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DRC20 - A standard interface for Dfinity tokens #1

iclighthouse opened this issue Nov 8, 2021 · 1 comment

DRC20 - A standard interface for Dfinity tokens #1

iclighthouse opened this issue Nov 8, 2021 · 1 comment
DRC Dfinity Request for Comments


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iclighthouse commented Nov 8, 2021

DRC: 20
Title: Dfinity Fungible Token Standard
Author: Avida [email protected], Simpson [email protected]
Status: Draft
Category: Token DRC
Created: 2021-11-03


A standard interface for Dfinity tokens. The standard complies with ERC20 interface specification, and has some improvements to match IC network features.


This standard describes fungible token interface that allows to be interacted by applications(off-chain applications and on-chain smartcontracts). And solve some problems of tokens in IC network application scenarios.

The core concept of this standard is:
(1) to keep it as decentralized as possible;
(2) to abstract the generic interfaces and not to include non-essential and individual functional interfaces into the specification.

Token developers can extend it as needed.

Improved features:

  • Account ID format compatibility.

    ICP Ledger canister uses account-id(address) as account identifier, while most other canisters use principal-id as account identifier. It brings complexity to users. This standard uses account-id as account identity, supports subaccount, and is compatible with the use of principal-id.

  • Using the pub/sub model to implement message notifications.

    Dfinity does not have an established event notification mechanism and the usual practice is for dapp to actively query for events. In some scenarios, the application canister needs to use the pub/sub model to subscribe to token canister messages and execute callback functions. Therefore, this standard adds the subscribe() method and subscribers need to implement callback function. When a subscriber fails to receive a message (which rarely happens), the txnQuery() method can be used as a supplement.

  • Transaction records storage and query.

    Dfinity does not store smart contract transaction records in blocks like ethereum. Token canister needs to keep transaction record data by itself. The storage space of canister is limited and it is dangerous to store all transaction records in one canister. This standard specifies that recent transactions are cached in the token canister and historical records are stored in externally scalable canisters.

  • Lock/execute model improves atomicity.

    Canister's asynchronous messaging model does not provide atomicity guarantees for cross-canister transfers. The non-atomicity of cross-canister transfers is one of the technical features of IC networks that cannot be solved at the system level and needs to consider designing for atomicity within the application logic. For example, Saga mode, 2PC mode.
    Creating a two-phase transfer structure can provide the underlying functionality to improve atomicity. Therefore, lockTransfer()/lockTransferFrom() and executeTransfer() methods are added to the standard.

  • Preventing Duplicate Transaction.

    There are two possible risks when sending a transaction: the risk of sending duplicate transactions and the risk of not knowing the status of the transaction due to a network failure.
    This standard introduces two rules to solve this trouble: (1) the optional use of the nonce mechanism. The sender can be assured that the transaction will only be executed once (idempotency). (2) The transaction id (txid) can be calculated before it is sent. If the txid depends on the return of the transaction execution, you will not get the txid and the status of the transaction when an exception is thrown. This standard uses the DRC202 standard for txid calculation.

  • Preventing canister cycles balance attack.

    According to IC network rules, the caller of canister is not required to pay gas, and it is up to canister to pay gas. It may lead to ddos attacks. So the token canister should ask the caller of the update call to pay gas. This standard adds the gas() method to help the caller estimate the cost of gas. The setGas method is not included in the standard, it is up to the developers to decide, it may be a fixed fee or set through an external governance canister.

  • Solving malicious exploits of approvals.

    In order to prevent the abuse of the approval method and facilitate risk management, this standard adds approvals() method to facilitate holders to check their approvals.

  • Time weighted balance.

    The length of time an account's balance is held is taken as an important consideration in a variety of usage scenarios such as mining and airdrops. Traditional token solutions such as snapshots and locking have resulted in complex business processes and security issues. This standard introduces the concept of "CoinSeconds", which is a time-weighted cumulative value of an account's balance. 1 CoinSeconds means 1 token held for 1 second. It can be used to calculate average daily balances, time-weighted balance ratios, etc.

More Issues:

  • Immutability and decentralization

    There are two important factors for keeping token decentralized.
    (1) The immutability of the Canister code. The controller of canister can be set to the blackhole address if necessary.
    (2) Equal rights and no special permission roles. If there is a need to manage canister, it is recommended to use governance canister to solve.

