings) (if you don't find the document, send an e-mail to Dirk)
        • Hicham: it makes sense, but does not know yet how (RMSE maybe?)
      • Ina:
        • Is it currently automated?
        • Hicham: it is in Excel, but it might be a good idea to have it in Python

Expert meeting in Montréal

-   Who's attending?
    -   Lien, Alessandro, Dirk, Ina, Arash
    -   Michael is not sure yet

Action points

  • Ina
    • Change ACH in case report 1 to enhance the clarity
    • Solar radiation
      • Calculate total solar radiation for each library
      • Send example of solar radiation to Lien
      • Include solar radiation profile of Lien (Trnsys)
      • Include solar radiation profile of Alessandro in a better way
      • Check the peak in the morning in IDEAS/Buildings, is it also in Trnsys?
    • Occupant behaviour & renovations
      • Calculate measure (substract the reference case, so you can easily see the differences!)
    • Setup Doodle for next meeting (beginning of March)
  • Lien
    • Re-simulate first building with changed infiltration rate
    • Export solar radiation from Trnsys > use the Perez model (Ina will send data format)
  • Michael
    • Circulate the definition of the office building
    • Communicate where to store the data once you know more
  • Dirk
    • Send remarks on office building to Michael

Doodles for next meetings

  • Coordination meeting: here

Building modelling subgroup meeting



Meeting information


Present: Excused:

Network modelling subgroup meeting



Meeting information


Present: Excused:

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