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Spark Jobs as Flyte Tasks/Workflows

This section provides examples of how to author spark tasks and workflows using FlyteKit as well as additional setup required to run Spark Jobs via Flyte.


  1. For Spark, the image must contain spark dependencies as well as the correct entrypoint for the Spark driver/executors. This can be achieved by using the script provided as referenced in the Dockerfile included here.

  2. In-addition, Flyte uses the SparkOperator to run Spark Jobs as well as separate K8s Service Account/Role per namespace. All of these are created as part of the standard Flyte deploy. Please refer to Getting Started guidefor more details on how to deploy Flyte.

  3. Based on the resources required for your spark job (across driver/executors), you might have to tweak resourcequotas for the namespace.

Spark Example Workflows

Flyte supports both python and scala/java spark tasks:

  1. PySpark Workflow
  2. Scala/Java Spark Workflow