  • Preventing re-entrance attacks

    Token canister calls to the callback method carry the risk of re-entrance attacks. Measures: The caller is required to pay gas. It uses pub/sub instead of synchronous callback or notify, and updates the state before the external call.

  • Mint and burn methods

    It is better practice that the token does not contain the mint() and burn() methods. Token distribution rules and economic models should be considered by the token issuer. Developers can extend this if they really need to. If you just need the burn() method, 807077e900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000(this's 0 address with checksum) can be used as the blackhole address.



DRC20 Token Contract.


type TxnResult = variant {
   err: record {
      code: variant {
      message: text;
   ok: Txid;
type TxnRecord = record {
   caller: AccountId;
   gas: Gas;
   index: nat;
   msgCaller: opt principal;
   nonce: nat;
   timestamp: Time;
   transaction: Transaction;
   txid: Txid;
type TxnQueryResponse = variant {
   getEvents: vec TxnRecord;
   getTxn: opt TxnRecord;
   lastTxids: vec Txid;
   lastTxidsGlobal: vec Txid;
   lockedTxns: record { lockedBalance: nat; txns: vec TxnRecord; };
   txnCount: nat;
   txnCountGlobal: nat;
type TxnQueryRequest = variant {
   getEvents: record {owner: opt Address;};
   getTxn: record {txid: Txid;};
   lastTxids: record {owner: Address;};
   lockedTxns: record {owner: Address;};
   txnCount: record {owner: Address;};
type Txid = blob;
type Transaction = record {
   data: opt blob;
   from: AccountId;
   operation: Operation;
   to: AccountId;
   value: nat;
type To = text;
type Timeout = nat32;
type Time = int;
type Subscription = record {
   callback: Callback;
   msgTypes: vec MsgType;
type Spender = text;
type Sa = vec nat8;
type Operation = variant {
   approve: record {allowance: nat;};
   executeTransfer: record { fallback: nat; lockedTxid: Txid; };
   lockTransfer: record { decider: AccountId; expiration: Time; locked: nat; };
   transfer: record {action: variant { burn; mint; send; };};
type Nonce = nat;
type MsgType = variant {
type Metadata = record { content: text; name: text; };
type InitArgs = record {
   decimals: nat8;
   founder: opt Address;
   gas: Gas;
   metadata: opt vec Metadata;
   name: opt text;
   symbol: opt text;
   totalSupply: nat;
type Gas = variant { cycles: nat; noFee; token: nat; };
type From = text;
type ExecuteType = variant { fallback; send: nat; sendAll; };
type Decider = text;
type Data = blob;
type CoinSeconds = record { coinSeconds: nat; updateTime: int; };
type Callback = func (TxnRecord) -> ();
type Amount = nat;
type Allowance = record { remaining: nat; spender: AccountId; };
type Address = text;
type AccountId = blob;
type DRC20 = service {
   allowance: (Address, Spender) -> (Amount) query;
   approvals: (Address) -> (vec Allowance) query;
   approve: (Spender, Amount, opt Nonce, opt Sa, opt Data) -> (TxnResult);
   balanceOf: (Address) -> (Amount) query;
   cyclesBalanceOf: (Address) -> (nat) query;
   cyclesReceive: (opt Address) -> (nat);
   decimals: () -> (nat8) query;
   executeTransfer: (Txid, ExecuteType, opt To, opt Nonce, opt Sa, opt Data) -> (TxnResult);
   gas: () -> (Gas) query;
   lockTransfer: (To, Amount, Timeout, opt Decider, opt Nonce, opt Sa, opt Data) -> (TxnResult);
   lockTransferFrom: (From, To, Amount, Timeout, opt Decider, opt Nonce, opt Sa, opt Data) -> (TxnResult);
   metadata: () -> (vec Metadata) query;
   name: () -> (text) query;
   standard: () -> (text) query;
   subscribe: (Callback, vec MsgType, opt Sa) -> (bool);
   subscribed: (Address) -> (opt Subscription) query;
   symbol: () -> (text) query;
   totalSupply: () -> (Amount) query;
   transfer: (To, Amount, opt Nonce, opt Sa, opt Data) -> (TxnResult);
   transferFrom: (From, To, Amount, opt Nonce, opt Sa, opt Data) -> (TxnResult);
   txnQuery: (TxnQueryRequest) -> (TxnQueryResponse) query;
   txnRecord : (Txid) -> (opt TxnRecord);
   getCoinSeconds: (opt Address) -> (CoinSeconds, opt CoinSeconds) query;
service : (InitArgs) -> DRC20



