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2021 06 17 library development

Michael Wetter edited this page Jun 17, 2021 · 3 revisions

IBPSA Modelica Library Coordination

Date: June 17, 2021, 8am-9am Pacific Times The purpose of this meeting is to coordinate the development

Meeting information

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Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 661 404 2296 International numbers available:


Continuation in July 2022 (Michael)

Creation of reduced order building models (Alessandro Maccharini)

Steam model (Michael)

Plug flow pipe (Baptiste)

Refrigerant media (Christian Vering)

Filter for movers and actuators (Michael)

CONTAM-style models (Klaas)

Update on geothermal models (Massimo)

Visual enhancements of PartialTwoPort

Progress on pull requests,


Massimo Cimmino
Klaas de Jonge
Antoine Gautier
Filip Jorissen
Alessandro Maccarini
Nick Novelli
Baptiste Ravache


Continuation in July 2022

WP 1.1 not only serves as library development, but also as an exchange of developer information. Value of component deployment is large. Would be good to also have a list of components that are of interest.

Reduced order models

Next is implementing it in the library with a fluid volume to allow connecting a HVAC system.

Steam model

Is 2nd review from non-LBL needed? No, go ahead and merge.

Plug flow pipe

Mixing volume represents first order filter as plug flow is highly idealized. Filip sees no strong reason for keeping multi-port. Aim for consistent model interfaces.

Look into whether the mixing volume vol should be implemented in the core model on the inlet and outlet? Current model is also not symmetric which is not good.

Refrigerant media

No update.

Filter for movers and actuators

Remove order as a parameter, change parameter order to a constant (Filip sometimes sets it to 1).

CONTAM-style models (Klaas)

Filip works on review. Klaas working on correcting style and Filip to review.

Update on geothermal models (Massimo)

Will soon start on implementation in Modelica for new transfer functions.

Visual enhancements of PartialTwoPort


See notes on ticket.

No work yet.

Progress on pull requests


New action items


Previous action items

Klaas to make pull request for new air flow models. Ongoing.

Fluid Property models (RWTH) RWTH intern development of R134a, R410A, R32, R407C, R290 and R744 merge in December, Paper in March Are there further fluid models of interest? We can add some more due to master's thesis.

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