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174 lines (173 loc) · 9.01 KB

File metadata and controls

174 lines (173 loc) · 9.01 KB


  • v2.5g - Updated README with update command
  • v2.5f - Fixes for various bugs reported and fixed by @ifly53e (1N3#89)
  • v2.5e - Fixed issue with port 3128/tcp checks (CC. @ifly53e)
  • v2.5d - Added searchsploit option for (-v) to search all terms (CC. @ifly53e)
  • v2.5c - Added various improvements to 'discover' mode scans
  • v2.5b - Removed NMap script checks for 'fullportonly' mode
  • v2.5a - Added auto-updates to check and download new versions
  • v2.5a - Fixed issue with to resolve pip aha error
  • v2.5a - Added libxml2-utils to to meet dependencies
  • v2.5 - Added HTML report generation via sniper 'loot' command
  • v2.5 - Added automatic NMap searchsploit integration to find exploits
  • v2.5 - Added various improvements to Sn1per discovery scan mode
  • v2.5 - Fixed issue with IIS BoF NMap script (CC. ifly53e)
  • v2.4f - Fixed issue with upper NMap port range(CC. DaveW)
  • v2.4e - Added NMap no ping switch to all scans
  • v2.4d - Fixed issue with rpcinfo install script
  • v2.4d - Fixed issue with Arachni install script
  • v2.4c - Added loot and $TARGET sanity checks (CC. @menzow)
  • v2.4b - Fixed issue with discovery scan output file (CC. @ifly53e)
  • v2.4b - Fixed issue with Intel AMT RCE port list
  • v2.4a - Added all NMap script checks via 'fullportonly' mode
  • v2.4a - Added JBoss JMX Console Beanshell Deployer WAR Upload and Deployment Metasploit exploit
  • v2.4a - Added Java RMI RCE NMap/Metasploit detection
  • v2.4a - Added INTEL-SA-00075 (Intel AMT) vulnerability NMap script
  • v2.4 - Added detection for open X11 servers
  • v2.4 - Added IIS6 Win2k3 RCE NMap script
  • v2.4 - Added option to disable Google Hacking queries via Firefox
  • v2.3d - Fixed issue with loot command
  • v2.3c - Added Apache Struts 2 RCE NMap script
  • v2.3c - Added Apache Struts 2 RCE NMap exploit
  • v2.3b - Changed NMap scan options to exclude ping sweeps (-P0)
  • v2.3a - Fixed minor issue with MSSQL NMap script command (CC. @helo86)
  • v2.3 - Fixed minor issues with missing $TARGET definitions for NMap (CC. @helo86)
  • v2.2f - Added various optimizations and minor code fixes
  • v2.2e - Changed NMap scan options (removed -P0 flag)
  • v2.2d - Added MongoDB checks
  • v2.2d - Improved NMap scanning options
  • v2.2c - Added CouchDB checks
  • v2.2c - Updated Sub-domain takeover list
  • v2.2b - Added fullportonly mode to do exclusive full port scans
  • v2.2b - Fixed minor issue with Metasploit Pro not starting
  • v2.2b - Fixed minor issue with sniper loot command
  • v2.2a - Fixed minor issue with loot function
  • v2.2 - Added auto Metasploit Pro & Zenmap GUI integration
  • v2.2 - Added Sn1per workspaces to loot directory
  • v2.1d - Added sub-domain check
  • v2.1d - Removed blank screenshots from loot directory
  • v2.1c - Fixed issue with install directories
  • v2.1b - Added automatic Metasploit NMap xml imports for loot directory
  • v2.1b - Removed Zenmap
  • v2.1a - Separated Arachni reports for port 80/443/tcp
  • v2.1a - Fixed NMap full port scan options
  • v2.1 - Added Arachni with auto HTML web reporting (web mode only)
  • v2.1 - Added full NMap detailed port scans
  • v2.1 - Added port 4443/tcp checks
  • v2.1 - Added META tag scans for web apps
  • v2.1 - Removed Uniscan from web mode
  • v2.1 - Removed SQLMap from web mode
  • v2.0b - Added help option --help
  • v2.0a - Fixed issue with ssh-audit
  • v2.0a - Fixed issue with 'discover' mode
  • v2.0 - Updated sub-domain takeover list
  • v2.0 - Improved scan performance for stealth, airstrike and discover modes
  • v2.0 - Removed jexboss due to clear screen issue with output
  • v2.0 - Auto loot directory sorting for all tools
  • v2.0 - Updated package list
  • v1.9c - Enabled BruteX automated brute force attacks
  • v1.9b - Fixed MSSQL port 1433/tcp port scan check (@hacktrack)
  • v1.9a - Removed testssl script from stealth mode scans
  • v1.9 - Added Ubuntu docker image for Sn1per (@menzow)
  • v1.9 - Added automatic loot directory sorting for all modes
  • v1.9 - Added MSSQL port 1433/tcp checks
  • v1.9 - Added SNMP port 162/tcp checks (@hexageek)
  • v1.9 - Added nslookup to
  • v1.9 - Fixed dependency duplicates
  • v1.8c - Added -A option to all NMap port scans
  • v1.8c - Fixed permission issue
  • v1.8c - Fixed cleanup options
  • v1.8c - Added ssh-audit
  • v1.8c - Added install directory (/usr/share/sniper/) to install script for universal access
  • v1.8c - Fixed issue with Metasploit SSH scans
  • v1.8c - Added auto-update to to automatically pull latest github release
  • v1.8b - Fixed bug with NMap UDP scan options