  • The following specifications use syntax from Candid.
  • The optional parameter _nonce is used to specify the nonce of the transaction. The nonce value for each AccountId starts at 0 and is incremented by 1 on the success of each specific transaction. If the caller specifies an incorrect nonce value, the transaction will be rejected. The specific transactions include: approve(), transfer(), transferFrom(), lockTransfer(), lockTransferFrom(), executeTransfer().
  • The optional parameter _sa is the subaccount of the caller, which is a 32 bytes nat8 array. If length of _sa is less than 32 bytes, it will be prepended with [0] to make up.
  • The optional parameter _data is the custom data provided by the caller, which can be used for calldata, memo, etc. The length of _data should be less than 65536 bytes (It is recommended to use candid encoding format, e.g. 4-byte method name hash + arguments data).


Returns standard name. E.g. "DRC20 1.0".
OPTIONAL - This method can be used to improve usability, but the value may not be present.

standard: () -> (text) query;


Returns the name of the token. E.g. "ICLighthouseToken".
OPTIONAL - This method can be used to improve usability, but the value may not be present.

name: () -> (text) query;


Returns the symbol of the token. E.g. "ICL".
OPTIONAL - This method can be used to improve usability, but the value may not be present.

symbol: () -> (text) query;


Returns the number of decimals the token uses. E.g. 8, means to divide the token amount by 100000000 to get its user representation.

decimals: () -> (nat8) query;


Returns the extend metadata info of the token, It's Metadata type. E.g. 'vec {record { name: "logo"; content: "data:img/jpg;base64,iVBOR....";}; }'.
OPTIONAL - This method can be used to improve usability, but the value may not be present.

metadata: () -> (vec Metadata) query;


Sends/donates cycles to the token canister in _account's name, and return cycles balance of the account. If the parameter _account is null, it means donation.
OPTIONAL - This method can be used to improve usability, but the method may not be present.

cyclesReceive: (_account: opt Address) -> (balance: nat);


Returns the cycles balance of the given account _owner in the token.
OPTIONAL - This method can be used to improve usability, but the method may not be present.

cyclesBalanceOf: (_owner: Address) -> (balance: nat) query;


Returns the transaction fee of the token. E.g. "variant { token=10000000 }".
Note Supports cycles, token as payment method for gas. If selected token as gas, it will be additionally charged from the balance of the account, not be charged from the _value of the transfer.
transferFrom, lockTransferFrom charge gas from account _from, executeTransfer does not charge gas, all other update methods charge gas from account caller.

gas: () -> (Gas) query;


Returns the total token supply.

totalSupply: () -> (nat) query;


Returns the account balance of the given account _owner, not including the locked balance.

balanceOf: (_owner: Address) -> (balance: nat) query;


Returns total CoinSeconds and the given account _owners CoinSeconds. CoinSeconds is the time-weighted cumulative value of the account balance. CoinSeconds = Σ(balance_i * period_i).
OPTIONAL - This method can be used to improve usability, but the method may not be present.

getCoinSeconds: (opt Address) -> (totalCoinSeconds: CoinSeconds, accountCoinSeconds: opt CoinSeconds) query;


Transfers _value amount of tokens from caller's account to address _to, returns type TxnResult.
On success, the returned TxnResult contains the txid. The txid is generated in the transaction, is unique in the token transactions. Recommended method of generating txid(DRC202 Standard): convert token's canisterId, caller's accountId, and caller's nonce into [nat8] arrays respectively, and join them together as txInfo: [nat8]. Then get the txid value as: "000000"(big-endian 4-bytes, encode(caller.nonce)) + "0000..00"(28-bytes,sha224(txInfo)).
Note Transfers of 0 values MUST be treated as normal transfers. An account transfer to itself is ALLOWED.

transfer: (_to: Address, _value: nat, _nonce: opt nat, _sa: opt vec nat8, _data: opt blob) -> (result: TxnResult);


Transfers _value amount of tokens from address _from to address _to, returns type TxnResult.
The transferFrom method is used for allowing contracts to transfer tokens on your behalf. This can be used for example to allow a contract to transfer tokens on your behalf and/or to charge fees. The caller is spender who SHOULD be authorized by the _from account and have an allowance(_from, _spender) value greater than _value.
Note Transfers of 0 values MUST be treated as normal transfers. _from account transfer to itself is ALLOWED.

transferFrom: (_from:Address, _to: Address, _value: nat, _nonce: opt nat, _sa: opt vec nat8, _data: opt blob) -> (result: TxnResult);


Locks a transaction, specifies a _decider who can decide the execution of this transaction, and sets an expiration period _timeout seconds after which the locked transaction will be unlocked. The parameter _timeout SHOULD not be greater than 64,000,000 seconds.
Creating a two-phase transfer structure can improve atomicity. The process is that (1) the owner locks the transaction and (2) the decider executes the transaction or the owner fallback the transaction after it has expired.

lockTransfer: (_to: Address, _value: nat, _timeout: nat32, _decider: opt Address, _nonce: opt nat, _sa: opt vec nat8, _data: opt blob) -> (result: TxnResult);


spender locks a transaction.

lockTransferFrom: (_from: Address, _to: Address, _value: nat, _timeout: nat32, _decider: opt Address, _nonce: opt nat, _sa: opt vec nat8, _data: opt blob) -> (result: TxnResult);


The decider executes the locked transaction _txid, or the owner can fallback the locked transaction after the lock has expired. If the recipient of the locked transaction _to is decider, the decider can specify a new recipient _to.

executeTransfer: (_txid: Txid, _executeType: ExecuteType, _to: opt Address, _nonce: opt nat, _sa: opt vec nat8, _data: opt blob) -> (result: TxnResult);


Queries transaction counts and recent transaction records cached in token canister.
Query type _request:
#txnCountGlobal: returns global transaction count.
#txnCount: returns owners transaction count. It is the nonce value of his next transaction.
#getTxn: returns details of the transaction with id txid.
#lastTxidsGlobal: returns global latest transaction txids.
#lastTxids: returns owners latest transaction txids.
#lockedTxns: returns the locked balance of owner, and the locked transaction records.
#getEvents: returns global latest transaction events or owners transaction events.

txnQuery: (_request: TxnQueryRequest) -> (response: TxnQueryResponse) query;


returns txn record. It's an update method that will try to find txn record in the DRC202 canister if the record does not exist in the token canister.
OPTIONAL - This method can be used to improve usability, but the method may not be present.

txnRecord : (Txid) -> (opt TxnRecord);


Subscribes to the token's messages, giving the _callback function and the _msgTypes as parameters. Message types are onTransfer, onLock, onExecute, and onApprove. Subscribers will only receive messages that are related to them (the subscriber is transaction‘s _from, _to, _spender, or _decider).
The subscriber SHOULD be a canister, Implementing callback functions in the code.

subscribe: (_callback: Callback, _msgTypes: vec MsgType, _sa: opt vec nat8) -> bool;


Returns the subscription status of the subscriber _owner.
OPTIONAL - This method can be used to improve usability, but the method may not be present.

subscribed: (_owner: Address) -> (result: opt Subscription) query;


Allows _spender to withdraw from your account multiple times, up to the _value amount.
If this function is called again it overwrites the current allowance with _value.
NOTE: When you execute approve() to authorize the spender, it may cause security problems, you can execute approve(_spender, 0, ...) to deauthorize.

approve: (_spender: Address, _value: nat, _nonce: opt nat, _sa: opt vec nat8, _data: opt blob) -> (result: TxnResult);


Returns the amount which _spender is still allowed to withdraw from _owner.

allowance: (_owner: Address, _spender: Address) -> (remaining: nat) query;


Returns all _owners approvals with a non-zero amount.
OPTIONAL - This method can be used to improve usability, but the method may not be present.

approvals: (_owner: Address) -> (allowances: vec Allowance) query;

Subscriber's Callback

tokenCallback (customizable)

Token canister subscribers should implement a callback function for handling token published messages.
The callback function is given as an argument by calling subscribe() of token.

type Callback = func (txn: TxnRecord) -> ();


Different implementations are being written by various teams.

Example implementations


@iclighthouse iclighthouse added the DRC Dfinity Request for Comments label Nov 8, 2021
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Is it necessary to add the nonce attribute to the transaction in order to prevent double sending of transactions?

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