  • v1.8b - Fixed dependencies
  • v1.8b - Fixed jexboss options
  • v1.8a - Updated sub-domain hijack list of domains (CC: th3gundy)
  • v1.8 - Added sub-domain hijack scans for all sub-domains
  • v1.8 - Added auto explort of all sub-domains to /domains directory
  • v1.8 - Added additional stealth and airstrike checks for port 80 and 443
  • v1.8 - Fixed issue with theHarvester not working with google
  • v1.7g - Added email security/spoofing checks
  • v1.7f - Added Zenmap XML auto-imports
  • v1.7f - Added ClamAV RCE Nmap script
  • v1.7e - Fixed minor issue with airstrike and nuke mode
  • v1.7e - Fixed minor issues with discover mode
  • v1.7e - Added minor cosmetic improvements to reports
  • v1.7e - Disabled automatic brute forcing by default
  • v1.7e - Added automatic brute force setting in script vars
  • v1.7d - Added sslyze
  • v1.7d - Added 'discover' mode for full subnet scans
  • v1.7d - Added verbosity to scan tasks to separate sub-tasks better
  • v1.7c - Added plain text reporting
  • v1.7c - Improved loot directory structure and sorting
  • v1.7b - Fixed issue with airstrike mode not scanning correctly
  • v1.7b - Improved passive recon performance
  • v1.7a - Improved NMap http scan performance
  • v1.7a - Removed joomscan due to verbosity issues
  • v1.7 - Added uniscan web vulnerability scanner
  • v1.7 - Added joomscan Joomla scanner
  • v1.7 - Improved web scan performance
  • v1.7 - Fixed issue with inurlbr output
  • v1.7 - Added remote desktop viewing for RDP connections
  • v1.7 - Added experimental Metasploit exploit for Apache Struts RCE (CVE-2016-3081)
  • v1.6e - Added reporting option for nobrute mode (CC. @mero01)
  • v1.6e - Improved SMB scan performance/optimization added
  • v1.6d - Improved NMap scan performance options
  • v1.6d - Added xprobe2 OS finger printing tool
  • v1.6d - Added jexbos JBoss autopwn
  • v1.6d - Merged fix for theharvester package (CC. @RubenRocha)
  • v1.6d - Merged fix for SuperMicroScanner (CC. @mero01)
  • v1.6c - Add report mode for web scans
  • v1.6c - Fixed issues with Sublist3r and theharvester
  • v1.6c - Added Shocker Shellshock exploitation scanner
  • v1.6b - Added Sublist3r sub-domain brute tool
  • v1.6b - Added cutycapt web screenshot util
  • v1.6a - Added improvements to recon phase
  • v1.6a - Fixed small issue with 3rd party extension
  • v1.6a - Various improvements to overall optimization of scans
  • v1.6a - Added new "web" mode for full web application scans
  • v1.6 - Added 4 new modes including: stealth, port, airstrike and nuke
  • v1.6 - Added Java de-serialization scanner
  • v1.6 - Added reporting option to output to console and text file for all scans
  • v1.6 - Added option to set Sn1per full path for universal command line access
  • v1.6 - Added in DirBuster for web file brute forcing
  • v1.6 - Fixed issue with sderr errors in TheHarvester
  • v1.5e - Removed shodan command line tool due to issues
  • v1.5e - Fixed wafwoof installation in kali 2.0
  • v1.5d - Fixed minor issues with port 513/tmp and 514/tcp checks
  • v1.5c - Fixed issue which broke link to sniper directory
  • v1.5b - Added Squid Proxy checks port 3128/tcp
  • v1.5b - Fixed shodan setup options in
  • v1.5b - Fixed syntax error with theHarvester in
  • v1.5a - Fixed syntax error with port 8081 checks
  • v1.5a - Added Arachni integration
  • v1.5a - Added vsftpd, proftpd, mysql, unrealircd auto exploits
  • v1.5 - Added Metasploit scan and auto-exploit modules
  • v1.5 - Added additional port checks
  • v1.5 - Added full TCP/UDP NMap XML output
  • v1.5 - Auto tune scan for either IP or hostname/domain
  • v1.4h - Added auto IP/domain name scan configurations
  • v1.4g - Added finger enumeration scripts
  • v1.4g - Fixed nmap -p 445 target issue
  • v1.4g - Fixed smtp-enum target issue
  • v1.4f - Fixed BruteX directory bug
  • v1.4e - Fixed reported errors
  • v1.4e - Added auto-upgrade option to for existing Sn1per installs
  • v1.4d - Fixed missing rake gem install dependency
  • v1.4c - Reordered 3rd party extensions
  • v1.4b - Fixed executable references
  • v1.4b - Fixed Yasou dependencies in
  • v1.4b - Fixed minor issues with BruteX loot directory
  • v1.4 - Added Yasou for automatic web form brute forcing
  • v1.4 - Added MassBleed for SSL vulnerability detection
  • v1.4 - Added Breach-Miner for detection of breached accounts
  • v1.4 - Fixed minor errors with nmap
  • v1.4 - Removed debug output from goohak from displaying on console


  • Add auto logging and reporting to all scans
  • Add HTML reporting for scans
  • Add automated Wireless attacks to Sn1per
  • Add automated MITM attacks to Sn1per
  • Add web mode port option for customized web scans